Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 8, 1949, p. 11

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ft 4 the georgetown herald wednesday june 8th 1949 v r cleaner clothes cleaner cookery a way everything you need for electrical living s by a model a7 15950 with power pomp extra for chan cookery the automatic electric range thoroughly modern with all the latent features of lectnc cookery to make meal getting a pleasure dials the westiaghouse range let us show you bow you can just dial the heat you need and lean the rest to your wcstinghouse that s because electric cooking is auiomiru cooking yoo cant be too early in seeing thete beautiful t westiaghouse ranges there s a size to 6s yomr idtchon model rm 29900 mtdtl a4m for cleauxloibes the cushioned action washer cushioned action has been proved in ex haustive tests to wain clothes cleaner faster with lexs wear on clothes 1 he westinghouse washer is cahada s outstanding washer value because it includes sueh features as the westing- htiuie lovcll safety x ringer sentinel of safety to protect the motor from damaging power over loads cushioned etion cyrator and easy to- dean porcelain enamel tub place your order tsrfy smart attractive tabuappliances to brighten up your cooking and housework turnover toaster toasts two slicei at once nclpulor turnover feature gleaming chrome fi nnh easy to clean attractively designed complete with oven ware dish set of one large uncovered meat dish and two mailer covered vegetable dishes automatic sandwich brill toasts fries grills warms automatic heat control fast element beautiful- ly designed ia 239 j westlnghouse autocrat toaster compact streamlined design toasts two slices at once lifedung chrome finish chroeai heres electric cooking at its delicious best cooks everything from complete oven dinners to tempting ngel food cakes treat your 1550 westinghouse adjustomatic 7 roasteroven roasts fries cooks compufst ovm dinner v standard aijust0iiat1g irq es mly to roasts that are trior ighly done ft deliciously tender ana uicy serve tempting vegetables rich in vitamins with all their full flavor retained and bake perfectly browned pies cakes bread or cookies you cin quickly prepare ull tuese foods and many more besides with the west- i n ghouse roaster oven dial the correct beat for each fabric with thermostatic con trol bevelled but ton edge longlifa element 995 5950 jfru fffawava westinghouse see these outstanding values now at jfa frawaftfestintijiousc g00dlets economy hardware main street your westusjghouse dealer phone 124 t news and items of interest to halt0n farmers able if there are three better farm halton farmers visit south western ontario fortyfive halton farmers parti cipated in the two day bus trip sponsored by the halton crop im provement association on may 30th and 31st tho group was particu larly interested in soil building improved hay and pasture and grass silage the first call was made at the shun farm near kitch ener where 140 head of jerseys ore being carried on 144 acres of crop land plus 35 acres of rough pasture land grass silage is the sjiwlon and mr shun has four ajgp which he fills annually with grass and gross and clover rnlx- tures without using any preserva tives an allcrop harvester is used and the chopped grass mixture u blown into the silos using an or dinary cutting box the soil erosion plots near new hamburg won the next point of call these plots were laid down by the ontario department of agri culture in cooperation with the waterloo county council and the kitchener chamber of commerce the plots each 11q0 acre in ex- tjtent are laid down on a 0 per cent t slope 104ft was the first year ot operation and notwithstanding the dry year the figures presented were both astonishing and amaz- lnkp say the least to illustrate mejjfw0 give vou tho comparative figures for the two summor fallow plots lying side by side on the tint which had been cultivated fisetoas the slope t there had been a frun off of 70 lbs of soil per acre ing the season while on the crs m all of western ontario all three aside from doing an out- stindlng job on their respective farms are playing an active part in the various farm organizations i of their resective communities and i count res however to return to kerr farms the achievement here horatio alger story fter serving five yeirs appren ticeship in- the agricultural repre- stock was the next point of inter- lest this farm markets 25 cans of iikl milk dally and also carries a herd of pure bred yorkshlrea and 450 hens ensiling of grass silage was scn l i ket in progress and the halton group was amazed by the luxuriant pas- high fertility iolram v is to the frank conk- lin firm near brantford where a rough hilly run down farm has been converted into an excellent isture faim according to those taking the trip they had i most enjoyable md worth while tour and they ire already requesting n similar hip for 1050 radjolnlng plot cultlvated up and i farm business own the slope there was a of over 1100 lbs of soil run per hartholm farms owned and op- ted by d h hart and located tures indicative of and good management a five year old posture which according to mr harrwo5 finished and which he plans to plow up and put into wheat this year was according to the halton group still an out- st inding pasture the 150 acre farm of w alex muir just west of woodstock was in the opinio i of many in the group the highlight of the entire trip this farm is carrying around 70 head of cattle 3 brood sows and 400 hens twelve to fifteen cans nf milk arc shipped dally aside from the excellent crops the group was impressed by the general tidi ness of the farm layout the excel lent state of repairs the freedom from weeds this farm too is highly mechanized using a com bine and all crop harvester cer tainly there is no lack of organic matter on this farm the big prob- thrce are an outstanding credit to that institution and it is question- lem is to prevent the grain from