Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 8, 1949, p. 1

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the georgetown herald georgetown ontario wednesday june 8th 1949 whatygouncil did on mondayi ionb 8u tlcard from tho board of trans- port commissioners that the board assessed responsibility tqr widen ing the john street subway on a 5050 basis between the town and the canadian national railway j cost- of widening is estimated at s70000 or more no order is being issued for the widening and it t up to the town s discretion now or in the future to request that this be done deputyhccvo goodlot said that the cbso had been pres ented in an able manner by tho lawcrs for the town p will ask that the present private crossinc at the station be made a public crossing and that the neces sary precautions be taken at tho crossinc moved by armstrong and good- let mcnally voted against a lcngth discussion took place on this question arising from the police report in which the police pointed out the difficulty of send ing summons to dog owners whon dogs ran at large without tags council decided to set afee of 1 to be paid to the dog catcher which would be paid by the owner as a fine or by the town if the dog was destroyed the polfco also reported on the enforcement of the hawkers and pedlars bylaw three broad com panies had been notified that they must pay 50 for each vehicle used v amings had been issued to two or three transient traders will have the bell on the old town hall removed the wrecker to have the scrap for the removal movd by mccumber and mc nally accepted an offer of the fire brigade to paint the hydrants i will ask the boy scouts to look after maintenance of the grounds around the monument i received a complaint from rcsl- dents of draper street conveyed b comfort rogxel objecting to the drain from the properties on i guelph street around georgetown motors running into an open ditch on draper mayor gibbons said that this become a nuisance it voud certalnb he attended to heard a report of the assessors convention from the town assessor arnott early with engineer roberts inspected the proposed site for the pump- house on lower main btreet mr roberts recommended that dr pauls property was most suitable due to the eleatlon harry hale complained of sew- age running into an open ditch in the ontario street district and council will ask the halton health unit to check on tnls fred harrison asked council to extend sewerage to his property on the highway mayor gibbons said that there were no funds available at present to finance this 500 expenditure reeve arm strong suggeated that as there was going to be a deficit in the sewer age debenture another debenture would have to be floated and that the harrison extension be put in this council agieed that this would would be don if the municipal board would allow it received a cheque for 027 from the liquor control board ai the town s shore of the 1948 fees appointed the clerk and assessor to attend a day of lectures in mil ton on june 17 presented by the dept of municipal affairs promised john cordaro to rem edy o edndltion on main street which left water lying on the side walk in front of his property will place a street light on ostrander boulevard moved by davidson and mc cumber were told by sewerage engineer hagey that he had notified scott jackson construction co tht there were certain adjustments to make in pumps and motors at the disposal plant he also pointed out that the disposal plant could not take certain industrial waste from the provincial paper mill until it was prctreuted and that this should be brought to the companys attention i dr c w bayers dr c w payers who received his decree of doctor of veterinary medicine at the recent convocation of the university of toronto held it guelph has commenced practice in georgetown he has established an office nnd residence on guelph fatrcot in the house formerly occu pied by mr and mrs ellis scho- field georgetown has been without i veterinary since the departure of dr w c stilei for brocebrlde a shnit while ago district president is institute guest the regular monthly meeting of the georgetown women s institute was held at the home of mrs fred mcnally market street on wed nesday june 1st at 2 30 pro with the president mrs h c bailey in the chair the roll call was an swered by date of birth mrs s gowland gave a very short but concise and interesting account of her vlsit to the guelph convention telling of the main points of interest and recommenda tions mcsdames bailey gowlund petch and e r robinson were appointed to represent the branch at th district annual at palermo con- idcration is being given to invit ing the district annual to this end of the county for next year f w g bell invited the mem bers to her home and grounds for a picnic on july 6th everyone is looking forward to this event and txpect to report a good time it is planned to send another food parcel as large as allowed to britain in the very near future mrb wm t sinclair accepted the office of district director it being on honour usuallj eonferrcd on a past president mrs f rlnehart of cauipbell- ille district president chief spea ker of the afternoon was then in troduced b the president mrs ujik she spoke