Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 30, 1949, p. 9

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pbe9 m m wmwmnnw far christmas shoppers georgetown stores will be open till 10m from monday december 19th to saturday december 24th including all day thursday shop in georgetown with your friendly local merchant georgetown retail merchants assoqlation georgetown hockey club subscribers tickets 100 per ticket will be on sal e onla until december 15th get yours now before lfs too late to book your resei echeat for the sl ison j thegeorgetovtn herald wednesday nov 30 1949 chatting by mhb outside the snow alow- 1 ly sifted down from- n cold grey sky wo watched it sunday afternoon as wo sat sip ping a cup of tea by a cosy fire place in the living room of mrs i websters homo in norvol fri day november 2stli hod boon mrs webster 8 ninetyfirst birth day and we drove over to offur our congratulations the fragrance of longstem med pink roses her family sent lci nlnelyoncj and the beauty of many bouquets of mum filled the irving loonib and mll while ull niound weic scores of cards and telegrams of congiatulalitins- as has been their- lustoin foi many jtms jiast mrs wobbler and her uiccu miss pi line maeuiie leicl- ved then i datives and fi lend dur ing the afternoon and evening of mrs wcbsteis birthday this was ue fust lime tho that mrs web ster and hei biuthei mi gcoige gollop noiwil who is eilhtllnil jciis oune hac not danced lo- ethei on this otcamon but only i ei lust the fiddlei who supplied flit music has un ible to be pres i nt d it o i li tl iilltions c f the ntlidu eclcbi h l if ill mr- i iiliuus tin t i i lp fi om tion still held child in uli 1 tier l il i itl on hid 1 c 1 iml i i i 1 in ll t i i oun d m i i i i i i n un on lu o j i t tiling the i ecu 10 d if te i ivk n m in t i son inlht lecl hit in inns c is ii s i b i uu l tboul is bi i ht ts a i i i n identic tli it sin ii i 1 n uuiii ii the hoiib set to miik md i i cd e 1 lo on i d in mo ics 1 iiosl thin s nisi ibiut s t ik foi 1 cnibeh t don i n i 1 i i md in i uli u i and no leu than three hotels hotels were rough and ready at that time earning pretty black reputations thrqugh their barrooms so that selfrespecting ladles felt queer even tjiitorlng thorn for a moal or ovcrnlght lodging nerval like all other canadian towns in the 1000 s had board slde- wiillm and corduroy roads and theio be ninetyone years young credit which runb through norvol with literally teaming with salmon lluealling her girlhood when bhe fisctl to help her parents in iheh store in nqivui mrs web ster lemcmbeis when young dr webblci called in and linrfjpkliuily s id tohei father referring to his youtriful dnuehter x la iv tint one foi me id like to ii uo hei home lily i kejit cut of ins way aflci that aid mr wcbstti with a 1 nigh you know 1 was suit of ufruid of doctoib llul the doetoi who was eighteen eais lit i scnioi must hue flu illy won hei lonfidenee and hei heait loi ibout 1 1 f tj bev n jt lis ico he i it i ml linn md iust like in the fui tiles lived urippili caci iftci i lii 3o i i i se tin seei il it i iflt i i i 1 u in no i j ii in m d uuelistrlet ml web lei leelllb llow hud l i he till ii in 1 often tn u i 1 iiiiul l or sncj block d ts in i i oi c ntl liu i 1 utieiil n i hor yean as everyone knows who has over passed her home in the mun mer roses and flowers of 01 kinds aro mrs websters hobby and she still takes a very active interest in her garden matteroffact the vegetable garden stin holds her interest too and last year sho plan ted tho potatoes mrs webster wouldbe the last person in the world to admit it but wc say and aro sure youll agree with us bftor leading all wc have told you that she 1s a really remarkable woman i in hi i d t ccc t the slu is tiuly til m 1 i i l vt mhs uiiimliis e mil ul i tiding i own tie un colo ucd taillc i tl 1 te with inutciung tj i nut uid dainty ii i o lici j nd h md le ii ii i i ih i bec i i i r i idi i ll a splendid variety