Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 28, 1949, p. 9

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fs 8 vraataar salaaaa h tarn dntretlva las and hall there i very good possibility that deatruotlve hailstorms may be eliminated in the future and aerl- 0111 ice storms may be tamed in winteraccerdlng to snowandrauv malclng salentlats national patent council repoi by introducing large quantities of ice nuclei at and obqve the freez ing level in high cumulus clouds ball particles would be unable to grow toy any considerable size ac cording to vincent j shaefcr con sultant to project cirrus a weather research program being conducted by the army signal corps and office or naval research there itt evidence that the seri ous ice storms of last winter result ed from formation of tain in super cooled clouds according to ghaefer under such conditions it should have been possible to convert all this rain to snow it is unlikely that the inconvenience and traffic trou ble produced by an increase in snowfall would be as great as that caused by icy streets broken pow er light and telephone wires and the breakage of shade and fruit trees not an ice storms can be related to supercooled clouds in shaefere opinion but last winters storms point out the importance of know ing more about such situations and having facilities to cop wfyh them when the situation could stand im provement mad saljlmi or vajaa drtaavtrad la lattralla two rich tgojd strikes and the dis covery ofsflheellte deposits are re ported from perth western aus tralia selected ore taken from a claim at parkers range yielded 88 ounces it pennyworths of gold from three hundredwelghths of stone a total of mo ounces has been taken from this reef the second strike is reported in the kalgoorlle district on property adjoining the new kalgoorlle gold mines in which capital was over subscribed in a few minutes when made available for public subscrip tion a large body of stone 38 feet wide which assayed over an ounce of gold to a ton at a depth of m feet was uncovered at kalgoorlle hub of the austral- jan gold mining industry a seam of acheellte has been found a mile and a half away from the famous gold en mile it la the first discovery of this mineral in that area the scheelite was found in a deposit of quartz specimens from the seam subjected to tests disclosed scheelite in fairly large quantities hews and views for ha f those usqtjtuno t advised to sou at onctk entire village sold the fftigllah village of castle combe recently sold at auction grew almost literally out of nearby atone quarries says national geo graphic society its old gabled stone house with their mullioned win dows are even roofed with stone from birth this wiltshire village had belonged to the lord of the manor the best known of whom was sir john faatolf in the 15th century caricatured in shakespeares fal staff be had married the widow of sir stephen scrope whose family had owned the estate for 500 years castle combes once flourishing tex tile mills are gone and its popula tion is greatly reduced it owed its industrial prosperity largely to pow ex from the river flowing swiftly through the richlywooded valley this was once a thriving market town where wiltshire farmers sold their produce at the market cross in the village square the upper story of the market house was used as a aort of guild hall ran hospital districts hospital districts similar to school districts are being established in calrjernla in counties of less than tooom population the districts need not stay within county lines but bay include areas contiguous to centers aelected or the building of hospitals to be included in the gen eral county tax rate at not more thtn so cents per 100 dollars aasassed valuation already it such districts have been started soma are plan ning to issue bonds for hospital con struction to be serviced out of hospi tal revenues or taxes should sub sidies be necessary the statewide hospital survey being conducted by the california department of health is cooperating in an advisory capac ity when requested and it is expect ed that many rural communities will be sble to bring hospital facilities in line with their needs under this pro gram when turkeys had bells half a century ago before turkey raising became a scientific commer cial industry with heated apart ments hot and cold running water end liver oil and vitamin pills many general farms had a flock of a score or two of birds