Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 15, 1948, p. 1

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the georgetown herald georgetown ont wednesday december 15th 1948 banquet inaugurates i provincial paper quartercentury club a banquet in the mcglbbon house on monday evening marked the inauguration of two local chapters of the provincial paper quarter century olub slmuaror- ganlznuana arc being established in 1 company branches ht canada with membership comprised of men end women who have been twen- tyfive years or nore in the em ploy of the company gold pocket watches were pre- ented to 41 men and silver trays to 4 ladies- who qualified for member ship on friday night these inclu ded active memberships for 32 at present employed and 13 associate i members who have rctlred members of the club ore barber coat hi chapter active member clayton al len george bllck albert n car ter hugh dickie robert b foul- is wilfred gill wellington green sward samuel harrison arthur c herbert miss ann hickcy james hill alexander koan donald lat imer mlsi jcisie lcavitt george louth leonard g marchmcnt fred mccartney fred mcnally miss lena mcnally william mer- rltt walter pock william c reynold george a smith bert weston associate members robert buchanan george watt barber paper division i active member clarence arm strong james costigan john fry harry hale john d kelly walter louth joseph mcmencmy henry preston associate members john w armstrong george barnes herb ert cabcloj harry j hiltb charles jht hoare isaac hornby fred laws edw ard mcwhirter chester scott miss nancy teeter thomas trcanor roy kercher was chairman for the procram which included the reading of a address of welcome from d w ambridgc company president who wired his regret at not being able to be present on the happi occasion huch dickie proposed a toast to the president and executive and the speakers in- eluded several head office men in cluding arthur pounsford direc- tor of manufacturing walter bar- ber secretarytreasurer lee tren- holm public relations dr gordon hoover ussistcnt manager of dev elopment and control and john buss assistant manager of eastern division mr pounsford referred to the closing of the lower mill as a heartbreak which it had been hi job to supervise the employees the weather mr editor t there is- not much outstanding tn thlt weeks summary maybe we should feel favoured when we received so little of the white blanket that some places a little to the ncrth received last week m batkln unto max mln tuln tcc 8 dec 7 3it 32 32 doc ft m i snow if doc 0 h6 25 dec 10 as 23 deo 1 1 37 21 08 tec 12 r 42 jfi 04 average 3d 2s 28 12 chkihtmafc 1 carols over united chchcii tower system plans are being made to broad cast christ mo a music over the united church tower system each evening durlivg christmas week tlie music will consist of choral selections solos chimes organ and vibroharp all in keeping with the true pirlt of the season the fol lowing is an outline of the pro gram as plnnncd monday dec 20th 8 pm o come all ye faithful awoj in a mangei god rest you merry gentle men we three rings of orient are the first noel hark the herald angel i sing joy to the world o little town of bethlehem while shepmids watched their flocks angels from the realm of glory tuesday dec 21st 7 30 o clock pieceding the sundav school concert hark the herald angels sing o little town of bethlehem o come all ye faithful silent night good ring wenceslas wednesday dec jj 8 p m hark the herald angels sing it came upon the midnight clear organ selection pla ed by mrs james evans thursday dec 23 8 p m aw ay in a manger o come all ye faithful jov to the world it came upon tht midnight clear angols- wo have heard on high o come emmanuel o little town of bethlehem silent night friday dee 24th 7 30 pm mcnally lyons are new f ward three councillors umehouse outstanding majority for hydro chairman faraell and milne head board of education poll biehn monday december 13tb c mondays municipal vote w fulrly heavy with well oyer halt of the cjlfelble voters imlng their franchise word 3 where there u invariably a vole for council gave u rebounding 337 votes to a aevi candidate william mcnally loial builder who headed the noils thos it lyons a former councils lor who trailed in- the ward v0tp lust y6nr won a council scat again with 317 votes while ray whlt- mec who edged hlih for the posi tion last year was third man with 127 in last years election deputy reeve jtirncg goodlct headed the polls with 225 whluneo had 108 and lyon 101 tor the first time in soveral ycart there was an election for hydro pmmutsloner and a now candidate frank whitmce was swampbd in the ballottlng ty graham jforfiell a member of the boarl for the past six yeara who cored 800 to whltawa 4 leonard 9eltrfosl out in his bid for u mial on the new board of education heading the polls was willie- blchn with 068 votc cloely fallowed by last years public school board chairman dr j d milne with 047 other mem- ben elected were in the order of their choice riley brethour john bell edwin wikon mrs anne wittun and syd orr mayor joseph gibbons accl reeve jack armstrong accl deputyreeve james goodlet accl ward i council art hur herbert accl vern mccumber accl cecil davidson accl norman hill accl ward 2 council ward 3 council william mcnai l tiios l lyons ray whitme hydro commission graham i arf l tranl w lutmi t board of education walter biehn dr j b milne riley brethour john rell edwin wilson mrs anne v atkins syd orr leopard bell 337 317 127 ward 137 3 mr harold karri mr and mrs e karri and elcanora xpent tho weekend in londod mr win grclg mr and mrs gordon grulg and daughter of liruntford spent saturday with mrs gale and miss ivensa miss helen qbic of aurora is viilthig mrs gale and miss