first of uie nec essity of increasing membership possibl a dn e among the youn ger married women und ways and means provided to make it possible for them to attend and enjoy meet ings probabl u temporary nursery to provide accommodation and i muse men t for the young children so that tlie mothers might enjoy meetings she spoke of the open ing of the new pork at lowvllle and hoped the members would avail themselves of the privileges and pleasures that it afforded her chief topic was children s health and she gave many useful hints for the care of children science has made wonderful strides so much so that statistics showed that in 1000 an average life was 49v eurs while in 1047 it had in creased to 06 years curing ill nesses had shown great advanced skill but to prevent them was still better mr kenneth harrison favoured with two plane solos harmonica plaer and prelude and rev alex calder with two solos just a- weorylng for you and galway bay mrs wm mcdowell gave a few queer quirks apologies to alec faire gleaned from the news which were highly amusing mrs wm t sinclair moved a vote of thanks to the speaker ass isting artists convenors mcs dames mqdowell llvingstono frank and grant and to the hos tess mrs fred mcnally the meeting closed with the king after which lunch was ser ved doreen wblson weds to live in london tall standaros of spring flowers jalms ferns ard candelabra form- tjd an attractive sotting in st jumea westminster chureh of england london on saturday june 4th for the wedding of alia dorocn wjlon daughter of mr and mrs jolui wilson brticoost ond keith george wlnterton son of mr and mrs h m winterton london re h e mcrlflcld rec tor of the church assisted by rev ph stricter rector of the church of lhcepfihuny officiated at the double ring ceremony mrs george e chubb organist played the tra ditional wedding music the bride given in marriage by her father wore a gown of ivory brocaded satin with fitted bodice accented with net yoke bertha col- lu and long tapering sleeves the full skirt extending into a slight nam her fingertip veil was held in place by a tiara headdress of bead and sequins shu carried a cascade bouquet of red loses and w hite sweet peas miss eleanor courtis lamb th maid of honour woie deep rose taffeta and the bridesmaid miy mary jane rich ardson toronto cousin of the bride wore aqua taffeta their dresses were fashioned like the bride s and thi y wore watching poke bonnets and ovcrtheelbow mi its and carried colonial bouquets of pink roses and pink and white sweet peas miss diane wmterton sister of the groom was flower girls in apple jjreen taffeta carry ing u miniature colonial bouquet of pink roses and jellow pom pom mums garnett winter ton toronto was groomsman for his brother and the ushers were dr murray aboil bro ther of the bndc and bruce wln terton brother of the groom both of london a reception was held at the highland golf club where mrs wilson received the guests in a 1 frock of aqua crepe with black 1 icccssorics ind a corsage of happy day roses the groom a mother wore u corsagt of talisman roses with her turquoise dres and white u lcssories l i or travelling the bride chose a figured pussy willow grey crepe dress with lighter grey accessories nul a corsage of red rosea after i motor trip to northern ontario the couple will reside in london guests attendee the wedding from georgetow n milton toronto snr- ni i lmcr ard imdon leonard jlunbert again lions pres idcrtt leonard lambert principal of gtorgplowtl high school was re elected president of the lions club fob a second term of orflcd when the election of officers was held u tho dinner- meeting last night in tho mcgibbonhousc the tllatd of officers for 1mh4q ijty past president harold tccluro president leonard lambert 1st vice jack xrmstt6hg 2nd vice ray whwwoa 3rd vice harold hutchinsoh secretary norman smith treasurer keith barber tall twister whcldon emmer- son lion tamer juelunnlng bulletin editors cccll mo- namara walter biehn directors 1 year don barra- gcr alex mnclaren director 2 years cecil dav idson trcd chapman three new members were -initia- u d iro club membership by the pi esiclent rev j l self ernie crawford and irwin noble final plans were made for the boos tor night in the park on friday when the club will assist the girls pipe utfnctln ralalnc funds to go to the lions convention in new york reports on the district convention were presented by jack armstrong t alex mnclaren fred chapman and the president fergus miftoty head halton baseball loop prime minister visits kocjcwood mrs tapp resigns will teach at gravenhurst hugh logan dies in glen williams i another old time glen resident p issfed away on monday may 30th after a lengthy illness in the per- 1 son of hugh mathews logan the j death occurred at the home of his daughter mrs e martin he was in his 77th vear bom in peel county neir terra cotto mr log- in was tlu second youngest son of the late robert logan and eliza rutlcdg for many years he was in tin qinrrv business operating a tone quarrv on the 0th line predeceased bv his wife the for mer mabel brown he leaves a fa mily of four ions and two daugh leri harrv norman monty and frlword mrs ed martin gertrude and mrs william inglls viola a hi other wllllim lives in the gun