Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 4, 1950, p. 2

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mm t ijw -t7- morning- woralilp united church -wan- bearing aid batteries are avail able 1 vrnlej radio rosy thea- bld phona w ii i i -1- phone 4ssr teaching a 7r that bt trucking job phone 40w harty scott qtteen a atiwatt i ltt number rf eaivtaawattuahuh at price paid picked up immedi atel call actofj 110 if- r dreatuilklnfl curtalni- drsdjesv nendlnftajvi altu eow eratlbna plmtiiie radios fob ken radios for rent by the week ernies hsdlo rpxy theatre bldg tliono ms tfoajttwr two- furnuh4 hasted rooins for avail in st johns conducted by ljhe minister hey john m smlifc lesson was read from 11 chronicles chapter 71223 and the tight housekeeping awauabjeaoent tt mt v boakd avadlablk boara availahje prefer monday to saturday beanmn-w- 1oney 48rats u roaysaavt beaver took stove with en-aav- aer in gooeoridluea dr xswi v rok v x flat alloeailqphqne foic sale don hurrenvtetoria street phone decorating decorating to express individuality artistic interior and exterior graf isroen in the trade c a grant r r2 georgetown i j phone 723 r 12 for sale good used iuvnlture nnd staves jree delivery in town see h scott phone 46dw corner queen and guelph s georgetown 46tf washing machine repairs washing machine repairs at ernies radio roxy theatre bldg jgsa i painting and decoratinq- suntosted nnd sunwprthy wall- pepor sample books interior and cxterlor painting estimates free- don hcrrington main st phone 401 b2m sauk beatty washing r wooden tub modmotor wutshi reason- ably snira rundle phone msru toavjusnt three roomed apartment for rent near malastreet apply vy letter only to box 1 herald floor polisiofifb expert floor polishing electric polisher ond wax upptled phone 585w calltelweeh 9lrn ond 6 pm -h- for rtevr seven roomed house for rent on murdock street immediate pos- csslon phone 395rll for rent etbctrlc floor polisher and elec tric vacuum cleaner for rent by the day ernfes radio roxy theatre bldg phone 463 carpentry carpentry work of every kind kitchen cupboards- doors and wtn- dow frames a specialty work guaranteed estimates free john x bull phone 569w for children use your christmas cheque to buy cbildreuaunderucar and hos iery at bfcgowans specialty shop main street at he bu stop tlcjssfe m pbonc ms v pjirightelr for children for sale 700 bushels of grain suitable tor seed free from weeds ajsx oats and manchuria barley mixed price 100 a bushel locke bryan r r 2 laurel phone laurel 3rl3 wanitoto buir cash for old glassware old dish jaa ornaments vases oil lamps old dolls old buttons old silver fur niture etc phone 47 or write mr and mrs keith barber cor- ixer king and union streets floo jeqiffirci- iew- iatesi sor polisher tor rent whitinee electric phone 313 l12tf wood and apples dry maple and beech firewood apples various types by the bas ket or hamper free delivery twice weekly w s enrlght r r 4- acton phone collect acton 110 r 6 g8 ii t padtinganddecorating exterior and interior painting ndpaper hafrglng latest wail- paper sample book estinhates free jim kennedy phone vs fob 8au6 saw mill almost new so blade edger in good running order cost over 1500 last spring reasonable make offer can be seen at clark- son ontario write clarkson post office box 138a 14 if my people which arechledby my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wlokad ways then will i hear from heaven and will foebftiavboir rinand heal their and mr smith piit fovththvjle mand for fhpral men td hafidle amoral inventions and power as the greatest need of our acar moral men b sald r produced by bio- tal ratilval- vhfch conesthlroath- the redeeming messsgepf jesus christ end moral revivals in the church are greahy dependent upon the splritua1 vitality ot the profess ing christians there is a needy he stated for the modern churchv to meditate upon the message of the tekt -f- to humble themselves and pray and seek gods face and turn from their wicked ways the- choir under flic leadership of mr nbr- nuin laird sang tjie anthem when voscph went a walking the evening message was entitled they sholl bo god ond was based on the 6th beotltiide mrs rl wrirfilesworth accoropanied the congregational sinking it was announccfl that the sac rament of the lords supper- would be- observed on januafni1iat