Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 15, 1949, p. 8

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the georget herald wednesday june 15th 1949 the georgetown herald r i serving the rotmmmtflee of 7- ukukorrown autn wojuaiul mokvau liamocmfc boknbt stwamttowrtaotakovk ssaluntad tksuta ootta fclmcripuon rat 9ijw bymir staglel codles e advertising rates quoted on application walter c blkldvubluhi- and jtdltor mery h jiiehn associate juntar sfltttuld l meguvray simtf leslie on ijsr davison f corey herrinjrton jr ha herald if printed esch wednesday afternoon at the office on tiesa street aomtowttavtfotd aaseeond ejaes mall post offl e tjept ottawa members of the canadian weekly newippew aesoelatlons and the ontario r quebec division of the cw jja the editors corner want a cottage site crown lands inlxeenslvir this item which will be of interest to those readers who are planning summer cottages was written by pete mcgillen out- doors life editor of the toronto telegram and is reprinted by per- mission of that newspaper x theres a real estate slogan that reads own some otjthis earth while youre still above it and every time linear that suggestion 1 think of the hundreds of ontario people who are lamenting the fact they cant afford ji summer home the strange thing about it is that theyre wrorig there are many lakefront lots still vested in the crown which are inexpensive of course one wont find a road to the lot and perhaps the properties are heavily wooded and the shoreline a bit marshy the important thing is to get title to these lands and im prove them until they represent a sizable asset in ones estate above all it is important that a man have some faraway place where he can find escape from the mad ness of cities from people from this squirrel-m-a- revolving cage existence that is fraying nerves and sap ping vitality what are crown lands these are the lands which have not as yet been sold located leased or oth erwise disposed of by the department pf lands and forests acting in the right of his majesty the king such lands are unimproved and undeveloped in almost all instances such lands are not accessible by roads suit able to automobile transport onus for construction of roads rests with the applicant or if there are sufficient residents located in any one area an approach can be made to the township council that municipal body may seek the aid of the department of highways in building a development road resort parcels for priv ate use are sold at 30 cents a foot frontage and most lots are 200 feet wide how to go about it but lets start at the beginning and assume we want a parcel of crown land on which to build a cabin or a cottage ontario is divided into districts by the de partment of lands and forests for instance halibur- ton and that area is known as the trent district with headquarters at lindsay north 6f tweed and through the land o lakes is another district and is administered from tweed first select the area then visit the dis trict forester at his office from where the district is ad ministered the district forester will say on what lakes crown lands are still available he will also advise which are most readily accessible when you decide which lake you wish to locate on he will supply a map for 35 cents showing every lot marked on it by number then the thing to do is visit the lake with a boat and motor and check the property next step is to make formal appli cation to the district forester for this lot giving the number shown on the map along with a 10 deposit if the lot is clearly described and open for disposal your offer is accepted then you can occupy the lot next step is to have the lot surveyed you can hire a survey or to do this work or pay the department of lands and forests 80 and they will do it for you this should be done within three months of making application when a survey plap is filed the cost of the lot is deter mined and the balance is due must erect building thfere is one other condition to be fulfilled with in 18 months you must erect cfn this lot a building to a value of 500 when the building is completed you obtain patent or title to this land where are those crown lands i here ire some in peterboro haliburton victoria hastings f rontenac and nipissing in the northern townships qf course there is plenty of crown kind if you wish to go far afield into the tort france district then you can have a wide choice and some parcels of land ire accessible by car if you dont want a mainland lot then perhaps an island is available t hat will cost you 45 an acre up to five acres land may be leased if you don t wish to purchase it outright at 10 per acre per annum or ten cents a foot frontage parcels not exceeding two acres may be leased for hunting camp purposes at 5 for each acre and the minimum charge in such cases is 5 anyone wishing to start a commercial summer resort may obtain larger parcels of land at the same rate ex cept that buildings to the value of 2000 must be built within the 18month period americans have the same privileges as canadians in the purchasing of crowrhands for that reason it behooves the natives to get busy and locate lands at because the aggressive nonresidents know a good when they see it service clubs interested in boys nflflht give some thought to summer camp sites all i