Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 9, 1949, p. 7

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commmite on the us what council did margaret obrteo t rwlgnantf sequence of her latest 6 starring picture tenth avenue angel headline attraction at thcrojty theatre this wock story of a tiny ulrl who bring hoppinciu to n depressed- tenement community the now hit also features angela lanabury george murphy and phyllis tluwcter daughters ptjvn sakty poe jgmuls- cuom plana for entertaining the junior girls choir at a party in the church basement were dificutej when the daunhters of the church met in st georfies clubrooms on mon day february 7th mrs harold han cox is convener of the party- miss marjorle gault distributed print for making aprons and chil drens dresses for the next bazaar- the club was invited by mrs fred mcnally to a social evening at her home later in the month county fox bounty a bounty of t a head on foxes was eslabllslied yesterday by coun ty council the animals have ben causing increasing damage in hal- ton lately by rv- john m- smith scnliay february 13 jesus faces opposition in last weeks lessop wo studied ttomuthing of the ministry of jesus this week we sec how the phari sees and scribed misunderstood and misconstrued his ministry and consequently raised a barrier o opposition when wejvcallzo that josus was intent tupon doing gods will and carrying out a mhudon based on lov of god love of man and a r desire to case- the pain of broken bodies minds- and spir its we wonder that men of wct distinction iu the bcrlbeft phari sees and jlcrodians would prove hindrance such was the case however and so great was the op position and so did it grow that by scheming trickery and trench cry jesuii cm into terralnatrd has ministry bysccurlhii hi death the hearts that should havo rcceiod the messiaji ahd his ministry with joy and gladness were filled with envy selfishness bride and prejudice thot instead y seetiig the long awaited one gods anoin- ted uiey saw a throat to the ik own security and acted according ly they evidently were unaware of the spirit of some advice vhlch was to be later written by st- paul be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with jcood rom 12 21 the biblical baos st mark 2311 lfl 17 31g here we have some verses relat ing the typical grounds upon which his enemies based their opposition continued from page 1 mccumbcr mr walters is here perhaps ho could explain clar ence wallers mrs- gambles son-in- law had appeured at council last year to ask that something be done about uic drainage f gibbons we have discussed this on yevehfl occasions if the foreman doesnt see fit to do this work and if mr walters thinks there is a claim he should collect in the courts we cant pay out money in this way mccumbcr i dont think he is overcharging at boc an hour jlf the town men havent tin time ve couldnt get any cheaper job gibbons the foreman didnt say he didnt hove the tlme trhe nraount of the chargelent in quca iw i r davldwjn t dgree- with the mayor council gave no pormis- johto proceed payment of this bill would establish a precedent mcciftnbcr the rord garcfge- is in the bame position gibbons iets stick bo tliis caae tj etc may b jdtuttbnsover which wdhavc no control we can not pay bills like u paused a grant of 25 to the salvation army movcdnfcy davidson and herbert reeve armstrong said that while he was casting no reflections on the salvation army as a worthy in stitution council had to keep in mind that if a reasonable lax rate was to be act council must watch grants cr davidson said that this way the most worthy of all and hould be passed ahead of any it seems to me g3sq george tow n wednesday thursday a picture no one should miss tfouiuc it itotritttut vttml mom 1imifvimo dick powell hasso jf tort j ums awn vusia swuii iwi usai uj llnimit tlimf kims haylia iu ml nuat li hi ui im bidj h keil sici t sictti iucwui hjijuil taou hium 111 uuu im3 f a m friday saturday matinee saturday 2 pm kids stage show matinee only monday tuesday wau a lot in what the reeve hod said and council would have to be careful in making grants m appointed charles chaplin as caretaker of the municipal build ing at a salary of 50 a month moved by lyons and mcnally took no action on a letter from william braisby saying he had three trucks available and was pre pared to collect garbage at a yearly fee of 2950 mayor gibbons yad that if a change was contemplated it would be proper to call for ten ders lor the job filed a letter from halton music festival association asking for a donation for the music festival mayor gibbons said that he felt money spent on road maintenance which amounted to 7000 a year was largely wasted and that he favpured a road building program financed by a debenture issue- all members agreed that the proposal was worth looking into and the mayor koad chairman mcnally and finance chairman armstrong will interview the dcpt of muni cipal affairs about it cr herbert asked what would become of the property of george town recreational council the mayor said that this would become tile property of the corporation resignations were expected from the former grc and it was expec ted that in the near future i eiom- incmtaiicn would be received for the appointment of a new council fngijs1i tkip they were not prepared to hear other maypr gibbons said that he jesus forgive the sins of the man j supported the grant but that there sick with the palsy neither did they expect to see him walk the faith of the man and his friends in jesus divine power meant nothing to them they lacked even a thought of such a possibility the sins of men in their outlook were to be condemned and punished not forgiven only god could forgive but they failed to see god in christ so they called him blas phemer publicans and sinners were folk to shun and not souls to be won at least the pharisees attitude would so indicate it is little won der that when they found jesus eating and drinking in such com pany that their indignation grew and that their false reports multi plied others might rejoice when a de formed man having great faith re ceived the use of his withered hand in the synagogue upor the sabbath day but the enemies of jesus could only sec in him an en emy to their long