Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 27, 1949, p. 6

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w the deorgetown herald wedneaday july 27tt 1949 news and items of interest to halton farmers xatxbugb wabninc 6mmv1c it laagaln the tiros of year when wi tnmy anticipate outbreaks of lata blight on potatoes and tomato a year ago a late blight- broke out bout the mlddl of july weather vnjijinwf eresntly have- also been conducive to outbreak of thlatim- siue disease anjuu roads las week by dr j djjajclachlair bead of thalmiwrtammt of botto izj that the lata blight warning- berv- lee will be in operation again this year it la planned to issue release to both radio and presson wednes day of each week during the late bhght season andrew fulton secretary of the vegetable grow er marketing board at hamilton ha accepted the responsibility of tjifaminnting the nleaiea to the commercial tomatapgrowen of on tario grower who have outbreaks of i accounting auditing bookkeeping service e m brown umttmx on icnx otttae u flowers for every occasion design work a specialty bonded member tjxs telegraph delivery sarrloa flower by wire anywhere la the world norton floral fbeae slswoeaqtaiswa this disease sfajould immediately re port same to wo fox district fruit ans veflaubla fieldman box ias oakvllle or loathe agricultural office in milton fcorksx turk affljoatzonb august i6 has jewrtevwuie dejdllne for the accepting of ap- plieauons tor trees for windbreak shelterbelt and woodhot planting this announcement was made aome time ago by the department of lands and forests in other words if any of oiir readers is interested in securing trees for next spring planting flow is the time to make your application application form may be secured from the agricul tural office bill ton uog marketings are lovir hog marketings in canada for the first week in july were 51603 this constitutes the lowest for that week in the past 10 years as usual hog prices are up when market ings are lowest some people may wonder why the price of hogs ad vances each year during the months of july august and september the answer according to w e- tummon secretary of the ontario hog producers marketing board is because lets hogs are marketed during these three months than any other period of the year when the weekly consumption of pork prod ucts exceeds the weekly marketings of hogs then of course the supply is not equal to the domand aqd competition for the available hogs causes all advance of price that apptjars to be the situation at the present time and it is quite possible that it will be the end o september before sufficient hogs will come to market to equal lhc demand for the domestic market alone in the meantime export is only a dribble there is also the fact that usually during periods of light marketings the demand could be supplemented from storage stocks this year feowever the amount of pork prod ucts in storage is reduced consider ably leslie reunion at stanley park memories to honour a lifetime for lifetimes to come mmuimntsmarlctn moderately priced a card or letter will brine our service ta your door oakviule monument works 29 corborae st oakvflab on highway e phead optometrist eyas eaaaalaed hclaauneally ukajunu aid battbruis quick repairs to es blneemlars field glasses ate u st georges 8a guelph ik ess m ob wanted 1 anoornmodauen in farm ser- vios pores camps atjojuh lasblojiov lath must bring blankets and pillow cas par farther information writs omxaxio vabnt service vowjav wetanoed im b jbsssaor the 12th leslie reunion was held it stanley park erin with an attendance of 163 lunch was ser ved in the large airy pavilion of stanley pork alter which mr ed pearen president conducted a short business meeting wilfred leslie georgetown will be the new presi dent geo s leslie guclph 1st vice president orvillc johnson 2nd vice president mrs peter dick and elva pearen secretaries the oldest person present was miss melissa johnston of acton 83 youngest was 1 1 month bid son of mr and mrs donald cation brampton fiftysix years of wedded ufa was the record of mr and mrs j h reed of actor and mr and mrs wm gamble of liespcler mrs minn brown and son clif ford of saskatchewan and mrs ar thur clive of zclmo sask were the guests coming the greatest dis tance while the older folk enjoyed re newing or making new acquaint lances the swing slides and swim ming lured the younger members of the leslie clan director of fubldjhing firm douglas m gowdy son of the late wm gowdy of limchouse and acton has been appointed a direc tor of macloanhuntcr publica tions toronto it has recently beer announced in 1u32 he was appointed busi ness manager of the post and in 1042 become manager of the paper two years later he was appointed advertising director for maclean hunters canadian business paicr and in december 1048 he became advertising director for the maga zines as well a director of the periodical press association and past chairman of its legislative committee mr gow dy is a vlccchairmon of the busi ness newspapers association- he