can do for you the next step is get in i department of lands and forests par- toronto and ask for the booklet the adventures of flitt the butterfly page 8 i sj p1iu halfopened his eyes this rooming yawned piffllle butterfly yswn stretched his- wings and then settled back for another forty winks of sleep no sooner had he begun a nice dream than there- was the worst commotlcht you t cduld ever imagine right oyt in the see lobe j close to hi window sc- in a flash flltt was out of bed- he an to the window and looked out down the sea lane came a sea sled pulled by two t prancing sea horses the sea sled was made from a big clam shell all bedecked with fancy trimmings the sea horses swished up the sea lane and skidded to a quick slop at the side door of father neptunes castle as they stopped out jumped the most perturbed and excited father catfish you could ever imagine flitt ran out in his pajamas to see jf he could help he always seems to be there first when someone is in trouble doesnt he at first he limply could not un derstand what the father catfish waslrylnr to say but finally fath er catfish quieted down enough for flitt to learn that the bin sea ser pent who lived in the deep cave around the bend frpm the castle had captured gertrude you remember gertrude who was such a good little girl catfish and studied so hard in school just imagine such a nice little catfish in the clutches of the big sea serpent no wonder father catfish was so upset j oh this is terrible said flitt i ii call father neptune and see what we can do to help in a matter of small slied jiffy rather neptune came out and heard the sad story of gertrude s i capture dear me dear me i don t know what to do i m sure said father neptune that u ickcd sea serpent us so big and fierce that no one dares to go near his cave father neptune paced up and down up nut down looking so very worried rlitt stood quietly near trying to plan a way to rescue gertrude but j what a problem who on the whole ocean floor would dare to go into a sea serpents cave flitt knew that sea serpents are xcr fond of catfish for dinner so there was no time to be lost suddenly flitt cried quick call the sea nymphs and in a flash of foam they were beside him r whistled twice and in less than two twitches of a dead lob ster s feelers his bab sea horse was there follow me said flitt as he jumped on siark his baby sea horse aua to ihe iistle ualcs he galloped with father neptune- and father catfish in the sea sled close imjnml him m what a swirl of loam the made- the st a nmphs were lively fellows and easil kept up with the others co 1 e alouj timer called hilt as ihe j flashed through the ntli tales we- need your help loo ou remember that timer was the octopus who was the keep er of ihe taslle bales llicj all dashed madlv around the bend toward tlie set serpenls cave and ihe n stopped quicklv as hilt nioliumd to lliem lo be uuicl lieliee inc the were ver quid loi thev wcic all afiaid 1 the lu nblc se 1 scipenl uuv uijjl close to ihe cave and hid tnlund a bi locrv wimdenny how lhc mold cci rescue poor ctllrudc hill uictlv sfive uicii hun 111- slluitlohs ami tacit ot turn listen ed carelully becau c thev had licaid how clevci hilt w is in ai iiirklnil rescue w 01 k in tlie clicn roiesl kighl awuy the- sia nvtnplis bc- kaii kathciinu linik linn in ill i s ol sea weed and as i 1st as thej bloiuhl lliem llinci llic octopus was vveavinu lliem into a stioni lope ou just c uit incline how fast he did it ins ciklit aim ju t seemed to lie novum in all illici- lions al once when hi had made iililti i lone lope hnul invl wove mallei lopis abnul the mi of mod thick cold now said 1 lilt he one end of the heavy mpc to ihls 101k mil pull 11 tlkhtlj across the flout of the sea seipcnl s cave unit lie the- otlur end to another ink at the- othll side wi 11 lllllke it just about as high as the sell m penis knees will be then milt continued elmci your job is to be- as rude us yo can to the sea serpent the rest of us will make as much noise- as we can ond when mr sea serpent cornea dashing out to sec what oil uic racket is about ho won t see the ripe ond im sure he will trip and fall flat on his luce when he does the sea nymphs will take the smaller cords and tie his feet to gether before ho gets over his sur prise now does everyone know his parlt they all nodded and even uto they ware quite frightened flitt knew that each one would do his job well bowl cried hit to loud a voice as he oould irethar nsptum iwi all 1 fat itatuihtnd swi tft flitt surprise it went boom boom boom just like a druml father neptune was a very clever fellow in lots of ways the sea nymphs squealed as loud as they could and the father cu fjsh meowed and meowed- brave old elmer stood rlght out in plain sightvweu back from the mouth ofufseave be stuck two ol his hands in his eajswttuek out his tongue and werttbiavissssoj wasnt that hide but wfcjtnow it was- for a good reason almost at once they heard a ter rific hiss aw a roar that nearly deafened them the next moment mr sea serpent came doshing out of his cave just furious ettboing disturbed when he saw elmer making such rude faces at him ho said such terrible things that i can t even tell them to you would you believe it elmer didn t even take a step backward but just kept on being rude to the sea serpent with a roar