Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 16, 1949, p. 9

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page 9 the georgetown herald wednesday feb 1 6th 1 949 theyhk au in me sainted sislers paramount hilar- loun cbmotly lilt now entertaining nifdluiilcs uttliu itoxy thoatrclii the uiual order william demarcat costari veronlcu lake barry ltitigornld joan cnulfleld and in the romantic load george uecvoq thecanadian army insurance por peace teg wings of fhe airborne the red here world fiimoiih exciting job i tin m u rm jiv t inijm nif nl anil adv ii ti mi n til proud uinrt of i lie paritronpi r ire in one if tin iikim uilrrrlinji iimi in u inul i in rni t lii i tin i r liitu i for m if 1 ln i- iinliiuileil opportunik for ioiiiiti ou tan m i nnn i ami it mi nl of tin in wi rm i iiib in your opportunity t nt if w ralroopt r wi t br in ii im uli it it laui ml njo tin tlirill i ii of tin in nil ui a career wit mentr age up to then- i j ii w lio an htarlin futun if ou mi i t tin hi rrqiiin ooiiflinn a i onditioii 17 to j iarh of vet i ruih v itli airborne t perieni e ill he taken 10 pan the vriiivn i ntrv reijuin nieutw h extra piv for parai hut r i e if iu woulil liki lo win oiir wiiih s writ or vihit vour loi a i re riiitinji oitu e toiluv brinj vour tertifnatis of ae and v cihii ation with mm kim sfon i u itrl u iiikimii oal i iimion oat join the canadian army active force now news and items of interest to h alton farmers kkcoro attendance at ieovi annual meetings during the punt two week tle uoynl yoik und kbltf kdwad ho tel in toronto hlivo been literally fmtarmlnjj with farm delegate from ajl section of onlailo it vjth tilt occasion of the annual meeuniifir und conventjona of the majority of thy odtiirlo and cana dian breed ornaniimtlohsontario crop invprowjmont association ontario plowmen onluio iimlijj turai socibtles etc while we woie only able to at- tond a very imafl pcicohtnc nfthe meetings and consequently heaid only j vfciy few of the papers arjd addiesei one coy id not help hut be impressed by tlc depth the conipfelicnsive hatuie of miinj of the addresses and the cleii cut manner in which many of the speaker not down to lh funda meilal pyoblems of the da h jhoit we pei jonalli fell thai ludav our faim leadeis have a iap of ou i fundi mental problems to a much urea tor extent than has been true at any time picvioutdy m the past 20 cars the litcrall and figuratively cot down to earth at both the crop imp ov emeu i and plowmen s conventions the general i theme was soil building no lonfier is it a question of conserva tion but rathe i the neccaty of building up the supply of organic mattci and humus which is gener ally admitted as being esemitial j m apileton of wallaeebuig took us his ubject the path to piofit is grass covered which will sug gest the trend of his thinking and convictions to quote mi apple ton liieic i only one objective that should face ever ltuuei and that is how lo i educe costs how to pioduce foi less i his is the ical application of science lo agi icul- tuic while all of the other com plex economic pi obk m- aic being woi led out v cm i b e n the fanner will make such pioblcms- much easici of solution loi all con- coined if he keeps hammering aw at dccieasing iots the path toward tins god is covered w ith grass piof g n ituhiike foinilil of tne dept of soils but now direc toi of keseaich at the o c took as his topic hoi building with sod crops in other vvoids f ai m leadei s both practical and techui- 1 cal toda aie convinced that the i mot practical and iffcctive niethod i of building un oui soils in oiganic matter and hum us is by means of glasses and clove 1 1 it is also gen teially aeecptio that our li iv and jiastuie ei ops u l out most profit- i able crops we were rather intei ested in a conversation we had with u ii hart well known holstem breedei from neai woodstock mi halt owns and operates around sod acres and is reeognied as one of the outstanding farmers in western ontario we have