Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 15, 1948, p. 13

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page 5 the georgetown herald wednesday dec i 5th 1 948 news and items of interest to halton farmers watbdn addresses halton livestock producers tbc law of supply and demand does not taean much uule coup led with the ability to pdy stated w p watson ontario live stock commissioner when addressing ta meeting of the hal ton livestock improvement association in tile court hfeuce milton lst rylday afternoon mr watson at usual delivered h piokt infornmmve thought provoking and logical ad dress in which he reviewed the world situation as it affects can- dian agriculture jjaymg just attended the dominionprovuichll agricultural conference t ottawa during the paqt week an4 prior to that the international live stock show at chicago mr watson ably substantiated his statements with acts and figures in short it was type of address which oil far jners in ilnlton should have heard in bis introduction he reviewed the war period when j with great britain called for def inite quantities at specific prices canadian goods were sent over eas under mutual aid or outright gift today the contract system of buying still exists and canadian products are paid for out of fund provided or loaned by canada and united states in reviewing the marshall plan or ehp the speak er pointed out that the tls is prepared to assist materially any country in wqatern europe pre parted to maintain the democratic way of life unci prepared to help rehabilitate hcrnclf mr wauon made it very clear however that under the marshall pian the u 3 wil not supply money to any country to purchaw commodities from canada of wjuch there is a xurnlus m cxecsuof domestic re- duhrcmcntj in united states for hjnately foy us ut added uiere h up to the present time no ur plu in tin u of lho main pro ducts which we export while the mtnuall plan extend over a per iod of four yoeirs uic volume of 4oods which will bo exported un der the plan to great britnip france and other european cqun- trlci will be reduced as thctc countries get u s funds available in thbrt stated mr watson the wholo economy of the world re- 1 olvefl around the economy of the i us and he added that is the slmdow linnging over the economy i of this country he also pointed out that u s lias liar vested the biggest corn crop in history 3a billion bushels of corn and when in chicago a week ago the price of corn was less than two cents a pound 11 though there is a support price of 1 42 a promin cnt us official stated a few days ago that their iwjg objective called for a sixty million uig crop for the bpring of 1049 in order to use up the huge com crop the same u s official predicted that hog prices in u s would drop lx cents a pound by next full in reviewing the home ituation mr watson pointed out that milk production in c mud a hud de creased in 104u by approximately four percent in other words while ten million pounds less butter und thirty rnllllorj pounds le thee e was produced in 10 18 there had been u phenonu n u incrctfm in the production of concntr ited milk product in his op lonthc out look for llmo woufltl bo appro b xriutely the jimt ii in 10411 irt o ar u consumption of wltolc mpk is edncerriid he felt this would be determined by itrloa if rc ertt employment is continued witii pre vallmtf wage and uic price is not mere ised consumption would be not 1c s or veiy jlttlc lti- than in ismu our contract for cheese with groat britain calti for fifty mil lion lbs at a price of 30c fob cheese factory ind as our expori of cheese in 1jiu would not exceed j4 million pound it was not like lly this would be exceeded in 1940 while our dairy cow export in 104b doubled thoc of 1047 mr watson was of the opinion that the returns from milk m 1010 are likely to be about the inic as in 1048 although he reported that while in chuago the retail price of milk had dropped one cent per for tow months at any time l when the price of hogs in chicago way higher than in toronto if the buying power remains constant ftnted mr watson our good qual ity- beef cattle will go to the us and in his opinion uny urplus hogs we have can and will be com sinned in canadu cuttle men in the united slate ti in his opinion are i bit jittery and consequently are not putting as many cattle into feed and tlio te going into feed for the mo t p irt will be for shorter feeding peilod ihe poultry industry suited mr wilson is one industry wheld tome tttrenchment is necessary our poulliy contract pall for nineteen mil hon doxen eggi let s tltui in 101u nt a price two cents le s th in during the currcut year and eleven million pound le poultry than hi lolfl nl ucalini with tin grin itua tion fr w pointed oui that adc quutc upplic vue available in annnd i vjtn the u s price hfiht y le s thin our3 at the prcenl time wo havo a surplus of 100 million bn hels of wheat ibovo that it uded or dome lie require ments plujt ufficicnk to fill our 140 million bu hel contract wlthj gi cat britain it was ilo pointed y out that our o it crop is 13 million bushel over that n 1047 and the barley