Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 7, 1949, p. 10

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the georgetown herald wednesday dec 7th 1 949 ephead optometrist i ana mjunpagtvavata oraoum battoob rpt- bkauno aids ktkb kxammed 8otkkfi0aix 88 st georges 8qoaw8 gujlph btabiishad 30 years floweirs for every occasion design work a specialty i bonded member tdi- telegraph delivery bertrlos mowers by wire erwbse tba world norton floral legion notes u m c so the h3craijj cbmes out on wednesday nlbht wew mtlme end the dart scores are revised on thursday night just a day late noslsstjt al wljmi- old ft lmwe sorrytbut theres nothing we can dtabout it j- your tournament nlht the edi tor says hetl be t darned u he s going to change the date of lssuell by the looks ol the xettloto hall recenuy a q rfaht have thought branch 120 was in the ftaby business in a wg wayl carriages inside rand outride d children of aborted u and ages au over the place that big tlrmerv floor upstairs is sure a 82 place to slide tat it kldst 5yw on investigation weflnd that all the acuvlty was caused by halton health unit having a clin ic there twice monthly now we believe the legion donated the uw of their hall for this worthy cause and quite frankly we cat think of a finer way for it ip be tued to this day and age when everything is becoming so highly commercialized it u nice to see the executive making such a cood- will gesture toward their llow- cltliens keep it up boys thats the kind of good deed the branch cm well- be proud of mo inciden tally from which will it- les chain of goodwill and better understanding from their friends and neighbours of the town while we think of it there halton cow federal den1 bkauib 1l fko jihjtmtt ject rm has been a considerable amount of talk lately of the unfortunate lo cation of the cenotaph sltuatedos it u at the intersection of two of the towns busiest streets would it not be possible to have it moved at sometime in the future our personal opinion is that no spot could be better that is if there is sufficient room to place it at the entrance to the cemetery away from the down town secuon alto gether maybe the legion and the town council could get togolhpr and work a feasible plan out another idea- that might be utilized to good advantage locally would be in regards to the veter ans affairs chairman in the local council as the legion encompas ses approximately 00 per cent of the local vets could it not be poi slble to arrange to have the v crans affairs representative be available say one night a month iri the legion hall to discuss any thing pertaining to vets in jhuol- clnal affairs this would wave a twofold purpose in that it would make for better understanding be tween both parties and would also eliminate the motheaten cfllbl of i hadnt heard some time agot was announced that the halton county health unit had been granted funds by the federal government to carry out a research project in dental exam ination and education tne cost of this- project was j to be entirely covered by federal funds and w lot to be a charge on the local budget with the funds a com pletely equipped waller wu pro- vtaed and a public health- trained dentlsvand asslsuiurwere obtained the vrojcct ttfolyed a careful examlnatfon or alftfie school chil dren in 0e county and as many preschool chlldrn as possible no treatment wasto be given but rather the children and their par- entswmeto bo educated to the needlor early continuous treat- t which was to be obtained trough the family dentist a areful assessment of the results of this survey work was to be done halton county is unique in that in nearly all the rural schools den- tal treatment is paid for all chil dren by the local school boards this has been made possible by a subsidy from the ontario depart ment of health all this treatment 1 carried out by the local- family dentist this free treatment is not available as yet in the towns therfore an excellent opportunity was available to assess the resultsv the imperials- had tag a week ago but afraid give you any details of it concrete blocks concrete bricks cinder blocks backup tile quality konomy maple bloclci tile ltd georgetown shock absorberservice and fuel pump exchange uutrlbntlnf agent for cledraotjc and gabriel also- all coil springs rubbers king pins ford shocks large knees etc if its shocks or foel pomps we hare them pbone 509w king st georgetown of a treatment program reject- it has now become evident that e cant not all people understand the rea- howjonj fc thjj new program in the nfeout one of you fellows turning in ut place the entire project is the odd account of your meetings financed by federal funds and is not any charge on the local tax- lady bowlers usedthe afcdl- paver secondly the funds for this torlum for their party last thurs- project are specifically designated day night they decorated it thein- by the federal government to be solves and really made a super job ujj on for survey and educa- tlonal work ami not for treatment in darts the tournament s it very important to keep the fa- itill going strong the reguli r m physician and dentist as an ln- ehedule has an approximate foi r tegral part of any health program weeks to run before the playof s it- lsconsidered that provision of begin understand the boys a e clinic treatment as contrasted to not giving trophies but instead a treatment by the private practi cing to have a party to wind up boner would not be desirable the the season sounds like a good id a dentists of the county are most from this corner here are t ic j cooperative and arc actually giving standings as at present with ah- iheir services at a very low rate others series to be played tomot- i areas where school boards os- rbw thursday night team e a d c b f p 18 18 18 18 18 18 w 11 10 10 0 8 6 7 8 i 8 0 11 12 pu 22 20 20 18 18 12 see that an old jack shepherd has been for a few days staying brother henry jack as howard graff real