of materials frieze bouole mohair velour tapestry silk brocatcilc bilk and cotton rep upholstering at its lowest price and highest quality dick the upholsterer operated by jack sudermann tasy payments arrnneed 7 day service we will be pleased to visit your home wth style sample beaks no obligation be quick phone dick phone 310 barbers vvt s i i 11 1 11 1 1 it i 1 l i t i of 11 h p 1ci lilt we tl el it i it i mi i herl 1 t it 1111 ll i i el 1 ho 111 1 i i i mdp ir- ii i ii win h ml fji j i 11 i 11 ii n l it listrut i itn he dn f ik i hildhi la boi n i or il i liu mi nd mrb u d in 1 c 1 here ill ici c i jo i ill ii h dousk ts 1 l told us bnn th m ins p i onci ii hi l t ul i ii v li n 1 1 v i t imli ur it hi hi ui o ll mi wluili t l 1 jbcrts i ii i j 1 a journ 1 1 i 1 i hi now tl i 1 1 1 1 n this i li iv 1 d i t i ul1 i il of 1 i t ti cl mi s 1 ii 1 1 ijl 1 ii inj lii i mh i ill i i jrw2 lran imollili cd t i ilk to lot onto of l n ilh thn i mm i of bonil n i ii bul u on lie r ilk w hu h she tilled for itmi ls i hu tins wcil blaud foi i i ml n n u inn tin fi u htci in u ht until bhu btluiiii lost on hei i 1 onil ind mio slulii i nil tho iindliil of the lit in fi n widely scattered homeste kh re ounded tluoiigh the ti i i 11 l u i clp to foim i st ii lhu f p 11 1 1 lit lountl lie i sife ljut lcii itiik vij ost on ulnt ih now the lop nt il hill m thoiu i i6 i den in f nest mi uebster still tic i tuts hei j r indmottu i ill ii 1 rockinj inir uliith nt bl i w 1 t o hundiet ytirs til hen mrs webster w is i ain j hi normal wis t thi iv uik ittlt vlll if c with tw f t i u of ul i c i eld i vied i i i ll w i one 1 t till is s 1 then 1 jlu oj ei ih it i in i nt ik i lie mulish i 1 he i i i tl it u 1 be llll beimu n e i til tn i ui id lis t lo el win i mi j t on i in i lll ii jit t 1 to 111 il in mill jii t mill u 1 i il u i j1h m t di wehstei i 1 rim a- niw man on the staff of smith und stone ltd is mjr h cunninkhnm mr nrtd mrs ounnintfhnm nnd uctlo eon hoss moved into one of tho down- rtnirs mm shall nportmenta on queen street a couple of weercf fo the clirmlnkhnms formerly hedin hamilton nnd aro mem- oers q the chinch of england also in the marshall apart ments mr and mrs hooper and smiiu daughter fiom westqh have lenanted the nputment vacated by pti nnd mrs mini ay tnmpt mr hooper is cniplojed at the a v i ot pi int at ma i ton we wir n little slow guttinf o know i bo it it hut sometimes ht m s tlot sn t re ah oui ears as luieklv is it nujht mis bob l i wu i n i thrt e- oirold daugh- i i lost uiin armed back cii m etoun siveril ucuks if o u it in husl and nob who miled tor c itndn a little bit ahead of his i nuly tlie i incr liad been i i i in i h i foi n t ii nd h if tlob mplnjtd with the 1 q i line 1 ookiru it our deep blanket now it inrdly et ins j os ible e ire irta of the world where this very moment people re i ink in th aun on a warm san- 1j nil iiere the green p ilms iy in the brcee but thats tin i md o elmnte dr and mi i i n wit son i enjoying i iin theii it ntion t ii mil i c tcr 1 lorida i md mrs wny watson t gum formcri of gcorj e o i it nlf holni i ing in the iilh it st ictersbuijh t lorida 0 i t i i i it r t women at i i n ii iioii meeting lasf i i id t in h tli in ha e it- i i di i m i fuoi ii nj jl lr a i o i si i loo seems to us hi i in 1 it s i i ih it the no- s m tho ote wonder how inent 11 ct on that u it s filtu k tliat tl ey should hear innii m f h it his b n done i ti i md v ii t the incoming i lid ti i ropo i to do sonit hi ul i ni lie in the m- d of n i ill olitils in town i i lit his e ti wo- in t lot i nimrrson ins qunl- tn i f i to mi 11 this hns never 1 1 ht i no lalkinjr w ith ii i ii i i n c lerk p b h lr- 1 i ii u l it around twen- f u us i u 1 i n the fir t womin u ilifed n inn iber of the pub- 1 s hool ijoutl it wjs consider- in c t nt too nature mnspoiuo vivours to enjoy the srlortearedowl l an unusual bird of prey although a irue owl he hunlt by day light often with flocks of hu fellowi he is a