know n doug tlai i intimately since we both at tended thi little led school bousi on the tenth line of last on a and eonseciitnti have followed his career with a good dial of in lei est furthermore vvc ilw aj s find it worth while to keep our eais open and in so far as possible our mouth closed when he is around we asked ins- opinion as to the advisibihtv and practicabilit of sow mg uiass sei d with ev ery gram crop also his idea on the plowing dovwi of gi eon m m- clie ciops is a means of stepping up oiganii matter and humus in replv to oui fn st epic si ion hi i e- plled oh ive nl way t seeded dbwn every grain crop i sow and i never sow two grain crops in succession in the wime field we also leurued that his barnyard manure all gocj 6ut on his mondown and in uddi- tion lie supplements wjtij eommec- cbl fertiliser approximately 1j toils of su pel phosphate wj apjilied to hi- meadows fast fall as you would anticipate lack of organic putter and shortage of pasture ind hay ate not oriouy factors on tlicj hart f iup i ihoy y sieuig is pulleying so we bpe next june it may be possible to conduct a bus toui to tlie itartliojm farms add otlue points of inteiest in wcilenl 1 ontario imotir ntk imcohiim acnis 6i the aui fa i m 1iear ahceh now operated by the animal hus- b mdry dept of tin oac wu such a problem field iwclve acres fn ox lent the last ei op wi taken off in phi following 10m it just gn w ui in nut ui d glass in 10 15 it eai ried mm z eai old colt foi two weeks which will indicate us lairving capacity the field in ques tion is a sand loam with a gravel ly sub soil i urthermorc jt is hilly tone in the fall of j it was plowed and icseeded the fol lowing piing at the rate- of j5 lbs pel acie plus a light manure crop and j lbs pei acic of 2-lli- 11 feitihci the field was pas- luied lightly in the late summet and fall of llliu in june of 1047 twi nl steers vvc i e tin ned in and jieic the i e manic d until nov ii dm mg this pci lod the lit steers put op ii total of 1710 lbs in the spjjng o f 11 the held was top di esse i at tin i ale of r tons of in mm i to wh mi i wclve moic sti ei s wen tin ued into this field on mi i ulllj and remained there until ugust j iid w hen they were mat kctctl i hev had gained ano- tlui jj7 lbs piof it g knox who icpoitcd on this field at one ot the i oi onto nu ctinjs presented i fund of imaing and interesting iigiuis in brief the total net piofit pei icic foi the two graine i isons was sjk 10 if ictuiiis suih is tlicst can be i nu i d f i oin a pi obi i m i un down lu id vv b it ue tin possibilities on s me of un i halton fields thus we have moic evidence to subsuin- tiate the slogan oiass land is jlofit 1 mil oi as jock apple on ints it i he pith to piofit is tii iss l ov eied vvc could tint helji but feeli after list nine i tlu comments and ad- dn sses of some of those practical and suictssful fuincrs that we in halton ik v oti too huge a peicen- tagi of oui land to grain or culti v all ii 1 1 ops doug ii ii t once stated that not ovci j pci cent of ones acicagc shoulc be in gram ci ops mi kcader where do ou stuck up aj amsl tills measui ing slick we ue moic than evei convinced after attend in some of the conventions in i oionto tliil if wc in halton would cut tiow n the acieage which vvi now put into giam crops seed low n cvii gi am eiop we sow sow moii glass and elovei seed ici t applv oui bu naid man- to oui meadows anil pastuics plow dov n moic elovei au emu miniiie crops that we would gi t more i etui ns in dollars and ciuts fiom out fields that we would ovei a period of yeais mat- i i iillv step up the oi game mattei and humus content of oui soils nun ist then witii holding i ipa t il and out eiop would suffer leas from diought in drv penods then would in h s i unoff and soil scott tslotor sales service includes most modern equipment ibean wheel balancer bean front axle aligner undercotjng high pressure iteam cleaning stin mot6r analyzer factory trained mechahica i to rnainta this service dont he satisfied