Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 11, 1950, p. 1

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j latsgbiiwi pid i mowda jancae- u i v led motion of taut years lni which an otter mode by iro03krainfjsiohj was wpv joithejfcieiii8tjk5mkto the salary of mariw bewreijj wadjiothhyr itermeterm the 109 ooun- pihili tb have meters m every tworgioothh j m5uom amoved- by marshall find ftalf and jjarehau and patch fv will bill water bccouites every u imtjuvon- january 1 and july 1 itk service charge payable lit ad- lyance excess jfauonngo over the jdolnlmum will be billed for the previous 6- month period comraer- eufjfrd industrial will be billed very s months as at present moved by marshall and hale reeve marshall brought up the matter and said be could see no advantage in billing every two nths as it meant more work in tnefer reading and in office billing the town win l a u h said fit the sumntor months as most householders would be under their ittiptaibi ttrti- qultfrrhjst b we had onjaturdattjilatft i the thermometer wahlhar o 1 he 16v kero o4 jfttinday inornlng show ed tho coldest for ihs winter ai4 xvjfli a drop of 5ii degrees over the psmpursinifty snow we had but wiu it dat fjan2 jan 3 jin 4 jan jan b jon 1 jan 8 would use tho excesszwjqer jn th junnner months but he felt tee mayorcleave said he thought 6 month billing was the fairest and would save arguments iuvu people who felt they should aot havo topay extra some months whon they were under the mini- mum in other months j appointed standing committees lor the yearthetlrstnamcd in each ilng chairman nonce mcgilvray hill marshall macdonald waterworks marshall macdonald hale streets macdonald petch marshall ughts welfare lyons tuck hale buildings and property tuck petch lyons veterans affalia and- fire hill tuck mcguvray industries petch mcgilvray hill public works hihe lyons petch police mayor cleave made several reappointments to various town boards p f black burn and ernie alcott to the board of parks for 3 year terms mrs w e nodwell and everett cole to the cemetery board for 3 year terms mrs a g m bruynsto the library board for a 3 year term john beli for 2 years and dr j b milrie for one year to north halton high school district board made a 25 donation to the s votlon army in answcrvto a quest from that organization will hold rekular- moctlngvon ttrc first monday of each monthv this is a change from last year wheif regular meetings were held twice monthly reappointed harry savings fire defat a 75 yearly salary wll 11am hyde deputy chief 35 and firwin lewis driver and caretaker 80 pved by hill and mcguvray i no cos he didnt consider that second hand motor was suitable for permanent use but the owners were entitled to e reasonable ren tal i the weather the 7 inches of rooks more last oma 49 s3 32 30 21 ii fern batkln min 3v 28- 23 20 16 bain 57 44 1 3 average 3785 2271 101 snow 7 aycmtr bmjelass here sunday jberts- advised when con suited about tie cnr claim thaf on sunday evening january ib mr gordon alcott wellknown recreational director and former resident of georgetownrwill bring his pax bible cass of 33 young people to st johns united church where they wiil conduct the wor ship the class was organized four a and wttlrtlro exception of rome additions is much the same group oflhoyg and girls ranging- ujey shourd beuled for aa l hos four team pulns each ther than a 6 hcrvice that- 1h ther than al6 service that there was a 6 bypass fo their property wbrh could be used the fi billing was proper tho company will be so advised cr mcgilvray said he thought tho sprinkler system rate was away out of lin an that the high rate charged was not an encouragement for people tc tiro- protection irom15 io 17 years of age in addi tion to the regular executive the corry retponslbuity for all cuub the past month and announces eon- activities ing features la 1949 tbey brought la addition to the regular sob- 16mm sound movie projector day morning meeting held in wes- for the sunday school too presbyterian church of which the pax class has its own choir rev r c creelman is the niniiyi ihim hot qumlaj uf ea fha debentme debt o over where they study the life oftjesus month they provide the music- and his message f t their i the evening service other members activities include monthly fireside of the class conduct the worship meetings outoftown trips skat- and participate to other ways ing sleighing toboggan partias and the people of georgetown will the other varied forms of rccreajhave an opportunity 4b see and iipn inafarch th hold an an- 1 hear this da in action and haar i nual- mother and daughtersfather the message