is an associate member of the canadian manufacturers associa tion representing macleanhunter an associate member of the indus trial advertisers asftictitll nf on ario und has served on thef camp dlan policy committee ol7notlonol industrial advertisers association mr gowdy is past president of the canadian club toronto and wos also first vicepresident of tho association of canadian clubs in 1048 besides membership in the em pire and advertising and sales clubs he is a member of the na tional club and is on the board of session of timothy euton memorial church toronto r due to its inability to resist rust the wellknown marquis wheat bis yielded its position of popularity to thatcher renown regent or apex all nir mmtefrapfclt malt qui 0a taitilmart blatawars photographic prints are appear ing en textiles pottery and glass ware recant developments make it possible to print fabrics eontmoou ry with designs obtained front photo- gtaphlc negatives chlnaware too b treated with a btsatosehsittve ma terial which is developed during the flrmg another new process makes colorless glass photosensitive throughout its body and develop ment of the image takes place when the glass la reheated although this principle of printing photographs on textiles has beeh known for some time until now there has been ho practical method adapted to continuous operation this with a lack of proper dyes and finishing pgentsmade photographs on fabrics alow and costly and the results did hot appeal to fashion de signers recently two processes have been developed for cdmroerr cial operation it is estimated that about six mil lion yards of textiles will be printed ths year for dresses scarves draperiea and ties material thus printed is expected jo be used in theatrical backdrops and window displays as well as in clothing ac cessories embellished with pictures of favorite movie stars both processes are intricate and require close control by chemists and photographers the fabric is treated like photographic paperilt is sensitized to light then brought into contact with a transparent urn light shining through the film prints the design on the fabric ft fait canvietlana baail catt af mantal allnanli false ideas about mental illness help keep patients in mental hos pitals who ought to be cured or dis charged increase the amount of mental illness and waste millions of tax dollars stephen thiermann writes in the health magazine of amerlan medical association the false conviction that mental illness is a disgrace he says makes people hesitate to consult mental health clinics before their illnesses become severe this boy cott of clinics of course increases mental illness puts more patients in hospitals and takes more tax dol lars out of our pockets each com mitment prevented saves the state 5000 to 7000 estimated cost of an average period of hospitaliza tion the ides that insanity is incurable costs us even more thiermann ob serves although modern treatment in psychiatry brings more recov eries than in any other branch of medical science except obstetrics expenditures for mental hospitals are so inadequate that many of them are not modern treatment cen ters but mere custodial units one authority hos estimated that public neglect of our mental hos pitals means that 20 per cent of all persons admitted to a state mental institution are doomed to life inv prisonment when with adequate care and treatment they could be saved he writes radiant neatinf beit indoor comfort can best be ot- tained by radiant heating from a central heating plant automatical ly fired according to heating indus tries the home heating plant should hove sufficient operating range so that it will heat adequate ly in severe weather but not over heat in mild weather it should dis tribute heat near the floor where it is felt the heat distribution should be such that occupants will be com- fortable at any place in the room even near outside walls and at win dows and doors radiant heating is flexible and provides the same com fort whether the fuel is coal oil oi gas whether the heating medium i hot water or steam and whcthci the heat distribution is occom plished by radiators baseboards panels or convectors gasoline from weeds the weeds thot cost the furmei billions of dollars a year in croi domoge may prove a valuable source of synthetic gasoline ana nil prof s w hockett iowa wfcs leyon college reported to ameri can chemical society rank of fuel proves insignihcant where liquefac tion is concerned lignite peat wood chaff or even weeds mn serve as raw material for the manii facture of liquid synthetic fuel ex ploltation of oil from coal and othei new sources will be no less signifl cant than the discovery of n new continent he ceported because of its enormous resorves of lowcost raw materials for these synthetic fuels midwestern america prom ises to become the industrial puwci center of the world live alone and iike it the people of mountainringed tibet after losing some of their prized isolation durinfi the war are reported ready to close their bonier