Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 30, 1949, p. 7

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page 7 iwn santa is coming to brills from 930 u everybody welcome m the ge herald wednesday nov 30 1949 i with his bag of free gifts tor the fnddie i l phone328 660 flqor sandinjg floors sanded and rermisked the dustless wy new modern equipment ted bludd isawu aaaoktoimm now playing that wonderful urge tyrone power gene tieruejr escatb bex harrison peggy cammitu friday saturday december 23 matinee saturday 2 pm special ctfaws stffe 3lw starting sat in the mail bag 1041 kovcmbcr 2flth to the editor in last weeks herald the fol lowing appeared in the council ncwi could not pay a 37 00 bill iroro the pipe band for services at the rcroembroncc service as it is contrary to the municipal act and will ask the town solicitor for mc except thavsomc of them an opinion on how it can be done nncc not uscd thcm to extcnt we arc not worried about the that thcy shoud and i coun then on them build n constructive system of suggestions it is cosy oo appeal to people by hinting at lowor mill rates but youeonnot moct the demands and needs of modern and progressive town without lcyvlng taxes some needs have been met out of current rev enue some out of debentures but there is not much difference be tween the councils of the past twenty cars in their uic of these plus selected shorts monday tuesday beccs 6 brought back to thrill you again ffodgers han f l- andrews jeanne craw wj dick havmfs vivian blaine muur bt iichar0 f hubs lassaofsfipw s2v wednesday thursday dec 7 8 battun blue bloods money but a great deal of unfa vourablc criticism has arisen from this and we would like to use your paper to clarify the impcession of the general public to quote a member of the exe cutive of our canadian legion up on inquiring if we had been paid if this is contrary to the munici pal act then the oeuncll has boon lm- a ua the past 20 yean we would like to ask how can the council pay 100 00 to entertain the tens band we do not bear any aoimosuy towards the brass band hut cannot understand the attitude of the council towards matters per taining to the pipe band when the toum was unable to procure the services of the brass band we since it was a remem brance service made a special ef- joxt to help the town out an awkward predicament a full band turned out on father short notice we were told that we would re ceive our uqual rate as it was the ipjyw lo pay ihe other band for this service wc have played on numerous occasions for the town without remuneration with the ex ception of ihe annual ebwl fair trusting that this cast a clearer light on our attitude and clears up xrty misunderstanding in the minds xu ihe public wc arc yours truly ipnnrjetown girls pipe band signed sgt mary patterson jean dickie sec trcas tils found it necessary io increase mill rates to make up for the fail ure ours sincerely a maclaren bear editor something was said nj the nomin ation meeting by a candidate lor hirrlpm office about the merits of a low mill rate paying for work done out of current tax rate and ihe avoidance oi debenture debt it is of the essence of sound civic ltipinp sense to understand thor oughly what value to put on each of the above principles and when to apply them is a low mill rate neccssorilly a good thing or the sign of a desir- cble town to due in perhaps it may be low because for years coun cils did not lake care of the neces sary repairs and maintenance of hal services then again if the assessment in too low a high mill late is not significant what we need in georgetown is a quick re november 20th 1040 dear editor there seems to be a group of people in georgetown who wish to further their own interests even at the expense of exceedingly bad publicity for their municipality i wonder if cither individually or collectively this group realized or is capable of realizing that pub licly to advertise a water famine i not only an exceedingly black mark for the town but also indi cates a decided lack of forethought on the part of the town council added to this there seems to be a great deal of misinformation not only as to the attitude of the rate payers association but also to the reasons for its inception and the length of time it has been in oper ation to start with the ratepayers association has been organized for approximately six weeks so could not very well have been com plaining about the manner in which council is spending ratepayers money for three months in the second place whoever happens to be ghost writing for council seems to have very neatly misinterpret ed the facts of the matter the 80000 ratepayer dollar waterworks program was not be gun in the face of opposition from the ratcpoycs