Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 23, 1949, p. 2

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the georgetown herald wednesday rb 23rd 1949 showing horses at chicago the thrill of a lifetime this article woa specially writ- 1 ten for cuniiriiun show news by would in brought in to lie pot- ken mcmillan lothl farm mmhin- 1 t i about an hum befole tach ery dealer and unow horseman it lni we usually followed a addle appealed in the jimupvy edition of tbiss and of loure the dnl plate show news which in edited and tney could wjim then horse i up published by citirflcc mtcllvrav tf the llciukl kimc on the final nniht of ule uoyul winter fair at toronto 1 wui wjyhhm we had nt planned op ifoinu to the chicago fcxixjsiuon upre bhpw i did ko want iotc the closing leremovuos but ihieacl and how thy trmdd i spent tlie whole evening in v the 1 tjunm nevei last s hi bfore uolnu ji win in the small hitching rinii aiwl you can imagine at mi 1 twenty to thltlj addle itofics worming up and all tin luirnes horc hiuivhw at the tame lime 41 tri nloi with liu the iiin- eryl public vte allowtd in too bqt u temper liiuoms office eventually utttinie hoe he thiotmh but tiill wlshlnji t was saturday iujjiu vas ihjhmi kouni home to my own bed tfht and wu confined vhtmly to on rciurnhu mb our tack- wom illinois owned jiiirut io we foud it full df our friends ruitl fellow exhibitors fathered lound to wishua bon voyojfc and itood luck just cahnpt forget it mrs humble and lance lillian and mol uuidcrt ida and wallace mum a leii and mn wiicht and cecil stirling with the iift or a lovely carriage xvhip from a formei exhibitor of hackney hone who wanted us to have his whip in chicago and in all the excitement did not catch the name of the donoi the disap pointed look of tory grejk and elmer purden of radio station cknx windham who had ordered a pair of monogrammed blankets thought we had utue1 watch the how aiultee jut how thev done unng so hat we uouldnt appear ino 1ieen when we wtartgd dr wil uin md jlmnn fcorci ai lived wi had buiuglit the di s hiauttful muc dawn sji ptpfnn out with us c nvnot help but si hei e thai i hive known jimmj pogue only through seeing him at different hows but didn i reallv know him biu aflei spending ovei a week with him think he is one of the fin est bo wc have met in some time the nn ni is icallv beautiful probaol not as- long as toronto but n little wick i in the icnlie is performer and sir david step hi eh as ken mrmillan puu them through their pates in the phae ton class at georgetown fall fair especial 1 foi the trip and they hat not arrived never mind bovs we 11 take them next vear seems as though we iad just got into bed when the phone rang and it was muria tavloi to i cvci hung w as loided and mat jack mck iv and lie w ere ieav ing so it nit ml k ithct nig tip whit clean tlothis wi oufd find and on out wav at no a vcrv fist tii to poit union but at lhil ui uiil just ibout half an houi ahc id of the hoi s t the ub i u to i i it w is just like an old bnv reunion tin cuttiss candv pomes hawthorne i aims and mam othei s all thiougli to- gethei nid iwa ag tin we r rived it the be uitiful hi d ceil u stables il chiis kcudtn at i m sim mm h wl m l i foun i till i i flow e i be dt 1 1 show announce i ants tu sc itn imilai to the t the addition of wav i din d i hi ed isl md foi the and i ing attend h ai i angt meut i- oliseum oi iv w uh i baltonv ill the w 11 finished in i olislicd steel fh seats are all mdiv idual perm int nl s ats li ithe i j i ed md ver toinfoi table i was retlls unpusmil w uh tul rinin i h md s b md it i ills hi ij i tt in it tin diov the l ol know hi- hoi s in i l uw d ili u tie n tin hoi t s wiii m- tl i hi t hi i ii h wis 1 pi p mr carlton elms president of the american hackney horse as sociation and the one and only billy pinch manager of haw thorne earrpu invited us out to see their respective estates we went utit north of chicago about thirty- five milcd to libertyvllle homo of the internationally known haw thorne farm i never saw such a place in my life a horsemans paradise over four thousand auu 1 bdlicvt ovei three hun dred holstein cow i and clyde hx kttey horii and poniei raddle horhi itnd up irena that would cohipnu m nu to the- coliseum in toronto and vohklei all kinds of them t could have mpeih diiyn go ing over hem all krmn there we averit ovdr lp the country hrie of mr carlton kims atoolf 111 and while oif a smaller cale than lliwthone it wa- reallv tunic ibi pie live tiie horse bnrti wa bcyund deionptiou mr elms i pne of the old lchobl jiv hack j ney lioi ts he has tiophles rtnd ribbon daliui back mo 1j md ioa rlie boiso bain is potlc- finished m maroon wiih a muroot tile flooi v pu coujd use the bras bari in tht- box stalls for anirnir not a spot on an v thing 1 cant understand v li tin man doesnt show ins liorni he iias ax of the most beautiful hackej hoises ij have evet seen in mv life it really is a shame that the public does not have tlie opportunity of seeing these beautiful animals would have loved to hive asked him for ome pictures he also has a mar- velloub collt etion of vehicles of even t pe ladv s phaetons male phaetons luge md small two oaciiqs