Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 16, 1949, p. 1

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0 the georgetown herald georgetown ont wednesday february 16th 1949 new commerce manager here ireland promoted to brantford announcement iat made this week of tfio appointment of c tl ireland to the managership of the cana dian mk at commerce brunch in brantfotd mr ireland will leave later ttys month toutake ovur his btiw p6sltion protnlhunt in town plfalrs teinc cbmlqg hero three years aye losuccet g w mclll lock alter his retirement mr ire land- has been u member of tin fair bburcf jmd the laons club treasurer bf knox presbyterian church aha the board of trade ana a member of the rowling and curling clubs he wau account ant at the- downtown branch of the bank in wind or mrs ireland and their children douglas and eliza beth will remain in georgetown probably till tho end of the school term- the new manager frederick w chapman was born in hamilton ind is the son of mr and mrs frank chapmun of stonoy creek with the bank for 21 year he has been at branches in hamilton fort eric toronto barrie st cathar ines and thorold the latter being bis first managership which lie has held for the past two years he is married and the father of two children jill age 9 and hick uge 6 mr chapman ii vicepresident of the thorold kiwanis club and has been rectors warden of st johns church of england and secretary of st johns mens club in thor old a member of the canadian legion he was an officer in the reserve of the lincoln and wel- land regiment he hat been on the executive of the thorold doard of trade and hns held the treasurer- ships of the victorian order of nurses and the peninsula branch of the canadian national institute for the blind i mr chapmans brother george of sudbury is married to the for- i mer margaret leslie daughtci of mr and mrs george h leslie of georgetown his wife and children rilldekick v chapman ucieuding r h ireland who will be manager of the bank ol conimcicc branch in brant ford ficderick w chapman came from thorold this week to take over the managership of the georgetown branch umehouse baft1st church highlights mis cha- jones and children spent last week with her iclatlveb at eveiett puzes weic awarded at a fort- mghtiy muuthon euchre firt of which waj held tuesday evening iebiuaiy j m the hall as follows high scorei mrs r l davidson and mrs e miller second mrs george burt and russell miller liavolling prize mrs nelson btark and e miller high sores in elim ination game mis m svv ackhamer and a w benton mr and mrs w b bhelbourne and indeed the whole neighbour r it hood are most thankful to mr will be sliyme n thoraw until thcj lomh of norva who m i ched his new car to avoid striking irclands move to brantford at which time they expect to live in the apartment above the bank the mail bag georgetown feb lath 1019 deai mr ediloi i have read with much interest your editorial on sunday sport and i lted hlb hr mrs also the letter signed by three the local clergy in answer to the been shelbourne who came onto the road on her hand sleigh dir- ectlv hi his path recently a gar age tow truck wjb required to get the car back to the road mr and mr- l wright of tor onto were sunday visitors with the s wi mints mr a w lane of montreal vls- r lane rec of l the wi meeting at the home of m at 4 j mrs o mulder was convened by tho pastors theme for the sun day morning service wad the par ables of jesus in psalm 73 2 we have the prophecy which says i will open my mouth in parables jesus fulfilled tills prophecy whctxj he spoke to hit people in parables jesus spoke many times in fyaro- bles t in the paraolc of the treasure u man was digging in a field arid found he sold all that he had in order that he knight buy that field jesus said the kingdom of heaven is like tills treasure tojjb- tain it wo must put everything ejse in thef background there is lieauie in every page of god a word the bible is without a trea- tire only to thoe who never study it the parubh of the peail when discoveied a man sold all he had and bought it the kingdom ol heaven is like this pearl all should be gi en up to obtain the kingdom of heaven the parable of the net a net was cast forth and some fish of every kind were caught somo were good and some were bad ihey were separated and the bad were cast away the greatest soc- i ilty of all it the