most efficient mouse and pest destrqyer and desrves your protection watch for him at this season flying low over marshy fields and bogs yours to p callings the carling breweries limited waterloo ctltnio v 1141 ca1l ht memories to honour a lifetime fo- lifetimes to come monuments markers moderately priced a card or letter will bring our service to your door oakville monument works 20 colborne st oakville on highway t i i mi 1 lc t i ii i llllll ii li11 to i i 11 i 1 iii 11 i c l i nut n lili ii ulin ii i i t 1 it l lo hill of ilh l ill ii tl lie ilitlful 1 ill n md he ul just f s t i o si tin i luu u md eenl le ue iu simples too mr mj mlts hun hny uelsleis tdinons needle- uird of toronto have pur ii tit hhly fine md een iliisel the house tor uhun toii hei luo fns iiuik oumtl hy mr and mrs beit t un i ni in tu i hibiuoii link on knit street and moved 1 mi u oui 1 it ii ird to into it t iuph f weeks ngo the nniii s tif shirt mi md mrs iliard arc the in ills of mi william bona th in and illinm hayw ird of low n rhelr friends in town will be ii uk slid to know that mr and tlf shirt i lehine setwi until i 1 i lo i 1 ind found stiti h hil uton j mis i j nit hid as uell u i i us hint iti h i t lii luishind nil in i i tirffionti d iiut ill this be uitlliil i it its till on mrs will s 1 ii 1 the oni p ut li nil 1101 oils eison i l lltth 1ht 1 1 t lless of mi lini v eathei ston and dauith tn i nd i 1 tc of toronto lne houejit i h line in the fallliu- hrooke distriet of the city the a i i herstons u t re out in georgc- tiun foi tin ueikend at the home it lti luothti mi and mrs bill iyes examined glasses fitted repairs simmons jewellers main 8t gforgetown telephone 530 every wedresday 10 30 am to 8 pm s m faibibn bo ret optometrist 10s1 eellnton w toronto ice frolics of 1 949 presented by the victoria skating club gnelph guelph memorial gard december 9th and 10th ens 830 pm starring v maureen senior 1 oronip canadian junior champion 1949 bobpochette montreal skating king of comedy maguire and muehlbronner skating club of new york us eastern pair champions 1949 and featuring the toymaklrs dream with 150 rikatimj toys and the fholics choir of 45 voices reserved seat sale now 75c 100 150 guelph memorial gardens mail orders accepted uonathan charles street mr and mrs william mccar- cll moved i om the apartment bote the herald labt ueok to lon don where tloy were fortunate 1 1 ough to obtain a house will hillis of slmcoe who is icplocing mr mccanell here as prudential insurance man with his wife and sons paul nnd do id has moed into the npnrtment little jimmy ruddell bnbjr son of mr and mrs newton ltud- cell was able to return home last week from thistletown where he haa beeri receiving posthospital treatment after recovering from an attack of polio he suffered early in the fall he s doing very well too although he still requires the cast on his hand where the paralysis occurred balunafad mr and mrs d campbcl mr und mrs fred sinclair mr and mrs n rldlcr and mr and mrs j p klrkwood ittended the masonic i idles night held at hilltop house lrln frriday evening the official board and their wives were entertained at th mnnse tiiday evening after tha uslncss part of the meeting a 0- ciil time was enjoyed and refresh ments were served by mr and mrs wllllom glbb it has been planned to hold tha annual sunday school concert on friday evening december 23trd tho wms mot or thelf novem ber meeting at the home of miss b iiilts thescrlpture study was in chin kc of mrs william glbb and the roll call was answered with scripture vcrsch from mark th topic from growing with th years was led by mrs miiii tho decombcr meeting will bj held jointly with tho circle and r- enlng auxiliary congratulations to mrs t j shortlll who won tha bible ivan sway each week on the do yea know your blblet progranum ea sunday afternoon congratulations to mr m norman swum jbyea whose marriaaa took slaty day in balllnafad chnfah

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