of thetf leadefr-coc- and soa banquet xbe class has us don alcott on- sunday evening lar own monthly newspaper the vox st johnstftiltcd church at v responsible fjr a team of nlnej each month- a captain and his teaminx which tells of sit activities of oclock fr tr r oundalk lady celebrates her 88lh birthday i brothersinlaw die week apart mr antlmfi hubert iane union provhdo their ownj ucot uiuikki a happy ovent in iode sends 100 to hospital for sick children bmayorv rs i wltfi ttftn daflt ihra iftomm atttslnlatatingr lite oatn r of me mhkthas o thj lis eaiaaco taak thalr aeafa ar urn tea lnalondy jn th bar hiiinlfra o the cenaeo ac hajor harjsd cl beiw o acanladl depotr awre jc m mae- donald and gmaetttoat urftau hcsoway wnnam ti tttaiqr uale ttorman hdl thnstl lyeaa and lank petch ber alex cai- der of the presdyterian chnrek read from the scriptures and offer ed prayer in a short reltctoas ser- vlee which pr the formal meeting fbreesstfntt a policy of strict economy in town affairs mayor cleave aam to his inangntalladdraab were told by halton health unit that an inspection of town jvcslaur ants found all in good order and licence approval oliould be given to all ijiampton uii mother mrs at the january meeting or the cipal ialk but sikiu1 illt winters in 41iraiiton with her liauglitcr mrs uiuurud ten copies of tlie muni- khabeth world lor counctl meinbeis slie i tlu iolir vjf jiirdi chilv t fie6f v horn vere able to ieuc laishnll qucsuoned a re- pcctfr lieiiiy tlicse were bale given at the lost council meet- m and mrs taiu h haw mr ing on taeii on a house owned by i ul mrs gortlon ktrguson of dob lane which was destroyed by mount foret mrv jnme sturrock mi marshall said thai msur- y ileiti n riwiciv and mrs would put the building back vnrii mijf- deatl struck twice in the family f sunday when her rf x burt thisyear 7 tin januarv ud mr and mrs burt i fi i i ft tended the ncral ot her brother j unless t strathmnre chapter uet of honour at a family party r m mekhlnon iode held monday evenlnc at the honour of ik- a biruday j o of misses jear and alarsery ir lerison who is- exejlent ieilmi vi- uuin at 1 lives in dun- othor donatiors incluciod 10 -of- dimes cany township td oh january tih ilic lliiuxiri mrjm mi- slft no uas donated to j v iuuvsf walerdor the deceased tne toronto hoplrrtl for sick chn- he hc z- lnx- invlllrtohtl till 3 per cent on tlr i nnt ofproprrfin sown and utjnj u xmioe id the p pmdliurefcut have recently made ancfgnai la enlar wldla not eeumlttliiff wraanott ttie iiiajahnxu ng llllluii od peoples hometho mayor pototaat oat that the expenditure of sxrfloq for a new boodinx compared with pe56000 for improvements to fte present joint home required const derable thought in view of present hlch laxation- he thought that enough had not teca done to encourage new lndoa tries to locate here poihtinff out that no new indusries had started here in tiie post fivyears wfalla one substantial rttiiitr5 had c down the full text of mayor ocav ear in another section raid inters of mrs sliape and he could see no heed iu arcbaf will have ii ruiresenlulive o jjcnual moriiiu and housing- eone lo the next touncu nieelmt fujexijlain a jlan oi central morc- wpy anti moum whereby local mirlime houses could immediately j he otiercd lor ale to tenanu k f tiiiim tho c 1 were mrs jack biui orili mr- john prirvliw catitanies- will christie iary aleita and mrs ifutjert iian toronto were mimied mn mckunion married emily majmisoverern f iiurlinion in lu 1 ami they liyyd un a floft i kriu townshjii until 1946 wtien licy retired and jnoed to iuus- ur mr ilohirssou arrud atuj iorja ovcrik 2 years ago af- t unti i uirlin ditrict t tuiat cr hoy s6uh a i ri iit cltrltf a ua eiirvfar he ui- al 0 i i hiie wartu t tive kia iin for polia sufferersio 00 to he ilich school rursary fund s2sno to the crr morrison fund of o tode and 5250 to the i took endowment futyt i mr he britklr child welfare rrir oner read lettbri of acvnow- i lehrnient ajjri truink frorn the i vldrjer rf hr cniper5 adopted riihirnn srhonl in whom she fcitd alexander may nuptials at brides home v- nd jfcl ifr ard ini norval a service marking the world held in the nbrval last grc news i h rr1j rbil4f wtdk rir crif a cift containing a toy and enough for the rhool and tvi success or ntht in xovem- rt by miss mafjorie canlt who rrartfd that thirty i ccic mr played mrs albert kershas an ail tar iiaii ill play in he aikia saturday rnmit at i04 iinsl arr uppof l i rprj showed hi-y- team v2 1 from iho sale of that jhp proceeds granted the canadian legion use of jflm street june 30 andlke rk julyl for their yearly carnl- moved by macdonald and- petch