the longlegged brighteyed birds liked to wander over the meadows pasture and up land fields tor grasshoppers and bun they circled into the woods and when the beechnuts fell after the first killing frost the turkeys fattened on the beechnut meats thus it was that generations ago farmers hung small bells around the necks of the turkeys according to pacific states poultry association mall order catalogues carried ad vertisement listing the polished metal turkey balls at 110 per dozen duo to the very very short hay crop in halton a considerable quan tity of hay has already been pur chased by county livestock men while tho corn crop has como along remarkably well considering the fact tbab quite a percentage of tho corn acreage was sown after july 8tb nevertheless one cannot help but nollco a lot of barns which havent much mora in thorn than they normally have in the spring of the year cordate most of the bay purchases havo been made in ontario and in so for as wo can de termine at a price range of 25 to 27 delivored lb would seem how ever that sooner or later this win ter any surplus hay supplies with in tho province will bo entirely exhausted our hay supplies are not only short but american buy ers are attempting to pick up what they can the counties of welling ton bruce grey kent etc are reported to still havo some hay avallablo for purchase later in the season it may bo necessary to bring in hay from quebec or the maritime provinces if one has to buy hay now is the tune to se cure the necessary requirements while it can still be secured in western ontario a gbbat livestock show at milton fam milton has had many outstand ing dairy cattle shows at their an nual fall fairs during the past ten yean but 1040 stands out as tops of them all in the three dairy breeds holsteln guernsey and jersey there were nearly 400 en tries with the quality high through out thanks to the excellent co operation of the exhibitors coup led with able ring management all three tings run like welloiled machines messrs james brem- ner secretary of the canhadlan jer sey cattle club for canada r b hodglns secretary of the ontario guernsey club and geo drennan holsteln fleldmun tor central western ontario were all loud in their praise of thejr respective breed shows the juniors in their club ach ievement day maintained and per haps surpassed the high standard set out by their elders certainly it is no exaggeration to state that the junior show was the best on record in halton according to w p watson live stock commis sioner for ontario who was the official judge of the boys swine club show it was the best swine club show he had ever been priv ileged to judge a m barr as sociate director of extension for the ontario department of agri culture who officiated for the large calf club show stated at the conclusion of ai busy after noons programme its one of the best calf club shows 1 have ever seen in a show such as that at milton on saturday last it is not only dif ficult but perhaps foolhardy to pick a feature nevertheless wexe lolng to give the honours to the baby beef section of one of the two halton calf clubs in short it was worthy of the royal winter fair and every calf exhibited was a potential candidate for the kings guineas class at the great show halton may well be proud of their 1047 livestock show it is worthy of a far abler scribe than your humble reporter if you were present youll agreo if you werent well dont pass it up in 1050 here are the awards junior club shows swine club judge w p watson toronto harold brain norva edward irving milton earl wilson nor- val howson ruddell georgetown don watson freeman allan par sons campbellville herbert wil son georgetown ross wilson ttockwood floyd brlgden george- twn keith moffat georgetown edwin tyrell freeman halton baby beef guernsey a jersey club baby beef section judy mer ry oakvllle duncan campbell moffat alex buchanan katherine merry oakvllle garnet norrlsh maftat clifford norrlsh moffat john mcklnnon moffat john okur- mure oakvllle evelyn mccann milton john wdllmott milton showmanship mcklnnon buch anan wlllmott jersey section- junior heifer calves marilyn barnes norval nicholas bessem rock wood gor don barnes norval eleanor stark georgetown henry bessem rock- wood paul johnson mutdn grant devlin milton mildred lucas freeman senior helfor calves ruth barnes norval david mlchle mil ton mary lou alexander norval bruce crewson milton donald green milton donald johnson milton