Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 8, 1948, p. 1

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the georgetown herald georgetown ontario wednesday evening december 8th 1948 along the boards with wheldon euunenon the follorylng a lctl received by yours truly in yestcrduyv morrings mall wbelng li former local boy and having loiown hiio for several years 1 thought yoir readtra might btf interested lri what he has in say heres what piy oh irlcnd writes hello albng iho ijoards it only seem like ylstewuiy tlint i was hanging uround the old arena helping sam walker flood the ice remember when sam was the caretaker and wo were the arena hat- and how we used to lene the back door linhtly ajar so a we could whip in for a fat game of ihlnny when everyone cl0 thounht wc were at school i renin think sam knew ill the time but he cot ua m oi t kick out of it is we did do jou still rcmem ber how we would post a lookout for sam or ii mush ill the chief the nuht we clcmed the ice between periods with those two dig cropei then aftei we i ot it all cloned up nee like fiom out of nowheie would come a puck and stick ind we would give the fans i little sliou of our own until the bit fellow dmc out and made ua scram if my merrurj servcj mt i if lit there was nick brown domirlck and rocky lorussb llojd i n polka dot davidson chuck hill iliney and harry allen how hocky and dominick u ed lo pull off thoc fancy passer while in full flight boy th it wis sometliinb to watch wasnt if do the boys still nlay poker down cellar why i knew that old cellar beter than my own name and tl e hockey team sheeny tost bill ritchie harry mulone joe hall walt and ken ricnnrdson and lloyd sinderson oh weient they the ones they didn t win any championships but she was all home brews then and the sweaters weie blue and white with an s in eieli one on the back meaning smith and stone j now i hear you have a mighty nice rink artificial ice and all and a rretty good hockey term too the years make i difference don t they is herbit lunan still ar ound well do i remember the night up in the old victrola room that herblc was to play the king before a game and os the signal was juven for the anthem herb somehow got the records mixed and out came let me call you sweetheart the jast i saw of him that night he was in full flight through the old curling rink doom with sam right behind him things were a little tougher in those days and even the regular two bits admission was a little hfgh for some of the boys i re member how one window would be left wide open the afternoon beiore a game us to make sure iho cold air got a good chance to freeze the morning flood that nigli there would be as big a line up at that window as there was at the ticket booth just one more tiling along the boards before i go do you still remember the initiation of a new arena rat i vo often wondeied if the old pain brush is still used all we ever got for paj was a free pass and a lot of rrrenrries yes a lot of memories well kid i e gotta go no if you sec my of the old rang around the rink say hello foi me and good luck your old kink rat p il speedy fcverl thing in cenfcllal no doubt some of you readers by chance read the last edition of the acton free press in iti col umns was an open lotter to geor getown hockey fans written by acton s leading sports columnist h coles it appears to me mr coles is putting the cart before the honur with tills open letter busi neas if after a hectic hard fought achedulo acton had cbmc out on top would sav ok write an open letter but not after one game one game when evans happened to have one of his on nights and you were playing against a team short handed and very tired from a previous strenuous week the situation looks as if you wero try mng to get in a good lick in case the opportunity should not present it mlf aguln by tin way mr cole i would like to sit beside you homo night when dnohiy has one of tils off nights and ho has them brother and hi w who was the liiinl hockey plnyi r who took ills brand new girl friend to the hockey guipc the other night and had a hutd job f comnojrig the gentlemen on the rn gllu lie plnyud on tile tculil ne doubt the little lady ws impressed with your popularity my boy seems like htnc martin flow from toronto to north bay one nignt not long ago in a npw car and when the wheels were lower ed for a landing found someone had left a freight tialn 6n th run way the train wusn t damaged but reno is recuperating in the hospital in north buy with all the