christian church it is quite possible to be m the vis ible chuieh and not in the invisible chuich soriic day tliere will be a j division decided by- the gieit judge the bible keeps before us the great truth that there will be a judgment a separation of good and evil the evtning subject was har den not jour hearts we find these vvurd m psalm 05 and hebrews j god had ben moes to lead the laelites out of slaveiy m egypt atu i they woie out of egypt they mui muied at atnt moses their unbelief was so great that god t auscd the m tu w under m tlu w il- lierncss foi foi ty years the appeal in psalm u3 and hebrews 3 is for 1 the people not to do what the is- i aelites did the multitudes today i are uimierinj m the wilderness of sin because ol thtli unbelief only by obedience to the voice of god can human it be led into the pro mised land w e are m confusion because we do not hear the voico of our shepherd let not your heart be hardened for he i- our god john g emmenon minister in states and canada funeral serviced were held from tlie mcclure funeral home on monday for john george emmer- son who died in his deep inst fri day at the home or rev frederick randall 50 argyll sticet toronto the service was conducted by hcv john thomas green of cathar ines on whose radio program mo etnmerum had iecenty apiveawulj nd vvith whojnhc had been close ly associated the past lew months assisting mr green were rev frederick randall and rev robyrt educational costs rise 1400 as budget set by school board the weather jv1 editor v the weather this weekend was eertahdy a thaw and nd fooling thi month so- far we have had 4 days withv a temboraturem below jero previous to tlnt dale there have been only 2 tluyi registering below jco r a goodme ciiptioh of the wea- era batkln lilll- mifc mm i or s ivb 7 j 11 1 li h 11 11 r oh i tb 20 rob io 32 1 lib 11 111 10 1 1 lb 12 m 1 til 13 11 u 38 1 avcmie 1 1 1 1 r 0 211 rain 30 bnow 1 social a4d personal ness of to onto durhg the ur- i lht of lho p uvys wod he vice mr arthur muyci of dund wt mivn winter during gosoel mission tor6nlo sang i l v and in j da nailed to the cross and neur to lmu the heart of god- comrade dave uowman and other inembci of branch 120 canadian legion paid their respects at the graveside in greenwood cemelei georgetown pallbeaiers were w g bell w g alnrshall wilfrid hunter ken hunter george rtddall and alex i alor mr lmmeison was born 68 ears ago to the day in durham county england at the age of thirteen he began work in a coal mine at craghead near newcastle- ontne four years later hc cn- listed with the durham light in- i fuitry and served with that regi ment until 1902 i in 1003 he man ted the former isabella jane of craghead and a ear later they emigrated to west- v ille illinois it was while work- ing in the illinois coal mines that i mr lmmerson studied for the 1 minis try in 11u he wa ordained is a mi nisler of th independent holiness church at marion 11u- nois for the following seventeen iears he held numerous charges in llmui- and alabama his inst post was at nelson wile ohio from w hcie he left with his family in 102g to come to georgetown mi emmcron vvi emplocd for ten tars with smith and stone mtis joyce hill of toronto was a weekend guest in town with miss margaret sargent mrs frank bennett of toronto w as a guest in town on sunday with miss morjone gault miss jo ce smith of the wclland hospital staff spent o few days this week with her parent mr and mrs frank smith r r 1 rev and mrs r c todd of nia gara faln spent a few days in town last week with mr and mrs the estimates fgr hhfl were pre pared and a budget struck at ft meeting of the board of education in thu high sehool last wedne day night jthis year the cost to the taxpayer for education will be ji0ido for th p6bhc school o de- fcrouse of 100 from st year and slonfw for the hjijh school dn in crease of k15do the total jbudtfei for education u 2a200 while ed- tieational costs have risen sharply thce have lieen offset tills year br t enlarged rnnt at the hiflh sdhoa it wn- pointed out tiy the chalr- mnn walter blehrr that next year the picture would be different w i tli low or grant from the gov ernment due to decreased enrol- ment and a lower grant from the high school district ixiard because of the movement of student to milton i he budget allows for the hiring nf two new teachers and the equip ping of two new cjaisrooms at the