showmanship jersey calf club- henry bessem eleanor stark ruth barnes mildred lucas guernsey section donald joyce milton robert joyce mil ton david lillycrop waterdown marie patterson oakvllle unlay currie milton dean taylor mof fat bill mcknery georgetown showmanship d joyce r- joyce lillycrop sinlay currie milton holstein and ayrshire calf club ayrshire section kenneth stu art milton wm laklng moffat holsteln section junior calves marjorlo segsworth freeman edward ijegswortb freeman bar rio archer georgetown wm du- rlo freeman thcjraa hunter nor val harold brnlpnorval john w picket hornby harold lawrence oakviuo ralph cunningham georgetown keith joyce acton gordon bird georgetown kcn- ueth fish oakvllle eileen hunter norvalf douglas ford milton paul robertson campbellville glen gunby freeman tom peteks oaj villc lykle devrles georgetown ailan parsons campbellville bar bara seymour milton senior calves stuart alex ander georgetown ted leslie acton geo clements milton ken oldfleld hornby marion hunter norval showmanship barry archer stuart alexander bulle laklng marjorlc segsworth halton holstein 8how junior bull calf vern archer rofs segsworth f pelletterlo and ini john picket son t j brownrldge son clarence an derson a g hunter senior bull calf w s hall a m sherwood geo leslie and son a g hunter and g r sin clair g leslie peer st son how ard gowland pelletterlo 7th and 8th f o hunter and lome cleave f o hunter bull 1 year archer picket w h reld sons albert hunter junior champion male archer reserve junior champion male hall bull 2 years pelletterlo robt alexander gowland segsworth j c bell bon bull 2 years over gordon sinclair dr paul beer senior champion male pel letterlo reserve senior champion male sinclair grand champion male pel letterlo reserve grand champion male sinclair junior heifer calf ross segs worth 1st and 2nd archer f o hunter hall v j lawrence alex ander j f trimble estate of e j meagher picket senior hclfr calf trimble alexondcr 2nd 6th pelletterlo sinclair w s hall 5th 7th 8th beer gowland heifer junior yeorling arch- cr beer meagher trimble v j lawrence 5th and 7th pel letterlo heifer senior yearling segs worth 1st and 4th pclletuno sherwood trimble sinclair brpwn- idije beer 8th and 9th albert hunter junior champion male segs worth reserve junior champion fe male archei hciftr 2 ycrs dry picket trimble 2nd and 4th meagher picket beer pelletterlo 7th ond 10th archer brownrldge cow j years dry pelletterlo j f trimble 2nd and 4th meagher gowland cow 4 yrs and over dry segsworth f o hunter 2nd and 7th beer sinclair lawrence rcid trimble gowland bell heifer 2 yrs in milk beer 1st and 5th sinclair 2nd and 7th anderson mlragher pellet terlo cow 3 yrs in milk lawrence segsworth pelletterlo 3rd and 4th beer cow 4 yrs and over in milk segsworth f o hunter beer 3rd and 4th senior champion female segs worth reserve senior champion fe male lawrence grand champion female segs worth reserve grand champion female lawrence junior progeny of dam pel letterlo sinclair segsworth pick et albert hunter junior get of sire segsworth t and 7 archer hall trimble alexander sinclair pelletterlo f o hunter beer junior herd segsworth hall archer sinclair pelletterlo 5 and d albert hunter open progeny of dam segs worth 1 and 4 trimble pellet terlo beer archer bell gowland open get of sire segsworth pelletterlo 2 and 5 beer plcke senior herd segsworth pel letterlo sinclair f o hunter beer picket bell gowland reld intertownship herd nelson township esqueslng township the georgetown henjkj wexfaeearjr 328 jjfr specials bank of bank open get of sire nova scotia special open progery of dam of commerce special senior herd the t- eaton co ltd special premier exhibitor the e j meagher memorial trophy ross segsworth won all four trophies regulations y applying to certain uses of electricity in ontario the hydroelectric power commission p ontario announces the louowlnegulations made under c the power commission act and to become effective october 1bci949 part i water heaters y l0 unless water heater operated by electrical power ore d equipped with thermostatic control ond b installed is or on tank which are thermally insulated will a minimum f 1 inch la thick- xol gloii or rook wool insulation ox r material having at least the am wit intulating capacity svo municipality or municipal commission reoeiv tag electrical power from ike commission shall supply or use or permit to be supplied or usedaby any person the electrical