Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 7, 1949, p. 9

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page ii i the georgetown herald w ded 7th 1949 hmwao i v santa oming to brills c saturday pec 10 from 930 12 am everybody welcome with his bag of free gifts tor the kiddies news and views for haltoii farmers cr datsvp bebd rmpkovkmknt uot pboves popular lut spring two association with jh members were organised in hal- ion under the dairy herd improve ment policy sponsored by the on tario live stock branch under this policy a supervisor la assigned to each group of 26 members and consequently visits each member one day each month on each visit the supervisor weighs the milk of each producing cow for two milk- toga takes the necessary samples and testa for butterfat in other words no weighing or sampling on the part of the herd owner is re quired monthly production for both mflk and fat is computed on the one days weighings the pol icy also provides for official cer tificates of production and also data on the cost of production for each herd owner a number of the herd owners were contacted recently by the writer and all ore delighted with the service being rendered ono herd owner stated i wasnt too enthusiastic about the policy when it waa first an nounced but now id hate to be without it plan are now under way to organize a third group of 26 dairymen and already half the required number of applications bis been secured according to j e wutelock of the agricultural office at milton this is likely to be the final group organized la halton so if any of our readers are interested we would suggest that they get their application in lmme- dlately to the hilton office- while there is still an opportunity incidentally the policy only ap plies to herd owners with grade cattle or a mixed herd containing both grades and pure breds and the fee 10 00 per year for a ser vice which in the vs costs the producer many times this figure it may also be of interest to our read ers to learn the computed produc tion based on one days weighing per month was recently checked against dally weighing on a herd of 12 cows in kelson township there was a difference of only 48 lbs the computed average test of the herd was 3s9 per cent butterfat the dairy paid on a 30 per cent test did you soy what dairy loneutf breeding sells at high prices i one of the halton members of the maple cattle breeders recently paid us a call to say the least he i beaver electric industrial and commercial wiring main street a de beaulieu phone 41 8j po box 190 its or was in high spirits und more than ufoistein a jersey r wnvmced he is on the right breeders make plans he had just returned frony track attending porter bros dispersal sale near thornhlll during the time he was at the sale 33 of the 36 head were sold the 33 bead was made up of 14 females 3 yrs or over- 7 two year olds 4 yearlings and 8 heifer calves born in 1mb the average price qf the 33 bead was 300 which spealu well tor the holsteln breed lines being used at uie maple unit porter bros have oecn members of the manic unit since its inception and sneof the brothers was a former president of maple cattle breeders assn it sjiould however be pointed out that porter bros have been util izing herd sires of lonelm breeding ior many years previous to the for mation of the maple unit it was n this herd that doncrest peg top burke was bred she is still thai world champion for yearly pro duction of milk on 2x and former word champion for fat with 31701 lbs milk and 1108 lbs fat halton members of the maple unit who now total over 240 strong will be delighted to learn that jack hamilton who along with robert ncilson are the popular local lnscmlnators has finally got his family established in milton and can be contacted at milton 472 vnother announcement by the maple unit which will be popular with the members not located in the milton central is to the ef fect that on and after december 1st all long distance calls for ser- lcc will be absorbed by the maple unit this unit which now has a membership of approximately 1800 and which now owns batteries of ayrshire holstcin jersey and guernsey build is contemplating the addition of a battery of beef bulls for annual meetings vat rccont executive meetings of the halton holstcin and jersey breeders plans were made for their respective annual meetings the holstcin breeders plan to meet in the new trafalgar township hall where w p watson live stock commissioner forontarlo is to be guest speaker the date sel ected is thursday january 12th while on the following tuesday namely january 17th the jersey breeders of halton will meet in the orange hall at hornby where it is expected w d tolton direc tor of public relations ontario agricultural college ojiefph will lc the guest speaker as in former years both organizations are mak ing plans for dinner meetings ttvo fire calls last saturday the fire brigade were called a week ago saturday to the home of ray harlow on the glen road when i stove threatened to cause a fire no damage was done a second all was received from norval sto lon in the afternoon to which the jrlgade responded but their scr- iccs were not needed r0sedale floral cut flowers potted plants if its a spray wreath wedding flowers we can pleabe you our prices are right- phone 283j we deliver hands in training for ontario t learning lhisiness practice i n ontario the wlirclw of indimtrv turn for the lit nefit of every single one of nn our latin 1 nuinor i in 11 in r fiirm omhiuc8 tractora buiiinc8h itmtliiih- tii an pro lut ing gmdi ami mr icea thich earn dnllurt 1 in c inllit iroitf foot lothin mtdiiul curt und other m t itit winch