Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 15, 1948, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wednesday dec i 5th 1 948 the georgetown herald page 14 metwinu tfca oommtmttua of georgetown glen williams noswal limehousk hornby stewakttown ashgrove ba1xinafao terra cotta fiabacripuou kau s2s0 a year slncla copiaa c advertising hates quotad on application walter c weun publisher and editor saxfiald l mcgjivray staff lealia m clark harold dayiaon ccrey hprrinton jr xk herald la printed each wednesday afternoon at tie office on m st georgetown authorized as second elaomall ioat office dap- ottawa meniere of the canadian weekly nawapapera association aad the oniario quebec division of the gwna th editors corner pot pourri about time for our annual veview of business changes on main street and there his been the usual quota since our article a year ago now it will appear in a succeeding edition j though christmas shopping is in full swing it doesnt stem the same without a snowfall to give everyone a christmas feel ing local stores incidentally have outdone themselves in stocking attractive holiday merchandise and the lines of toys are fuller than we have seen since before the war mervyn cook who barbered with e r magloughlen before joining the army has taken up the trade again and is operating the shop at hutchs smoke shop bob murray has moved farther up the street and is now barbering with jack williamson in his barber shop with heavy mail at the post office from now till the end of the year distribution of heralds to those who order them by mail is sometimes not so speedy we shall be pleased to hold any subscribers paper at the office for pickup if so desired it was with re gret that many citizens learned that reeve alex mac- laren would not be a candidate for office this year as reeve for the past two years he has given good service in his position and will be missed from his accustomed seat around the council table with christmas coming this year on saturday in georgetown boking day will be observed on the following monday as a holiday for the merchants it is pleasant news to report that fred freestone injured seriously in an accident with an air hese in 1 oronto has made some progress to recovery i ie is nqt out of danger yet and faces another operation in a few months but doctors have been well pleased with his condition and he has been able to get out of bed for a short time each day a prank which had such serious consequences for the above young man should serve as a grim warning that such apparatus is not to be fooled with and it is to be hoped that no one in town using such equipment will be tempted to play jokes orf fellow workers santa is coming again ab hab been customary for the past several years santa claus will come to georgetown on saturday december 18th the big event is planned for three oclock at the corner of mill and man streets and this year he will distribute bags of candy end oranges to all the children from georgetown and the surrounding district wfio are on hand that afternoon all children in the district are welcome and the lions are providing santa with enough bags ol goodies that no one will be missed to help defray coato of santas trip the usual lucky draw tickets arc being sold by club members the lions christmas draw is recognized as one of the best with two dozen prizes of chickens geese and tur keys and a grand prize of a doll dressed in ten 100 bills everyone is urged to help make the draw as suc cessful as possible by buying tickets for this worth while cause whats your beef tpr bruce collins of camp borden in contribut ing his beef to this column says it is annoying to see the improper etiquette being used for flags which are flown in georgetown he points out that flags should be raised and lowered at the proper times and not allowed to fly day and night it is also proper to choose a suitable flog for weather conditions he adds and while large flags are fine for good weather they should be replaced by smaller flags on stormy windy days because large flags have been allowed to fly in the wind many of those on buildings in town have become tattered and discoloured the subject of a new flag for canada often comes up in the news why should people debate on colours and design etc for a new flag when they cant take care of the flag they now use jsantj s hunnetr guest speaker miss sybil bennett kc bramp ton was guest speaker at u niout- tntf of the progressive conserva tive central auxiliary association id toronto recently and in her re- bjuks she stressed ulncore work lor the luurty 11 uiey ever wuhed fe attain auccess at the polls what lmvo we done for the mlngtaastiii conservative imirty to it appreciated in this u- oaked her audience ud opportunity i have boon won form of govern- i ra thaluiablood housewifes sense hy e m parkinson ashgrove odat405060r man youre crazy i vmf wl hqumu4kmpiprmh try w wlut 0u umwllmlwwtu iwl tilu tor imi ythinaw ftmiutf tab s wfw l uilualniatt klm ajtf m rw ssl eyes examined o t walker optometrist b main st n urawlob hm m at georgetown office over bell telephone office the aaeond wadnesday aftanooa iii of each nosrie ram tw