Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 25, 1949, p. 4

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the georgetown herald thursday may 25th 1949 page 4 new news and i ems of interest to haltom farmers continued froth- last week iod ckopb as soit buhners may outl pasture as sod crops have not been fully appreciated- trtiey have been the stepchildren lit the crop family of america- they have not been properly grown in the same sense ha other form crops they have boon left to ihcmselve to row on soils tur- ned over to thefn because depleted fertility made cropping with grain icorn etc unprofitable sf in the old world with tbi longer agricultural experience the lands tlh in good production todqy ore those occupied by sod crops for a large part of the time where clean or summer cultivation has been re duced to the minimum- only now are wc beginning to realize that through the more ex tensive use and propc management of hay and pasture crop we have the most economical cuectivc and lasting means of increasing our food production and at tne same time maintaining the production of our soils sod crops range all the way from relatively pure stands of grass or legumes alone to var ious combinations and mixtures of both but all have one character istic in common they can be made the best soil builders we have dis covered to date 1 the six main beneficial effects of sod crops that distinguish them as soil- building crops are that while they occupy the land 1 the soil is rested from all cul tivation 2 organic matter losses re reduced to a minimum 3 the humus content commences to in crease 4 the population of desir able soil microbes increases rapld- the evidence to date indicates that wo need to apply much heav ier applications of mineral fertiu vers than wo have been accustomed to for successful growth of the leg- me crops where jrrasses pre- dominate of course the need for nitrogen fertilizer will be equally important i establishing a strdng pvo active sod poor thin tods ncjthov produce more feed not protect or buildup the soil for iittty become kveed infested filled out and subject to croslon of the voir itself tti capacity of j sod crops to buildup soils may ulso- be increas ed by topdressing them with farmyard nfonurc in addition to the initial dressing of rninetttl fer tilizer manure used in this way to stimulate the growth of the sod crop in the rotation will probably live ultimately a greater return per ton applied than when applied directly ond plowed under for a cultivated crop in the summing up sod crops in the form of well managed hay and pasture crops can be made real oilbuilders by a having the soil tested to de termine its lime and fertilizer needs b liming and fertilizing the soil as needed to fit it for the needing c using a suitable mix ture of seeds or legumes and gras- ci adapted- to the soil etc d keeping the sod crop down for a long period in the crop rotation e feeding the sod by i top- dressing with manure as available and n topdressing with suitable house farm forum with the co operation of a number of womens institute are pooling their resour ces to provide refreshment for both the afternoon and evening oac to celebrate v 75th anniversary the seventyfifth anniversary of the opening of the ontario agricul- tural college at guelph id being celebrated this year yth month of june is always a busy month at the oac with almost in numerate gathering holding annual field days splenica conventions confjer- eilces a ilke k k can ada- ahotontnrlo is being signally honoured by the international federation of agriculture produ cers who nc holding their annual convention i tfi ojc this is in deed a momentous decision open sessions to the general public arc scheduled for june 0 and 10 it will also be of interest to our readers to learn that oils important group is to pay a vjslt to burlington district hoted for its fruit and vefieuibles on sunday afternoon may 2pth on june 7 and 0 ontario agri cultural representatives are meet ing in conference then on sat urday june uth hal ton and peel holstein and jersey breeders will pav their annual pilgrimage to the oa c for their yearly field day farmers week at tbe oac is next in line nomelj the week of june 13th this will be climaxed by alumni day on saturday june 18 even the humble scribe of this i column hopes to celebrate the 34th anniversary ot his entering the portals of the old gray limestone college on the hill years roll by but the memories of those four years with its association with fel low students from many parts of the world and with the profs grow brighter with the years i these are but a few of the gath- ftrtllizer as needed f harvesting erings uhich will grace the import- the hny crop at the proper time jiu college of agricultural learning k grazing pasture only within the upon the hill near guelph and from j limit of its carrying capacity h whieh so many agricultural itiders the sodturning ceremony for the mcrvlaster alumni memorial building took place on saturday evening when members of the alumni held their annual re union at the university pictured above i the architects sketch of die new- building which will be a centre of both alumni and student activities it is ex pected that construction will be completed in time for next years reunion ly 5 physical condition improves controlling weeds fn the pasture by of the world hae firaduated ps a crumb structure begins to develop 0 losses of plant nut rients by erosion and leaching arc reduced to a negligible amount when the sod crops consist of the legumes alfalfa and clovers or mixtures containing legumes their subsequent beneficial effects on soil productivity reach a maxi mum legumes are a superior source of soil organic matter because of tboir higher nitrogen content