power or any part thereof for the operation ol water beaten installed er replaced after the date of publication ol these fegulauoni in the ontario gatette under the lugulohona act 1944 0 no penon shall take from any municipality e municipal commission any electrical power rcelvedfromtheccbmimioaaidiiseltlnamannefl contrary to the provisions ol subfegulauot 1 3 no person shall lake any electrical power procured from the commission and use 11 lor the operation ol water heaters in a manner contrary to the provisions ol subregnlahon i p art n space heaters emd no municipality or municipal commission teoesvug electrical power from the co kali supply or use or permit to be supplied or need by any porsoa electrical power or any part thereof for the operation ol air heaters grates radiators boilers or any other device lor space wearing- 1b hotels tourist cabins shops orue commercial premises and except in the case of sickness residences 2 no person shall take from any muni or municipal commission any electrical power received from the commission and use it lna manner contrary lo the provisions of subreau lotion 1 3 no person shall take any electrical power procured from he commission and use it in a manner contrary to the provisions of subregula lion 1 4 s ubregula boo 1 2 and 3 shall not apply lo space heating in o waler pumping stations b teuphone relay and repeater alaboni c radiobeam station and d municipallyowned electric subatahone where no person is regularly in attendance part 111 lighting 3 1 no municipality or municipal commission receiving electrical power irom the commission shall lupply or use or permit to be supplied ot used by any person electrical power or any port theieoi for a subject to subregulatfon 2 lighting of inlenors ol shops show windows and olficei except t not more than 1 watt per square ioo ol gross floor area of a jhop during bun nets hours and allor conation of businssa with the public not moie than 1 watt pet square fool of the grots floor area ot that part ot the shop whore the stall ib actually working n not moie than 10 walls per lineal lool ol width of show windows ol shops between a 3q p m on 9pm and only while tbt rhop is open lor buainets ui not more than 2 watts per square loot ol gross floor qiea ol an oflice during olfice houra and after ofbee hours not more than 2 watta per squaro foot ol gross flooi area of that part of the office where the atalf is actually working iv lor the proloction of property after bust c neu hours not more than 5 wqhi per 100 square feet of grois floor area ol a shop or oflice or 40 watts per shop or ollic whichcvor ts the greater b lighting ol eslenor signs c eilerior flood or outline lighting for decora tive ornamental or advertising purposea d lighting ol out door chnalmas trees e lighjtng ol parking lota used cor lots aeivic atations outdoor industrial premises and out door playing holds except i not more than 10 watts per 100 square feet ol parking lot apace while open lot bubtness n not more lhan 10 waits per 100 squat feel ol that portion of uaed car lots used lor display space while open lor busmei and not more than 5 watts per 100 square feet of the used car lot alter ceaia tion ol business ui not mote than 40 watts per go soli ne pump in a service station exclusive of lighting not exceeding 23 watts inside the pump meter compartment while the service station is open lor business iv not more than 10 waits per 100 equar feetofwha lever part or parts ol ouldoof industrial premises is en actual use off work in progress and not more than walls per 100 square feel at other time ond not more than 5 watts per 100 sauar feel for protective lighting of that part actually occupied by inetollabooji ot used for the storage ol materials or oqulp ment and v not mote than 40 watts per 100 squaftt feet ol playing area ol an outdoor playing held only while in use between sunset ond sunrise f ughling of u marquees or 11 sidewalkcanopies on hotels theatres and restaurants eaoeol not more than h w per square lool ol float epaoe or sidewalk area covered by th marquee or canopy g lighting ol exterior entrances or exits ol 6 residence iourlet establishments witkia ike meaning ol the tourist estabhshmentsi act 1940 and commercial premises other ikon service stations and oarages except not more than 60 watts lor commercial premises and not more than 23 walls for residences and where occupied tourist establishments an 11 sewlce stations and gairages