Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 23, 1949, p. 1

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georgetown ontario wednesday february 23 1049 yvhat council did on monday february 21st rescinded a motion of- last july which appointed members of gcor- gctown hccroauonnl council the retiring members arc don barra- ger bruce mackenide alfred sykes walter biehn jack cotton ray whlbhce verb mccumiwr betty kin walter arg6nt mar garet sargent hartry bhortlu and ernie aleotu moved by mecumber and dav sou v 9 m appointed pew mv tho jrccfoatiorial council each repro- sorting u community gruup as fol- fc lows a m baxter -sclfpoj- leon- f ard bell parks boardj john smith churches jamca williams labour john malcolm manage ment marshall timbers mens club- mrs w e nodwcll adics clubs vern mccumbcr council alex maclarcn mrs horry lewis membcrsat large moved by herbert and arm strong a delegation from the temporary recreation committee was present and asked council to endorse the new members who had been chosen by their respective groups and to add a council member to the group alex maclarcn spoke for the dele gation referring to the recrea tional program which it is the in tention of fostering in georgetown the recreational council whose members represent vorioud points of view in the community will be a coordinating and advisory body- shaping broad policy while an op erational group will function close ly with them with members repre senting various indivdual interests mr timbers asked that mr mac larcn and mrs lewis be added to the appointments in view of the active interest they both had shown the new group will have power to ask council to add further membersatlarge if they so desire mayor gibbons said that council would do all that is humanly and financially possible to aid the rec reational council and suggested that touvoid confusion a new name uch as recreational committee be adopted banquet marks anniversary of knox womens assoc munt be completed by september juth thu year as it is yltal to county economy all assessor had btm called to u meeting to discuss the problem and uitno including enqueuing have appointed ausiat- hnt lyjesjrs to speed up tlie work trafalgar is about half completed a ig acton others have lower per- centagos in georgetown 321 of- 1j14 properties jftrfc completed mr goodet jbld that george- towp would suffer if other munici palities are completed first- the georgetown assessment he thinks should be three times what it is at piesent und en increased givvervi- ment grant would more than pay for an assistant asncsor assessor arnott early baid it would be a physical impossibility to complcto the new assessment this year even with extra help it takes four months to deal with the present asessment cr davidsqn said he thought extra help was necessary and that council wouldnt be scar ing people with high tax rates if buildings were assessed properly cr herbert wondered if the new assessment was going to be any help to the homeowner in tho lower income brackets and mr goodlet said it definite was at at present the man in the smaller home is paying the shot for under assessment of apartments and lar ger homes mr goodlet suggested that council should have a month ly progress report from the asses- 1 cesaful fie togethers which sor in order to be informed of the slone school members enjoy pi ogress of the assessment plcturc3 were shown hy rjob earlj and were much enjoyed and a letter from k m langdon apprccmlcd after uhlcn thc broup said that he hoped to make progress iaved progressive cootie which 111 his maple avenue subdivision jrovtd hilarious as did various this year and asked- council to con- otncr nt during the evening sider water mains into the proper rhc ladies who won ty when setting the estimates dep- prjcb wtrc mrs gco b mrg illy reeve goodlet said council s u in norttlp mri edfinr btcllcy first responsibility was to people a pleasant event took place last wednesday evckplng when tho wom ens ahiocintfon of knox presby tcrlan church celebrated its twentieth anniversary fifty three members iat dtswn to n enjoy ublc dinner at the oddfell0wu hull at which mrs hugh clark the first presldenjl was- presented with a eor- age mr clork n thanking thtf ladias said slle wat sometimes re ferred to as- the grandmother of the w a toaits were given to tho king the church and the fhbt president these were tejsponded to by mrs alex calder and mrs campbell sinclair tie rame of the deceased member wer c read by mrs a semple and two minutes silent praver wuz observed in their mem- 01 y tile