ind another brother doc in moost jtw suk archdeacon w g o thomp son condut ted the funeral service from the martin home on wednes- da with incrmcnt following in glen v illnms cemetery pall- btarcrs were b burgess harvey c irvm gerald inglis hirold in- l1is ind g orgi inglis i the closest point touched by prune minister st laurent on his election tour of ontario was rock- wood lust wednesday morning the piime minister was en route to ad dress meetings in arthur and owen sound and his party left the train at hockwood to go by car to ar thur he made an informal speech on the platform which was crow ded with people from the district and schoolchildren wht were giv en a special holiday in honour of the occasion mr st laurent re marked that the country around rock wood reminded him of the farm district where he spent his bo hood in quebec mis edna tapp fm the past six cars a teacher on the public ihool staff i as tesigned to take a ikjsition in gravenhurst and will k ic town at the end of the school icrm mrs tapp has been a val- iitd member of the staff during her residence here and it was with re gret that the board of education le irned of her decision the board is interv lewmg applicants for the position this week it will mean w o new faces on the school stom in xt term miss mildred eason living been hired earlier as i ex- tr 1 teacher to take c ire of mcreus- nii enrolment mrs tapp will ipend the sum- nui at her cottage at gordon bay near gravenhurst her daughter miss shirley tapp who graduated this ear from the ontario college of fducation will teach in orillla mrs tapp has two other children john a gradu ite of queens unl- vcrsitj who is a sociul worker in toronto md has been living in town for the past few months and hugo a studer t at st andrews c ollege dont forget 1 mrs ii h matson of palgrave your date at waterloo park pant the weektfnd in town with waterloo ontario for the great mr it waldle mr and mrs r s matson and ton michael of grtnr ft t vtstt vpuh mm wsmftfc baud festival saturday june 2s come early a no stay all day beauti ful picnic grourfds- ample park- lui lu moundi miss ruston was lifelong resident mlsu mary elizabeth huston a llfclonu resident of georgetown died- at her home on main street on tusday may 31st atjhc aae of 80 she was a dauuhtcr of the lote mr und mm thomub huston and her father operate 1 u druu store here for inun eun where muccor- maclc s druiin u now located muu i huston hd been a somllnvalld for several years and hud been in fall- ins health sinte last winter when she suffered a broken shoulder in a fall she was a member of st georges church of england she leaves a sister mlsii jessie huston of town and a nephew harold of toronto a brother fred predeceased her a few years igo- archdeaeoh w g o thompson conducted the funeral service an thursday from the mccluro fun eral home pallbearers were wil liam bradley fred mcnally fred arinstronu joseph gibbons and w c marshall and william mcnally ititesment was made in greenwood campbellviue girl wins music scholarship norma brown of campbellviue who placed firt m the piano solo for lhildren undei 18 wai awarded i scholarship at the music fe- li jl in muon on suturday whlc v us sponsored by halton male choir specul priea of 5 each wtnt to seven other contestants in uk virious groups the simlflnals t re held in the afurnoon with fin lists uprhirinu in the evcnllik iintil result- were bos unihinlul voices gerald hommood dutlph junction 80 martin davenport rockwood 85 leonard berrv milton 82 bobby tracey georgetown 80 bobby lush lowvllle 80 nell benton and bill hanrox also competod in this class ahs vocal 10h donna mc millan noclujod 87 frances cox milton 80 morjorlc scott horn by 84 pat carney norval 02 eileen pegg kilbride 80 helen agnew campbellviue no anna spitztr was also in tills class piano solo under 15 ruth wil son norval 85 jean bird also competed in this class piano solo under 21 crawford douglas bpejslde 85 margorct mcdougall milton 80 piano solo under 18 norma brown campbcllford 80 balrtonc solo under 21 tom foster lowvllle 82 j peter mc- phuil burlington 80 crawford douglas 71 soprano under 21 jane sey mour burlington 02 w mezzosoprano under 21 mar ion readhcad lowvllle 85 norma brown 82j jean dennis camp bellviue 75 kenneth harrison pupils hold musical recital iano and vocal pupils of ken neth u harrison apepared in reci- t il on mondav evening in knox 1iesbytcrian church rev alex j calder was chairman and misg jean chester of norval was kuost artist sinking four numbers with mr harrison accompanying at the piano arlene reeve presented a bouriutt of flowers to miss chester us an appreciation from the music cl iss mr harrison played a piano solo it the end of the evening and iko iuets with marion hupler and douglas wrlgglcsworth another pi mo duet wnsplayed by joan and gloria schulu those playu g piano selections were allan beeney limchouse dennis bell richard verdec paul ing smith gloria schulu arlene hil joan schultz carol scddon rosa ihortill ballinofad patsy richardson helen chaplin doug las wrigglesworth arlene reeve barbara lindsay theresa beney limchouse am bedell billy far mer lillian shepherd gwcn dav is sjlcia dlggins bill hancox mai beckett eileen hunter nor- v il mary carney norval