Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 30, 1949, p. 1

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the georgetown herald georgetown ontario wednesday march 30th 1949 series tied milverton here again tomorrow sewage disposal plant on 6f flmtst in province gcetown new scftvage pgsail plant u one ol tho llnest in ontario according to engineer c r hagey who has submitted a syn- dition is sot up on tho stones sur- tucc which attacks tire sewnge in the effluent and feeding updn it rtmovos it from tho eifluent the opsls of the lonstructlon of th 1 effluent is again collected by a sys- acworafio ytom to the town coun- 1 tei 0 ufei in the bottom of tlib m cil the town him officially token over tile ncy system and has in structed hou eholdcro anywhere in town to hook into the system the following is the complete ext of mr hageys report the following is a synopsis of what was invoked in the construc tion of your sewerage system in cluding your two pump stations and the disposal plant the contract for the entire pro ject was awarded to scottjackson construction limited of new tor onto in april ol 1017 and work uai commenced in july of that year and dllgently and continuously carried out from that time on even throunh the winter months the subsoil conditions were so various- and changed so quickly that many different types of equip ment hud to b- brought into use to cope with situations as they were encountered and it was fortunate indeed that the contractors equip ment wag so extensive many changes were made by the engineers in conjunction with the council in order to eliminate the necessity of opening up trenches on the streets in the business section this was accomplished only through the cooperation of the various own ers tenants and all person in volved and it cannot be too strong ly stressed thai the cooperation was excellent in this manner it was made pos sible to eliminate many sewers from the streets and construct them in tho rears of dwellings either on existing lanes or by easements the entire business section was thus saved the inconveniences that al ways occur in this type of con struction tn order to serve wartime hous ing project no 1 and relieve a very serious ueptic tank condition there it became necessary to change the system on guelph st and construct a pumping station on project no 1 the authorities of central mortgage cooperated in the changeover and contributed the ad ditional cost of this change the system is purely sanitary and is not designed to take care of storm water and consists of lines ranging in size from eight inches 8 to eighteen inches ib the disposal plant is located on the westerly bank of the creek several hundred feet south of the girls school this type of plant is known as high rate trickling filter and is designed to take care of a population of at least six thousand 0 000 persons it consists briefly ind in se quence in the order of treatment firstly a pump station equipped with a comminutor to chop up any rag etc and dual automatically controlled pumps which lift the sewage to a sufficient height to allow it to flow by gravity through i all the remaining stages of treat- ment to where it finally enters the creek as ap almost purified effluent the next stage after being lifted 4uuk jind flows from olcre to tho final scdimcntatlbrt tank where it u treated exactly as in the primary tank the effluent from this tank now highly purified rum to the creek if there is not sufficient effluent coming into the head box at any time to provide sufficient head to operate the filter then by float controls sufficient effluent is aut omatically pumped back from the final sedimentation tank to operate the filter tina ij controlled from what is called the return pump building adjacent to the pump station o w hat is called the contiol build ing is located the sludge digestion tank which again is a cylindrical reinforced concrete link which i directly connected by pipes and a series of valves to the iloppei ends of the primary and second- u y sedimentation tanks and a sludge pump in the control build ing after the floats hae cleared the deposited sludge to the hop pers the sludge pump is started and the sludge pumped to tho sludge digester the inside of the digester is lined with hot water coils which emanate from a boiler in the con trol building in the course of time the sludge in the digester commences to digest and gives off quantities of gas which is piped to the gas furnace and heats the wa ter which circulates in the digester heating the sludge and assisting in the digestion when the sludge is digested it becomes inert and gives off no fur ther gas and is in the lower portion of the tank samples are taken off which is made possible by various valves and the portion which is digested is pumped out by tho same sludge pump onto sludge dry ing beds located adjacent to tho control building here the sludge is dried