Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 21, 1949, p. 3

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page 3 lf t georgetown shock absorber service anetifuel pump exchange distributing agent for cledrauuc and gabriel abo all british oars coil sphings rubbers khvg pins ford shocks largp knees etc h its shocks or fuel puim we have tniim phone 509w king si georgetown r howard graff jf real estate i business broker investments i insurance of all kinds mill sr4 phone 392 re 176j 5 m the adventures of plitt the butterfly thege6r tieralci wejnssdny sept 21 1949 by rtoblri wynn flitt nwoke this mornjng oritur than uiiun lit intended to go out over tho inoiiittiiln tops to sec what the other ildc lookod like for he- ihcy nil rnthcied jit the clearing with mr sunhenm nndweru tryihjt to decide- what to do when sud denly alrn 14imniinubird swooped i iiiwii at telfiru sliced had henrd thatthero was another j yjiju is vlllck f surli lovely green forest there nnturi aa so1 as sliecutild iu alia he- wns cutiousas wc allwould ll breth sl- iii- ihum that he so he started out alone to ox- wls by feet ln r ionio sticky balsantfti a lilu jlhe shoruj- after plltt left mr sun pciuntain on tho edtje i beam came to witt s house to see kf a j i tad to mr sun- came to nltts house to see what plans he baa for the davbul he could plainly sec that flitt had hadhidtjreakfast and jjone jenv- inil his house all neat and tidy mr sunbeam then started out to tce if ho could find out where his lrlcnd had gone however each time he asked any one of the grpen forest folk he received the same answer no i havent seen flltt atall thlsjrfornlng afteftooking for flitt until al most noon mr sunbeam was fool- nk quite puzzled even the spider telephone brought no results by this time almost all the little poo- pie of tho green forest were lock ing for their friend for it wasnt like flitt to ro away without say ing goodbye to anyone finally theblack horse do you know advisory panel louis bourdon pronujifit radio ingi ond matter i ramoni richard pennington univcnity llbrofiaft mcgill unrvnity gbegory clark diltrt column fe oo on how far birds fly to migrate fe every year at certain times millions of birds in every part of the world suddenly take wing and flyvarying distances to foreign climes no one yet has been able to satisfactorily determine the prime impulse of these migrations and to fathom- the great mystery of its accomplishment do you know that the arctic tern nests within the arctic circle and then flies over more than 10000 miles of ocean to winter on the islands of the antarctic that the grey plover breeds in the arctic circle and winters in equcf- that swallows ringed in great britain have been torial countries traced to south africa more than 6000 miles away do you kliow that migrants usually fly at under 3000 feet that the average distance flown in a dayis 200 miles even though the r fjhwvi full flight may be thousands of miles that many species manage to cross these enormous distances without a break that even young birds making the trip for the first time make the flight unerringly without guidance from the older bjrdsl do you know any interesting ond unuiuol acts our advisory panel will pay 25 for any authenticated readers submissions if ihey are usable all lotion become our property write black horse brewery station i montreal po h3cjpsc 7ygti tee riitt- had beep flyinfr inyliiivrr the jurem cnmijiadoser and closer to thf mountain he was going to cross as he flew aloiik- in the sunshine he wns humming a iunu u hiiuscli ta- tlio rhythm of ihe btalof l winss thpn lie ihoukht he heurd a crash taulow dim so witliout looking where lie wns yoine he lit rikht plump into a bit patch of sticky balsam that oozes out of pine trees when the woodpeckers peck thro thc bark luckily he didnt kct any on his wings but my oh my his feetirf they were stuck right up to his ankles in goo and he couldnt move a singly inch what w ill i do now thought flitt ill never get out of this alone and its so near the moun- lains that 1 doubt if any of my iriends wilj find me why didnt t think to tell mr sunbeam where i was going and hard is he pulled and tug ged he just couldnt get free he had to be so careful not to let his wings get stuck too poor flitt he wars getting so urod that he could hardly hold his feelers up he had visions of starving to death high up in his gooey prison his ticed head drooped lower and lower toward the sticky puddle of balsam when faintly he heard the chatter of many little voices in the distance soon he heard the whirr of man wing flitt could nive cried for joy for lie know that his friends were on the way lie felt sure that they would holp him ome way- bin he couldnt see how carefully his friends lauded about tmin mr sunbeam stopped on a branch right beside him and tried fo cheer him up dont worry flitt well sooji have you free he aid i dont know how you can get my feet out of this said flitt looking down at his feet buried in balsam never fear weve got a plan said mr sunbeam and just then mrs kobin redbreast landed on tho branch now just vatch us said tiny voices which seemed to come from mrs redbreasts back for it certainly wasnt mrs- redbreasts voice would you believe it as sure as you are you there was the whole lamily of wood ants riding on the back of the- birds who hod come to help with flitts rescue a11 ready men said mr sun beam and in the neatest order wood anib marched single file the tree trunk to a dry bra near flitt without more ado they started to gnaw out bits of wood as each ant got a piece chewed loose lie brought it to the edge of the sticky puddle and plac ed it carefully ahead of the last piece in this way they made a solid dry little sidewalk right out to flitt my how those litte wood ants worked it wasnt long before there was not only a sidewalk to flitt but a clean dry platform all around htm now mr sunbeam who had watched the operations very close ly came out to fliti and explained to him what to do to get free then rith a tremendous burst of energy mr sunbeam shone his shinest eown on flitts feet and the sticky balsam got softer and softer with mr sunbeams warmth cjarefuily flitt lifted one foot up and as soon as it was free the ruts pushed more little bitsof dry wood under it so that it wouldnt get stuck again when all of flitts feel had been set free and he whs- landing on the wood ants side walk a mighty cheer went up for the little people of the green for est had been watching breathlessly it took only u matter of minutes to clean the rest of the soft balsam off flitts feet and flitt was able to fly out into the sunshine again how proud the little people were to hove been able to help their dear friend flitt who spent most fhis life helping them it wasnt long before flitt was uack in his i wn home very tired but very happy thathe had such wonderful friends to help him when he need ed them- the can ad i u army insurance for pbace- in towns and cities across thv country canadas citizensoldier is enthusiastically engaged in an allimportant job the spare evenings he devotes to training- help to assure the wellbeing of canada because the reservajforce forms an important part of this countrys defence forces the new reserve forte offers many spesonal advantages trade and technical raining active service rates of pay for time spent in training and summer camp a full programme of sports and social events for men who get a kick out of working together visit the regiment or armoury o your choice lor complete details you can help yoursell and canada by joining the reserve force 3r ftt joim tttm reservb porch mow i j 3u1i- ancji beavet electric industrial and commercial wiring main street a debeauueu phone418j p0 box 190 accounting auditing bookkeeping service em brown a hon1blt ob wsuxt iflll 8trbt omeei m imiimii mi itiif past four years we added more than half a million telephones and installed new equipment in every cxr change in ontario and quebec at the same time we were able to make substantial improvements in service but it look a lot of money over two hundred million dollars there remains much to he done many applicants art still waiting for telephone service and many more sub- striliers present service is nut adequate to their needs we intend to meet their wishes and to continue making the service clearer faster letter in every way this will take more millions for new equipment and buildings as in the past this money must come froia the savings of thousands of canadians who are willing to injest in the telephone business thi 1ill telephone company of canamt t

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