highlights of the work ac complished to date by the wa were given bv mrs e r robinion and it was giatifjing to learn that nearly 16000 had been raised this money had been used to pay off the manse mortgage and to decorate the basement and church auditorium ladils night at the stone school fakm fokum former jghs teacher mrs h w kennedy dies mrs herbert w kchncdy a rc- bjcctcd resident of georgetown for many yean and- before her mar riage j member of ttie teaching hlnff f qeorgetown liigh seliqpl passed away in toronto on thurs day february 17th in her jtoth year formerly junet m jhfutt she w us born at luhdys lahe and was one k a family of seven eliijdroa- of the late frederick a hutt and junet lwson mrs kennedy taught modem language in georgetown high school from 1u91 until litr miir- luuc m 1000 to herbeif w ken nedy wijo predeceased iier j year- ngo she wu a promiiicht church- woman and for a number of yearj wf prisident of the women s mu- iiioniuy society of the united church stic was also picjident of he local council of women it one time after her huibands deatli she lived 111 toronto for seventeen year then in waterloo and retur ned to georgetown last year to re- klde in berwick hal she along the boards with wheldop mjicron we mlshed last weekts edition 1 home in around the mush room because dad passed awdy our col- than uround a hockey viet at on umn was to jiave beep a reply to ojne they perked up a little bit and elmers- three stalh then wp road put on h drive but alas they burned the acton tree pren and wo were 1 their stars but uarly in thp rate going u devote kwr column to and now are fighting desperately aoton s iport scribe but seeing as to hold last place the firt playoff erle will be diyed between that idc spot in tho road nine milci from here and georgetown ve decided to pas up the opportunity of answer ing thee thpies until a later date people here in town have hoard a lot about tin j industrial league i ins league was foi med by a fear less group of voung men solely concerned with promoting ports foi those too old md decrepit to play orgmiied hotkey for those nut quite good enough to play wai organized hockey and for those predeceased by three children i who would disorr iml organized george lillian and margaret she 1 hockey if they were ever allowed u survived by two sisters misses lo i aucn leagues monday night being review night at tha farm forum the recrea tional committee decided to en tertain the ladies and it turned ut to be another one of those suc- the marion and alice hutt of calgary alberta a brother professor how ard hutt of georgetown passed away last summer thc f uncial service on saturday from the mccluie funeral home was conducted by rev john m smith and rev newman truax of carlisle son of a former geor- cetovi n pastor pallbearers were mervyn kenned hilldry v nib tied hutt gordon hutt wil- hert cleave and harold cleave in terment was made in greenwood cemetery geoigetown friends from out of town attend ing the funcnil included mr and mrs k pomeroy mr and mrs passmore mr and mrs schildnck mi and mrs j ii stephen of who hod alrendy built houses and nccucd water reeve armstrong said the new bond issue should take care of it gav e aothority for the borrow- mrs bert sinclair mrs clarence varey and miss shirley burt a special door prize was won b mrs horace bell after the games were finished the men took over for re freshments and some were afraid afterwards that they had perhaps this league is composed of five teams smith and stone or smith and boulders or lthc gloss gardens a good club fourteen on their roster skate four try darn hard nnd the other fellow is just used to gather up equipment for thc important players provincials no not policemen papermakers on this club they all skate some ore even good enough to get up speed kind of jump turn on their skates and go backwards bill hewitt handles this outfit he really has them backchecking this club is filled with so much enthusiasm they have hockey talks during their break period at thc mill alliance a few individuals each player or wojtidbo player has lnv own gear such as skates brass knuckles old catalogues for inn pads and crush helrrieis each player is responsible tor bringing at least two people to th game 1hesc guests usually hav to help the plqyer dress and help him home each player must produce a gen uine casualty policy with cither john arnvtrong or bruce mackcn- iu the directors of the league ar iot in a position to assume any medical expenses all in all th team rivalry is terrific and al though the pain and bruises or terrible