except not more than 60 watts foreach entrance of esit and not more thana total ol 120 watts lor all entrancietos swrif por service station or garaf and 00 exterior liokuaaetween sunrise and suaset 2 the lightinaermihed lor shops during busi ness houysunder subclauses i and u ol clans o ol abreoulation 1 shall include the light ing ol interior signs merchandtsedisplayeand show vapdows 4 no person shall take from any municipality or municipal commission any electrical power re ceived from the commission and use it in a manner contrary lo the provisions of subregjula- tion 1 of regulation 3 3 no person shall take any electrical power pro- cored from the commission and use it in a manner contrary to the provisions ol subregulatioa 1 ol regulation 3 t subregulation 1 ol regulation 3 and regulations 4 ond 5 shall not apply to a i lighting ol air ports and transportation terminals u lighting for police fare ond property- protection services traffic lights traffic and warning signs and in lighting required by law b hospitals c lighting for mlenor domestic purposes d lighting cl a single extenor sign not exceed ing 25 watts to designate l an office of a medical or dental prac titioner embalmer or funeral director or pharmaceutical cheimit it an ambulance telephone or telegraph station or in pie mitt providing sloeping accorarooda tion lor travellers e lands used for tho purpose ol an exhibition or lair held by or undor the auspices of a society as defined in the agricultural societies act 1939 and tl tho illumination ol niagara falla lor a period of not more than 2 hours between sunset and aunrtte on saturday and holiday part iv 1 porta 11 and 111 shall not apply lo the territorial datncls ol a algoma b cochrane c ken or a d monitoulin nipitsing parry sound except the townships ot calling christie conger cowper ftiquson foley humphry mc doug all and m kelai the town ot parry sound and hie village ol rosseau j rainy river h sudbury i thunder bay ond ttmiskaming part v h in these regulation a shop meana any building or a portion ol o building booth atoll or place where goods are handled or exposed or ollsred lor sole oi where goods are manufactured and which not o factory but shall not include any pari of a building used lor office purposes and b ofhoe shall mean a building or part of a building occupied and esed for office pur poses only penalty provided by the power commission act for violation of regulations any person refusing or neglecting lo comply with any direction order regulation restriction prohibition or control made or exercised by the commission under this section shall be guilty ol on olfepce and in addition to any other liability incur o penalty of not less lhan 100 and not more than 500 and a further penalty ol not lesa than 100 and noi muit than 500 lor each and every separate day upon which such relusal or neglect is repealed or continjied the penalties imposed by ot undsi the authority ol this section shall be recoverable under 77ie summery convictiont act it further clarification t required ptemme contact your local hydro office plxasi cup this ahnoumcdidft rorjutiibbppt the hydroelectric power commission of ontario halton peel guernsey snow bull junior calf j m pljott 1 and 8 j l chlsholm 3 atad s m tijuenabb sons cecil cox bull sanlor call ajcnabb 1 and 3 chlsholm wm i o booth l and l farms john ullycrop and sods joyca bros booth junior champion male plfott reserve junior champion male mcnabb bull 3 yrs and over i j m plxott 1 and v mcnabb j m brownrldae senior champion male plgou reserve senior champion male mensbb grand champion male plgott bcuerrjunlor calf joyce chls- nolm mcnabb 3 and 8 booth 4 snd 9 kenneth watson pigott brownridce 7 and 10 heuer senior calf joyce fin- lay currie dean taylor booth 8 and 8 chlsholm ullycrop wat- ion heifer junior yearling mc nabb joyce pigott sanlrsn booth 4 8 7 chlsholm s end 6 watson heifer senior yearling booth 1 s 4 mcnabb chlsholm junior champion temsje- bo heuer 3 yrs dry bootfh mcnabb joyce j m plfott 4 end 8 cw a yrs and over dry mcnabb 1 and 3 chllhnlm pls- ott f heifer jyrs in mlifcchlaholm j m pigott 3 and 4 meluhev watson cow 3 yrs in milk j k for iter booth 3 and 4 joyce browav ridst cow 4 yrs and over ib muk mcnabbl and 3 watson 8 aat 8 brownrldie booth 5 8 and tu chlsholm cos senior champion female he nabb 1 res senior champion male qilthnhn oread champion nabb eontinoed on vif- v

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