activities going on around the local link the boys are bound to overlook something it w u brought to our attention that the red and blue lines could land i coit of piint to brine them up humped into george ridd ill f it i of porge who plays defence lor the acton tanners at tho ar- lin last ihursdi niht mr rid d ill lici son i know you mc mt it ul m un wnl ou slid lbout our boy poifo but if uu see the mi u coming jju better look out weic lool mi out foi piuic loo iftci what n slid il ut him wc huc he ird tli it acton al- u i nbbint us nbout out lm port ue hi 11 e trouble letting lelei cs for two of their imports the ililson bi others oit week uc ic ports writer i ic unpbcll fie peel g incite bl st our si i c of his rem u 1 ibuut oui aitifi i i ice ind i i u 1 ition in iru weeks editi n j ic cliims lie me int well so we til t bacic our ljm ind ue will mi i be friends il mi ok with juu lack w r it local hod ey player had his ife wish h pi lying tor s and fte ttuy were ducd ind put i ij ieali7ed she jnd some of her uiiii entronable in his bag by mist ike it s a eo think she re i iieci her erior btioie hubbj pul led them out of his bit in front of all the boys in the dressing room siitmday nij lit the locals are loin to coliln ii d to tike part irr the opening of coilincwood s ne arena a bu i ight is planned with bands iuest speakers and dancine after the game anyone wishing to make the trip who has a car or can burr w the old mans lot in touch with some of tho lx ccutuc p s since ir last column 1 have had to lo to guclph via hlllsburch as jeme of the locals pave reported seeinj a police cir cular with my description on rt posted in acton two injured in main street accident i t two toronto ladies were injured in tin accident which occu rod on georgetown main street abo t 4 run tuesday morning injur d were mrs audrey stott who had facial cuts and knoc abra ions and mist margaret annls wlip suffered a fractured collar bono and prob- blo fractured ribs tjio accident occurred when li tar driven bv mrs stott which had been parked in front of robba drug store went out or contr 1 mounted the cuib and after car eening 6ff the light standard j front of tho royal bank crossed mill street and crashed into the corner of tho bank of commerce i he two ladles with mr st itt ccro en route from guclph to their homes in toronto the car a 1 iu mo lei chcvrolo ua badly dameged and the fore i f tho impact lo sei ed some of tlicrstoi cut rk in the bank dr c v wil i ms ittcnd d the n juiel 1 idle whe ere o i oved in i rl to i tor i o lioplt i l ul i rownc ol pol lc lines ig led and it hi in i cl r uc contcni luted igalnst the driver mr and mbs john o null cfclfbratfc 56th anniversary jack gilbert injured i in motorcycle crash lb con iron of jack gilbert h i ii is ii i ii jill il ii i j t tct lc i i 1 i i v c lnc i i i l p 1 tc 1 i fl1 s i11cu ll t ii i c in i i be ii i 1 hi l lit t f i mi 1 lie it ci it i t lcui rt tl ii 1 li ttit twi in i mi gllljcit was j n n iinj ti rv tun il fl ill the l it on h it icl1i tin tile c rt itl a he ippio ichctl the i i null k tl ii t ill itliu c i l i i un in the in tl ml lie lost con i ti i t r shiiij in i hlro pole lie uffeictl c it lutein il u jur i weill t i us injurli s t i in it j mi in 1 he w is i usllc i t um lih c em i i ii pll il h l t v ill ht nit u i f i him to untlci lt t cci tl t i er iti ins vtti m hisiikl e gonsfcuatiov iv londotj gusts at the ct i eeration service f i he vcr i cverend george ismilh i uxtoi n london onta no on tuesdtj november 30ui included arch t icon w g o thon pson and mrs thompson arcl deacon tl t nipsnn h id a spe ci il utercst in the olctsioh be cause it was wltn he wis rector at mount forest that tire new bishop of huroi formed his first interest in the hurch and wis lay reader in the church of england there bishop luxton hod mother com ection with georgetown for his f ither was i bank man iger her at one time in cvsfc lol rr intehested yesterday mr and mrs john o nc ill respected residents of town celebrated their 50th wed- dinc anniversary with a family tathcrrng at therr home present for hc occasion mre their daugh tor mrs l d sheley of binning ham michigan their son mr arol o ni 11 and mrs o neill of tor onto and mrs o neill s sister miss aadle cot en try of george town friends called during the day to wish them well mr o neill was for many years a main street bu incsiman oper- atrnc a garage and carriage shop in the lullding which he built at the main and wesleyan street corner he retired a feu yeius