dale mr arthur lane of montreal visited ills mother mrs h lane lut week v we uf c pleased to see mr- mills pfcorne again following his opera tion in a torontb hospital a couple of weeks oga visitors with mr and mrs c h foster arid mus reamsboltorri on sunday included mimj pansy reamibottom mits mary milll- ihump mrs jones and miss patsy jones of toronto and lrs johrj- urn of richmond hill the w m s annual meeting was held at the home of mrs wm mitchell lilst wednesday evening when mrs ellerby presided for the electioli of officers which re sulted a follows president mrs e sanford vice prcs mrs j roughley 2nd vice mrs smcthurst secretary mrs o mulder treasurer mrs h norton supply secty mrs w mitchell glad tidinis mrs a norton literature mys glsby home helpers mrs mitchell welcome ind welfare mrs wrmht mrs patterson roll call wlis answered by mis- smnaiy news items mr a nor ton contributed vocal solos and mis o mulder piano numbers aitich tnd 1 oems ucn rend by mi mitchell mrs gisbj md mrs inford tile hostess scred lunch it the cloc 3 lotal 231 432 33 h00 44 16 178 372 666 10 177 360 647 98 146 272 516 91 137 278 506 86 134 30 450 77 138 218 433 74 120 233 427 43 62 170 277 mfcorgetou native dies is toronto hospital hib the choir under the direction of had laboured hard to produce from miss lynda stewart will lead the an obsolete mill and he said it had congregation in the singing of been a tough decision for the com- christmas carols which will be pany to have to make he paid broadcast over the tower system tribute to all employees saying the public are invited to take time that the human element measured off from the hustle and bustle of the real success of a business ra- christmas eve to join in this time ther than buildings or fiiiancial of happy singing structures and asked them to paaa their skills on to others so that through the years the organiza tion would continue to grow and expand as younger men took over mr pounsford was assisted by of marion hepburn i plno recital piano pupils of miss marion w c reynolds office manager in hepburn appeared m feci to 1 last making the presentations and as friday night in the sunday scnool each man and woman was called room of baptist church couu- forward he was asked to give his ulior vcrn mccumbc was chair- years of service with provincial man for uie evening and miss jean first to be called were ed mc- i horle vwis guest soloist during whirter superintendent of the lhe evening flowers were presen- lower mill for many vears and lod to ml hepburn b gail mc- r b fouhs who wqi supennten- 1 gilvrav and gloria bain on behalf dent of the coating mill for o pupils length period john w arm- those uho ilacd in the recital strong held the long service record marlene kemshead marilyn with 17 mors as a provincial em- paulene watson marilyn ployce william merntt has been barth maureen hepburn kenneth 4g ears samuel harrison 42 vears beam bettv lucas jean garabcll i and miss jeic leavitt and wel- mccumber jacqueline lucas i hngton greensward 10 yearn gail mcgilvra gloria bam bar- tred mclnlly offered the appre- bura thompson ross mcgilvrav elation of those presdnt for the 1 mackenzie shirlev gnm- compares gesture in establishing i h ga kp bettv jean nder a quarter ccnturv club and be- son sandri scott neil benton fore the evening ended messrs irene ro john winfiud alice i a former i esident of george tow n clarence eiw in ostrandcr passed awa suddenly m toronto general hospital on tuesday dec ember fth after a short illness mr ostrander was raised in geor getown and attended both the public and high schools here and was a son of mrs kate ostrander and the late mr h ostrander he was in his 41st year mr ostrander was married to evelyn mcclellan of huttonville and at the time of his death resi ded at 114 norwich st guelph while in georgetown he attended the former methodist church and was amember of the argonaut chib besides his u ife he i vivcd b a daughter nora mother and one sister muriel mrs bert borst of bramptoni the funeral took place on fri- da afternoon from the brampton funeral home with interment in brampton cemetery smith vd stone dance a big success over four hundred employ ees and their tu nds enjoyed a dance in the co c jointiv spon 11 mem and ui h stone plant tro plaved t j were sever il eluding lurkv dances room last friday d by the manage i of the smith and oris hulls orches- dancing and there novelty items in- spot and special raiders beat weston in last league game gcoi li tow n h id v cry little tumble in uikuik weston last i iiiht onlv ahhce in goil foi the i ston team sn cd thctn lime and i ii afain but with all his bril- t hint efforts the lotals shtmld have t i i lot tier five or six to really indu itc the play pmbibly wes ton figured tl l could outrough i oi m tow n as tiiey put on a very i inn slum of hockfrnd sports- m uiship in tiic second period he force hodgson threw benner of it on out of the game for some i ins uirtv tactics and foul lan- kt ik- at the same time taylor of we- ton received his second mis- loiidikt of the night and chard a minor at this stage of the game the locals were leading three noth ing on gouls by kemshead ferrl and chappel and before the end of the second max bradbury had made it 4 0 going into the third 1 period neilson for weston slipped one behind lever then the fan i started again with jaclons tang- i ling with nick tern both were t given 5 minutes for repentance harris for weston scored a tricky goal from the side to give weston then second goal there was no moie scoring and the final scor 1 read 4 2 for georgetow n iton tanners took oakviue 02 tl isdiv night is playoff night i u it ctini d weston and geor- at u v n and oakvillc georgetown bull prizewinner at chicago mcwhirter and fouhs were called