public school a preliminary du- cuision took place on temporary and permanent plans to take care of two extra classes with no deci sion reached the redecorating pro gram at the public school will be completed this year at an estima ted 600 cost and a decorating program may also be inaugurated at the high school the board will also investigate the possibility of enlarging the school campus by levelling off an unused section the resignation of mrs harry watkins was cccepted with regret mrs watkins explaining that she would be leaving town in the near future an appointment to replace james f evins mr and mrs andrew frank her will be made at the next moot- and family of nassagawcya have mg mr m h mover a former been visiting at the home of mr high school board chairman vva and mis james f evans mlccted from five applicants for mis helen glynn of toronto is i the position of attendance officer two weeks with mr and at a earlv salary of 200 t sa q tne ass carc kirkpatnck who read two mrs bat- same and i am still of the opinion i that your parks board were justl- a t fied in thflr action in allowing the j es on lll youth of the outside towns whee km hjd urent ilou cm ice was not available the use of our arena for their hockey prac tice even though this were neoes- sary on sunday i still maintain that these boys were better there under supervision than roaming in gangs all over the country i do not understand whj arenas aie singled out for persecution in this way why not go after the radio stations who cei taiuly sell then times to programs for advertising purposes only also lailways sell special ski turns and 1 could name plenty of others aic they too big or have too much influence your arena boaid have been trying to doa good jul- und have certainly placed a lot of money back in the pockets of the tuxpajci s 1 hi y aic a body of men beyond it prouch and no doubt have the built of the people behind inein m w ha level they do with the aiena i hi e men aie all laxpayei and ihlul abso lutely no it mum i ition foi then serv ices you i pai its boii d cli taiuly in tend to abide by the law even though they slill feel they were doing the best thing for the youth of the land it is hoped that these unpleasant matters are now at an end as your parks board foe that they have been unjustly criticized by u small minority and especially about such remarks us we all read in your paper with reference to pagan institutions n this kind of talk is uncalled for it only tends to inflame matters and calls for a smart rebuke from yoftr board and the good citizens of georgetown yours truly w g bell on rriday evening the b pu members iiehl a skiing parly after which all gathered in the sunday school room for lunch the regular meeting was told on monday even- nig the jr bypu which meets caki growing in in teresl was answered by naming a beauty spot in ontario as last year the w i donated medals foi the class 911 girls for the halton music festival with mrs h sunford as leprescntative a donation ol 10 was voted to the scholarship fund foi slioi t eoui ses mai athon euehies planned for the next st vei al weeks will raise funds foi the united linergency i und foi brit tin sewing w is hantud out for a layette forlliitiin distnet duet- toi mi s giily i eported on llu la lest meeting the hostess served hint h iftci the meeting a numbi i of folk from the dis- ttut on iuesdav last visitid the nii i oiks ilnim at biampton tak nil tie its of mdv take and lie lit mi on behalf of ltnu house worm n s institute ilnjoh cm it ioumii i ii is i xi imvk i on sunday held at the i t w is king junioi g it c fleeted president bob cuseley v lee president uul maiuiti immerson seeretaiy wunda timbers treasur ei and john pui mer publicity chairman a discussion on a party for pre- teen agers led to plans for a party this coming friday in the old town hal from 6 30 to 8 45 price of admission is one parent or adult it is hoped that parents will attend and help plan the future program marina emmerson uottieu oies ik walkurton mr leslie clark received word early tliii morning of the death of her mother mrs william ander- moii at her home in walkerton mr anderson died as the result of a itroko which she suffered earlier in the week jthwjsa tkmpage paper afternoon a meeting home of mr hairy stuet foi nud a tom palmei was heart attack fatal for young georgetown man it came as a gleal shotk to