r page 7 materia put and the modern present are being thrown in sharp contrast u the grand old eity of halifax celebrates lta 200th birthday ran la board of trade president col 8 r bajcofo at top filing with charming joyce chlhuair of canadian national telegraphs a mco- ssgs of greetings to the canadian chambers of commerce it will be tapped out by veteran joseph hewlett in beaver hat over the century old goose ne l while a high speed modern tele printer flashes in greetings to the city from across canada at left in crinoline and ruffled lace is pretty jconnlne qucsnel at a special ceremony lieutenant goprnor j a d mccurdy of nova scotia left spoke of the importance of the railways in the national life of canada we wish for twmrb future filled with further service and accomplishment the canadian notional has aluays been a good and valued friend of our province and occupies today the position of being our greatest industry the floral curtnln at rear was later unveiled naming a new style atreamltned cnr sleeping- car halifax in honour of the city s bicentenary naw ckimlwl wtattoni t ctmbal witd ptstt farmers and householders wag ing war on crab grass and otrjer troublesome weeds and grasses can look for help from two naw weap ons the weedkilling ohemlesjsbear the jawbreaking names oftossum isopropyl ftanthatsj and auylvmbted chlorophsnyl carbonate theyhave bean tested by federal and state agricultural axperlment stations with excellent results against many weeds and grasses not eco nomically or satisfactorily con trolled tsyjyiw chemicals or prae- tlces the indouncemenf said they arc being used in active axpelrlmeb- ta programs but ore not yet avail able commercially the second named herbicide is the on that combats crab grass as well as barnyard orchard and- blua gross catcalls and similar plants it has a hormoneuke action which attacks the root structure of the weed and arrests growth immedi ately by preventing seed develop ment even though no effect is ap parent on the surface for the drat week or longer it also is used effec tively in combination with 24d against some broad leaved weeds not nffected by 2 4 d tjqed alone the sodium isopropyl xanthate is described as a complete killer which should be applied directlj to crop plants it shows promise for pre emergence treatment in spjay or dust formr and has tfecn used with success in the chemical weed mg of growing crops the georgetown herald wednesday august 3 1949 dominion goldericorn on the cpjb fresh celery hearts cal sunkist oranges ontario no 1 carrots ontario tomatoes large choic head lettuce crisp green onions stewarttown fat julas annie brown of toronto is spending the holidays with her cousin mrs mortram and mr mor- obm miss verha pickett is visiting hth friends nt hornby peter and chris k are aving some holidoys with their tondmother at london st johns sunday school will ot meet during the month of august the next session will be ept 4th at 10 30 am mrs cecil smith ana party have rturned from a er enjoyable week s motor trip through mary land to washington usa the party were mrs c smith the driver mrs willett mrs welling- ion willett etalonne iluby and i gary chatting since the time of hippocrates 2400 years ago i wound of the i c irt his been considered fatal to- t not onl hae hearts with atab wounds been successfully suturcc sewed but operations are now ting trinsformed on heirts and iic irt nhos for the correction of r itc mt il defects emjsv georgetown now playing blanche fury dult show sttwirt granllr v ilene hobson friday saturday august 56 matinee saturday 2pm eve show sat 6 45 pm laurel and hardy comedy cartoon the most tarzan thriller of them all tanzahs magic i fountain lex barker bsenda joyce monday tuesday august 8 9 f battle for empire and a womant wednesday thursday august 1011 speciaj matinee wednesday 2 pm warner brosreig new triumph of io4or tit i fu more cl ivs left it tm it ich ind nt ieik wt will in i i k tliittitil in iifion thnnk u 1 ic ni s tij s from the nnn of tin hou e we hive linn iblc t ki t p up our j i hut nit week he m s t n i itioi unl we ln tl i oui c u n flitiini u i rk hi omimnced on lie i i u i which mr hid mrs ttilf ioic i id d n will oiij on aliplt wnii iiiit jist t w ii limits i ik h im u ii bl bunj iluu stjlt iihi i sit i t 1 in i lowl ropert kici s fioin it m h toui l which mr i unl unit sl tk m mr p l sttuis of i ronin uilf mil nora at intn t us since e trlj spring li tini stiruhbcr bcrr pitches nil iiitn itid tlu intend to run tlutr i ui icrt ii just like i firm in fict tln hive purchtscd a tractor which don proudly drove ill tin wi from fjnnipton mr stcxins his ktiuud the balance ol his i ro i rt n the fur side of the ssri im ind lutiuds somedny to move out fidin tin eit ind build n nome here him elf ikiv bridle j one of main streets im its ind kioccrks dealerb is m ikuu eel driititsi td his home on tin uii ra r nf durhiin and mur- dock struts another new house in til it district js the one which cyril lirindfonl is li ivlnjf built for lentol wc believe on alb rt street close to cttuncillor cece dailrlhons iw home cce aiid lois arc i opefiil of iikhiiii in before