i nph lime jiccount win well worth liolny uftor mr llopl yii tool wry hopkirvi with him on tin trip a letter war sent uhi nd to tin lam office n thiit he- would hi exp et ed still tl re wa i ii dit appoint mtril im so worry that our buyoi mi porterield wi called nut of town the mcrotiry told in to hut mi nortel fit if retonicd your riirwt jwr iiuplmiibroke in dcufi tell nu itt hoichl ppili rfield it k miu iavulud ii wmt vi- m h home for tbnnei toiillit utiu i4mvc on art tervlni 1 iin yun know mr porterhelr j yi and no daci mr rop kinr iaiio i with me thats fine ill lit ou in p tcret uh woman snif nr por tcrfi id 11 n nnt family n inn a chatty cveninwith mr portcrf ind the jirls will just nbou cinch the sue he went back to his hotol und told mrs hopkini its a deiot cd family dear we miii be tactfully mattel ini and er voud better lot me handle it he lagcnud nervously after all you 1 housewife with houstwifts nese- lots of it a good thinp but- tr different from business sense quite aid mrs hophinb whod heard that jpnch p any times and at that jenny poj ei field and i u ill hav e lots in rnfi mon both houseuiven wait a minute mr hopiir was ntarinc did ynu say jen ly her name is lorna lornu mrs hopkins inolfcd astonished lorna ctrtnnl jtnnv aa ho s girl in nintlndle a lnl dark nirl she was lame lurjo vkis the till be tutiful blonde frton lilu city i tliej were pe rplt x d tin c not know which one was rnsj ji pen tt rfn ids wift tall blonde jouni irl m t tlicm at the- porte rfum door t nj mrs hopkins do come in wcr so sorry that mother had to see xui st off i he trains a little 1 ne and d iddy coming on it so mo1n e rs w aitinr wjien she disappc ire d to rijl he 1 sister j mr i hcjpkms whispi n wi re on 1 spot dtar weve ti to be care ful nonst nse mr hopkins laujhiri hi at t ill blonde k1 is surclv lorna s daughter suppose she introduces thn- or four little dark sisters she wont he was right she returned with three tall blonde young girls and mr hopkins gave mrs hopkirs h triumphant glance well gals ft said i must say you take nftei your beautiful mother in many ways mrs hoplttnt broke in hastily we know your father and mother when we werent much older than you are now oh do tell us about those dayi the tflrls begged you re the flrat old friends of moms and daddy 1 veve met did you have fun did we mr hopkinn nlghs parties picnics dance and let me tell you the stnr of those dances excuhp m d ar mrs hopkini broke in im so interested in that lovely picture come look at it dear it was a nice painting hung rath er hifi the top of the frame wan dusty mrs hopkins raised he r eye brows and moved on mr hopkins squirmed if she would only forget for one moment that she was a housewife as i was saying ht- began when we used to danc there was no one like now now dont boast denr mrs hopktno interrupted sec thi lovely vane en the mantel sh gave him n meaningful glnnce and her eyed dropped he flaw that thv top of the vnne was dusty sh turned and said sweetly are you real oldfash tonad home girls no i guess were not the old est admitted were all athletic and with school and everything were not very domestic was mom n home girl when shr wits young another asked mr hopkins was nervous as u cut lornn tall blonde lorna home girl yes indeed mrs hopkins said she wai held up as an example to all the other girls their moth ers always said if only you were clever about the house like little jenny the door bell rang arj one of the girls flew to admit mr find mrs porterfleld mom she said mra hopkins is the sweetost thing she soys you were wonderful when you were a girl and thnt all the mothers wanted their daughters to be just like you of course we knew it but its nice to hear it froiv someone else the porterflelds iloscoe and jen ny come in beaming the order was ull but signed whe mr and mrs hopkins left mr hop kins wiped his brow honey yo saved my life those blonde giru made me bo positive it was lorna how did you know it was jenny mrs hopkins patted his arm housewitv sense she said com ptuctmtly you see the low fund ture wui shining so 1 knew the high surfaces were dusty only be cause the riousewlfe couldnt see them she had to be the shxrt gal jenhyl the wms auxiliary mooting wan held on tuesdayj afternoon the 7th at ilie home of mrs hec tor bird with the president mrs prank husdell opening with hymn 02 itbll call was answered by a bible vurc beginning with letter y mrs w illrd with the assis tance of the president condm n veiy fine christmim devotional aid each setrotury givo the re port of hrf ciepai tment foi the pit year i ollowing ihls mru lcdie glffen lead the 1 late of hew office foi 1u4 which pi uj follow past cpres mri ivank hud dell prewidxiumw dkk 1st vki prchmi ijetu bud and vicv pie mr prank wuloii hecoichng i mn john neliboddy jrewuror mm frink wjlson community 1 lieijdthip mr v ruddell ump seic ty mis muri ay utlgdert christian steward hip and fin t ante mi s wilttr drownridgc lutiature mis wilfrid bird sujpl mr- ijciic g if fen mi ionary monthly and world t riend mrs bruce brigden associate hclpei mrs iriios giffen pianist mrs a j ituddell assistant mrs thos brown jidge auditors mrs h j graham and mrs prcd wripgles