Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 15, 1948, p. 2

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the georretown herald wednesday dec 15th i94tt 1 page 10 along the boards 1 with wheldon emmerson tlu winiu rs of this pre ent -cho- dulc 11 irophy that should be mi ki d upon by wnuici md loser aiikt as an emblem of true sports- tu at hip iukvtiunjo in nsnti on to him ir it v a l h it m ui sit up i ul humeri sll tt au towiib like ours through out the dominion hive their home town heroc person or person in pirticular that htind out to bo remembered down through the year rejnrdlc- n to whether its hockey in cball or football may be their home town stand out docnt rue to the pro ranks of hockey nor to baseball s hall of fame but thty imbed themselves in the memorj of sportb fan and years ind cars later old timers still will be ircussirig the merits of such stars in tliat particular field of tort where the played gcorfctown isn t n bit different hi in the it t of the t little town goini back into the iccoids we could mme quite i feu who i ain ed piumintnce in locnl spoitinj cncles but of ill iho c n imos tint praduilly slip from mcmor one m paiticulir will not be fori utten for a lone loni time to tome sheeny tost we don t know ex tl uiku oi who icked tin mcl n ime of sheens but it tut 1 d n i the n inil shtci o m in i i 1 1 t v tc m take notice theie wen- mi nt when tin rose to thin he to pi 1 ml hu bnlh nit tickl u dime i 1 i ni lk mi sk itint slu nc pined with e ci t unt t f i mci lu bod o ls id lit loc i tiie game whin w i i hil in i in 1 h shtc i i v i ut hi i i m u and w i iii f tl c fu t li enlist with tin hi il ii u ult i i in t in i intm tht n wnii 111 n h geoilttowi till itid i tl mi it w i i 1 in it t i mi ii not onlv i i pi ii i bu i ti zen i buiil i i id the rich nil or s i i ml dewhui t ind joe h ill pi lynil w itli shccncy in his 1 itei cirs weie theie but that i imili n f if urc with the crooked nose md weunnj kli l i hotkc pints wis missini f i om the lineup th it hid ciincd his mme for e ii his urn w i ipi i u mi in motht i lie up now tht rni it w isn t lone until the army rcihtd th it otormt uns star 1 1 iei w is d i it idti o it w i th it iluhli t tost 10 t to the nnk of it w is oftt n u outlet cd tilth if shctnc still dc iluu nt with hi to hi could t ikt i ji ut md i t tould t nil tin m is wi ii wtu it ui st ir t uini slits me noi it enjo lblt on 1 hitter menu i it ct oi m town iloni with hundit is of i tlu i little li wn it coved both it w is i lumuj d iy wht n the iuws w i 1 1 it ied hert the oltl timet who hid lied with htm wilt hick ovci the eus inti told of his d ishu t canti 1 vtiv the oui j who mir le illy urew him but felt tht knew him were addened and now a few ye u i itei tht shtent v lost mem on d tinptn i is been in ui uiatcd in rtmtmbi mte of 1 j rt it hoektv pi lyei nul i fine fellow this ti oph will he pit ented to canadian national lxiua 1kajln swvicfc christmasnew years who wu the joktir wlu phoiu d my motnerin law ut mid hvt not lonii ajo seeking the identity of spcudy i don t mind uni sort of nonscntv f fellows but uut it ctiily on toy mother m lavy thhiili ire hard enough u it is motherin 1w ju t don t seem to lindei t md couldn t help wut i in lie the otbi night when vie rurahy acton a foremost mortician ycnt da hitvw- utroba the lee vhilst mike coxc of the lihntri lay prostrate 1 on the ice buffering from an in jury vie me ml well ut lilart but tor a minute i thought he was try inc to bed ii irold mlciuic to the punch kenny nash was voted c ipl nn i 1 the team the other niyht at a pi lyers meeting before the fume not only is ken a popul ir choice of the plajcib but alio of the fan after gcorjctown defeated ouk- v ille inst thursdij thought we would ha iij iround and watch weston and acton tannic weston re illy poujetf it on md trimmed the tinners 7 2 who was the hockc plmi who fell usleep the othei niyht after i mippci ind didn t wul e up until five minute before i uni tune i he i lection c imp ujm must hie been tou much u i vou kenn v