vocalists were nancy white norv il paddv lucas norval simla camcv norval and bob- b hill those who both played uul s iiik were ralph laidlaw nor- v il pats carney norval bobby trucev nul anna spitzer lime- house with all six teams in the inter- mediate baseball league having pluycsj four games milton and slatw gus appear to have tns atrnng t teams and if they continue to play their present game may end 19 winners in their respective group both these teams have won all their four games to dale acton hias 1111 even spllwmnlng two and los ing two georgetown nod j nps have each won one and lost three while waterdown has yet to w in a game fergus ond georgetown are b lcam and will playoff at th end of the season for tho champ- lonship the other four teams ar fighting for three playoff bertha with one of them bound to be elinv mated in the regular schedule georgetown will play in actott tonight and will bo host to water- down at the local park next satur day roumlu milton minister at norval anniversary rev a n mcfoul a former min ister in milton was guost preachas at the 111th anniversary servlcaa in norval presbtycrlan church oa sunday the church was well til led at both morning and evening services with present and formes members of the congregation spe cial music was provided by tha choir under tho direction of mi j c harston with mrs f o hun ter at the organ harrv williams graduates i- rom umversitv of t sokvl girl graduates ihiim vmtkllan university miss jean udrey davis only daughter of mr and mrs george divis of norval is a member of the graduating class at wheaton college wheaton illinois she will receive her bachelor of arts degree at the convocation of the college next monday and her par ents expect to make the trip to the states for the event i junior auxiliary i ii s picnic members of the junior auxiliary of st george s church enjoyed a picnic in the park on monday af ternoon under the direction of their leaders mrs harold hancox mrs james patton and mrs perc olney about twentyfive children and several mothers were present- games were played and there were races which were won by dlanne i harrison carolyn blehn and eil een hill mothers of the cklldren 1 provided the prizes und the supper which was sered at the end of the day harry williams son of mr and mrs reg williams of the glen graduated lost thursday in honour biology from the university of toronto harry who entered uni versity after serving as a flyer vith the rcaf during the war has done exceptionally well at uni versity he secured first claasj honours and stood forth in his class he will spend the summer with the department of game and fisheries at algonquin park and us the fall will be a member of thai university staff streetsville tullamore win monday lacrosse in monday s games in the junior 1- armer lacrosse league streeu- v ille won a 31 victory over alloa and tullamorc trimmed ebcnezer 7- the strcetsville gome was close pegg scoring for the winners in the second and wadby ticlng th score in the third goals by wuf raine and bob wilson won the ame later in this period the final frame was scoreless after an even first period in w hlch the score was tied at loll tullarnore pulled into the lead and coasted to an easy victory against ebcnezer scoring for the winners were b carberry slbbald 2 cheync j haines and reld- longhouse scored two for the los ers strcetsville ellis wllf raine i- vans doug raine bob wilson bob wedgcwood b pegg jim bur ton tyera davis nixon rundle john hamilton alloa don clarke pete wil- winson scotty moddlson don kees r rank dolson lloyd crlchton jim reid don hogg murray wad- b george beardmorc hon tucns- mann george froser nell van vlict ebcnezer b cox jim me- eachcrn ted smlthson bui ixna hocue don milliard kirby craul harold seed bob nlckell alt dooks ron godfrey ern castator tullamorc a woodoll don reid bob carberry ron haines f clark jim aclcroyd c cheync bill archdckln ted slbbald tom carberry c whaley b haws- truwser man archdckln m wat son legion plans decoration day service enolisii lady visits daughter herb a visitor in town from england is mrs g v ayling who arrived here sunday to visit for several months with her daughter mrs jack polly and mr polly mrs ayling who comes from bourne mouth crossed the atlantic on the annuanla alf rolfe appointed post office caretaker mr alt rolfe union street has been appointed caretaker of the local post office building succeed ing the late stafford groat who died recently mr rolfe who com menced his new duties wed nesday has oeen employed with thompsons hardware he is a vet eran of the first world war a decoratlor day service sunt- ar to the one held two years agxll s being planned by branch 130 canadian legion on sunday june 0th the service is in memory of hose who lost their uvea in the two world wars and those legion members who have since died all veterans are invited to take part the parade will fall in at the leg ion hall at 2 pm that afternoon under parade marshal henry shep herd garage on glen road destroyed by wtut fire which brolte out about our oclock this afujrnoen destroyed a garage at the home of jack press- wood on the glen road th tba brlswda was called and unable s save the building

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