Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 22, 1948, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wednesday dec 22r 1 948 lllllllhllllmailllmlmlmlmjlmilililiiaiajmlmimlilil i t to the citizens of halton a merry ci iris i mas and a happy and prosperous new year stanley l hall mpjp4 prechristmas store hours in accordance with bylaw no 427 town or georgetown the tollowing store hours are eitective from december 15th to december 24th inclusive all stores are permitted to stay open until 10pm every day including thursday georgetown board of trade retail division bill humphrey wins lucky lions doll bill humphtey of georgetown holding ticket numb r sb 15 was the lucky winner on saturduy of ho doll dicicd in ten one doljur bills offtjed n the kiund pile in lie umual di iw which accompiln les tlu viut of smta llilui under spdnscu hip of georgetown i ion i s mt i iiilvcd promptly at thtee 0 clock and the parade this year was out of the best yet it featured olty stipiclony tlow hand aom- posed of sortie of the local lorne scot- in costume j he band prcee ded sunt t to the main comers mid kept the crowd avymscd while somi 000 b nis pf cuiidy nutj otid irflnlt wore dhtrhtcci to tw childrt n i from town nu dlhtrict who weie incre in large number j lion phif j k lambert made a briof jccch prior tq the r tluihkhtj the public for their eeri eiou ujporl in helping to make the event ucce sfiil by pin chl nni di aw 1 1 elect i he w nine i b of poultry weie i urlteys 1202 mr i- mcdihii ill j200 ci tic nee andci son tcm cott i eese 1701 busnii whitnuc f70 ch nl ij lc 1 hirkrus 21ll l illicit i ib mi don ithur str tlmi ktik uuilliil t n di mmiit n it in thtl it vlw malott luc j l milken knw iiik ii hoi ok huistlvfas hikvicktt 27 512- ii mil lint i di mi i li i kin i mini ill 1 i hindu st i wo in piling and wt attended chrntma ei v ices were held at knox picshytci ijui church on sun d iy 04 eembcr 10th at the morning servict the mln ilter hcv alox colder chose ob his text luke chapter 2 vctms 7 and shi brought forui heir first born on and wrapped him w swaddling clothos and laid him in i mdngur because there was no- room for them in thjj inn he stres- ed how the glitter uivd splendour til giving nd receiving of gifts 4vei shadows the gift of gods son boi n in the manger in bethlehem there i question mark hoveling at dund christmas and wc wonder at the moaning of k all god may seem like torrieono remote but i lthci we iihould look unto btthlc hem whore he hus revealed him- elf in the birth of christ the sav iour of tile woild mi kithcltcn ihompon aj oloi t ang alleluia from ex- ultt mu nnd the choir under the u iclcubip of mr kenneth harri on sing two inthinr- chri tiniu v ike ind the i irst christina mom with mjses huth dovh nnd it in beckett t ikinj solo parts in the eveniiij i chord scrwee u ith tlu senior nnd junior choiri nili tin able it idcr hip of the i ii un t ind choir it ider mr kcniuth hun on wis held the l hi ist i i toij u i u 11 cle ictcd i the i inni ind oloi ts the in u i m sum weie glorious is rhy mu hi h id i dune u c od tit s il t t ikuu l u t vcrc i 1 i 1 1 i ii i tin n page4 miliiiiikkkkkkhliiik n llllll m n i it 1 1 ou vi s hooi mi ill 1 si i 1 1 i 1 m t m i 1 lots for sale restricted residential area 6 lots on maple avenue between charles and market 6 lots on charles street 6 bis on market street charles and market streets are being projected across maple ave whole area retrtcted enquire from your real estate agent or from s w orr acreage on river also available i i ttll i i i r r n a i l i u it i i i ff mi i m ik i i i i ill in t 1 f hit i i i h i h i i i ii i iii hiiii ti i ii n n u u 1 1 i ii in i i in i i 1 i nlklll it si itl 11 ii i ill villi luspi 1 i 1 i i jill i i i 111 pit llltcct i v ii i ii iii t miinlli of th i mum il i i cluiii u in h u i i ii i tht ill i ilion of t t ilid 1 mi it tl ttht r miss m in ii if in i imlikll i slknt nil lit urn i v i itiulili ti it tlic 1 1 1 1 lit i i it i it i solo by uoui i is i- 1 hbuui tm ducts o i ittl touii ol hilliltliim uitt i lfiud tin ht it in chilstnia dii b d iil si don ind jull in held md t nols siinj by tht whole si hool tin i nun j ills lucscntcd i st ii dill ind tht senior boys i t mu butkm nils drill six i mil mllkm ml mil riirn khh s inn is uiiludid in tile i ir iir un i inglu granthaw 1 wedding at st georges ii i hi 1 m u i i i it i 1 ii i 1 nl ml i w i hi i i t i kill iii il ji in ihmhwmhuhi gall joe the man you know for eavestroughing hot wat er hca i ing and st eam fittings new idea turnaces georgetown plumbing heating s back of hunter inn 2 joe prucyk mm 192m georgetown stores are open till 10 this week for last minute shopping on satin d iy dietmlxi llltli at 1 pin st itiip s chuich of ngl ind w ib tin stem of tlu wed ding of muiioii dm is ciruiuiluiw daughtei of mi 111 i mi sidney oianahiw foinnil of ii tend surre lni1 ind who ai e now iiukiiu