association but was actually paaced by council some months before the associa tion enme into being the asso ciation arc not opposed to the fact that the program was undcraken out rather to the manner jn which it was carried out there is a feeling throughout town that no eitort has been made to increase the supply of water from existing sources this opinion is vcr generally held and is backed up by the independent observations 01 cuitc a arjt number of respon sible citizens these citizens aftei a earelul inspection of the sys tem feel that a few hundred elul lais spent on repairs io aiui a zzzzzzzzzzzz iz z izzztztzuzzzzzzzzizzzzz i 1 m farmers georgetown lion club invites yo prof g h speak on conservation challenges town and country to work together tuesday december 6th esquesing community hall 8 30 pm technicolor movies life of the soil refreshments no admission charge lltrnztumirrrrnttrrr i i i ii lr general haulage sand gravel fill cement blocks cement charles hancock phonehl3r7 asstsmnent ot propcrtus in the thoroufch tltanine out of tlic lilts own at a reasonable ilvli and thus ttdint itil itscrvoir would ilmiii ut can hae a low mill rate m a vli m itcrinl imrtas in hup- j the thing that rcajly matters in j y tiilsl ti uenj ait willint to itx tollrction i uhtthti tht sr- admit tht possibility that mich at tice lor which txpenditurcs are t on mitht not product tht tuppl made are i tally needt d and the oj u atcr rthjun cd but until sonm txpenditurcs sound and the vajueuih inluiillnt md intxplnsm itceivtd tcnimtnsuratt with the ippioith lo tht pioblcm has bttn t xpenditure imdi tht fn1 th it council hire mcnally lane company limited elgin street near the station phone f8w we stock a complete supply of the following items rval in lizabeth powell scott m7abeth theyve got the social set in t a sweat bitffiu m wmii vail i ntwm af mats last complete show 830 pm nitely there are some expenditure that siiould be met out of current rev- c nue such as eurrent year expenses of publie school high behool pol- lee and rirt proteetlon reairfi and m ilutenance but when the serviee io be financed is a long time use serviee the debenture method is ihe sound businesslike method why should or how could geor getown iitipiycrs pay for such services is litve been installed the past yc ir or two out of eunent revenue georgetown folk will cn- hy the use cif the sew ikc seivice water seiviee housing artifleiul ee good pel nlncnt loads foe tell ivvent or mole ears why then should wc not sprend the payment for these services over as long a leriod as is wise antl th it the i eople that use these services ten llfteen or twenty years from now help to pay foi them ihe depiu tine nt of municipal affairs through its board is there i to protect a community from being overloaded with debt by tin impio- idem council it has also clas sified debentures into 10 15 20 or 10 year debentures according to tho prospects of duration of service that can be expected and so spreads the cost over tho grcatost number of years possible by all means lot us have a vig orous actlvo ratepayers associa tion and keep alive throughout th year the interest in municipal af falrsbut tat ui let tbs facts juul veiy ill advised to spend 110 ii0u i oi oui nione on a ne vv svstem lei ii i little fuither on tills heme jji lv two months tu u kiouj of ltateajers visiiecl hie sllverereek leservoir and vveie ineldeiitallv advised that thej would he prosecuted if thev llesjiisid iiiln sen i ite pay eis tlesjiassecl suiulav anil aie iicnibliiii in anticipation of the convenience s llu se men found that virtuall all the ies lead ing floni tht springs to the lesel- vciii wen iiikiiii with debris and the sin rounding ejouncl vv is vei jky while veij little water leached the icseivon one pipe i ill lulllieulli about l feet li- liealn fioin the dnni was very huiuuhhly cleaned out and lill- nedlately started to luoduee a verj line flow or witei ineldent- ill- that plie is the unlj one that is of sunday at r p m was still prpducing what could be called a i low of water while tho writei is aware that f i in an engineering standpoint it is fpolhardy to deduce that be cause one pipe can be made to produce they all should it docs beem cojjimon sdnse to assume that it is a good indication and that it would be good business practice to investigate further plywoods fir birch e i ch w ood wallboard mason1te weldtex sylvacord hardboard y arborite i en test or donnacona insulation tiberglas batts and pouring alfol aluminum insulation roofing- shingles the executive ctaorcstowd ratepayers assoc roll roofing felt paper sidings insul brick cedar shakes cedar bevel siding lumber paints cement building hardware

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