whit loc il difeuilni in wnis a i it it hip on lit it nice floor is well i on t i ice ctimj ir i littk esli i put ti h si t ui il e ud i t lei 1 i i tl ii i ltwll ii out i f in 1 i ii u hi k 1 1 ti i j ii it we t mi l ii k i 1 i l i i th u t i 111 i 11 i mi m ii k id ib it i m i i i i n i n ft i tl l a i i i i t pi i i hu lc hi oh i i now he i liule t i i il 11 i in ii i el i i i u 11 t l t l k 1 11 bl uu lit l who l uld th a in u 1 ji 1 me i lell i t ouiicwi i 1 i n i i nn hi wi i nn i n hockc and so shy in v sci int in hi ike carriqd hi tlie f ret ii u h h hjl lh i j el w ilktd uji to i l il mil the inei i i i i i t tl toi i ki she in i icth ttel 1 ipj e i his facl 1 he i t st d i uu in i i ui wi ndi i inf wi lie w uld i k tui i qi in ii of i li am tr ph in 1 ii ir l md i i cd i j u ilw i i k ti ii ll kii 1 f i ills sine i uu it l i 11 i et i n m iwful lot i f 1 ips id ui hctl ii i e but i m t in iw i i loi i 1 l sc tot comments on the lesson ij l j hn m sinilh i rida nriimbin ji ii i v toronto union stn 1 10 p in iai kdalt i iii p in west toi tmli l in p in weston 1 30 p in brompu n j p m georgetown 1 p in guclph 1 00 l ill klttlu ni r i to pm ar slnitford 1 ir ii m tt murv a l 4 1 l 111 ar i ondon jo p in sre tlmr luliles iir tlmrs at intermediate toliit uv rononto union stn 1 l p m tuniiydldt 1 25 pm ar hamilton 2 10 p n lv hnmlhiin 1 18 p m itruntford i 54 p ni woodbtoi k 325 pm ar london 4 00 pm consult akniitii for complete kll infomutlou ouibthall national sl now ui i mill it 1 i 001 m us in mil b1ui i i t u ifftt f n behol i i bi mi ou i i od tiuiiic of 1 1 it j u n sb ill bt to ill people 1 ul i 10 llu inn ul select u ul ti d i s lesi ii i no d nibt nnonj l i best kn iwn ii es of sei ip aire 1 his f mnli ii ity u ises out ol the settuil in the clu istmas i in ind its uinounccment of out tidings tif i rcat joy men u ulway i n tc rented m yood ntws t peci ill if that news is ic it v ml to their life uhtt expeuenee i o those men who h ive been i ippcd in sinful practices and i iv l been living at discord witii i tin clvi tneir fellnwmcn and t d it is indeed ood news to know that theie n u way to peace ntl h ippine i he hlhlc brinfi this mesiike ut cod new to man kind its p i es cont nn ctotl s in swci to man s need and tells the tor of mail un itisfied earch fm god beinj met by divine elf level itmn vvhlch icaclied its eul ininition in the first christina j il i this i ood i ews that is foretold ind foie shadowed in the god i ei it ui e of the hebrew people a recorded hi the oltl testament l is this ood new i that formj tne vei y core of the new iestu merit tlu whole bible the rev foi t centre i uround jeau i whose t oinl nj we celebrate at thitt christ ma ui ou lor lie is the good i1cwh lhe itlblkul uaslu luko 2 1 h out leison puiuuue today tells the utory of uic blr4h of the christ child u utory much roud much prultied in uonu and oft re i muted lu relitflous iliumu so much ho that it bus become the possession of moat of oui cunu dlun people- it is a simple story bring your shopping list here and we ul help you cross off every name just tell us whom the gift is for and wetjl give you dozens of suggestions its as simple as that because we have everything youll want j4w toiletries bachelor sets searorth sets yardley seis 125 to 375 150 to 1050 185 to 750 also langlois lavender palmolive mennen old spice pinaud woodbury gardenia and lakeland sets from 89c to 375 smokers supplies pipcs tobaccos cigarette and pipe cigars 6 s 10 s 25s 50 s ronson i ighters 100 to 6 50 90c to 386 50c to 875 6 50 to 14 00 miscell aneous nitm leainrr t ses blf i i o ds vvick s lection mil ii r ii mr brlsiirs i u bnstk tm n wd pi ii si lb sli inc brlshi s n i i utv r ors schick p k rd mi r s pi pg c rds g 50 to 20 00 75c to 750 it backs nylon 3 25 to 40 00 75c to 5 00 r minton and 3 47 o 20 88 55c to 12 50 miscellaneous ba i h powders bath oils bath sams i ano soaps i wnmt in i ucii n i long yardky si larrrrr itn and pi ncil sets dressier si is comp cts cut ex wd ri ios sr rs fin afaf h ming pads i abi l i igh 1 