lodging mr muir is using a short stiff strewed variety of oats known lx as valor l weldwood form operated by the farmers advocate near london also received a call whore i b whale the farm manager and as sociate editor of we farmer ad vocate conducted thom pti a tour of this well j operated and practical vvj v kerr farms near chatham wm the fuial point of call on the even ing of trie first day lawrence kerr like alex muir and douglas- hart la a graduate of the ontario afwenltursfl coll at otiilpn all 1th very limited finances bought in 1035 a 140 acre weedy rundown f rm just outside of chatham to day he owns and operates 040 acres on this he fed in 104b 24 feeder cittlc between 250 and 300 hogs in crops he had 20 acres of sugar heels 10 acres of burlcy tobacco ci acres in such vegetables as car- lots beets cucumbers and green be ins for the canning factoiy 120 teres of seed corn and 100 acres of raln mr kerr too is an enthus iast of grass silage and on this coupled with byproducts and rai n he feeds his srefcrs while mr kerr is prlmatily a cash crop per he does not overlook soil building and it was interesting to learn that 00 per cent of his total acreage is needed annually to rye or clover all plow ng is defened until spring on die final day of the trip visits werdmadc to erlcau marsh where hundreds of acres arc devo ted to onions and kindred ciops to rondeau pork and thence to the western ontario experimental i arm at rldgotown where under the guidance of prof j c steck- y and jas nctlson they had an opportunity of seeing tho excellent program carried on at that station a brief stop was also made at the 1 rank sllcox faim at iona noted for its excellent jerseys good pas tures and grass silage an addition- tn stop was made in st thomas where the group were kindly shown through the plant of the elgin farmers coop by bruce tcosdolc a halton county boy who is doing a great job ai manager of a two and onehalf mhlton dollar tjiilneif the final point in the two day notfd halton iifrt irf movtvic r a paragon llrciisfd iiy arttf unit plans just announced by the dir- ntnrs of the maple cattle brecd- rs assoclotlon fnr their annual fl id da on tuesday june 14th nrovide for the nddress of the day by mr byron jenvey nf ingersoll nn the subject of planned breed ing mr jenvey n former field- man of theholsleln frleslon asso- intlon of canada is nn outstand ing authotltv on genetics or prln- iples of breeding whose advice is sought by several of canadas nromlnent breeders in planning the blond lines to be used in their breeding programmes i ast year a barn to house scven- h n bulls was completed just be- r the field day and a second barn the same size is novv well under wav tn be completed about midsummer the batteries of the three bteids of bulls will be xm display including the popular mon- tvic rag apple paragon aire of a world s record heifer recently mirchnsed by the maple cattle breeders from grnymar forms mis e j meagher oakvllle at a price well tin in the four figures dr j t doyle the recently ap pointed chief technlclon will have an exhibit of technical equipment in the laboratory and members will have an opportunity to see how their accounts are handled in the office by treasurer andrew snider and his staff a large tent will be erected and equipped with seats for the after noon programme where the guest speaker will give his illustrated nddress it will bv recalled that mis jenvey spoke at the field day a few ware aeo and thwre haw been so many requests to have the lecture repeated the directors per suaded the speaker to withdraw from retirement to come to maple again the programme will com- mi nee it 2 p m dst 0er six hundred attended last eir at exhibition time and with ihc change to june a larger aten- duue is expected president rus- ell howntiec and secretarymana ger g w keffer with their exec utive arc providing every conven ience and facility for a large crowd including a refreshment booth where lunches will be available tor those coming from a distance this artificial breeding unit the i irgest in canada now serving the t ountics of dufferln peel halton simcoc york ontario victoria md peterboro with ayrshlres jerseys and holsteins is regarded is a model unit and has had many visitors from most of the prov inces several of the states europe and asia it aim on juniors sracir il owing match john w picket and earl price win trip to international the annual junior farmer plow ing match was held op the farm of a j ruddell si son at ash- ktovc on saturday may 2bth with thirteen tractor plows in action notwithstanding the dry condition of the soil some excellent ridges were turned wlnfred timbers noted york county plowman and judge was the official coach and judge for the event john w picket hornby and earl price of milton had the two best ridges by plowbows under 20 years of age and will therefore constitute the team to represent halton in the intercounty trac tor class at the 1949 international the halton junior farmer special to the junior farmer group get ting outlhe largest number of en tries was won by the milton jun iors other awards were as follows class 2 boys 10 years and under 1st earl price milton 2nd bl- mer bird georgetown 3rd bui gilce freeman 4th bruce bow- den milton 5th jim beach mil ton class 3 boys 17 to 19 years in- elusive 1st john w picket hornby 2nd sherwood hume milton 3rd john mcklnnon mil ton 4th bruce alton freeman sth ray evordcll acton class 4 plowboys 20 to 25 years inclusive 1st alton gunby free man 2nd ronald king milton ird ernie lilly crop freeman eyes examined ot walker optometrist i main st n brunptaa phone 590 m georgetown office ovet ball telepnone office tha acond wednesday afternoon of each month phone 7w attention farmers w are paying the highest prevailing prices for dead or crippled farm animals horses cattle hogs telephone collect for immadiate scrriea gordon young limited toronto adelaide 3636 guelph3334

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