worth mis 1011 band leader mrs hee tor bird assistant band leader mrs 1 wilfrid bird biby band leadei mrs john h hunter the young people s union held their annual banquet in the base ment of the 1 hureh hist thursday t en 1 nj hit t i bits wtie decora te d with c hi is tm is pit 1 us and red candles thnt two persons sit clow n to a fine repast after which toasts we 1 1 drunk to the churth p sfkitt and the king litv 1 amsw 01 th 1 11st died the iku officios the pin st spe iker for the e eniiim hl john smith of georgetown united chinch j if a tr fine additss and muieal sel ettitiis bv nuiman lo ig wtit en joy td 1j the u ithtnng tile u nine ns institute held a ry successful d nee the 2hh of nocinbci in the new fscjuesing communin hall and realised the fine sum of the entire pro- tteds of whith went for christmas thcer fir needy children the thanks of all go to may s or ri and the committee mrs r hepburn mis r barnes and mrs w stringer who made the evening such a pleasant one i directory i dr jl burns milne xray denta1l surgeon i geoivetowit phba so frlwwnntmiiiitiuutwiiiitiujiihiiiiiiimuiiiiiiiiluitiiltimtijrt iuuwiuioautuiuoaimiiuiutimj iki iiutttnuiuiiaumuniy i dr cliffokd red t i uds j0ds u i u dentist i 1 pkon 410 opn eanlna s main stret gmfgatown 5anouuimiimiiumuiiiiiuihmiiiimmuiiiuiiiiuuitijm 4nuwtiiiiaiutitiiiuiuiimiiuiiiiiitiiiionidiiiiuiuihnuiituia4 i jetmifcr c tbotni9i j i instleance service 1 h hn anto r yrindatorm a r ftillway andalllad taamaalp n summer excursions b pluia 119w o- j gorrtown g iuuuaiimuiuiim4tiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiitfc itutuu4iiiomiiiiiiiiiinitiiujtiiiiuitiiiiiiiiiiujtiuiiiiiiiciiuiiutti p leroy dale kc g ml sybil bennett kc 1 i miu stnat 1 eurriater and sohcltora 1 i gaoryratown plume ib i ojuuuimtuumiuirjiiiiimiihouuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiitiudiiittiuiiii j luwitiiiiiiijuiuiiiiuuuimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiauiuiuiiuaiujitiiif j luigdon and aylswortfa 1 barruura and solultora i 2 nourie public i i 6 kaaiirti u laocdob p georetowu p uaclntyr aylaworth bjl s acton 5 first mortgage money g s to loan 6 oiiicul roxy thaatra r n bldr mil st pbona 88w gaoreatown coopar bide- i phooa 216w acton a uiuiuiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiqiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiic clmit u iiiniimnniict i liiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiijtiiininitoiiiiiiiiii q frank petch 1 3 licensed auctioneek j proaapc servle phone 301 gort6wa 3 p o bos 418 9iuiitiiiudiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiinhiuiniiuio canadian pro inces maintain six residential school- where some 500 pupils w ho are totally or partially blind learn braille take part in regular school classes and learn trades v monuments 1 daaaaatle aad fa i graaltaa beat aandbhut aqaliimant i far ccmatars lattarin oraivuu mhubhi wata 1 orantrevillc ont 1 nielsen the oiiroprmctar dvfaalaaa iwnbl tk yaax of praetlaa ldy atandaa mpn tnaa ivu s- ww wad su i aad 8- cb ovar dominion 8tor g gaorwtorn phoaa low uiluiiiixiitiiiuuildiiiiiilwutumiiiiitmouimuiuacjua iiuiiuuiiiauiiiiiuifnitiuiiuiurmimiiirjwiiiuinrjmana i lever nd hoskin ckartaraj a b saecaaaora w i jenkins ancf hardy 1 1806 matronolltan bid l- victoria st toronto 1 el b181 ol uiumjaenuiummaillllltiijuomfaliullau ll consult j a willoughby sons for complete real estate service head office toronto 166 yonca st ad 004 city aud caty haaaaa vmrmt aaj ssau aaroasaa ladiubrlal aiad tom hewson u your local re pr tatty phone ist o iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliniliiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiimiiiim louinnmoiimijiiurowiuiniinititihinurjib radio repairing we specialize m this work 16 yaara ea j sanfordson muiiiiitianiifiuniiniuiiikiiiiaiiiuiiiiiiiamii muiiiiiuiiiumijiujiiuiiimiiuiirjiiiiiiiiiiun monuments i pollock campbell i 62 watr ek nortk 3 x g a l t 4 daalnu on raqtuat 1 hiona 2048 impact our work ia gnanwood camatary tuiumininiiiumioimiiiuiuaiiiiuiiiiiiotijiiiiiiiimmiiihaam north star becomes santas sleigh yv- y y i a tramcanada air lines north star became santas sleigh recently when it left toronto for vancouver with a 1 100pound aircargo ship ment of dolli both large and small on board pandas 42 inches high teddy bears dolls who bubbled and burped dolls with ballerina skirts and sleeping eyes in fact all shapes and sizes were represented in tins first air shipment for the lvm8 christmas trade the toronto annex to suntaa workshop exports dolls all over the world and finds that children are fussy natives in south africa prefer white dolls and south americans will not buy signorina dolls the picture at bottom right shows little sliarron norman rather reluc tantly handing a giant panda bear to tca stewardesi terry oneill while centre sliarron as one of santas unofficial helpers is seen riding on the mechanical loader with the packages just to make sure the dolls are comfortable for their firit mont inset t6p left shows jo- koak tca passenger agent playing mania to the little ones on their arrivsl st vancouver x-

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