than the grasses or any of the other crop residues this u important from the standpoint of humus for mation in the soil wc referred previously to the fact that more humus is produced eventually from material rich in nitrogen than from material with a low content of nitrogen the evidence indicates that more humus will be produced in the soil from the rotting of one ton of clover roots or tops than from one ton of straw or corn stalks this is shown by experi ments conducted by the experiment stations in iowa ohio and michi gan to be fully effective as soil- builders the roots of alfalfa and the clovers must be c lipping at the proper intervals i following the breakingup of a bod and the growing of cultivated crops bj putting the soil back into sod without delay news and items of interest iialtov iakmers to stud uop a sou conditions in western ontario in between thee gatherings on- iiios rural people will net off the h i crop whicl incidentally in mpst section- of the count is badly in i need of some warm showers at the time of writing perhips our three nndidatcs for june j7th can do something iboilt it wc can make i no promises but it might hac quite j in effect on the rural ott i iiiuvr tiiiiu a nodulated with the bacteria which ted by the make it possible for these plants nar london to use nitrogen from the air and hence add to the supply already in the soil when seeding down to legumes it is good economy to inoculate the seed with the prope nitroculture to insure that the root nodule bacteria will be present- the greatest effect on physical condition of the soil is to be de rived from the deeper tap rooted legumes viz alfalfa and sweet clover not only do these crops improve the structure of the top- soil but their deep root systems penetrate heavy compacted imper vious subsoils opening them up and improving their structure aer ation ond natural drainage to depths of 16 to 18 inches the shal lower more fibrous rooted leg umes and such as alslkc red clover and ladlno are exceedingly effect ive in improving the physical con dition of the surface layer but hve little effect on the subsoil orus sods of blucgrass orchard brome and timothy are also effec tive mainly in the upper surface sou as far as adding organic matter rotrfive halton formers have signed up for the bus trip through western ontario on monday and tuesday next the two day lour is sponsored by the halton crop im provement association and the proposed programme includes the following farm visits the bhuh farm near kitchener which is re ported to be carrying 114 head of jerseys on 141 acres of crop land plus 35 acres of rough pasture land grass silage is a specialty on this farm which has four silos the second stopis to bo made at the soil erosion plots near new hamburg and thence on to the d h hart and alex muir farms near wood- i stock which are noted for good j pastures and soil building prac tices visits will also be made the thoroughly first day at weldwood farm opera- farmers advocate and the lawrence kerr farm near chatham the secdnd day s itinerary will include visits to the erieau and rondeau marshes which grow a wide variety of crops and thence on to the western ontario experi the pastor icad the lesson from etkial 11 i- 1 j and the text was t i vtii from ezckial 1 1 the heav ens were opened and i saw visions of god eckial was a priest as tsell is i pmphet he was one of the cap- tiv ci who were taken to babylon if v c heard a man say this today we would wonder what was wrong men of vision are the leaders in the woild today it is the voung jeople with a vision who really build a character worth while the jeoplc without a vision are the drifters without a vision the people crish there are people who do not pray who never had any religious exper ience we would not go to them for an opinion on religion any more than wc would go to a blind person for in opinion on colour or to a deaf pit son for an opinion on sound men of the bible had visions ezck- iil was in prison only in body he was one of the freest souls in cap- thc committee in charge of the grand opening of the halton com munity park at lowvllle and the turning on of the newly ins tailed floodlights report a programme which will long be remembered softball gomes between four crack teams will get underway at 2 vm and improving crumb structure are on mond june flth concerned while sod crops par- tn fljmu jr tournammt wui tlcularly legume sod crops have hrfd jn evenin xmdtft flood tttmendoua potentials for inerass- hu whjcn mcidenuuy arc to be lug the organic matter content and offcla turned on tne aftar improving the physical eondiuon of nwm b j a carrout superintend- mental farm at ridgetown if time a right mind can never be in prison ezckial told his people that they would suffer for their sin permits the frank silcox farm at lona which specializes in good jerseys pastures and grass silage will also be visited we understand from agricultural representative j h whitelock that no further appli cations carf be accepted as the de mand has already exceeded bus ac commodation j a carroll to turn on floodlights at halton community park june 6th soil they cannot accomplish tikn unless they are adequately atfcppued with nitrogen and mineral nutrients for their optimum growth soils that are acid j n reaction and jacking ume should first be limed to nsur tha sufficient calcium lime is available for alfalfa and the clovers we are apt to forget that legumes have a much higher mineral requirement than the gras ses or other form crops if we grow these successfully uie required min erals especially lime phosphorus cnt of agricultural si horticultur al societies of the ontario depart ment of agriculture toronto mr carroll is also well and favourably known to many as the secretary- manager