Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 8, 1948, p. 3

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page 0 the georgetown herald wednesday dec 8th 1948 ii turning the paces op in 1621 marl coulllitrd tluuihtrr of uutuju ilrt farmer otfsla llubcrl cooked hb hubaiija mvnta in u largo iron oof texilwl in ilw-f- bid pton uropluco 6 yctirsj laior wench futmiru hnf u wtiinc uponwlr cooking wrs- r culled o cahook 1 hu typt of llnj ovn can xtlll b wii in iwmio purl of oticboc in the irch century father ulurd ludfieflted ualng an iron box much n u4mj in germuny for n woul fir thu wai canada flrt type of stove after canadas first ia company wui btarted in montreal in im7 the fiuar tove wm introduced thu with the electric range which wm developed early in ehu century changed the canadian kitchen 0 today the modern homemakcr haa ui her commurtd ninny tyrvta of aleek efficient tove o ujlhten her work comments on the lesson th itov john m smith thlt week wo are to consider th lettcm of the new testament of j fj f feci ur which there uu twentyone it ih well for i to rtmimbcr unit thee ure letten whirl were written by men who hud a paslon fpr chrla- tlanlty unci thnt they were wi ittun j fcc t abolll you n l thank cod for you v chrntiuns it ihlllppi when ever i think of you my constant prnytra for you arc a real joy ior they bruitf buck o my mind hew we have worked together for the goipel from the thut the one who jjx bejiun ii hi oocl work in you will no on devlopinji it until th dny of jlmji christ it ii only natural thnt i should for to folk whom they intended to during the time that i wi in jru hold loyal to tl it faith by clarify m uit ubh hh wh x wa out ho- thctic deelopmenta portend still greater opnortunitieq for theres room to flrow in canada unlimited brewing company limitid local liif kkuve tiiynks ton bale mrs w d johnston charles street who wj m t haute of send ing a bale from he local grenfell julibsion branch to the mission at harrington hai hour quebec has received a lettt r of thanks from misi audrey co am of the staff the bale was nceivcd on october list and miss conjram was partic- ularlv clad to receive the child- ii ns wear anti ihe mens sox both ii w inch are needed articles georgetown people will recall th tt a local git audrey sharpe ered for a time is a st john ambulance volunteer at harring n harbour nji doctrines ijvihtf down- moral rciunjlbujtl and denounclrlfc evil wy und fulse touchers when they wiote the writers wero not thinking of crcatni u literature thnt would be accepted in into year us tto sculpture i hey wore writtuu fcjioelf le letlei s for speoific piirooje to pnrliculur per- iojii ond iirolips the content rjualttyv vpiritutd wlsdpm of ttjolr letters however were such that they becilmo treasured by the ret i- pienb urtd ensequeritly were pie- sorvecl und wik1 over and over njtnm prlvatfly and publicly hin ally their value at permanent church documerti was realized and they wore nclpted in the forma tion of the new testament canon theac letten have a strange rel evance to our day in fact the universality of their teaching makes them aot hcnble to nil gen erations in seomng their message for our time however i believe it is well for a c carer understanding to ask four undamental questions concerning the epistle 1 who wrote it 2 to whom did he write j for v hat purpose was u wriufcn 4 hew did the writer deal with the ituptioir answers to these question will prevent us from distorting the truth nnd reading into the epistle an inter pretation which the wrlur did not intend most of us vnd the letter of the new testament as thti appeor in the kink james translation we prize that version of holy scrip ture and would not want to be de nied the reading of it there- arc other translations however which help us t jet a clearer in terpretation of the letters b at tempting to trar 1 ite them in mod irn englih one thinks of mof fat we mouth md other transla uims j r phillips recently 147 made a translation of the e v tes tament lpistle- which hi had en titled letters c v oung churches it is worth ict dmg in company with the king james v ermon iscnptuio nu r ion zed from the king james vei sion or winch has been i ndeared to uie reider tli rough familinritv and spec lal ex pcncncc usuallj sei ins to fail flat i m new iranlations tor that reason it is wise to r t new uimdiis iilongidc tin kiri james in reading tl n w testament letters it is w 11 for us to rcmem- j be i the undc rl ing pui poie of the writers which h s htcn suinrncd up m our kc 1 1 e these things hne i wntti n unto ou th it lie lieve on the name of the son of god thnt e mat know tint ye enchng arid demonstrating tho power of the gospel we shared to- i ethi the grafc pf god god knows how mu b i long with the deepest christian love apd afec- tion for your companionship my player for ynv ia that you may have jill moif love a jpvo thill w full of knowlbdge