Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 2, 1949, p. 10

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the georgetown herald wednesday march 2 1949 page 10 canadian plowmen abroad by elliot moses otracfof ontario plowmens association a jeditora note thhru the fourth of a series of weekly stories wtfltdi elliott moses a director of the ontario plowmeits awoelatlon writing about tfve- vuit of canada jj chamiilon plow- inen to the ritbm isles the party returned h0me weekend s fed4nbuikh our tuir oi the scot- h fat- mil abound edinburgh tmu been oneofthe most profitable ex periences of our trip so for wo have had several days in ihls urea- before proceeding to glasgow ond thento ireland wc are very favournbly impressed with the general standard of agri culture in britain however it must be admitted that both in eng land and scotland the farms wc have visited arc the best in each district and perhaps not entirely typical- one b the first stops on our route was a 200 acre truck garden ing farm the seasons here arc ahead of ours and wc noticed let tuce and some other vegetables be ginning to peep through the aoll at least 25 varieties of vegetation i re grown on this farm which during the war years provided tie government with 5000 tons of vege tables annually- the owner mr r 1 scarlett told us that he em ployed 60 men th year around and in the growing and harvesting a- aon often hired an addiutwl num ber of men and women the women jrt this country are just as active in the fuld 0 the men alter watch ing them at worv we wwdered if we might suggest something simi lar for canadian women the stubles provide a plentiful sup ply for the uyumulu without causing a drought many of the beat cuttle on the farms we inspected were being pre pared jov the great perth aberdeen angus sale- it was a treat to see those wellfod unlroals some of whom were s fut they were barely liblc to navigate t scarcity of commercial lccdi securing enough conrncrclai teeds is quite a heatlache for the scottish farmers because all such j feeds ate rationed by the govern- ment 3dairyiarmevs rfre oh the preferred lisx jwhilebeef men must be content with second classifica tion one xf the beef farmers we met lold us thathe had been un able to secure sufficient rationed feeds but solved his problem by working out a feed mixture of grains roots potatoes etc which he claimed is giving him as good or better results wth hia herd than norval scouts hold father and son banquet a most enjoyable father and son buiupjct was held in st pauls pur- luh hall nor v il on wednesday evening kcbruary liird mr a hudson chairman of the croup committee acted as tonst- m as tor for th evening the toast tb the king wast proposed by cub kenneth richardson and a loust to the norvul tenuis and lubn wiiki proponed by miss gladys mecreu which was responded lo by mr j geovgo smith can be obtained by commercial feeds and at less cost the beef farmers are unhappy about the feed situation and argue that the people need beef as well as milk after living on british food for several weeks now we are inclined to agree with them we are all beginning to long for a good canadian roast despite the fact that the substitutes mainly fish and poultry are good and are not on the ration list there is also a form of sausage which has become somewhat of a national dish made i am told mostly of bread crumbs with jutfe or no meat in it a mawuau in blstreas we had an experience at one of the stock farms which seems funny to ui now but certainly was not amusing at the time particularly to rhys bacher while we were look- ing over a herd rhys lingered be hind in a pen of four young bulls the herdmen thinking all were out closed the door and bolted it a few seconds later we heard loud shouts for help and we all rushed back to discover the trouble- then we saw rhys cornered by four beautiful young bulls who appar ently were making up their minds just how and where they should begin their attack rhys later the potatoes i claimed thftt he was not s but to mature several weeks earlier hedidn look exactly at his ease i when the herdsmen came to his mr k- c reed wal speaker of the evening mr itecd injhlh uddresy stressed the neces sity for ievelonliig physical stam ina qualities of chvi racier awl ini tiative mr- reed likened the 4dr- xlduul ipre to a game of baseball without good health und piyiical development it li difficult to reach flrtt baye it is the develop- merit- of character ahiit will carry us on to second where we would remain if we neglect the culimi- tion of spiritual qualities these combined witir perianal initiative brings us to the home plate the goal of j eacl iife l purpose for which we were created mr harold lyons and mr hurt carney thanked the speaker for his most interesting and enlignten- ing address the table decorations candle holders ash trays fctc were con structed out of natural wood and baked clay by the scouts and cubs the cubs were in charge of ihe arrangement of the tables under the guidance of the akela miss mary coupland at the conclusion of the banquet piftiol leader gordon graham wc- pnvtrrd t lit thanks of all assembled 1 tne lad its who served in the kitchen for the excellent food and the capable and efficient service iirs murray laird spoke for the kitchen enmmitteo- following hie heifediouon scoiilsjiiul cubs iubcrcd tiround the eampfhv for a brief singsoivg under the leadership of the bramp- loii scoiitw and mri cotlis- akela hit gucat t tiie brumpton pacjt among thoil servlhg in the kit chin were- mrs murvuy laird mni hay pomeroy mrs ujiold lyons mrs vlltiatn grahamr mrs itohtrt iticlianliummis c reed iru krank keildiay mrs thos tarrcadden mvii keltlr wohb ancj mlsv maurvenneedham is i thauilks has itroiti haitohrgfkksky tin- recoril jersey cow reported inllalton county the last two weevs in january was cloverhill jrfnt-l- 1s71hw owned by f d char 1 s georgetown janice went n lest as a senior three year old and 111 iitifi days produced 9501 lbs of milk 511 pounds of fat with a lest of 513 per cent feath ers one brothers herd ot onkville was represented by avonleo kings princes ird 170021 with utli 1 ounds of milk 400 pounds of fat in 305 days with a test of 510 per cent qualifying for a sil ver medal certificate harold r laldlaw nerval ont has a cow inombrook susans royal hazel 132103 that at seven years of age to tell produced in 305 days 9042 pounds ri f milk 447 