the sea serpent ran at elmer and he was going so fast when his front knees hit the rope ncrosse the cave that he tripped and went splat right flat on his face what a fall it knocked the breath out of the sea serpent ond he just lay there dazed as flitt had thought he would the bravo little sea nymphs rushed at him from all sides and ucd his feet to gether with the smaller cords just as they finished the sea serpent began to struggle to get up but try as he would he just couldn t stand on his feet at all so he lay there and roared nasty things at rather neptune flitt and father cauish rushed into the cave calling lo gertrude poor little gertrude she was hud dled in a corner just frightened al most to death she was so happy when she saw flltt and her father she- just burst into tears when thej came- out of the cave father neptune was sitting on the sea serpents head that way the sea serpent just had to listen while father neptune explained to him that if he- didnt promise to leave his cave and go far away ond never come back they would have to leave him tied up the sea berpent promised falth- futlv to go away and never come back near the casue- again father neptune fastened a clothes pin on hu tail to remind mm always of his promise flitt was happy to have helped -oincone- in trouble in tins friendly land below the sea baptist chi lit ii uk 111 u ills directory or j burns milne ceorgstown phone m tf- j- d1v c1jlfford reed r- r tc djdjtj phone 410 1- open 1 milnes street j oeor kltifawr c thotkipsoti insurance servicb fire auto wlndstetm a p railway and allied steamship summeff excursions phone hsw or j georgetown leroy dale kc m sybil bennett kc mill street barristers and solicitors georgetown phone ib langdon and aylswortb barristers and solicitors notaries public kenneth m langdon georgetown r moclntyre aylswortb ba acton hievt mortgage money to loan offices roxy theatre bldg mill st phone b8w georgetown cooper bldg phone 215w acton frank petch licensed auctioneer prompt service phone 391 george town p o box 413 i 11 mm 1 nielsen ifeclafevrstttor dtttgkea tstttaalat ssttt year tt iymii lady man jpiissi irti 15 btss wed sit 3and st pass ores- ofmumww stave georgetown pfaoae ismt s li imi i um i u essiamsa lever and hosttln chartered annxrafanai v successors to jenbxtts anil hardy 1s0s metropolitan bid 44 victoria street torostfo el 8181 consult j a willoasnby a som for complete real estate service- bead office toronto 188 yonge st ad 0605 city and ceantey itiians vanes and hamil acreages indostrial and boatneea properties tomhewson is your local representative phone ss2w sanclil nation was the pastors object lot suiidav morning the n t w taken fiom 1st thessalon- ims 4 1 ioi this is the will of god even wuir su i tltiejlion banetlfi- cition 1 the tate ot being made llol 101111 1 n to perfcclluii 111 chi 1st ci d oiilv suictlfics uiosc itnil 11 jntllud 01 made right by 1 nth i in 11101111111011 1 new convert becomes siunifcci in christ aud hum li 11 lice i10111 the ku ol v siiuiei is indued with a piiniiplc ol holme s mils cod by his spun tnictifies the true be- licvn it is a sciuiic of purirliig mil m ikni hi loi ihe mastcl s i ve i in 11 in wc live to chi 1st tin kiciici nut chiislian influence 1 lli in 1 w 1- 14 1 ullovv pe ne with ii nun mil holiness without which 11 man sh ill mi tlie- 1 ord ihe holiness of cod should ell- itnii ic1 us to holmes- of chiiactcr llnjni holiness alwivs bunks wild 1 hnjiu scnslbllltv as tt sin lloll- to tlie l011i is the iil towaicls wlurll m an moving 1 fe should be lived seven iliji a week whin the holncss ol cod is 111 oul in uts the vl 01 id will know it in llic ibstiic of the pastor foi i tin tvmllil scivlcc whllelie was itlciicln tlie convention of llliptlst u inn 1 in of out 11 10 and quebec i innti lit v ihos jevvltt ot hi unpli 11 was in elwuge ot the- scr im lilt woniins mission circle held thin meeting on i uciday evening 1 tlie home ot mis james blair ti ml was the special speakei mo n u m e n t s domestic and foreign granites best sandblast equipment for cemetery lettering orangevllle monument works orongeville ont 1 radio repairing we specialize in this work 10 years experience j sanfcrdson phone- georgetown s4w monuments pollock campbell 62 water st north g a l t designs on request phone 2048 inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 328 or 168r floor sanding floors sanded and refinished the dustlesa way new modern equipment ted bludd illhs at iiomf of mrcfc near georgetown mrs ralph vlerson of toronto died on tridoy june 3rd at the home of her niece mrs will strln- kcr where she hod been visiting tor u few weeks bhc wos the for mer cothcrlne myers and was in hei oulh ycor the funeral sor- vlco wos held in little current united church on tuesday with in terment following in shaglnandah cemetery excessive tidineei la aid to indi cate a mild form of insanity from which muatmf aritocp- 9rf ihlwltllh s beaver electric industrial and commercial wiring a de beauueu main street po box 190 f anniversary services limeh0use presbyterian church sunday june 19th rev d ddavidson of welland 1 1 am and 730 pm monday june 20th concert in the church campbellville male octette assisted by lowville ladies trio refreshment booth n the culcrunp aduks35e

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