tht ir ii nif hi tin len koad uud oi ilon lot lit of cilcit williams aldi u imi w ihompsiu 1 1 rfoi mi d tin mt mon 1 in biidi v 1 it t nclt il h hei hlstt 1 mi it iy ii 11 low and tht wen umlljily ditsiid in whitt jijik with ill ei seulns and tiilvcr hi aid turn hikunbei i y huts ft at hi r ti imnii d u th ah 01 1 v 11m and iiethujile of lotanbeiiy md whitt i in 1 1 idi wnit a i or iug u ted 1 osi s and uhitt t hi y sunt he mums und hi i slsti i i coruage was nf ltd and whitt t hi yum tin mums mi ink ini lis yns ht t mun i ollowfng tin kiimoity a riiip hon was hi id at the homt of mr nnd mi j hay llailow on their m tin n f 1 mu a wt i du ij trip the onpli vi ill 1 1111 qu mi si 1 1 et ol 1 t wii iu m iiiiws nn on month ataiit 1 1 iuy hus twin struck the ikmiu of mi ind mis ad un kay httntlv in ottiiliu mra kays in phew i u mdcie of ntniiiltoii wis 0111 of tlu killed lni tt i libit nihil nl in ioionto wm n a hus e 11 lyliu a load of highland infiinliy aiul tlu ii wive i hoofe from u paity collided with a utieet cai a month later another neph cw leonard mckic ulun of ilum- ilton tiled auddtnly f i om u cere hi a hcmoi rhagt dii two men wcie cousin if you drive nem a school on the way home from work kep your eyes peeled for children pi hy ing mtortti days and longer nighu mean that you cannot see the little folk us well as you could before so low down und give them chance to see you in time to avoid accident u from the management and staff of b f murfin sheet metal works 1 nihinilliing t urnacc ork plumbing i leatml air conditioning eavcstroughmg john striil georgetown ijc icc j333 i i 1 f i in prodlb il son till ii 11 1 1 f ii i i tl 1 1 i i 1 111 tun i a 1 t 111 t it tin 1 tin 11 t f tin i 1 ii i s 1 lit 1 1 1 l mi urn m t till but till i i i 1 f ill i ill notice to creditors 111 1 he i- stair of percy hurst late of the village nf lime house in the i ounty of llaltoiu dentlr m m deceased r te uditors of perc hurst hitt of the vimace of lime house 11 the county if 11 tit tin den tie in in detctstd who died on or lhout the wt 1 di of ottober 11411 ind ill others ha im claims ii linst his e tl te nre heieby notl fit d to send h post prepaid or othei w isc to ilellver to messrs i antfdon ami aylswortli georye town ontario solicitors for the nndci sij iu d adminlstintor of the r sttiti of the said pcrc hurst cicntlemin deeciucd on 01 before tin iind elay of janunr hmo then names nttdicbses d esc r lit tle iw and full particulars of their i i inns nul the nature of the tec unties if an held by them and that inmu d intel after the twent st t nnd day of january 140 the adminlsti atttr uill proceed to dls tributi the estate of tht said dt teaw d iimoimst tht partit s t n titled tin 1 1 tti liavlm rt unrtl nnl of the i laims of whl h tht adinlnlstrat- 01 shall tht 11 have notite datt d this r tiay of december 10411 alt xiindt 1 i held administrator h i iinifiin and aylsworth hli solicitor t orueloun ont 12 22 notice to creditors lii the ltilate of leorke wheatley lute of he village of nor vol in the county of halton retired i miner deceased i he credlloih of georue wheat- it lau of the vlllaffc of norvul in the county of halton retired 1 ai nit r dett astt who died on or about tin 2nd day of october i ittl ami all othtrti huvlntf claims ajfnlust his e t ite ait hereby notl fit d to send b post prepaid or itluiui t to ttllvtr to messrs 1 anudon and ayl iwoi th gooruc town ontailo solicitors for the iindt isluuetl atmlnlstrator of the putute of the mild gcorjrc wheat it y httiied nnier decoased on ir before the 22n6 day of january 11 iu tht ir numeu addrcsies des- tiiptlon and full particulars of their clulms and the nature of tho iiniltieu h uny hold by them and that immediately after tho twenty h cmid day of january 1141 the administrator will pro ceed to distribute the i elate of the said deceased amonust the parties c ntitlid thereto having reurd only to the clulms of which the adminlsti utor idall then have not ice dalfed this 5th day of decern- bei hmd william eore wheutley admlnstrutor hy langdon and aylffvortli his solicitor ocorgctown out 1221 iii best wishes 1 i itr sound of tin christmas nrol- striki i ii ipp i od in our hiart aid homt is our christmas msh tor our tnends in georgetown webbs bakery y v v v v b v imlmicvicilvisvictcwicmicvlkliloclilciwwiclilcljiilivlkhyiitoh mam street phor jo tlhwwilltliwiyiivwkhwvvufcvvliwlfchlviliivllivllililmilil jj w wish y ou one nnd v v nil the beat and happiest 5 christmas ever v v v thompsons poultry farm and hatchery ceorhetown i elephone 48r i s fwumwx44llxwwiwll0wiukwxkiwtlcvuww for 1hl best in chesterfieldre uph0lsterikg f none 310 phoenix hous mfal jack sudermann of jolut dick nd son we dadab uaw muiul ftualtun be quick 7day service phone dick i pt payment unnid u dadrad on rupooutoin and uaw rh t up w 11 moauu to pv j r i7ji l

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