of the famous interna tional plowing match other programme for the even ing includes a carnival bingo games etc fov which over 40 special prizes have already been donated by merchants of the coun ty then we understand there is to be an outstanding gate prize for and potash must be in the soil in tc iucky tclcet noider a ln a sufficient amounts and readily he progrnriime wl ln koep l available forms at the time the sod with thc nild encrgy m crops are seeded down the uest whlch 0 been expended l insurance for this is to have the m o le clu of vhtuitod d py wicultural haiton to mnko community one snd phosphatapousli centre the outstanding recreational r rentro tnruratohuirio last but fc aba tats least the ladies of the lime they would not accept his warning but it came just as he said as ezckial prophesied to warn his people against disobedience to god so we must give forth the gospel of grace that mn and women might im saved from sin only people with a vision of god will tiave a message that will save the evening subject was the dreadfulness of god this may seem a strange way to talk about god most unbelievers dread to hear about god jacob had sinned against his brother and father the first night on his trip to get away from home he had a dream he saw the angels ascending and descending from earth to heaven he said the lord is in this place and i knew it not he was afraid and said how dreadful is this place in mim god says my name is dreadful among the heathen the prophet joel tells of gods wrath against the disobedient people in matthew 34 20 jesus tells of the terrible exper ience that would come to unbeliev ers immediately after the tribulation of those days gods name is dread ful among the heathen god will not permit his name to be dragged down the unbeliever will suffer in the attempt to overthrow god malachl 4 2 3 but unto you that hear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing ln his wings and ye shall tread down the wicked for they shall be as ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that i hall do this salth the lord of hosts the annual business meeting was held last wednesday evening ln the sunday school room of the church a goodly number enjoyed the sup per prepare by thc ladles uftor which the business of the church was attended to 7 clearing auction sale of live stock implements hay grain etc in the township of esqucsing the undersigned has received instructions from ray meenery to sell by auction at his farm lot 12 con 0 esqucsing twp situated on the esqucslngerin town line g miles south pf erin village on tuesday may 31st 1949 commemng at 1 o clock sharp the following liohbls harness brown mare 5 ears old 1100 lbs good m ill harness black mare 0 years old 1ju0 lbs good in all harness chestnut marc 8 yrs old good in ill harness black mare 14 years old food in all hirness set of 1 u team harness brcechings ct ot team backhand harness col- lus hea set of horse blankets l l of single druing harness pigs thrifty chunks about 100 lbs 2 fat pigs about 100 lbs bhllp 12 oxford breeding cwls with 20 lambs at foot ii y grain 15 tons of good mixed ha 2 bus of heavy mix ed grain 7d bus of vicland oats 0 b igs of irish cobbler potatoes 150 bus of good fall wheat shorthorn cows grey cow fresh in april with calf at foot red heifer fresh in april with calf at foot red cow fresh in mar with calf at toot red cow fresh with calf at foot red heifer due ibout time of sale red cow fresh in ieb with calf at foot roan cow due in july roan cow milking well bred feb 23 roan heifer bred january lfl roan heifer bred october 10 the above cows are all hand talked registered shorthorn bull 3 yrs old bred by harold griffin acton ontario oung cattle shorthorn heifer icady to breed steer rising j ears old 3 steers and a heifer 1 car old 2 fall calves 2 veal waives almost readv for market 2 oung calves implements frost and wood binder 0 ft cut massey harris gum drill international mower 0 ft cut massey harris no 7 drop head hay loader buck rake pow ered with a dodge motor a good one international dump rake mas sey harris hay tedder tudhope anderson manure spreader as good as new 13 tooth cultivator med ium farm wagon as good as new wagon box with shelves flat hay rack bench sleighs with flat rack cutter oe laval cream separator rubber tired buggy 3 fleury walk ing plows disc harrow 6 section harrows fanning mill potato dig ger stone boat stewart electric stock clippers as good as new set of renfrew 2000 lb scales shur- shock electric fencer logging chains hay fork pulper pulleys scuffleji step ladder all small ar ticles 50 fence posts cellar quan of lumber so rods of wire fence ho reserve as the farm is sold terms cash with clerk day of sale robert mcenery clerk wm k gibson auctlonasr phone guelph 7isw 5m phone 328 or 168r floor sanding floor sanded and refinished tite ductles wmjr new modern equipment ted bludd howard graff real estate business broker investments insurance of all kinds mill stnet phone 392 re 176j for prompt and efficient service in general haulage work call dickenson haulage also guelph building blocks chimney blocks partition tile cement bricks washed sand wasted stone phone 84v33 georgetown or 381 r22 ep head optometrist sod manufacturing optician batteries for hearing aids eveh examined scientifically 1 st georges square guelph ttahllshedtt ywrt tom hews0h i a m kmpresentlng wuwstfaby rl esbjto atfnusr da lavj milds mmubm wmi international motor trucks hudson and rover can ferguson tractors and equipment george white threshers used tractors and cars centaur tractors woods electrical equipment milkers grinders our mill street ofgce is just around the corner raw the bank of commerce coolers- offrce 2w residence 332j

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