ancl wlso uiliht i want vou to bo able aj- ways to itcognve the highest and ihe be t nnd to ike sincere and blameless lives until the day of jesus chi ist 1 want to cef your tivtfi fbll of ti le goodnesb pro duced by the pow er that jfcyua christ gives you tc the praise and glory of god phil 1111 from letters to youn churches here is a ltt piece of advice if you bejieve n goodness and if you value the approval of god fix voui minds on the thing which are holy and rght and pure and beautiful and good model your conduct on what you have learned from roe on what i have told you and shown you and you will find that tho god of peace will be with you phil 4 fl f from letters to young churchee the application lji us read the letters of the new testament with a conscious ness that while they were written to othern many centuries ago they still contain a message for us which will enrn h us in our under standing of the christ our chris tian duty and rur devotional life helpful quotations these early christians were on fire with the conwction that they had become tr rough christ liter- all sons of gjd they were pion eer- of a new humarrft founders of a new king iom perhaps if wi believed what they believed we might achieve what they achieved the grc at difference between present daj christianity and that of which we n ad in these letters is that to us it is pnmaril foimancc to hem it was pe rieiicc it seems hal the nu wrott these h tiers t oik t titrated upon the cssi i uil spiritual core nf human life while sciiitlf touching on an moclei n pi ohle i tin v 1 1 man- e to give pai nte is of principle which show the ui ind the spir ii in which le piiihlcms of even i higldv lomplcs aue such as ours in i in t itkh i m ccessfulu simpsons taxi phone 500 centrally located by the bus stop downtown hailey motors at youk service for car repairs brake lining and greasinga specialty shell products willard batteries john street phone 539 gordon harley prop jier- real w ho phone 375 kingsway cleaners or cr reliable cleaning service phone 375 have cternil life the llibllcal basis- phil till paul and timothv of jesus christ to deacons and all true at philippi grace and j god the pathe- uid j the lord 1 john 5 13 norval native authors new investment book 4 80 true s rvants the bishops christians i the norval die ulv fanous as the u side nc c for ome cars of the late l m moihgome r author of anni of green gables books q uve jilaudl wi woudtst name in jaummdf 67 fi8 150 ikelud billfolds pen pencil sets clocks silverware gift novelties etc 1102 shirc 11 ndditi nnl spot id the iit- itm limcliklit nun with the pub he i ion of th c1inid11n invus tors handbook b a w turner authoi of tl t- buok is dr alice turur phy sb ind slit is a stilistui in uitn wood gund and co toronto a itl as a nilmber of the uiilvtr it of toronto sen ate dr turiiet was burn in nor val daurhter of a prlsbtenan minister and h r birthplace wna the ery manse sltre l m mont- komery who was a mmistei s wife lived for severii vcars dr turner is a iirnduute of mcgill universly slu was nom inated to the tniveraity of toron to senate as representative of var sity poit graduates who pot their orlklnnl decree at other univerai- tles she herself received her m a and ph d from toronto arid her ua from mcgill her book it a simple textbook loi the layman an elemtntarj outline of the can adian investment busintsi notice to creditors in tlo estate of ilfcnry alexander minnie retired tanner deceased all pemonh having claims ugainbt the cutiitc of henry avexander ulnnie late of tile township of erin itcthcd lurmer who died on or about the 2nd day of october a d 104u are hereby notified to send particular of uime to the un- demluned on or before tho 27th dny of december ad 1040 after which date die estate will be dis tributed with regard only to the claims of which tho undenlgned hhjill then have notice und the un dersigned will rot be liable to any person of whoie claim they shall not then have notice dated at georgetown tku 22nd day of november ax 1048 norman adumson and nora may adarnson executor of the estate of henry alexan- dar blnnle by their soud- l ifira nlennd rjnnett qhr- gctown ontario 1ss hew center v xvuxt hotu jih mkjkm m c e n t r a l northern 3 for hcmdied charmlnflly dcoro pn roomt odi willi ihower ond boih 1 ihm rwu suill viiil the new heso p hw yofii popular new rendeivoui m spoftuh omj fttnch ipeciolliei yc wicomd kr in your own lontjuaqr 1 lit w s7th street n e w 1 y oui iii w 54ih 51 n10anc l distributor agents for cledraulic and gabriel shock absorbers stabilizers and rubber of all sizes in stock georgetown shock absorber exchange and service c ledwidge king st pboue 49sw j flcall jbe the man you know immkl 2 m m eaves roughing hot water heating and steam fittings new idea furnaces sheet metal works all kinds georgetown plumbing heating back of hunters inn

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