the boys usually hobble to the next game juit to make sur tney can play for an hour everything in general loronto mr and mrs j h beatt uclland mr and mr mervn j dining to bung ward for guid kenned and fac mr and mr j a d bell oucn sound mrs ing of up to 50000 from thc roal a n their ability tpo much in bank to meet current expendi- front of lne i and would have hues asked the hydro to instal a appointed david p crichton oajt hf oi1 maple ave east a member of thc cemeter board bltuccn tnl highway ana thc do for a 3ear term i miiu011 seed house moved b davidson b mecum- moved b davidson and hill i bcr i will contact provincial paper rc- j jaid ng fixing mcmichael street i tlie street had been narrowed and t made dangerous due to a new aid- j to do more domestic work at home after the table- were set up md the latnes appetites were lul appeiscd tlil men proceeded o wash up til the dishes and the ladles admitli i thc men were ie il fiood fellow henr caldwell acton mrs annie i adams buffalo n mrs judson 1 rujx carlisle pi ofessor h red hutt ithaca ny miss jea 1 hutt weston mr and mrs bingham erin mrs near and pi mcipal cul 1 ft watei loo col legale ua 11 loo tins club uses a different lie nearl every game tiiey are this space is v reserved for an obituary in the event acton failed to defeat georgetown and vic- vcrsa weston and oakville finished their race tied and iow wilt ply a best of three series i tonight the juniors go to acton i to start their playoff series who was the gentleman who worked so hard to collect money for thc hockey club raised two cents and then would only turn in r per cent of the proceeds 1 trick crew and have won some veiv close games such as 0 1 g 0 i 2 your know just m uiaged to eke out a win business men best team in the ictgue on paper although tins iggrcgauon ij composed of hard fergus and bridgeport tangle in 1 best z of 3 scries and we predloi in will be bridgeport and george i town in the fu als i heard this one the other night a oung army officer very gieen uai drilling his men as refused exemptions to farm properties within the municipali- t three properties had been given a 4 mill exemption last year those of a c collins john mc donald and j a willoughby a motion had been prepared again giving these exemptions but dep utyreeve goodlet questioned it on the grounds that it is necessary each ear for owners to make ap plication two months before the tax rate is struck and no requests had been made cr mcnally said he thought the fair thing to do was to grant the exemptions as usual but mr goodlet said that council could only follow the act the mayor ruled the motion out of order because the act had not been complied with received word from dale and bennett that unless some action wan taken b thc town before the end of i ebruary writs would be issued on behalf of jack tost and w j mcdonald who claimed dam age to their properties because of sewerage installations the clerk was instructed to write mr tost that council felt no damage had been caused to his property it was reported that k m lnngdon had i said he would be responsible for any damage resulting from taking l sewers through thc mcdonald prop- erty and a letter wus sent to mr langdon to this effect asked thc town foreman to contact the scott jackson cunstruction co about the almostimpassible condition of certain roads and ask for immediate and proper atten tion to them moved by armstrong and dav idson will contact provincial poper head office asking wliat the com pany intends to do with the lower mill property deputyreeve good- let who is industrial chairman said as many as eleven new indus tries have been trying to rnt or buy the property and the answer been that head office was not teiwed a kitchener firm if it could obtain the building would employ fifty men mr goodlet auted ashgrove ing and it was council s under- lanavng that the company was to imt theviad in proper condition vuthoiied the town solicitor k m langdon to obtain counsel and proceed at once with hearings be fore the board of railway com missioners concerning the widens ing of the john street subway the matter to be presented to them wthin go das as council is not at jll satisfied with the progress being made moved by davidson and mc cumbcr reeve armstrong asked ior a recorded vote and all voted in favour a discussion on the subject was initiated b deput reeve good- let who said that it was folly to resurface the culvert and have it torn up again by the railua the 1 eport uiad been completed and paid for last ear and he thought immediate action should be taken