his fiicntu in town to hear of the sud den death cat ly satin da night ol john s jatlt tost stricken w ith a scveie heart attatk lie was taken to the off u t ol di c v williams wheie iiurhtal aid piovrcl unable to help him a son or the late mr and mrs ltd lost he was born jf years ago in hamilton and moved to i org town willi his familv w hen i oung man lit iciumij tits sihooliug hcie and foi fifteen eais littl in i ii tniploed al the piovin- i i i pipi i lowei null until it tn t down lati la t i all ui i in tht w vii lit t nil tt d and t i v i d w illi tht navy lit was an aetiv i mem bet t the e me low n ilimii i and angleis club and a nil nibn til bi aiu li ull l anadijl 1 i ion sui v iv mg ait hi wilt loi nit i iv maigau t m bi ult two oils neil ind shawn and two btotheis f i ank and uunciin of t orgetown he wis predecease tl by two bi oth- u i icd and henry archdeacon w g o ihompson t onl uc led the funeral service from the mcclure funeial home on tuesday pallbearers were alfred sykes elmer burt joseph rice ben mciiarg wray bcsscy and ted johnston of toronto inter ment was made in greenwood cemetery where a graveside ser vice was conducted by members of the canadian legion jm nd ltd he also worked for a time at mis a e shain at their home on the georgetown clay products and lie norval road laker of the public school harry i at the alliance pap i mills a- a mr ralph ross was out from knight was increased from 30 4th class statiomuy eiigineei toronto one doy last week renew- j to 15 monthly a 25 grant waj i in the past year he had returned g acquaintances among his frends made to the halton music festl- to active mission work he re i here val the board decided to pay l eeived his certificate of fellowship 1 weekend guests with mr and part of the charge for use of the with the lutei national fu uhimcntul mr john gunning at their home arena for tchool hockey public christian association at the time on charles stiet were her sister j school students will pay 10c each of his death he was acting as a miss pat ellev of windsor and mr and high school student 15c the pasttu he was a membei ot l despiei of peterborough board making up the extra for uw branch u0 canadian legion mis george whitney of the nor- 25c charge kenneth m langdon suiviving besides his widow arc 1 ilo who has been confined to was appointed a representative ou thiet dauihteis mis auhut utlph geneial hospital for some the library board for a 3year i lain of vlctona uc mrs albert inu undergoing an operation term i tost jt of geoigetown and mrs- to return home last week 1 george teasdale ov brampton and mrs stewart magwood and son four sons robert of acton stephen peter of sussex nb were in town of georgetown james of toronto few days last week mrs and wheldon of georgetown also stiivivmg aie eleven giaiiduiildren ind three brothers william and james of georgetown and robert of ciaghead england stewarttown balunafad iuciikk danck plannkd by stewarttown aypa the second regular meeting of the newlyformed slewurttown aypa was held in the school on friday february 11th with presi dent ken murray in tho chair unil 25 others present pluns were dis cussed for u euchio and dance in esciuculng community hull inter this month tho next regular meeting will be held on march 4th und unyono in the community in terested hi young peoples work rw mvued battle of britain movie at armouries next wwk an event of interest in town neat week will be the showing of auth entic movies ol the battle of brit ain us well us u nuniber of cuptured german films the movies will be shown at the armouries ut 8 pm on tuesday february xuui to the members of the lome scots regi- hneut und because of theh gonenll jlnteretit un invitation is extended ho all uferi and women who knight wish to view them there is no udmlealon charge mi j matcaskell at gltngany is spending a few weeks w ith her daughtci mis eleanor snow mi s ai chic gati s is i pi csent n st jo cph s hospital guclph- ac ill join m wishing hei a speedy eovery air ti tiee ion a nsideiil of tht toumiunitv parsed iwav sat- urda evening in gut iph hospital ui wnpathv is estinded to those bei eav ed halilnafad hotkiv it am m the fiist gum of the sinu finals m a game w illi slnloh 1 dday night the stoic ui jl with goals mini- tt tl in giant wnght ami sam siuiw 1 he ki uiiil auiliai met at the home of tne picsident mis n snict ni i i idny e v i nmg mis