for foui in hand large and small a brake for a four also gigs runabout wagons and man v other after a giand dinnei at wheeling wt u i iv ed back in lime for the ev ening sliow tiiedav evening glad and i each had a cla mil we e ich succeeded m getting a i ibbon di watsons daw n s pippin v ent lov el and was most capabl i idden bv miss heai don we m ontaru iiav e knovvn and watched dawn being show n tin oughout the pt ov nice and have been verv pi outi of her but stie w a nevei i idden better than m chicago the little ruidon girl found the kev m the first work out and thc ie illv clicked she w is nevei out ol the mom in vfccrv clasi shown wl dnesdav md fhui sdav wen vi unevcnttul other than tlie gem ill inn of im show ucdnes d w i itht w is 4h oi as we woiilit i ill it lumoi i lrmtrs ikht- hit most iniiessi i n ie mom i i i iw ike plan hi any iin numbers 1 ikinc put fuuu tf i 1 i t i luit t tu 1 isk i some of fn south inei u m iiinli i s nid mil ow n ii nv nice of ontario li hi out mo di li l moil fiom n n i om nun t wi ie pi it i t nd mob i iwstin whom w page 2 tancc home seem a lot shorter- mrs horblnson dr and mrs watson mru hamlll ond her two charming daughter marie and marjorle and miss yvonne mcmullon and the one and only jimmy potfue wc packed what we could and i left a cull oi seven oclock sun day morning which i didnt hear we wcro out to tlie burr uround nlnetlilrly jack und murray had everything loudod and wo said roodbyc to chicago we stayed in lansing again sunday night und urrlvocl back home in georgetown eily monday evening now we bad li grund trip but i couldnt close without thanking thostt wlio made it so enjoyable ivrst tlicie- wji mi and mrs holt and their stuli j dont know how we could liave come through with out them tlioy wcie slinply won- deiful mr und mifs j camp bell rer equally good jo ub just did cvoryoiint pdihibfp or ub to enjoy ourietlos qur owjl buij ind mii pliich i uy our own bociise hoii sowell known to 43 all ovei heie the 0110 jnd only iluiel abdill i still have tlje illmj llusel you iivfine to give to mls con m cuilton elma ulio ju1 couldntdo onouuh tor ui mr jean thompson how we enjoyed liei md her hats every one m ciiiluiio wu 1 liei friend bill simpson of suddle and bridle ne vei met iiiyone who could nivc you he finuly instoiy of horses like he could mi and mrs pauuli lewis so lad to sec us there mr and mrs james gilchrist kot a bin kick out of sitiinj and looking at jimmy and his pipe watching a class marlyn of the popular horsemen although 1 did get her mixed up with someone else plea e forgive mc marlyn jona iel and we just couldnt forgot russell fetona will get even with ou set huss the one and only k c diil flannery the huntoon llojs how they could drive road hoises and last but not least mr william j o connor secretary of the horse shew who really did everything 111 his poviei to make our visit 1 most ejijovable one nd o wc say goodbye to the chicago inernalioiial we lc imed 1 lot we n ad a lot of fi lends and ibov ill we hope to go back gam s 4 75 does a large room right ovtr waupaper and many otwr sljrf aces huracie wau hnbh all these advantages 1 tmtmt mm tmu 4 om ktr- 4m ls m jlc z cta r 9 drtm u ul a al a fl 4 mnrnc eomcamuttd mtti kbmtone rouerkoater 98 kemtof tkuts as low as 20c a kou o plumbing and heating bathroom fixtures installed beatty electric pumps pease warmair furnaces hoi water steam heating lavestroughing sheet metal work let us connect your plumbing to the sewerage system thompsons hardware phone 46 main street your vfck dealer hi- art shz1 11v fti ii london man john nelson sini of g clemuns mint london tin ci udiknly on iiidai jinuti jiith of a heart it lack stifft i ltl jut is w stepped outride of his imnu mr sare utiicd for tin past lt ir- pre v loudly uoiliid toi mlwiuondt dunes he was a grocer and cat- a pnnu jnet a scrpcant and orei b ti uli born in nilestoun asked supotse a private should he had iimii in london for the pabt b to a beijearu youve fiot th 0 ears his idou foj mei ij alberui m i walkei is a formei geot jetou n reside fit and a relative of the cle ie familiis ho ino leaves a son harold of london and a sis ter mrs victoi i i rtettcnmier of j the riniunham miliuc m nanners of a donkey what should nappen he d be sent to th miuidhuuse leplied the iergcant- suppose the pnvato didn t say 1l but just thought it what would happen nothing would happen aid the private af he walked i 11 leave it at that ui i i il il w lu i tin f 1st ii hind tn six i i lock tn i d hoi sl- lfni able box u r mil hi ii ilh i o 11 1 is is i foi i und li s ui m i i i ii ill tin n d w i i u l lotted the d v inn tin nt d i i mill u iw hi i t i hi 1 ti it tin i hundi l mum 14 th tii aftei tt over i tl m s l l lu iv nil lui edai il olii nine thn t v th jul i littli mi i two hu i ml m li to o fl id uul 1 wen on th nkin mini t md lack j would be in inn tunc duim thi i ninht nid wi mild hive tlie stills re id ai d tin u k hhmii up win n j the ui 1 1 ed we ai nved it the hold fivethii l unpickld our bans and headed out to tin stable- we had just found our stillb when in dime jack and murray with the hordes what a relief we were all in chi earo safe and sound just ucttinj