and usually is disposed of readily either by sale for fertil izer or by allowing people to cart it away the sludge when properly diges ted is odorless and does not consti tute a nuisance the sludge beds are contained between reinforced concrete side- walls which are filled with graded sand and broken stone when the sludge is deposited on the beds the liquid filter through the filtering material and is caught in troughs georgetown make recreation survey mayor joseph gibbons seated what the people of georgetown receives questionnaire no 1 from want for organized iccieation the alex maclaren recreational com- survc concludes this week and mi t tee chairman inaugurating a formsare still available at several lime and talent survey which the main street stuies uuluding the guc has undertaken to determine herald office patrick cullcn dies suddenly in guelph a native of ireland who canto to live in georgetown in 1020 patrick j culleq died suddenly in st atos- ulu hospital guelph on thurs day march 4th mr cuhen had been in ill health since last novem ber uhd had bee to work since tht time he was born fifl years ago in dublin irelaitd and served during hje first war with the imperial for ces in 020 he was married to mm v webb and the couple camo to canada on their honeymoon trip taking up re tide nee in georgetown mj cullf n pwdecea ed her hus- h ind in 1111 a member of the hot n mic society of holy cross church mil of bnntli 120 cana- fh in legion mr cullen had been t mplovtd foi evetal years with provjnenl pap r i td and for the p i t four vliis witli alliance pa per hi- onl surviving relative is a si ur mrs bridget kiernnn of hi irk rock county dublin ire land since his wife death he had made his home with mr and mrs james boyle on chapel st requiem mass was celebrated on saturday morning by rev fr v j morgan with a former holy cross church rector rev fr j l me bride of hamilton assisting pallbemcrs were martin cummins john cummins j j gibbons fred tucker sidney hulme thomas treanor charles boyle and john uoio interment was made in greenwood cemetery where a raeside service was conducted by the local legion branch under the duection of david bowman visitors vim 65 on monday tomorrows winner puy port dover s r c hockey for next two weeks at georgetown arena the opening of on abbreviated iiocke series last friday evening under georgetow n recreational council sponsorship with the new recreational director rev j l self in charge drew on estima ted crowd of three hundred players and 200 spectators to the arena the grc was pleased par ticularly at the attendance of fa thers and is promoting the idea ot fathers taking a moie active inter est in the sports activities of their children the remaining three i n- day nights hav e been reserved for juvenile- midgets and hautauis in that ordei with othci sanies wor ked in on weijncsd i and iratur- das bantams in tin i ga neb pli td i i ida carried to a central point and piped i n stoics were hornet- j to the stream barons 0 hid o llh 0 bears scottjackson construction limi- l saturdu morning ted the contiactois are to be naim- a paed wlll ten are congratulated on the c oust i ue lion of this plant and the citicns have haions eei right to point to it with pride as it constitutes the finest tn disposal plants this report is of neeessit some what sketchy but i feel that any one interested would find it both interesting and educational to visit it s ilium ts l htrs 0 i blsun l ik ns 4 rid rials and minuets im mule fcited with two wins t idi uid tlii othii foui kims hut ki tied i garni for oik point the remaining chcdule is i march i0 ag llveis bturs hor- i net bisons barons reds april the plant and i feel sure that your i t bum hornets bisons comnletclv mr hyde would utus hyersbarons april 0 completely i 1 o furthor i 11 2 earsbarons bisons flei- xplaiu the operations is through a grit chamber where the flow is controlled by wcln and ony sand or other grit is precipita ted to the bottom the chamber is divided into two sections to that they arc interchangeable to allow a cleaning v from the grit chamber the icw age enters the primary iiedimenta- tion tank which u a rectangular reinforced concrete tank wifth a hopper bottom at the end where the sewage enters the sewage entering is baffled to slow it up allowing mogt of the solids to settle out in the itopper end a series of floats operating on an endless chain travel on the top of the ef fluent from the hooper end and are carried down at the opposite end and are then brought back along the bottom icraplng the settled material back to the hopper end the effluent from this tank flows into a head box where the effluent la kept at a fixed elevation to pro vide sufficient pressure to operate the trickling filter which in a large way appears like a lawn sprinkler the trickling filter is in reality a round reinforcod concrete tank with an open top and fillod with graded broken