with anything ele repair shop open 7 a no to 10 pm scott motor sales phone 161 georgetown mirs j valantine was resident here 52 years a ic adcut cais mi pt i ui c and i ol georgetown for 52 charles j valantine died at her home on main street on tuesday february iltli alter u hort dines born in borneo michigan m 11179 she was a daugh ter of the lat john boy boss and alice wu d the famil moved to loudon gucluli and then gcorge- own foimeil lit a j boss she was piedcceaed b her husband in fbi she was a member of the oi del of chocn fi lends lodge mis valar tine leaves an only son chat lcs boss jimmy j three i stc rs mis kobe i t muir of geor- jctown mrs jcsde adams of st rhoinis anil mis paul colbert of iiigus oid out btothei samuel buss of windsot aichdenton w g o thompson t ihuiiii ted the funeral service from tlil mcclurc i uneral home on lluisdav pallbeirers were g ra ti nu i ai nell l bo magloughlen hi ton allen david bowman c la i cue t caiev and wilfrid lireen inti i mini vv as made in greenwood cemeter georgetown i loiil tributes were received horn mis mnv gilbert mr and mis o hen ngfon and family alliance rummer dept the misses ftoomi i mr and mrs sam boss mi and mrs i led armstrong mi and mrs uobort muir mr and mis g i arnoll alliance paper mills ltd georgetown fire bri gade gi oigetow n girls pipe c i usion oui w ells and springs would benefit thereby fewer faii- tuis to secure seed catches yes and we would lower our costs of pioduction our cattle would have i ell pastures not exercising pad docks in late august and septem ber and in the final analysis we w ou id cease this senseless mining of out national inheritance and pass on oui faims to future gener ations in as good or better condi tion than that m which vvc received tin m so that tle in turn may t nntuuie to en jo the same stan- daids of liv mg which we enjoy todav onlv b so doing can we build a bettei nation in which our ihildicu tan live in peace and hap piness and at the same tune main tain a sti ongi i nation to face the sloi in i louds that are brewing in tlu ominous woi id of today band local 74 alliance paper ali and mrs ldwin shortul mr and mrs harry savings mr and mrs wilfred breen mr and mrs i liomas eason miss yvonne ad ams dr and mrs stewart mag- wood mr ana mrs bobert mc- master eaton wilcox rich ltd windsor wilma fc art pullan wind 01 office and supervision of laton wilcox rich ltd mur ray hill john mcdonald tommy hariow mai wilson local 401 provincial paper bill and marg bill and shirley of windsor mra- jesjie adams mr and mrs wal- tei gray main street neighbours hal ou tried a herald classi fied ad lately drop in at our mnin st office or phone no 0 eyes examined o t walker optometrist 8 main st n brampton phono 599 at georgetown office over bell telephone office the second wodndiday afternoon of each month phone 61w carlings conservation corner i memorial service kev john thomas green of st catharines ulll conduct a special memorial service for the late john c emmerson of georgetown over radio station cktu 1550 kea sunday feb 20th 0 am fnv n wkkk sport cerctaimiv yeachtsvouro observe nature there should be some pernors bv that tme trunk ptllbts notskotoh v pclu6t3 j i l- bert j l7s wl vjirwr jl i ijftt bo wvjb n0m0noalf owl pcllets vsee thkv gulp domn rats and mvce and later bring up these pellets containing fur and bones owli and hawkt help you by deitroying ipige number of rata mica and other petti they help keep nature in balance nature in balance nature umpoled j clwte w- yours to enjoy youjis tq froxect carlings the carling bhewwterttmited whmloo 0hi1i0 i i cmta i- preteen party olx town hall friday feb 18th 7 10 pm all children 814 are welcome and parents are specially invited to come with them girls bring box lunch imperial section ranch 120 canadian legion are holding a party friday feb 18 9 pm brunch members and wiyea und members of the ladies auxiliary und husbands ure cordially invited j

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