pounds of fat lindalc y bred and notice to creditors in the estate of jack trevelyne john gilbert late of the vil lage of imi williams in the county of ha i ton iatrmaker dceeaied the creditors of jack trevelyne john gilbert late of the village of glen willhmiu in the county of haltou papermaker deceased who died on or about the 4th day of february 1040 und all other hav ing claim- agujnst his estute jare himeby notified to tiepd by post prepaid vnr otherwise to deliver to messrs lungdon and aylsworth georgetown ontario solicitors or the undersigned fcxccutrlx of the estdleofjthe said jack trevolyne john gilbert papermaker- de- lcuscd on or before the 6th day oi april 1040 their naines addresses descriptions and full particulars of their- claims and the nature of the aecurlueii ifajny held by tbemi andh thut immediately qrlcr the ath day bf april 1u0 the eiecutrlst will proceed to distribute the estate of the suid deceased amongst the par ties entitled theretb having regard only to the clulms of which the egf ecutrix shall then have notice dated this 23rd day of febru ary 1040- mary gilbert executrix her solicitors by langdon aylsworth georgetown ontario 316 space doesnt permit you about them now- in my next letter which will be written from vonlod gladys 162617 treland ill describe our signt-ce- lng tours ot two famous scottish cities edinburgh and glasgow- owned by maurice c bcaty mil ton as a junior three year old pro duced in 301 days 72gb pounds of k 412 lbs ot tat r0sedale floral cut flowers potted plants br rrs wftddliu we can please you omr price i phone 283j we deli di hercules was able to overcome ataeus only by holding him so that no part of him touched the ground eyes examined glasses fitted repairs simmons s jewellers 5 main st gkoboetowm tiajcphonki bm j krorr wadmeaday 1mi la 5 to vm m 8 m taxbisa mxt uag opli irht iwi batbaua w mono acxountwg auditing bookkeeping service e m brown monthly ok wkkk1ly mill btrjcbt oftw sm em ni total grouin pdlfltuj wyrj ikti main crop of another furnl we vlaiud potato growing is quite a thriving indus try in many sections oi th und and we found the procedure moat interesting flat boxes containing about 50 pounds of seed potato in ach box are laid out in single layers for sprouting purposes and stacked one on top of another to the roof of the building while in this position only one sprout ap pears to develop on each potato the potatoes are then planted by hand and great care is taken not to break off the sprouts which the farmers claim help the potatoes to mature several than lf planted without sprouting the potato crop is sold in the field the buyer doing hi own har vesting and supplying his own men who are housed by the owner of the farm in dwellings that must measure up to the governments regulations on housing at the ross farm where ayrshire cattle are bred in large numbers we were shown a herd of 1110 milkinu cows and young stock totalling in all 300 head the stab les as in other places we inspected are adjoining the house und are kepi as clean and as neat as the house itself these stables were the most modern if any we saw with plenty of light and ventilation the milking is done by machine bottled on the farm and then ta ken lo the city in the farms own truck mr i toss keeps tho large herd mainly ior milk production and very few head are sold for breeding puriiohca jltveulock the raining und breeding of cuttle la still one of the most important lnduhlntb in hcotlund we visited vcral slock farms including the f macgilllvray kurrn at kant lothian mr macguutray one ot the most noted shorthorn breeders of votlii fresh an is a great believer hi overhead ventilators in rescue visit to a 2000 acre farm possibly the most interesting farm on our journey of the edinburgh area was the 2000acre st cutb berts cooperative society farm a herd of 150 ayrshire milking cows arc kept on the farm and the milk is handled in a most scientific manner the milking room or par- lour as it is culled consists of indi- 1 vidual stalls for each tow while the imjtung machine is m opera tion the cow receives her ration ot grain or commercial feed- the milk is weighed and then ent to 1 the cooler and bottling machine af- i ter which it is ready for the mar- i ket in addition to the milking cows sr0 feeding cuttle ure kept to sup ply the companys meat shops most i the feed for the cattle is grown n the furm- there are also 1000 registered pigs 150 ot which ure needing sows of the lurge chester white breed the society tiuu a worldwide market for all pigs hrcd for breeding purposes the cuttle und pigs ure housed in the moiil modern und elaborately rinliihed building in add it ton to our tour of scot- liiih furins we uluo vltitted muny 1 pluceii of historical intercut but star anthony qulnn and catherine demille play an indian couple in black gold allied artists milliondollar cine- color triumph currently at the roxy theatre t e i c h a d h aters of canada tu th tfory smart new front and cleans bright interiors uptotheminute facilities for faster easier more convenient shopping modern displays and smartly packaged products all are the visible symbols of canadas modern merchandising progress canadian distribution methods arc more effective more efficient than ever recent advances in marketing have been as remarkable as those in this countrys recordbreaking production and the development of natural resources i- the whole vast field of merchandim today presents new and greater opportunities for successful cauudiun careers imagination in builneti knows no gaographlca1 bouttdarloi in tliu voting uml vigorous nation originality battel on hoiuiil thinking jiayi off to the young canadian ai i vwlling to raim- hit night above the conventional ami worl hunt lojnuli bin vitmm come true no country loiluv offrrs triiler niiitiinitirsfor success than our omi nuh llrilliigli iiining hedleigh venning lxgun lii rarrrr a a junior aaleaman im 1926 front the beginning he betttai aware of the opportunity awaiting uw application of imagination and bread tllnuig to any job a keen atuowt of modern packaging an entbaalutle aid eoergetlo worker be u now vioaproaklost inaargeofalmofshirrurelultojl of canada larger nj prjal oompanlei a great beberar iai actaakmd warketing and a leader la lli ml af telling imil uilvittining 1 to pnumote- fitltl euilimos v cn0as of canadas e c t bikathilt

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