the snow flies hoy m icioumilcn l his geor getown cililk piic band have acl- ned anothei laurel in the fact that tht irt the firkt loc il people cvar to aiirii on i television program i he unls ind iheslr leader were tclcvled whtai they stepped off the plum at i nginiii airport unrouts 10 the lions convention in new yoik crly and niaun at one func tion duiint tin convention newly we ds murray and grace st mips she was mil former grace grech are busy hotting settled in hell in w home on queen struct rhiv lie iiviiij in an apartment in i house owm d by harold mnrsrmlli w weliomc grace to town the fastevt new homo ever built in gionctovvn wns ercctud on the lilkhway inst week in three dayj by i ewes nilwi for ono of their employees ncn mecrs and his wife the three loom house is on the ilkhwa near town limits close to tlicrcriiiloy residence mr oad mia euifcne loir an hove moved into hie apartment tlicy vacated in tho former watson hume on queen strcoe jof tou owt drtr csv pig iron warrants used is trading commodity i in the early 1000s pig iron was traded as a commodity like groin sugar coffee or cocoa trading in warrant on the produce exchange nnd through brokers entitled the holder o specific quantities of pig iron in storage the practice grew out of the flnan cial straits of small merchant blast furnace operators who could not altord t shut down during periods of dull business activity and thus i were able to continue operations and secure cash for their output by ar ranging for issuance of warrants against iron produced under this system the land at the furnace on which the pig iron was stored was leased to a storage com pany the latter hired a yardmaster to guard the stores of iron and attend to shipments the storage company would issue the warrants usually representing claims against 100 tdns or multiples of that amount of the iron in storage sale of the warrants to the first purchaser would provide the furnace with needed cish sushi munmousi miieioiri blue bonnet margarine 1 34c jjkjujxvafcavjajw chauplain mahd mixed pickles sweet 45 iynn vauiy sid bing cherries 23 iyluis choicl shoestring beets10 dominion uu nut fl4v0us peanut butter 37 flavouifullfmsmly mound as solo richmello coffee 55 oiivir a gingerbread mix 30 clash chili sauce 21- seaucdf i ned as food filipinos me a number f sen ia eds or almie m their homchncl ind in haw- hi for food s inc 21 sp cics of edible sevocds art- found ire und the srmll isl inds north of i uon ind iko aont the c ist il rojmn cf northern luvon tht ih c inos from this nion makt tie rtl itst us of eawetel in h nan thc do not relisfvill of those hkd bj tht hiu in ins thty like ncithtr limu n r kc ku considered b most haannns to be the finest ind most delectable of all the seaweeds ire leathered direct from the rocks c n vshich they rou and at certain times of the ear when the uaes bteak them from their holdfasts and wash them near the shore thej are t ithired in great quantities in the shallow water the carbohydnus of alt ie are not utilized by man as f c od but fiie bulk to the intestimh efntents ind thus stimulate the nor mal movements of the digestive tract niw siasom s rackfuits t victtalus im liuittd supmy a mrchndi od t v domno- sor od t onllr or eu tiori sa msnifjn rockets aid telephones use of rockets in laying light weight field telephone wire over in accessible terrain by means of an improved type wire dispenser has been proven practicnl by tests of the army signal corps at fort dix n j tests showed thnt in emergencies the roekets may be fired without use of the rotktt i lunchcr the rocket in its original eardloard packing lqm is fired from a wedg shaped hole dug in the ground laying out the wire salifatarrytto distances up to so yards a distinct advantage of the rocket method of laying wire lies m the simplicity and portability of the equipment rccjuijyd one map equipped with a wire dispenser a mll field telephone and a rock t ran establish wire communication ffiv relatively bhort distances over rivers lakog ravmtb cliffs ind other formidable obstacles goo year for many rhe year 1147 w is the most pros p rolls pencotimi year in historv this ft especially int r sting in iim of numi routt arly pi edii tions that a bubinens recession was immimnt point out biiriness ivsliim h wnikr it univrrhity of ithjio r im n why the recession fid not materi il ize incljithed shoi t i nips in i olh europe nnd the umti d st ites and iusu it ln higher fond pi k s txpotts hluhcr tknn expected tho h inkfoi or den hind pruning uujn i th in was in tjiipatcd witl boltlentik piewnl ing production pf many conini hlie- from mcvting demands itiennsi in cotiaumerfledil ind hank loins to lndlvtduals and im leased wages tc coo m friers leading to pri e in creajsob in coal stouj and autoiuo biles adding hnpetuiao inpotlon usedwasher sale thurs fri sat nqoou from 7 ont fail to come in and look at these bargains newest model beatty washers also on distylay modei9a washer 14950 model 19a washer 12950 model a ironer 18950 beatty vacuum cleaner 8950 beatty ftpor pofjsher 6950 beattyfcelectrlc range 28950 richardsons hardware we deliver phone 24 7 f n vv