o 11 i hndatl gave a lead mg entitled what is christian slew aidslup the topic on wo men with tht new look in china was given in a most inter esting manner by mis k cotton it was decided to pack a hale for the needy people in europe mem bei s being usked to bring dona tions to the march meeting mrs sinclau contributed a solo ill go where you wunt me to go plans were made to hold an open meeting in april the program to be unnouneed luter magwood coming for the funeral of i esquesing womens institute held her aunt the late mis charles their february meeting at mr xalantme walter lawsons home last tucs- ruth hancox daughter of mr day evening a quilt was in frames and mrs hurold hancox enter- and each member started quiltlntf tamed some ol her friends at a upon arrival at the business ses- valentinc part on monday those sion presided over by mrs l de pitsent were helen muekart vnes 3 00 was voted as a dona- sandra bradley chailene uav audi tion to the halton music festival barbara lust and j 00 toward the lighting of celebrating his 0th birthday on ilowville community centre the friday i ebiuar 11 glenhw right secretary treasurer was asked to hillock son of mr and mrs maur- j purchase for the branch a copy of ite hillock invited a number of i the book fiftv years or w i his friends to an afternoon party achievement the subject of an al his home his guests weie heg- open sunday- for canada was dls- fie lome bert mcmann sharon t ussed with the result that the m- paimeler billv spence bauy hay- jonty were not in favour mrs waid kaien shortill danny gol- j santord and mrs j mclennan ilin patsy bouskill bene bousltill vveit hostesses tor a delicious km en armann brenda hades and lunch mrs lavvson sr was pre- his sistei uianne 1 sented with a birthday cake with jill kcntnei daughter of mr intlbs the members all singing aul mis i lank kentner had a happv birthdav to you as tliot buthdiv i ut last fiitliv to ecle- dav wis her birthday mrs lawson hiatt hi i 7th birthdav lb i guests ut the rake ind everyone present weie slienon biadbuiv cu tily n enjoved a piece of it at the clos- georgtown baptist church 10 am contrary winds 11 am sunday school 7pm sunday observance u p m monday by pu h p m wednesday bible study kuik and vjmehouse presbyterian churches rev alex j cutder tja knox church 10 00 u m sunday school und bible cluss 11 um public woawp 7 00 pm evening service llmehouse 130 pm sunday school xq p w biehn gail biaisbv jutlv b than inaiini duutan hunda daw- sun mai it enimeison carol gieinswatd hint eyon jean mutkait gail mtniven marilyn pat ton sharon sykes pat sykes cathei me si nth wendy saunders landi i stiles iynda whitn i nee hig of the meeting mrs de vrles sam the lords prayer thursdav afternoon the w a meeting was held at mrs cecil smiths home friday afternoon ruby tennant had a birthdav party her guests bubirt whitmee i were the junior girls at the school uid susan whit- garry smith and michael huffman expect recreational council appointments next monday as an outcome of a number of ectlni of u 25nember recrea tion committee the utunos of eight men und women who will form a lcrmaient recreation council are xpecled to be submitted to council next monday nlult the organiz ing committee under the chair manship of alex maclarcn decided that the new grc should be oom- lksed of representatives of man agement organized labour educa tion mens clubs womens clubs the church purks board und town council a brief now in the hands of thee eight groups uslcs that a ccomneulatlon be made by the weekend in order that council muy be upproached to this 8- member group may be added one or two memboraatlarge who do nnt vpryent any of th- hov the function of the grc will b largely advisory in the shaping of broad policy and assistance and guidance to any group wishing to organize it is stressed that recrea tion takes in more than organised sports and must extendi to adults us well us children in order for a program to be effective parallel to die main council will be an op erational group composed of ac tive representatives of such inter ests us uw different sports drama tics arts und crafts specific skills would be utilised in this council the overall chairman of the opar- uuonal group and the recreational director to be appointed by the councll would be liaison offjeera between the two group c

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