stone in the centre is the support for the sprinkler con sisting of four perforated arms which rotate and trickle the efflu ent over the bwd of broken stones in a hhuit lime a bucterlul con- q i redshornets midgets midget also played fuday and david bowman is again legion head david bowman was reelected the weather president of branch 120 canadian mr editor last monday i looked out of the window and saw is or 20 robins a couple of song sparrows pair of purple finches and a number of redpolls then i went outside and it really felt warm and overhead went flying a flock of ducks when i recorded a high of 55 for the day and saw the date march 21 1 knew legion at the annual meeting in tije clubrooms on sunday after noon the new slate of officers is president david bowman 1st vicepresident clifford hilts 2nd vicepresident james bell secre tary wallace thompson treasurer william honey sergeant at arms thomas given standard bearers ruce mccartney bert simpson i that spring hod arrived with a committee henry shepherd james bang may u continue murphy alex taylor harvey gar- j one thing all these rains can vin committee chairmen were cause you to be called in george- also chosen and these include sick town is a stickinthemud committee mrs thomas grieve i publicity thomas grieve canteen sam ten nan t entertainment alex taylor after the elections and installa tions of the new officers the de gree team took charge of the init iation of two new members edward stupleton and ronald mendhum em batkln dute mdk mill rain march 21 35 24 06 march 22 40 33 78 march 23 31 32 march 24 11 23 march 2s 04 27 2r march 26 fu 35 20 maich 27- 04 30 14 sitwdoy with exceptionally close cotes in almost all uamei scores we it rangers h canadiens 1 hawks 0 wingb 0 brums 4 leafs i wings 3kungcts j canadiens i leafs 0 brums 2 hawks 0 bruins lead the league with two games won wings are second with a win and a tie canadiens and rangers lie fo- third place with a win apiece hawks have one point trom then lie and the leafs trail ia mg lost both games the teams will pla further lames on the following dates inil 2 u 10 wingsbruins can- udicnshaw ks rangers- leafs p l ranget shrums i eafs- hawks wmgscanadiens pnl 711 bruins canadiens ii twksrai gt i s leafs- wings jlllmus jin eiuk le nsis w ei i choa n at a in etuifi of pi hi rs hit wednesday ud inn i t 1 1u ot u ims piov ideti mm goad hocki on lritlay night hit uam in matte up as follows mi i e ui u s bill hi w ttt c lptain l in 1 lliott goil rob simson k itli kmc bud h tines brock hi idliv don white mcnallj don i out don i iwson john nodvvell inn willow gcoige smith lrnest koinel si iv mernam dutchmc n at in gillis captain iaul barbei lai i walters goal bud varc joe louth george hoare david barber david bow man john guest tom armitstead ross oldham don burns ronald hulme tom beckett r hilts tigers jim kirkwood captain george maltby goal jack bettke carl schcnk georgo mcciure gary cooper logan arnle hazell sho teramoto doug ireland bob burns ross mcgill benny lorri- man bui doherty marlboros keith scott con tain terry bludd ron denham goal blake inglls fred dickenson lawrence rnynor mcmurdo wil liam hunter jack htlller jim ford peter brotkin walter alex ander the mercuries beat marlboros 42 and tigeru took a close 32 game from dutchmen on friday yesterday two more games were played mercuries and tigers being the winners both by 42 scores remaining scheduled games ore april l 70 tigersmercuries dutchmenmarlboros april 4 46 dutchmenmercuries morlborostigers april 1 46 marlborosdutchmen mercuriestigers lion ladies guests of club last night the annual ladies night of georgetown lions clubwas held last night at the yellow briar near brampton lion chief j l lam bert presided at the head table and there were several guests from the lakeshpre club including the pres ident ray swanson mr swanson officiated at a short ceremony in which fred chapman and clarence kennedy were received into club membership and mrlambcrt prc- se nted key awards to jack arm strong don barragcr and ray whitmee cecil dav idson was in charge of the program and a highlight was a radio quizz show conducted by rile brcthour with lions and their wives taking roles as perfor mers the show was recorded and provided even more laughs when- the play back was heard later in the evening a rotfe dona ted b club member allan norton was presented to each of the ladies the rccipienlberng identified by a song whiclijjl scribed her hus band s name ojtbusiness lucky thaws were won b mrs art scott mi s bob lane mrs alex maclar en mrs fred schultz mrs walter biehn mrs stan hadowlu of ldkeshorc mi s rile brethour mrs allan norton and mrs whel- dun emmerson dancing concluded tin evening dally newspaper stories to the contrary there is no truth in the rutnour that wauccrton has vtin further protest pgalnst muvertdn ton using ineligible players a prbv test mnde last week about ono play- t cr