ago selling the building to victor dlighrs out of r nr n c appearing aj moitrs and seconders of the 2p nominees for office at the rcceni nomination rrieetm 30 weie pro sent council members r were members of present elected boart s and 11 were inte ested ratepayers of thi 11 inmes of in tere ltd ratepayer only b indivl dun ratepayers were represented tokonto mav buys wildwoou iiomb m and mrs earl m trovv of toronto have puichused the home of mr und mrs ii m stewart at wildwood just outside george town und moved in recently the house which woi purchased by the stewarts about five years ago was formerly owned by alex grcla mr trow is a ictlied manufactur ers pgtnt he hai u married son and one granddaughter living in toronto mr and mrs trow are members of the church of lng land mr and mrs stewai t have pur chased the bony clarke home on durham stieel while mi and mrs claike and thel chlldien burry ji and robert h ive moved to the jack ileiiniish in in at osprlnge hie e latter two teal estate deals who handled by howaid graff loud realtor fhib is a n psgcpaper social and personal mr und mrs trod hulls nil 1 fumly of port llj in wire iaitorj hut week wjth mi and mis i rank smith bnllinnfod miss ruth evi ns ittcndld a con ference of members and secretaries of township school aie i boards it giklph lust week iupreienta- tivea were iroacrt from dufferin peel hiilton hur n oxford perth welllnuton nd v atct loo co untie bill emmcrso i jr is in guolpb general houpitid where iil under went un operation yesterday mrs rolert memoncmy tandcir- rd linen shower for mra harold tchenk lthcl wood prioi to har iccent marriojie mr rank wilson nnd mrs c gowlund ilt d ov r the weeknd in ottu vu w h their hrflthwr wllmot j wiuon phrruh and family mm walt r huyhe of clui y wah vluitor lust wck ulth mr nnd mrs ceoiire hughw mt tl eir farm home on the 7th ua dr imd mi n ix t paul huvo rotumeyl fiom a months vncutton whlrh tl ey spnt ut tl e i cabin o i tl e nth 1 ine mrs a it sj p tfht u convata- t liiej in iornntd g nernl ho lta afior an o erillon whlc i le uii- ioiuent lnut wet k mi fiiil mi s i luihltuu und iiltuhtoi mai of st cuthuilmtf v jutted frlendi li town t t raiden win 42 against weston it wamt t until the middle of tho vioond period xitl thursday be- lor lot local really starred to pint jidfkey weston haveu pretty fair club and thti locala had a job on thlir handy tb beat thni it waj roujlli lwckey most of tho wuj downej for weston opened the idonn in the first periodwith i sjiort hide shut that wejit in ofi lcver katej 1 cifih jradbury tied it up on t lrvely pass from hi other max coining out to start- the tcond period tho hiiicrra stur- ld to jcllck on p of their pluys but dropped their guard long noujh to allow downer to score lu i cond goal of tho ami at 1111 of the rtoiul melanon and i ci li dr idburi buke away mel in on split the defence beautiful ly ni uic ashbce in jo il for wc un make hi- nou then lipped a i to li if h bi it bul who in ide n i ust ike nut 1 is bccond j oal tied tli umc 1 ix ui idbury n i i his first i 1 of the c ison l il i- 1 i in ul on i j is from l ui k n ikinu it del lie m un i t ui the tun i oicd on i 1 e v tin lc u i i i ni pi iy from juni i lleaumoi i nd jack kern ht i t m tic t ie final icore read 1 i 1 ivum u gcoiiluwii only i ui jcniltil c lundcd out 1 l urn i t j ich tc mi i i iu n j1 1 cr de t n t p itttrs n ish loiwa da m mi uil i i c c c in i ii alt it j i t vi i lid ii luinont i li u ml i in i n i ij i i i hi ui iii ul t i 1 hi ci dlf i i iu mil i 1 i vai cl jot c d i alkv- 11 altcui ttis c h 1 uuilnif i ii un houlh i i t ti id ill ii j i l nui ii nc il what council did pa sei a bylaw prohibiting the duehnrgc ttt flrttnh within tho municipally jdiptit the written pcrrrilsslpn of the phlef of polluo the by law applies to shotgunt alr rifle rlflei arid revolvers and a penalty up u ao is provided pfr tnf i actions ayst reading moved hf davld- i6h ind armstuinc 2nd and 3rd re idiigs by whitmce ind mccum- bor y yvn amendmeih to the p irking by law was read for a first time and ocnl back ti tc town solid tor foi correction i providcj that no chicle can be parked in or ob- itruet a lanewi y or tlrlveway or intcniion illy olot it the entrance to a private home council thoufht tho word mtei f i illy wu eon f usin j md v ut the intendment reuo ded pi t tl inncil december i irst 1 nod 1 t i do i e 00 jl ji j l t u ii j hi id but i iii uiliim 11 02 p tlt do i ti s coiid ii rind i t ton do nt alkuelu j 10 1 ci orcelmwi 111 idbury l wei