upon for a few words w c rey nolds hugh dickie and pred mc nally were named a committee to organize the club which will meet the first sunday in each december to take in new members uho have attained membership privileges excellent entertainment was pro- v ided during the evening by heniv bob lucas elizabeth ire land donna thompson ltichard sienko aiine chalkei barbara cromai and italph peck kh it vku members i ok utlttkvh lodge leonard comedian tlira brooks a remarkable- nicn- i last i ucsdav evening deeember 7th at the reipilar meeting of group fom loronto eluding ri v hebekah lodge the he i magician caw- bckih t kkaii lo by the local staff on tour new members tal telepathist and joan fair- mn chfford g fax accordionist a novel feature i w i was the singing of song parodie as each of the speakers arose miss jessie leavfltt accompanying on the piano there was also extempcrous entertainment including sons by harry hale and a step dance by sam harrison ur and mn harold bell cd ilcid mrs jack watson mrs jack addy and mrs kenneth whltworth the degree was exemplified in a beautiful manner and after lodge a lunch was served by group number one city school teachers in canada stay on one job for an average of ten years rural school teachers hamilton spent th weekend hi movu from one school to smother town with his mother mrs john or out of teaching altogether every bl two years or leas george cleave is host at wardens dinner for the first time in the history of holton municipal affairs the wardens dinner wu held in geor getown when warden geotwf cleave- reeve of esqueslng wu host to some two hundred and fifty guests last nlbv the turkey din ner served by membera of th lgion wjl was held ln the le- ion hall mr cleave was cohgredatod by several speaker on his efficlenl adminlst ration of county biudneaa during 1hu and towards po cloae ot the cienln ws preaented with an easy chair by bis colleajpse in council reeve alex maclaren o georgetown made the presentation addrcsi and the chair was presen ted by the queslng and george town deputy- reeves george currle and jack armstrong in the absence of leroy dale k c whftm illness in a toronto hospital prevented him from being p present his partner miss sybil bonnet k c uclcd as chairman guest speaker was gordon gray- don member of parliament for peel who gave an informal talk in which be touched on the united nations and the conference in san trancisco at which he represented canada observations gleaned from an european trip and the contrast ing idcnlogles of democracy and communism he said that one could nqt ex pect the united nations organiza tion to be a perfect organization w lien the peoples who make it up a re not perfect themselves and thit it was encouraging that things hnd gone as smoothly n- they have considering the differences in reli gion and language which exist in the w orld communism he said cannot be destroyed by force alone and our demrcracy must be free fiom corruption if others are to copy it it is these spiritual and moral values which count urging an international outlook he asked if canada could expect indefinitely to survive as an island of plenty in a sea of international uint and snid we might well have to help others less fortunate by a reduc tion in our own standard of liv ing r mr graj don was introduced by goorgc currle and thanked by w h bijrgar reeve of trafalgar mayor joseph gibbons extended a civic welcome to georgetown to the many visitors present a toast to the v isitors proposed by dep uty reeve h allen of buhingtoa was replied to by warden j m- fraser of peel who is reeve of the neighbouring municipality of chinguacousy past wardens of the county were toasted by w j i hampshire former hal ton sheriff and two former wardens l k fleck of georgetown and amoe mason of acton made suitable re plies in reply to n toast to the warden by jack armstrong mr cleave spoke of his pleasant association during his year on county counell announcing his retirement at the end of the current year he said that he would continue to take an interest in county affairs he waa proud of the fact that debenture debt which at one time had been close to a million dollars was now 30000 and that in three years this would be retired and hal ton would be on a payasyougo basis during the evening the lome scots band provided musical en tertainment scotudule uombadw oumad by show in chicago he had previous hown ilxv with mr and m mr s g bennett of scoudala farm georgetown wu grand champion shorthorn bull at tlui rtcnt international livestock 1 iv mi similar honours at the ienneii and the judge iloval winter fair in the auction shorthorn clwu which followed bombodler brought repotted price of 4800 me 1 of the social and personal mr and mrs john bell and joc- cln spent a few days in ottawa last week ot the home of mr and mrs c f pattenson miss e brown has left for peter borough where she will spend the winter with mr and mrs al cam eron mrs thomas laughlin and mrs jim simmonds toronto were visi tors one iliy last week with miss beulah mattln us and mrs a e chalker lellov dale k c popular local 1 iwvcr is in toronto wellesley ho pital where it i expected he u ill undergo a serious operation tins week mrs j ii lillfco and mrs har- i old cleave spent the weekend with mrs lillicos father mr a e webster at oakwood and wood- ville claire bradley daughter pf mr eileen bradley is in toronto slclc childrens hoipital where she u taking treatment for a leg ailment she is making good progress and expects to be able to spend christ mas at home mrs ad short of krln is visit ing in town with her sister mrs w g marshall and mr m h is recuperating from an oper ation which she recently under went at guelph general hoapltal

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