ma or gibbons said that mr lang- aon had recently tola ulm that time was needed in order to go over thc whole case with an associate solici tor and that rushing into it at pres cut might be detrimental to the towns interests the brief had been submitted to the board the next step is to make an pointment with the board to their decision and ap nea r ii alton eusey bkeedeus fete mr and fijrs white lock the wi held its icbiuaij meet ing at the home of mrs i- rank v ilsou w itii 1 splendid attt ml nice if membeis and also mrs s k ruddell mis r h wright mrs rdna gowlmd ind mis ii wug- iesworth t son kobei t from giorgelow n mrs i ho- giffi n pic sided roll call displ i of m article over to ens old was well icspondcd to b such articles as a pair of spectacles and case m 1h4j penn pic tin es of meat grand parents 1 boom t and knitted stockings 111 ide 70 cai- 140 and a plate and glass jai a committee was appointed for the march soe id thank you notes were lead for christmas donations from hal ion children s aid 2000 salvation army 10e0 santa claus fund 510 00 lsqucslng inmates of old peoples home g 00 10 00 was donated to halton musical i esti- wi mrs clayton wilson gave the motto and mrs horace barnes de lighted everyone with her solo good night sweetheart followed b mrs r h wright of town who h id a paper on the history of ashgrove and told about the early settlers who come m 1119 and 1820 to make their homes and the hard ships ttiey endured compared to the present day mrs r red nurse conducted a contest and the sing ing of the national anthem closed the meeting after which a social hour with lunch followed we are pleased to report that ljplrs ernest tindale is progressing georgetown fire chief heads district group men be 1 of ire brigades in the disti ic t met in the robinson cotton mills at wootlbridgc on i ebruary 12th w hen fui tiler step were tak 1 n to foi m a disti let association o name lias been chosen ct for lie new organisation and it is ex- i 1 t tltl that this will be done at 1 meeting in lrm next mouth h n r s iv ings georgetown fire lne f ii pi t side ut and dav id dow- mi in st 1 ie tarv othei officei are 1st v it e halph robinson wood- tji id e 2nd vue capt gowland iiiamptou tre isurer w 1 iggs hi unptimi executive committee w 1 ilium rite hie cieoictovv 11 n i pu nt br imp ton c hit f webb ti ingcvillc ld ualluigol wood- bridge l g mathews li 111 s c hi adon humber summit w j gillespie inglcwood w 1 john son maple sneyd thistletown g bund milton r n mitchell w oodbi idit or v j w y wiui t men am j ne id business men there has been they approached a 100 foot prftd- j rhc odd hard head give a little un- pice he became tongue tied h di r the blow of a piece of that old couldn t speak mi kor the stars of csteryear are flctt imined to bittle to the last for the tioph mtadowglen again i say mead- ow it n these clups are more at just ns they were about to gtt over thc cliff the old british sir- lt int v tiled for heavens sake sir si something even if it 14 onl goodbye georgetown trims acton 94 in semifinal opener here mnwnts say rutfivria to t lub mlmilklts i- mic party clmhllatfcs 70th itlktiidav kit m sat dujr deputyieeve 6xxllet drew at tention to the equallxlntf of ouenm- menu tiiroughout the county tho uaeannent committee of county council of which he hi chairman recommend that the mew on tuesday evening february 15th members of the halton jersey breeders and their- families gath ered in esqueglng community- hall at stewarttown ior a party in hon our of their secretary j e white- lock and his bride kuchrc was played mrs devlin and frank dewhurst getting high scores and mrs cott and john mcclure con solation prizes after lunch mr kdwln harrop expressed the good wishes of tho gathering and pre sented mr and mrs whltdock with a beautiful crystal chandelier an hour of dancing to tha music of doris hulls orchestra concluded an enjoyable evening nicely after her recent operation in milton hospital tlie young people held their meeting on bunday evening at the home of jessie mac and gordon wingfleld with citizenship con vener george wilson jn charge stewarttown omitted last week at the w i meetinjf last week donald lawson played piano selection for the la dle whilethey quilted and a vote of thank wan tendered to him for the pleajure he gave the stewarttown branch of the warldn day of prayer are holding their meeting in st john church i friday afternoon march 4th at 3 mr perc olney of the saxto mot- i 0 clock or staff is attending xilc chrysler the aypa are holding a cue i ire mechanics school at national mot- 