settled down when the abc boya arrived they were direcllv across the aisle so it was just like home the very first to arrive to welcome us and settle uu down was the one and only mrs mary k holt no chan i do not know how we ever could have come through this show without the holts saturduy we jifdtt the genial secretary of the h 1 n tl 1 mu th v on ia dim his 1 nr id i u i t ot ibb li id tl tmk ihmlil tn d win n i ii 1 i i plum iii s 1 liw ii ton i i ul t i 1 i i b 1 l i i w i id mlt 1 i h i u imiil hi mi in mi iii 1 ii i th in ul it nf mi ti i hi ill it- ul 11 lito ulhi ii 1 a i t vi r uoini unili i fill i ink f ilm to hi h ul to io show mr wm j oconnor and he certainly made u8 feel at home would llko to sny here that almost every day of the yhow he would be around to see if there was uome- thing he could do to make thlngy more plcanant for ui we had ample time on saturday to look things over and cant help but say here that outalde of the arena it doe not compare at all with toronto all too crowded the north side heavy homes cattle and the large wagons of the varloui lx arid euht hore hitches all in together along the south side are more heavy hone middle hbmen lumpen harnem nor road hones and ponies south of this again are twp more buildings crowded with various breeds of horses we were stabled along the south wall of the main building juml to the west of the hitching ring the box stalls are removable plywood about eight by eight with four foot aisles between them the ihltchlng ring lu about one hundred and fifty feet long by about thirty fleet wide our rigs wen kept in a large tent outside mltn iii till i 11 iii um llt tliuu 1 s itlllll l iii hi 1 i a 111 tin world i liiiiil j tn tlt him this uiililn i i ii i m rl n is i km w llnouijli it inn siuida niiiiiiuif i mis up ind ulit tu the show jrouilil nine thnt il sllimd so stianjie in the miin i nil uh y won judhinu iittlo and hcivji horses wjluinc through tlurojnd into the horse bums the ridios in the different tick rooms were all cnrrvmtf church ut the siime time pieparlng for the different ilusies came three thirty the time of our first cluas just about then i was wishing we uere back in georgetown however we weren i think about three oclock all the people in chicago were there 1 had never been in the ring but i had nothing on our horses neither had they and a tandem class at that didnt know whether i was sitting in the gig or on davys back got into the ring as a unit halton took one look at the flowerbcdecked island lie didnt like the looks of it so headed for the boards davy saw all the lights reflecting on the polished steel and he didnt like it over there by this time halton real lied wc were in a show ring and away wc went dont remem ber much about this class hut we managed to get through it and safely out again from then on it wah much easier sunday night was tlie ladles phaeton pairs wont soy much about that other tliun that halton was the bud boy agiiln ileurd lotor unit one of thu- road horse judges couldnt under stand such u high spirited horse having such good manners und when lined up stood like u statue without being hold monday was an off day for us ko i i i i il oil i i in tin i i in i mi it i 1 s i ui hin ul kl 1 111 i utl it 111 llll uhlu h i ii ki d lili dint mj wlnl fill ml v ll lll llll v is m mill in ui in i 1 il inn lllljlll llf ihmi will ii ill tin ivnl tiki rl so ui hid to parallel pnk done the inside if till fence on llolsleid si i uusv thoioiiklif hi the fence was ubouf five feet hleh and above the fence was the top of the trailer with large letters ken mcmillan georgetown out so a services few ill chicago will know of geor getown ontario before leaving toronto lance humble told u to- be sure and have a meal at the saddle ond sirloin club he said it would cost ua a lot but would be well worth it well lance we had many enjoy able niealu at the club we hod in vitations wc had to refuse for lack of time friday night was the exhibition party night and whot a party wonderful food and lots of it a grand floor show and a wonderful dance abov all wc were made so welcome and everyone was so good to us it broke up at 4 a m und wc really didnt want to go to bed saturday was tlie flnol duy and by this time we had got around to knowing most everyone and while wc were anxious about homo wo were kind of sorry it was over we had a tandem clas saturday after noon and the stake ut night i apparently made flultc a hit in the tandem saturday afternoon us they literally pulled me out of tho gig in the hitching ring after the class was over after tlie rhow saturday night when our thoughts were naturally of home it wus just grund to huve u gathering of ontario people in our tack room tt made the dls- have a good trip the whole family was been planning for this yes and saving for it the bank manager has been in on it right along arranging financial details right down to handing them their travellers cheques v whatever your plana if they involve money drop in and talk them over with your bank wiwsjw there are so many ways in which he can help the royal bank of canada j georgetown branch f pi benner manaor

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