cherished sab bath which they had encumbered with burdensome laws which cur- tailed men even from doing good upon that day they had lost the spirit of the day and of the original law remember the sabbath to keep it holy consequently when one appeared fulfilling the spirit of the day but violated some petty interpretation of a pharisaical n i ture they caused great opposition the application the christian church has endea voured to cany on the ministry of the christ although there have been times when she has lost sight f that true spirit of love and dc- votion to god and her fellowmcn i which ought to underly such a min- i istry for the most partshe has ul- jifiid as closely as human frailty would allow to the pattern of her inril to do mi docs at- uro popuhuity ofi involves opposition sometimes subtle and underhanded sometimes pen and hoiest the christian of today cannot expect to escape op position if he adheres to the ex ample and teachings of his christ he can expect to be unpopular but u is well to remember that to do the hard right brings greater compensation than to do the easy wrong from the weeks lesson we can learn 1 not to be pliarisaical in our religion 2 to stand firm for righteousness in the face of opposition a to keep the spirit of the div- i ine law 4 to examine our use of sun day since sunday observance seems to be a matter of controversy in our generation and has been brought to the fore locally let us onsifler the following i what is the christian way of observing the lords day 2 is it fair to say whatever in terferes with rest fropi labour or the worship of god or doing good to others ought not to be done t do we use the opportunity the day affords to nourish our spir itual life 1 is it true that when sunday cease to be a worship day that it will soon cease to be a rest day 5 is commercialization a threat to sunday as a n day of rest from labour of worship and of doing good j 0 jesus worked on the principlo that the sabbath wnn to be used for mans highest good do the motives underlying our sabbath living fit into man blght good helpful quotation ft iii easy to ignore sunday in by tfay bird not long ago a monthly digest magalne carried an article on the tobacco habit the idea being that to stop cigarette smoking it is not the smoke whfch 1m hard to break but the habit routine we set up in the act of smokhvg it was sug gested that instead of the usual pocket a different plat for the cigarettes such qh leaving them in a dravuer or- overcoat matches or lighter on a fairly inaccessible khelf svould disturb the automatic motions of smoking to uuch mi cit- unt that he dayjs use of tobacco wouldbe noticeably cut it would be neeetisary to change positions oviiiy day ln order to prevent the fnrimitldri of a new routine a- w days of this and we notice that the nurhber of our- olgarfcuejj- have droppoii v considerably find yet there are none oftho tortures asso ciated wjth an abrupt decision to stop smoking- from thjit stugo it isa simple stop to cut but the fags entirely- it seems to me that the habit routine is followed in a lot of the things we do and say and possibly ye are missing plenty of interest in our daily lives because we are liv ing in a habit if everybody did something different from their us ual routine every day we would at least have a new feeling of accom plishment and something extra for our conversation maybe we could have council declare a reverse habit week this summer when we should all wear ocd socks or our shirt on backwards imd tho gals one high heel shoe and one low what a line for not conform ing to the informal dresu and uwell the funds of the new grc or some local charity let me confess that i tried the stop smoking system and found it works but im still smoking a source of irritation mentioned this week is the lack of courtesy on trains when seats are at a prem ium there is always someone steeping with their feet on an other seat or baggage piled on the seat beside someone industriously looking out of the window one young couple was heard to explain that as they had a long journey ahead of them they needed the four seats they were occupying it should not be necessary to call the conductor to obtain what common courtesy should offer jay bird simmons jewellers soya liberal allowance for your old watch his ixcllltncv 21 jwu s49m simmons jewellers rilone 536 main st no rial and union presbyulan churcnw rev j l self ba bd norval 200 pm sunday school 300 pm public worship union 1000 am sunday school llno nm public worship everyone will enjoy the story of the champion plowmens trip to t always england which begins in this issue times it lhow it weekly in the herald holy cror u c church rev fr v j morgan 2nd and 4th sundays moss at i am let 3rd and 5th sundays i mass at 1 1 am why not trv a herald- classified ad every day w hear from satis- i iied customers hnng your ad in to us at our main street office or phone no h christ and the christian will be the sermon subjcct at j georgetown i united church sunday february 13th i u am i i generations yet unborn k ill be the kvenini subject i it is a jood thlnfj to give j thanks unto god we invite i you to worship with us john m smith minister i i1kht pkaiu another one of those western radio people who came east- to meet success made the bell rinil loud and lofte when he first organized the happy gm in june 1u7 it isone of the most popular canadian radio shows spirit while keepini it in name we must not ininuine that jesus meant to do away with the sabbath as the pharisees thought what he wished to tro to make people- feel tho uplrlt of the law than all that the scribed were trying to make them do artificially and un der compulsion jchuh ueer overthrew any- tlilnu that was worth keeping and he did not attack a thing just for tho uako of uttacklntf it ho novor pulled bomouiln down without puttlntf something better in ltu plneo search for talent amateur show roxy theatre georcetown wed feb 23rd application form name address phone what do yon do mail to roxy theatre no later than saturday feb 19th harley motors j at your seryice for car repairs brake lining and greasing a specialty shell products phone 539 gordon harley prop willard batteries john street

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