insnii 8 11 c i ll tov u m iii itibui y curric t 12 i i tli ird 1 vrlod b uloilctown d be lumont i j beaumont kenishead pe iltics cui ic 10 minute iniiil nduct uennci d betfsmont v a tun kept uj their winning stre ik by defeatu i oakville qg in the thci i inn f this double lie ittc i li1wehouse chas jones and the weekend at i re 11 of toronto mi a c putter mr and mrs daulntcrs spen woe d bridge m aichil msiti d mi and son on sunday mr uussell 1 hompson is con fined to his bed with a sprained kne we w 1 h him a speedy r- coveiy mi ind mrs john smet hurst md jacqueline of toronto were i cccnt vial tors witi mra smeth- ui jt mrs r b striey spent a couple i f d lys last wcil with mrs mills mr and mrs paul spitzer and f irmly of bre lau have recently moved onto the old sutherland faun we wclroim them to the community mr w i ncu to i of barrie vlsl- ttd his mother last weekend w uic plencd to repoi t that mrs cyril clarke is progressing favourably it i ome following pulnful burns received hut week when her clothing caught fiio from the kitchen stove cjtign tulutions lc mr and mrs 1 gearv on thi arrival of a little daughtci in toronto recently w 1 meeting held ut the home ot 1 1 ii teen m mbei attended the w i meeting held t the homo of mjh j is noble inst thursday itoll cull was inswcred by a poem i utunxi d at school the bain lepoit showed a balunce of tf iu it wa decided to send tiic hildren s clothing left over to the halton cjilldren j aid as well us n donntlon for chrlfltmus treats a donntlon of 10 was vo ted to the scot mission iqronto a c irlstmus box was voted for thj mcciuley brotj era who are shut ins in our village the three boxes of ft od and eiothlng sent overseas to ptor folk wiit vulued ut j5 00 i he contents uuu partially raited by a tioeiul evening held ut mrs wi lights mrs smethurst conve mi of historical research was thuiman for thi whorl piogrum urient cvutts were tend by mrs o mulaoi und mrs luihy load the motto its not what we get but what wu tfivl not how we i roy but how w o live a social i71 i is a bixi ij i en ic lioli- tuy i tti b whiti l and ami stlo notid th it th ft reman report lun etl the pri of ji icl it 71 wc a foot i uic deli icd piicl some memberj raid that thu refuted m chin by con ip i c mdidatc tjioj 1 l- i it the iu nun ition meet n i lit li ivel 1 it iiecn puichased il i hif ti pricl 1 ist l ir pr mi d jin sthnficld who is t l ildmj i i i h mu on the i w in i i i i i il h ulc nd tl i lie u uic jit v der serice uln n funds in i ul iblc and as on m tin si i i j lourul md we it k i conditif s permit mr stiiofield ipjc iltl it council md ii 1 tn it it i l ir us ipi c lraucc he nid bi i n let t believe tiie ocr- itc would be 1 st died this jeir intl ic hatl m tie plans to occupy the house before the enr end cr coui let s nd tl e del ij h id been i ui i bee iusi i ii e v is not ti ihle whin the town had plan iied o i ut it in ji d it w is 1jter foun i that this yei r h budget would not illow anv mure expend jture on w iter v lu told by the sewerage en- l mt- i that he wbj tued of bcine badj ered about cpc ditures that liad been luthonzed b council ond which were clearly expliincd in slitements i rcscntc i to council mr hi j c had lwt n asked to np pe ir to discuss a projiosil b resi dtn ot ostranatr ijoulevard to put in sewerage this year at their own expense providing they were exempted from local improve mint levy ricl rd hawts spokes man for the delegation fiaid that some of the rsfdent thourht it was going to cost too much and favoured a propo al that they pay what it would toil the totvn and tlie town make up the difference mior gibbon said this would be unwise for com cil to consider as it would le id to similar requests from others mr hagey s opinion wis tint while a 0 tile might scrt the present houses satisfac torily an 0 tile was the only thing he could recommend for the future he said the town had been fortunate m securing a low price on the sewerage ti nder and that future work might cost as much as j5 or j0 more but that he believed scott jackson would take on extra work at the original fig url ct the wholv section in that part of town could be done for 7500 and he ndvocitcd that rather than doing a small section now maeiareu it will be a new con tract next year and the price may be ip gibbons poosibly next jcar the corporation maj lm in a position to do the work themselves i think we rt or the wiong tiuek next eui everyone in thi section will want sewerage ard that is the time j lo it hnwes i lie di nn hut