until 1050 this perennial recluse amonr nations is about 10 times the size of pennsylvania home of herd ers farmers priests and bnudiis n is the core of a wild ami limsi renion in itself a in- ihsimsmic iiurion the south rises liu- tvei ing barrier ot the lliinanviis wlucl discourage contact with indias mil lions ana block off the barren pla teou from the monsoon rains north and east into china stretch the soar- ing peaks of the kunlun range on the west are bleak dtsert plateaus and mountains ualton county will stahliah is own home for the aged and term inate joint mslntenance of the peelhslton home at brampton which- tats been uhder control of the two counties since ualton pur chased a share in jooo decision- to establish a separate building in hil ton was- made at a special meeting of county council last wednesday night in milton when the problem was thoroughly discussed and every councillor had an- opportunity to ekpeess the views of bis municipal ity at on earlier meeting coon cisbrs bad been askad to ttnd out what their local councils thought about the idea which was prompted by proposed improvements to the present building which will 0011 an estimated 18800 the ides of a separata home has been propounded- by reeve jack armstrong of georgetown who heads a special committee of county council which has been in vestigating the situation for some ume reeve armstrong believes that the tune has come when the present arrangement with peel which has always been an amicable one is no longer practical and that it hnlton were to share in the cost of improvements a separate halton building would still be needed in the nottobdlstant future for this county council endorses new home for aged reason he has tor soma time fav oured wmwg tha break beasta more county money is spent and county council endorsed this idea by a 1s3 majority vote voting gains the motion were jaeave george currle and deputyreave george leslie of kaqiiesing and reeve- william vanslcklaof ksssa- gaweya deputyreeve herb allen of burlington was the oalymauber not present at the meeting the- resoutton passed is as fol lows mr t that this council ls in favour of building in ualton county- a home for th aged thav forthwith a committee be appointed to report to the next moating of this council on tentative sites and proposed plans that forthwith a committee be apopinted to negotiate- with- peel county for a cettlemeht of our half interest lri the peel halton home tor the aged said setuemeutfc be confirmed by this council l that copies of this ireaolutfen be forwarded to the minister ot pub lic welfare and the county council of feel appointments to the building committee are reeve jack arm strong of georgetown reeve wil liam vanslckle of nassagaweya deputyreeve joe wlckson of tra falgar and dejhilj dick of huton on the rtosof hilton heave george rie nf ssnjiieallc sees jonas ot acton and reeve niggar of trafalgar the warden lbs mary fallal expressed thanks to reeve aran- strong and the building yienmulas sor the work which bad bean dbas- 4n wjiii information abont the subject she stressed the tact sses the iq y partxaatship wttb jnal had been entirely r ig that the halton decision bad bans only lmt 4gx tfarirmaaal and increased growth of the two counties wbfln no proposed aits has been advocated it is logical to as- aumslhat the new home will bs built sdmewher in trie milton db trice u not in the town itself mil ton being the eonnty tbwrjand gaa graphlcally in the centre of the county c eyes examined o t walker oftohetubt at georgetown office over ball telephone office the satinisf wednesday afternoon of each month phone 67w 8 main bln phone 500 the black horse do you know advisory panel touts souroon pmwlnnt radio tino od msbh ml wwmwllm sjchaio rcnnimgtom utlralry ubrartw ikojll ibnv cltgosv cuutk dllifioillrf el vw x the population of canadas 10th province i j the pepnlatiai of newfomalaid tenth province in the dominion of canada is 321171 operation do you know thai newfoundland was dis covered by john cabot on june 24 1497 and was formally occupied on behalf of great britain in august 1583 by sir humphrey gilbert do yob kliow that approximately onethird of its area of 42734 square miles is covered by water the capital of newfoundland is st johns a city of 56709 inhabitants over 940 saw mills are in 206 factories pack salmon with a total pack of some 6600 cases and 220 factories pack lobster with a total pack of some 6300 cases seal fishery codfish packing whale fishery are also engaged in large beds of jrori ore are being developed and exten sive deposits of zinc and lead ore are being cultivated in 1947 a total of 396998 tons of standard newsprint was exported there are 16 hydroelectric plants with 237471 horsepower developed in 1948 jo you know any interesting and unysual facts our advisory panel will pay 25 or any authenticated readers submissions if they are usable all letters becomo our property write black horse browery station l montreal pq nllacil mosrse 3 1 st

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