estate business broker investments clnsurance of all kinds fhons ahix street a aelendld variety of materials triese boucle mohair velear tapestry silk brocatelle silk and eotton rep upholstering at its lowest price and highest quality dick the upholsterer operated by jack suderm ann kaar payments arranged 7 day serrlee we win be messed to visit year home with style sample bas no obligation be quick phone dick phone 310 barbers member in town with his well as being on old member of branch 120 was a member of georkctowns lome scots band for a great num ber of years playing one of the big horns a sousaphone wc be lieve jack is located in toronto the bowling tenm arc carry ing on in their league this bowl ing competition becomes a tough proposition with so many shift workers everything is all set for the visit to sir arthur currie branch in toronto wc understand 10 couples are going visitors are always fortunate in going there as sac is famous for its hospitality to visiting branches glad to see jimmie dicken son home for a couple of days from sunnybrook hospital he has been undergoing treatment there for a considerable length of time now get cracking fellows and get your sports committee mobile even if you have to build a fire under them with winter here a hockey team should be under way as well as possibly n crib and bridge tournament and please messrs executive dont foi ct the ping pong balls and bats lor mike says hes got quite a number of ping pongers lined up never heard of it but suppose it would be possible to have n tour nament thrc too talking to a member in the iost office lobby the other day who mentioned how hed like to see 1 lounge fitted nut upstairs in the hull and the beginning of a smalt library that sounds like a very hood idea and when the lounge is litted out ns it will lu when the necessary wherewithal greenbacks to you bub is available possibly it marl could be made by asking the inenihers to each donate one hook the branch could subscribe to a number of pctindirals s wll had une person even sitfrgest getting a num tree of the hritisb hiaaiius we came to know so well during the war might be an idea nl that sure wed all enjoy seeing the illustrated london news the tat- ler or the thies again monday night december 5th saw the locals entertaining acton legion at a social evening a good crowd was on hand and everyone reported a very good time the dart players crib and bridge fiends pll seemed hard at it coffee and sondwichei were served inter dont forget monday is elec tion day in town and every good veteran citizen should get out and vote after ell you fought a war for that privilege now get out and usb rn sume the cost of dental care no one has ever assessed the re sults of o treatment program where operates without an educational fort on the other hand in areas h as welland excellent results hav been obtained by an in ten ive educational program without providing free treatment here in halton county an opportunity ex ists tovarry out such a study from both view points it was for these reasons that the federal authori ties designated halton county as i study area and provided the hcces sary funds speak kr tells of south america trip at the november meeting of the arts and crafts of georgetown mrs paul beer gave a talk on her recent extended trip through south america the tolk was en hanced by photographs of places she had visited which were projec- ttd on a screen and by samples of south american handcrafts which she brought back with her the meeting was held a the home of mrs leonard bell the i resident mrs a n nielsen wel comed three new members mrs i red chapman miss watson and mrs moss tea was served by the hostesses of the day mrs ted dar lington miss rowcna stull and mrs wright roy marciiment marries living in malton on november lotli in woodgreen united church toronto rev j i steed officiated at the marriage of i mrs dorothy may shunk daughter of mr c m whitlaw and the late mrs whitelaw and mr roy march- ment formerly of glen williams and term cotta son of mrs mary marchment the couple are resid ing ot the staff house at malton pj 12 sportsmanship in unlimited 9jta v smskiia 7 m k tli canadian amo- tur boxino cham- piouhip wr hald this year in port arthur ont to dtrmin the box- rs who would rp- rtnt canada at the britiih empir gamt in nw zea land naxt february tan champion and cttaltongcr mat for the coitturys nwet kllhull exhibition torontos old adslalda strsat rink bioiadl with light frash sawdust ihfarad mi smooth floor a crowd of sports mlnglaov round tho ring whllo tho uoutanant governor and his patty watchaommsa thatr box m was a february night in ims and tho ewrturyt biggast avont in canadian boxing tho wohomamou champion of england charlu muchoh was to moot john f scholos tho local challangor in tho opening rounds scholas smoshad mltchall with a surprlso barrage of punches wary mitchell backed off tho haze of cigar smoke thickened as tho rounds went on suddenly mitchell cam off the ropes with a hard blow scholes went down only for a moment but the fight had been decided mitchell wort the bout 3526 good sportsmanship has won many world friends for canada ust as the spirit of working together has made us one of the worlds great nations these two sportsmanship and enterprise keep your opportunities for work and play- in canada unlimited attention farmers we are paying the highest prevailinjkprice fori dead or crippled farm animali horses cattle telephone collect for immediate gordon youn toronto adelaide 3636 3334 phone 328 or 660 floor sanding floor sanded and refinuhed the dustlftm way new modern equipment ted bludd see the new morris cars and ask forjjemonstrafion n immediatedelivery some models reduced asmuch as 300 a down payment as low a 550 will enable you to drir away in a new morris tom hewson t mux street phorctstw wjfirfhwijpjibftdmw wjtattl j j luiiinlmtaaetiatej tiitkatli m

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