1 rs sia1iorr bills ropi lying rds bmii spr 695 795 and 850 johnson s babv se1s also mennen s and cuticura buc j za baby s own sl 1 s baby bol lle warmers snow hibijs 1imn books ci 1ildrln s liooks eif c zxv z c z et cccii c i iris i mas i ri r ornamln i s chris i mas cards lights bells metallic balls rope tinsel icicle boxes 29c to 100 individual cards 2 for 5c to 50c in drugs if its rexall its right 3 robbs drug store phone 76 main street adrienne sets 100 to 1150 yardley sets 185 to 1000 evening in paris sets 135 to 1250 also dorothy gray gardenia mais qui demeys three secrets ponds woodbury richard hudnut and cashmere bouquet sets from 100 to 1000 perfumes and colognes h a wide selection including yardley renaud lone shulton de raymond lucien lelong dumauner and palmer from 40c to 700 1 00 to 150 50c to 300 69c to 250 ans tavlor adrienne 45c to 150 875 2650 7 50 to 2500 2 25 to 875 79c to 8 50 r c ceicriv 65c 295 100 200 icicles baby bol lle warmers 2 75 495 55c 12 50 cup pi ate spoon silver plated 495 1 25 baby hair brush and comb 1 00 225 animai soaps 25c to 100 bb harness 1 25 bair i lo r wa i lr bo ltles 89c tnc c ict v ccs tcew dkc beautlfullv told tint it his betii endemed to the ue irli of younic and old one cannot purii phra e it with the hope of eluclda tion but cm only atrci its sly nificimce for the people of every lie gods e1 c it redemptive love is known to jinn throuj h the biby jcsuj born in a lowly st ible and ttndcrl tenrlel by j entle mry and joseph the ctiipenter on the fust chi tstmus no wonder mj els sanjj md shephei ds 1 1 joieel und wise men travelled fiom ufar to look upon tin child fot truly the uviom of men w is born shep he id rejoiced foi truly the sav lout of men wj boin and the tfood new could not be withheld i he application the ood newj of the llible in for all imjopic it iu for ua lut uu accept ith mektaae in faith und confidence ever being conaelouu th it even hood newa la wortlileiui if it in only heard and not heeded it la tremehdouitly important that we who bcllcvt thut god came down to men in the first chrlut miii and through the life death and icaurrectlon of jeaua chrlut levealtd hia ledemptlve will und puipojl dlueover the slunifleuuee of thut belief in oui daily living havnil done that then we hall be firmly convinced that the iltble contains work lble jood news and ue sh ill procluim those yood tid mi in whatsoever way we cm tbe ood news will be ihvc in lib and 1 we like the shephtitls ind wise men of the nativity stoiy sh ill uo on om way tdl with in my myj lei les unsolved but with ie j or inn in oui he ii ts let u eelebiate cluistuii till i ii ktcplnji in mind that the sea son is in comme monition of the cominj of the j ood newa and the s ivmui let uj mulct om christ ma i truly christion helpful quotations the piomiic of u buvtoiu is no loncer prophecv but hltory f if the spectators of tho- cradle could not be mlcnt how impossible it oufjht to be for the witnc cj of the croftstdr lock their lips liu alnglnu music of that unuel ehunt has died awuy but its prom- ihe ubldeu christ h work la to briny peuca into ull human iclutloushlps thoso with god with men with ctrcum- tanee und to tulm the discords of aoul i ut wur lth thomatlvoa glvlnu of one a time und of one a belf is the true spirit of clirlhtmuh iiuclfstugc ut buckmifhum theu icrjurt befor curtain tlmo the cameraman hnnppcd budd knapp left beth iiockcrble uind john drolnle uh they ulanccd over thult scripts and ehotted about the tfiow this populai uetinu trio is heard often on curtain time evury wed ncbduy ut 0 10 p m on dominion und in numerous other radio dru- nuiy hiich ua staue 40 und cbc wedne day nijiht proarama bud knapp i pcrluipj best known for hlu role of tho father in tho john und judy merles beth lockerbl is director of the juvenile dram department ut the academy at hudlo arts toronto john dralul in addition to actlntf writes radio pluva in collaboration with hi wife the uctreas claire murray community xmas tree saturday dec 18

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