tbe jrioriiinn and evenink services and that on sunday january 15th mr gordon alcott and his pax bible clasji from wctcm would uuuiuct oic eveninu worshrp lsw r- bhtths ckichton mr andmri rich ard crwm shirley walker are happy to announce the birth of their sen atidrewscott jarrl- uary 2nd w6t jtpeel memoji- v lal hospital bramptori hunter to mr and mr wu- uam hunter- tftee beuy udden of nprvalon friday december 30th at pee memorial hospital brahxplon the gift of a dajugh4 ter- vendy lpu slstariw kow2iifit iiral io- maii ferjo1ev kmjebe huncejr arehajlpy fc annipnee the wrth on tlaiurjt m aospltaf brarrton era4thjb49 j children of ohv deeemv the first grindr gremjparents mcmenemy mrand mrirl p mcmenemy arur buuivantjj announce the birth of a gfjh david allen orf tjaturdays dec- ember 24th 1040 at mount ham ilton hospital lues on mr fjraham m mcnalr died chrurtmas day at utetiome ojtjmrs maude robinson edith stfeet where sfie had oeen a tlsttor for the six weeks previous- forinevly mary jane giioningham she waa to her 71st year and until bejhus7 bands donth in 1941 she- had lived on ui base line wherethey6pei ated a falrmi since she had made her ktne with her brother hojejrtccunrdrhpmon rj-farm- psitt repairs brother thorites and a- surfer janet rthefuneral service was held from heir brothers howe with inr lerrhentiiu evetgreen cemetery miitin r a pencrous rp was recfriv- ed to the ajlpetil of the childrens aid society for vontrjbutions to assist needy families at christmas during the month of december cash donations totalled 8300 the money wai used to buy quantities of toys candy and oranges and even few big fat chickens for christmas dinners gifts of new and used toys and clothing were also rejcelved through thlatenerosity the chil drens aid society was able to pro- vide chris tmnr boxes for all the families known to be in need of help and christmas was brighten ed for many little children of our county the childrens aid society wish- s to thank the individuals and cit1ckkns custom chicken picking with lat est machinery also highest mnrkej prices paid for fowl alive oc dress- d culling flocks a specialty tiuttonville err tiradlnc elation ljvmes ihoom in phnno nrafanpion 343 r 1t reverse i cjarhkv deaths mebean john at his residence queen jstrcct georgetown on snturtiay pecembor alau 1040 john mcbean dear fqther of jimcs mcbebn aged 80 years the fuiieral service was held on tuesday at thr mcciure funeral home rnternicat la green wond cemetery georrctown simmoms iewcuiits jbssob wtgswrtoiartno kv w wm reg optaatetriat 1u1 eguateaw in memoriamk slaraiment in lotflhc mcrnor of mrs hichard marchmen ovho poscrl awav orl pecetftoet 31st una ciouc- fair hiatlight that shines so gone from the eorth of sorrow and core resting tliose ha mis that did their best i gonejdear mother gone ts- rest cards opthanrs barne wewlsh tp thank out friends and neighbours wlib ai kindly come to help tis thp day jaf our fife i- riorace barpes doheitty johiidolicrty wishes to thank hlsstor customers who so kindly remembered him ot christmas and the new year kennedy i the family of the late mrs annie kennedy wish to express their appreciation for expressions qf sympathy exten ded to them at the tim of i -bereovemeht- mcn ivenviflir mcmven wish -es- to thank hisjfriends nclgh- bourjijjid jolatteos for their fniony gifts fruit flowers dlhtf cards sent to7 him during the christmas season ond wishes thentairoic seasons best tompkins i wish to thank oil lcvt i- jv jjst3i 4a2nrsfriondl for the lovelv cards t -sadly- missed by dougrkw sthel to me du my reid in loving memory of joan rcld who f died on december 21st 1944 j her memory to me ia a keepsake with which iwill never part though god has her in his kecp- t kvo1ierlnmy heart remcnrbcrsotby her aunt ethelj reid in loving memory of a dear daughter jean reid who died 0 december 21st 1044 two dear bright eyes a tender smile a loving ncfrt that knew no guile deep trust in god that all was lengthy illness a special thanks to the neighbours for their ex ceedlng kindness miss e b tompkins vivian billy and xenivjon wish to hank their daily star customers who klridry remem bered them at christmas time tractor garage burned in farm explosion when alructor in the garage of barn harges phone tf various- arkipifitjons who helperri l mjt moke thiswork possible- your j xo ma