1 und dance in the community hall or toronto this week krlduy evening of this week mr morns iaaxe one of cieorge town t veteran businessmen who is pi opnetor of tlie georgetown 1 creamery wu guest of honour at a parly in toronto a week ago j sunday when his family gathered i to honour him on his 70th birth day his daughter mrs sam gins berg and mr ginsberg held family dinner party and later a larger group of rienda were en tcrtaincd at cocktails at the home of mr and mrs percy saxc all members of the family were pres ent including mr david saxe of town mr percy sajte miss mina saxc mrs sam ginsberg and mrs iv fleishman of toronto o titers who attended were mrs florence curtis mr and mrs david brill mr and mrs george novak mr and mrs wilfred jlcderman mr and mrs sid silver mr and mrs nathan silver and mr and mrs d g h wright mr saxe received many beauti ful gifts including a gold watch presented to him by a number of men whom as boys he was instru mental in bringing as european war orphans to thc canadian jew ish farm school at georgetown the school was located on tlie property now occupied by cedar- vale school for girls miss isabel kul of washington dp was a visitor in town last week with her brother mr leslie ellis and mrs kills she was en route for a trip to honolulu ha waii i hi members of georgetown i iwii howling club entertained at the oddfellows hall last evening r mr and n h ireland who ai e leiv ing tow n to make their home in bruutford the club is sor- i to lose bob and ruby who dm ing their short stay in town have been popul 11 minibus of the club a few jamcs of euchre weic pdcd priewi nners being mrs jack williamson jyu hovv- rd kentner nelson robinson and lewis mckibbon mrs w cro- iiuir gav e tw o humorous readings ind mi cromar prestdentof thc mens club expressed to mr and mr ireland tlie clubs regret at losing them mrs h b ters vice- president of the ladies club pres ented them with a lovely table lamp mr fred chapman tho new bank manager was called upon for a few words also mr john d kelly mrs j h lillico played the piano for a singsong and refresh ments were served the weather mr editor by the calendar it is a month before the first day of spring but a look at thin weeks summary would almost convince you that spring is here that must be the way the cardinal birds feel as they are busy this past week whistling their mating songs list night the haiders defeated eton 94 in thc first game of a be it jof i scries acton were minus thc services of basso and luulsaj the raiders iced a full ihead forced him from the game team but an injury to jack kem- a high stick caught him in the eye and although it is a serious cut i is not as bad as was first anticipa ted kent storey opened tlie scor ing for georgetown on a passing pla fiom currie and m bradbury i late in the first period at the 15 09 maik max bradbur from storey and currie scored to take a 20 it id j in thc second period while dur- ant was penalized junior beaumont seoied unassisted mario finally broke the ice for acton by beating lever at thc 8 51 mark del beau mont beat dooney after battling all tlie way to increase george town s lead odonahue made it 42 at 11 25 ferri of georgetown scored then martin and nash com bined to make ft 62 the game was fairly fast a llttl sloppy at times but pleasing hock ey evans leaving a sick bed to play turned in another sensational performance he stopped some shots from very close in in gyeat style 1 in the third period gmltf were seoied by hllson and bayu whjle storey currie and nash ad ded counters for georgetown bayliss was actons best while all of georgetown turned in u good nights work krn bstlcln date max mln itain feb 14 41 30 83 feb is 49 20 12 feb 19 30 23 feb 17 30 is flurries feb 18 so 18 feb 10 42 18 feb 20 s3 24 average 40 22 14 04 mr harold bingham suffered a broken leg when he fell on the toe golpg from his farmhouse to the barn a week ago sunday and is in toronto general hospital or treatment ilooail council of womkn meets at 1uu8 nodwux8 the meeting pf the local coun cil 0 women was held last prlday afternoon at the home of mrs w e nodwell with the new presi dent mrs fred bralsby in the chair during the meeting a gist was presented to mrs h t paul in recognition of her work as pres ident during the past four year mlssi hettle lawson read a report of the provincial convention at pet erborough earlier in the month a ss donation was made to hahoai music festival and fees paid to tha national and provincial councils a social hour ended the meeting

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