e been put undi i the cellu floors in these houses in antlcipttion of sewerage and we cannot use septic tanks gcodlct the sewerage lystem is not in operation und even if you went ahead nov ou couldn t use it i am in favour of doing the whoe urea early in the new year maclurtn we borowed 375000 for sewerage and we now have ac counts of j75j1 rebates will reduce this by about 4400 but wc stilt haven t a final account from scot jackson mr hagey says thon muy be c slight increase on cost of material but what does slight mean we wi been jnisltd on so ntuny thli gs higcy 1 drm t like that term mi led 1 ve in i n budge rod ainttiid foi two months mat hut ii you stated original- iv that the cost of extending sew- eiugo lo noimuiuly boulevard w pilm be about siqoi mdeljrcn i hat was at a later dute hagey council djdnt 4o anything about it until toy 460 estlitiate- maclaienvnow you say the only extri lo w5 2 uj may bo in tb cav oi pipe what is it to be hagey vou have in your hands i stutmcnt which la plain andt simrlo on it i have shown what you gentlcincti authorized th co above the original estimate jilu uccccdmj authorizations 1 abo it 3u00 extra tnul this u liown on the ument you owe scott jackson 40000 now and i don t tc whj you shouldn t pay their goodlet 1 c in understand that mi hjty can t give the final ni uic until ht i ccpivcs the final oil from the contractor ii ij e lm i ctting bndfercd u pioj lc like maclaren who don t know whit hey are talking ibout whitnict we ie wasting time t ilk ij ibou i until we get sco j ick on s f il bill g ndlct lm huppv with mr ii if cj s suitemcni unity you li hive the final bill as soon ay i hear from scott jickson ive been writing and llim nl timj to hurry them up i w ii i oicm i ern hde then isk j mr hatcy about sevciol hou holders who were complain- i ic th i their iinr couldn t be ti i ictl he slid mr hagey had mifir ilij suj iha uiere were nl on or twt houses in town in tint po ition but tnere were sev- i il including t o on churles st i mi ii icy sail that uic system t id been dc p cd is i saniury nur onl anj that while many liousis would bf lie to have cel- 1 ii rriiis these householders were ust fortunato and that in all cases it hud not been ossible cr whlt- ii ee ma mr hyde then exchanged worts cr wlutn ce saying that he objected to the town foreman com- mj to eveiy ineetinp and voicing tus opinion and tliat if he wanted a hearing he should come us a del nation tho town foreman re plied that he wib asking about complaints chat he had received when the discu s j i threatened to become heited mayor gibbons call d the meeting to order and nd the discuss on was ended gianttd permission to the bell telephone co to erect three new i oles on duff tin street gave permiss on to the lome scots band to hold a band con cert in the old town hall on a thursday or sunday evening uriereo two cvolvers for aaj at 25 each orginally purchased for the former local police force moved by armstrong and mac- 1 irenj atithonzed thr issue of a cheque for 1050 to the public school board as an addiion to their re quisition moved by ainislrong and mac laren a letter wib itcelved from the school board explaining that the extra money was necessary be cause of an crroi in estimating teachers salaries and unforeseen expenses of 200 for repairing chimney t and 17t for connecting sewers hecei ed a letter from scott jaclcron dated november 30th say ing that the pumj which was hold ing up compotlon of the disposal plant was enroutc from chicago and should arrive in georgetown some time this week shdvcd a motion by w hi tint e and davidson that uic stop ylgn ut church street b changed to the southern side of main street making church a through street other councillors pointed out the danger of throlgh traffic heading sou tn on main street not having a clear rlghtof way and the mo tion vuas withdrawn received a report from the on tario fire jmjarshull pointing out that the town did not have ade quate fire protection and sdggeat lug several impi ovements widen should be made the report will be reviewed in detail in next weeks herald wero told by the mayor ttiat the glrlu pipe baud had been granted permission to practice in the old i own hall attounts passed for payments inch dod one for 43470 38 to scott juckson which had been held up cor several weeks and one to harry short j 1 for 08 00 tm payment for wwerage extension lu ttyr i irrni hour jjosed the mceiirrr i huaey 4850 continued an pgo 11

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