olne r kindness was treaty appreciated sick 0t s she wh bv the oarents and children th h fli k 1h d h no ihought of self but of the other i know lie snii vwcl done dear jenh stdjy nilvstvl by jirr famiy kid who benefitted and bv the societv i z j- v horace barnes district farmer ex ploded- last wednesday it caused i firo- which drstroyed the machine and the bulldlns neighbours came tu his aid and a bucket brigade saved any damage to other bulld- inilson the tirm mrs in a floor rousher we have the latest type floor polisher for rent by the day ted bludd painter and decorator wallpapers and paints phone 328 and 00 1stf carpentry let star builders quote on your building requirements general contractors alterations builtin cupboards star builders paul larson phone 41 r 15 avon products avon toiletries wnl household al aroducts are now available in jeorgetown mrs irene caseley it georgetown representative ana will bi colllnj pt your home for appointments telephone mrs casc- ey at 187v k- 4 ll liloi tlih gv nntiv huiim- rti hurt jeirts i i th- ti li- i ju c plrk- arhn th- roit saii cm iwjli j-mni- lll vii in lo in memory of nor- keicl lo liiid on december 1h47 ii it iirtl think nf him wt- an- ll alone iiii i the nuly friend 5 ran tall its own on t mtherid cal all ithi-i- iliiiv decay faikr ilm til ill k p sewing machine repairs sewing machine repairs to all makes and models we are agents i for vickcrs electric sewing moc- 1 nines ernies radio roxy theo- re bldg phone 465 j fltl u7i j looit polishing lielrir nnr mliliii- ni ou man iii nf cxpi-r- all uir iitiinii an atis ll-ripl- anil phrtiir bet wi 7 1 i in i i n n fade vay ttl y lij- fidnly nvor in canada sh miles al effective monday january 9th temporary curtailment uai mei t 9 of passenger train services account coal shortage due to serious depletion of coal reserves of the railway because of d worlf stoppages and shortened working hours in united states mines canadian national aw l- nounces temporary reductions in certain petmonger train service effective january 9th for inforrnatiotvetiquire at your nearest canadian natiottal ffire rtr w ynrrrrnrnl affent 5 s fw j i librbbi5fbijihlhwwabbnw georgetpvvp transportation coir pa ny time table georgetown mtlton lcavr flporcrtown 655 a in rdiily excep sunday 120 pm sn only fino pna- savorly hui pm sum holidnyiconly leavr milton 7a n m tltfly except sunday inn p m sat only c ptn unlll- except sun t l tstin a hot only the above services connect with flie mitt oiihamilton services of cnindu coach lines j also monday to friday inclusive buses leave georgetown for mil ton nt 505 pm and 710 pm georgetown ingleyood daily excep sunday leave georcetown 1215 pm and 445 pm leave infflewood 1255 pm n hv htrn pftatt stcwartlpwri and glen wuliami ifiving bus times ftwwthwm rrntntl nature unspoilc0 viyours to f mjol the cardinal is one of our most brilliant birds youtk never gue that her belon lo f ifte same tamityias thespar- rowj his loud and cheery song is familiar to nearly everyone and his flashing colon and happy nature make him worthy of protection look- far kim in brushy thickets yours to protect carlings twoubjbb mcvehb imrs wattstoo ontsmo b f o nm camimi glen williams daily except sunday and hoi lv glen lv clown 83u am 815 am 1031 am oxi15 ajn- lio pm 115 pm topm a15 pm 6tu pm iii pm 830 pm 6 ls pm 1030 pnf 815 pm 1015 pm glen williams rtundays and holidays lv glen lv gtown 11311 am lfrn 1 200 pm li30 pm 615 pjai 1030 pm 10 li pm stkwarttown daily except sunday i hol lv stown lv gtown 845 am sao ajst 1045 anv m0 anvt 145 pan iso pm 345 pm 340 pjm 045 pm 040 pan 845 pm 840 pjga 1046-pmr- 1040 pjn mtxwbvbxxpjsm sundayr and holidays lv stown lv qtown 1045 am lomja 2h0 pm 315 pajn k4s 640 p4n 1045 jun 1040 pjn for added times on ukt-stwart- towil service sea 1atlltonuma table abovet pareel ser41e to tjsemad ta abn i ahimals cows 250 horses 250 hog over 250 st 50c arrardlng teatse aad condition rilonb cotlix3 alt52 r ingersou 21 william stone sons li hoi t wvers for every occasion design worka speclaety i bonded member td3 telegraph delivery sierrlee flowers by wire anywhere in the world norton floral 3h o aiaaa meniories to honour a lifetsoie fcar lifetinuesto anoaewbwbiy rnoaaal j card or jetter wslafifq our aervketo yoo monument wolucb 20

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