crop ilso hows i substin tial increase wlun referring to the flax crop the pe ikcr pointed out ue have a h million bushel exportable ur plu- above domestic requirement with no market due to flax being declared a suiplmj crop in the us under the marshall phn this wis wiwlm canadian national quart and in mother state the price of milk hid dioppcd 1 00 i ted as an illustration of what can per cwt iliippen on otl er products should in dciling with the hop itua f n v to bc dehred surplui crops lion mr waton pointed out that b tne us torctnry of agricul- our contract with gicit britnn l died foi 16 million pounds of biton less than in 1017 the b icon it 16 per cwt at seaboard a is i ullion pounds of bacon less thin in 1017 the speak lt pointed out that it was not a question of groit britain not v intiiu nicne b icon but tli il the ind nk much monev with which to urin i c b it n ind mil scqucntl it w is i question of t uhci i i ii li r contract at i re duttd iritc or i sni tl i ci ntr ict it the iiir i iice is in 1 mil at the ottmn c nfcicnct official promi t ii id been made th it in the e x t nt tf surpluses of bacon in tins countrv ilttri itic in irkets would bc opened up in this connection it w pointed out b the spc ikt r tint in the twent car period be tween the two w irs utcrc had onl been three t irs and then onl lionel electric trains 5800 u featuring 2995 3395 windup trains 25 4395 450 sus6 doll carriages 495 995 tun hoveei is mr w itson see the i situ ition it is his feeling th it oui i prites in 1010 will be about the same is in 1048 but if there is a j id crop in 1010 in ciiikit in united suite ind other p irt of the world lie foresees i lot lower line in 1050 in the 1ilii f tins picdieli n i u hue one cir to i ct our hou in oitkr ind if one his n feuoi mini ils iti ii nod time to turn them mt h u d e ish the new d irv herd inipi o merit pi 1 1 1 w i ilso dt ill with i tl c i ikei there i not ninth it littd hit l miiimint inn do i bo nt i ice however we ill cm do something to maintnn our mar j m f profit b redut mil the tost f j ii duction it is the belief of hi dtpirtment tint artificial in i nun ilu n in its nre a good way to improve the quality of our cat tle ind thjs iiw policy provides 1 1 method for nie isurinj the ability of ttaii hters in comp irison w ith their mothers uwts pointed out th it pure bied dairy men have a polity in record of perform nee work however 7 percent of our t ittle in ontario ire pridi intl the time i- ion j past when we should be doing something about climmatini ome of the boarders from our herds i our re idtrs t in secure i copy of the policy fiom the agricultur tl office milton in concluyion we have no hesl t ition in suitinl th it ontario s live stock commission r pre sen ted the most comprt hensive ind illuminatinl iddrew heard in m in a tl ij tea scts assorted games dolls trucks cars mens toilet sets ladies toilet scts tags seals christmas cards at 89c to 169 25c to 100 169 to 698 89c to 225 59c 29c to 110 25c to 140 ribbons readys 5c to 100 store m 1n streei store open every evening george i own starting friday izeme t zviiitetut uttwtii kzettcit trccucwkticicwmca i jl3lasijll55 3sij5 313i3 2 3 s3j sl 51xss 3 ccm kiddy cars 55 tricycles 9 coboots and skates c jmfcngure skates hockey equdpauat 750 and 100 baby sleighs hockey sticks toboggans hand sleighs complete line of j skis ski poles and ski accessories practical gifts carving sets 450 1150 1675 de luxe bread knife 175 presto cookers 1395 to 2995 cory coitec makers 495 up pyrcx girrs or all kinds 4150 childrens autos 750 1895 doll strollers 350 a good assortment of dolls sunshine pedal trike 830 1550 to 2350 ditston wood turning chisels 1975 stanley rabbrt plane 575 stanley butt gauge 370 stanley bitt braces 235 400 775 see our complete line of tools singer sewing machines electric portables cabinets and treadle for information write box h herald 975 up 1850 up jmusalarm cle radios 4950 1 remington electric razors 1995 2395 2695 electric heating pads 695 795 895 electric toasters 395 up electric irons 495 to 1775 baby bottle warmer sets 495 bed lamps table lamps floor lamps barragers cleaners a dyers free pickup dlivrjr westeyu street phone 233j say lt with flowers for xmas a gift of any of the flowers or plants listed below will be greatly appreciated by anyone on your list and reasonably priced too potted plants cyclamen begonias poinsettias jt rusalt m cherries ferns mixed pans cut tlowers spray mums mums carnations roses daffodils tulips snapdragons plants on display at our greenhouse at the corner of albert and murdock sts place your orders early rosedale floral b phone 283j we deliver aalt richardsons hardware main si ree i phone 25 e p head optometrist and manlfactuhinq optician hattbkiks for hkaltrng aids eves ixaimunkd sciivnficatlly b8 nt gi oiigus squark guelph etubllsith 20 yiurt wwi tyt center t teetf mj flfl c i n y r a i northern 3 pdw kuuld ckomurtov decorated wom4 d wwl how and a lom sm viut ihe nw vlt popular nw renclezvoui te smmui wf rvluh pk lliei you wlcomtd har in you n tan j 57 th

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