ittiiriniitt to our mm unt iml high tiiiulurd of living i er miigli oik of ii- tlit n fort iuih a t r prroual interest in tin how of a htrutl huppu oftrainttl worki rr to industrial iuiitn tin m uorkt r- will ojmralt mat inm h lu h an utioilaiit to out un of life e should impm iiitt thin i lit t ooim raliki iforli of government imliihtrj and lahour uvthr fir id of t mtoim training in miidoih and in fat luring ojirhorkeni ypung and old are given tin oiihi t inm toilt velop nvw and hjm i ifu hkillt in every held of imnmenh nutl industrial acli it vat instance every effort on the part of oilier woikcrs to hecomc pro ficient in tvpdji filing hhortliand and he rmunul work will mean greater ihihiiich tjllii ienry will help to make ontario a finer place tn which to he ind work the brewing industry ontario our way of life itowartlb trained uandi qnturio workers know they catrearn more have executive renpoiihiluity und enjoy a higher standard of living in direct ratio to the akilu they ac quire and the way tliey make use of them thati always true in a free economy thatll why our com petitivo system will continue to make canada great and m great place in which to live farm forum in halton more than two hundred form forum members representing nineteen of haltons twenty sbc forums attended the county rally held in the town hall milton on november 21st in the absence of the county chairman r s heeth- crington the chair was filled by bob howard vlcechajrman ttys county secretary mrs r e ellen- ton read the minutes of the fall meeting mr howard in his opening re mark frankly criticised the aver age farmer for his indifference toward his farm organizations farm organization should be as much 9 port of the farmers busi ness as his fall plowing mr howard stated he also regretted the lack of attendance at meetings and the lack of constructive sug gestions and criticisms from the floor he thought halton should take the lead in soil conservation work and should concentrate on leadership training and cooper ative enterprise bob howard who was os wingcommander in the rcaf and who is now farm ing in halton in partnership with two brothers who were also rc a f wingcommandcrs stated he has a growing admiration for the ontario farmer but he would likp to see him giving better support to his farm organizations the first speaker prof tolton of the oac guelph waa intro duced by j e whitelock prof tolton who took as his topic so cial engineering stated farm porums arc a necessity to rural people there must we a co operative discussing of problems ui agriculture if ue arc to main tain our cou nli y as a nation so- cinll and economically he said social science must keep in balance with phsical science if we are io iert disaster the speaker re- i lomim tided toopciation as being the v a in which the farmer may obtain his just portion from his produce the farmer he declared thould control his produce practi cally to the consumers table prof lolton also regretted that there is more erosion going on than that of the soil discussing the de- elopmcnt of personality he said the basis of all delightful person ality is selfdiscipline he lives best who scrcs most the spook s r concluded prof tolton was tendered a ote of thanks by mrs dcnzil lawrence tiro second speaker introduced l hob howard was john mad- sen of chciry hill taim and folk school mr madsen who is a na tive of denmark explained the iolk school as it originated m his countf and us it is being devclo- icd in ontario he stated that denmark s great advancement in legislation foi the good of the peo ple could be largely credited to the folk school u cannot tabu- lute the spirit of man mated the speaker and in tike folk school men work foi their fellow men people learn there to blend the the elements of economics and liv- ng in ordinary life thc learn simple christianity at the cherry hill school there is in addition to auult education on practical and cultuial topics a training in crafts mi tecrcation und in good will what can i do for my communi ty is the ldt a that student takes away with him mr madsen gave a practical demonstiutton of folk- uancing when he hud the crowd 1 artlciputc in several of such nances the rpeaker was thanked l mrs guidon gia mr jack liennett in his own inimitable wa led in some rous- lst was dancing incourt i lajtd the accompaniments the tut flowers on the platform were donated by mr gortjcr of kil bride forum lunch was super vised by the mt nemo forum members an hour of visiting was tnjoyed by all overheard here and there woi the remark that forum members are going to make more effort this year to at tend their respective township iodcration of agriculture meet ings bob howards challenge is not going unanswered for itching skin often the re suit of varicose veins weleomsj relief u ha by the use of dow for the skin it leaves th fkln soft and smooth textured sold at maccormacks drug store turu 0ff nous av0d wasting electricity the mvoaoiucntk rowta commission or ontajuo ininuuiuiu waj iou in sonic ii b mnginy jills ikcompum mis gortur ioi the folkdj mrs jyrtt moore of aii for those who suiter tram skin blemishes such as impetigo eenma pimples and such distressing skin affecti a treatment of doff eor tbk skin brings waleoma rallat said at j dltjs btar eyes examined glasses fitted repairs simmons jewellers main st georgetown telephone 330 every wednesday 1030 ajn to 8 pjn s u famian ro keg optometrist 1051 egllnten w toreata memories to honour a lifetime or lifetimes to come monuments markars moderately priced card or letter will bring our service to your door oakville monument works 20 coibornese0jnrilh

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