was uphold by the oha and on saturday in guejph a sudden death game vns played between wnlkcirton who had been ousted lfl the playdowns and mllvcrion who had already lost the first game ag- ainit georgetown on the previous thursday milvcrton won the game 12 tho georgetown series continued and before a packed ar- em here on monday milvertort won c- to force the scries into a final game which will be played here thurdny the winning tennt is iated to rriect port dover in the next round of the intermediate b playdowns the first thirty minutes of the thursday game proved disastrous fox the raiders mllverton scored three goals in the first fourteen minutes the first two on long shots that lever fanned on completely milvcrton were anywhere and ev erywhere as the raiders tried des perately to get some kind of system going wth mllverton bodycheck ing backchecking and skating them out of the play with the score 52 halfway through the gnme currle and l bradbury scored and at 833 of the final per iod storey tied it up five minutes later baldy nelson doing some fancy stickhondllng and clever foot work scored what proved to be the winning milvcrton goal while the game was clean the final min- utes brought some injuries rene martin who seemed to be carrying a chip on his shoulder crashed a milvcrton forward inte the boards with time out while he recovered his bearings the visit ing goalie had to leave the ice for repairs to an injured finger and storey received a nasty cut over the eye which put him out of play for the evening the reserved seat section was completely sold out soon after tick ets went on sale this morning and indications point to a record crowd tomorrow to see the final game of a thrilling series first period 1 milvcrton bowman 2 mllverton beir yost 3 milvcrton peck dale 4 georgetown chappel fern d beaumont penalties patterson melanson second period 5 muvcrtorwdalc peck u georgetown currle m bradbury storey 7 mllverton bundscho gaul 11 georgetown currle m bradbury storey y georgetown l bradbury storey penalties kipfcr sherk son third period it georgetown store patterson 1 1 mllverton nelson referees braithwaite 20 62 1311 1439 745 10 40 1155 1650 1012 pattcr- 833 1128 hodgson columnist ill this is a 12pagk paper i average 51 h5 30 due to illness of the writer the what s new column written by mrs huriy lewis is missing from 1 50 tnls week a issue religious census will be made in georgetown during the week of prayer in january mention was made of a religious survey which was to be made in georgetown plans have now been completed and the sur vey will begin on april 4th vol unteer canvassers from the local churches will call at each home in town with a questionnaire card to obtain the necessary data the sur vey should be of benefit to all the churches in the community and the cooperation of everyone is asked georgetown 3 milverton 1 no winner at first isstllxonrte miss audrey mitchell r r 1 llmehouse missed winning five dollars at the first brlllonlte at the roxy theatre last night when she was not present in the theatre when her name was called the contest sponsored by brills depl store will continue each tuesday night with next weeks prize being 10 to paiticlpate all one has to do is have a sales slip or purchase form from brills deposit it with name and address in a drum at the store or the theatre and be present at the theatre on tuesday night when your name is called entries nidy be deposited up to the iine of draw on tuesday miss mitchell received a double pass from the roxy us a consolation prize the georgetown raiders up ag- auist a far superior team than the last two they eliminated defeated mllverton in stratford last thurs day night by a 31 score before crowd of 2040 the mllverton club possessins some very speedy and clever stick- handlers had the upper hand in uie first period of play although the score read 11 at the end of the first the locals were off color in this period and were very week defensively there were times in this first twenty minutes when mil- verton could hove scored only lever playing fine hockey and stopping some herd drives proved to be unbeatable nelson of mll verton left unguarded in front of lever took a pass from ydst at 5 04 to open the scoring of the game before the priod ssided kenny nash took the puck from hi own end stick handled beauti fully to their defense faked shot then sidestepped mllvertono de fense went in flying drew schmidt from his net and scored the tlelng goal at 1124 from the opening moment of the second period till the end of the game the holders found themselves and played some excellent hockey although mllverton were fast they couldnt keep up the fast pac4 the raiders set at 420 of the second liarlod dolly beaumont set rene miirtin up and martin going in alone made no ntutake with a hard drijjc to the upper right hand continued on page 7

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