wiu have hie property commit teel0ok oer the library in answe j to a request from the library board i that thlsvbe done with a view to renovatlngvthe building it was pointed ouv that defective pipes tvere causing vonsfderable heat loss that renovations were needed- up end that the womens insti tute had asked the use of the base mant for meetings and the present floor was not suitable for the room to be so usod t iteevc marshall sappreciate any cchincil members taining ibliis council will meet next monday with en- ajneef hagey to discuss settlement a bill for 2400 claimed as inter- by scott jackson construction ori payments held back by the cor poration th cler explained the i question wns very involved last jrears council claiming that they made payments only when the bills era endorsed by mr hagoy and sigott jackson claiming the bills were due when rendered after discussing the matter with mr ha- gay council plans to get in touch with the contractors and clear the inatter up by paying all part or bone of ijse claim will table all contract agree- rnerjts and payments for the newlv andrew mlno and mr hob- irwatar ayatm at the lirtt counctifgl beeney are both progressing fneeuhtf by tupk and patch ja a a i i from mr roberts sthatl aabt that it had trurtth for a of t streets in town the fite brigaile j j had gone to tlie wrung street rec- had gone to ine wrung strt iec- x he sermon and m his aitlress lie ftilov-nr- ently and a sqriousjlrejrdjzjimiayc t tu th if the wiohetl ourrwkltli o lhenuxu nelj l mi ouhed thata poit office box bejween the two paper mills be moved lo a location qn the 9th line and the clerk will write the post ofiice department regarding this id he would suggestions from or citizenb regard- work 7vtrounty hornby t last thursday members of the congregation of st stephens church hornby gathered for their monthly social at the home of mr and mrs ken ella euchre prizes were won by mr and mrs howard bradley mr jack morchmcnt and mrs cart saun ders ifollowlng the games supper was served by the hostess assisted by mrs ken pcwtrcss mrs wilf red thompson mrs howard brad- icy and others an extra feature of the supper and ono much enjoyed by all present was the beautifully decorated birthday cako honouring mr kennoth ella and which wus served with ample dishes of home made ice cream mr foster brain thanked mr- and- mm ella for the klndiyi use of their tiomefor the aleasant evening mfcflnoxt social will be held eafty rite hi the korld mi the home and peace of mind mr- john harmon was organist for v ile evening- on tuesday jamiar- nd a si per for the children uf st pauls sunday school was held in the i nd convened by mis- ses eileen sedorc maureen need- tiam and doreen hazcll under the jetftlershi of- ni5vv j e maxwell trrpls were sung and a ahort pro gramme presented thoso- taking part includjngvnancy and linda white colleen atdrlcy and nancy gras by carl scojc following the supper members of the dance committee held short mectiifg and completed arr- rnngements for their next party january 20th miss helena wright music in mructor at bishop strachan school toronto was visiting over the rweekend with mr and mrs bert reed the eha mr david lindsay- of st cath arinos was a visitor at the anglican rectory during the weekend dory limehouse favourably following operations in st josephs oospltal doalplu mral toronto tha wi klrvpafrtak mr and miiicn ifauks 7- canadlniss ivais 0 liruii 1 bantam hershey 5 cincinnati i pittsburgh 5 st louis 0 murlboros j t kits 0 barrie 2 gait u novice harrier 5 marlborns ii st kits i gait 0 the iiome of the brides par- wus oa siturcay december 31st nirrna eileen may only daughter of m ard mrs clayton may of milton was xrjrricd to robert crag alexander son of mr and mrs john alexander pjieofs- toin rev j l blair of muloo- uificitcd- and mr carman cante- ion ilaed liie wedding march mtv maurice beaty airrompanjed the piano by mil cla pea- sang at dawning and through the years given in niarriajte by her fath- chritmas carthjr he bride wore a floor lengtll- had beeru excellent the education- ohti of ivory satin with iserlay shoulder length veil ded coronet and fr bouquet af roses mia toronto gowned ne with match- rifhr had presented two framed m niitrens and a headdress and- i turr of the king and queen to bouipjel uf pink carnations was har rlnrvrrtnm jn the public school oiily attendanr mr cratgraleacari ttnst ntnritn j der of guclph was his brothers i plans for trie valentine dance trroomsman were completct with the followlnc i following ommlttre in cfarrer mrs 5am irit on a mackenzie mrs a conhe mrs vorman verdec mis ruth jevans ivan hav dore and barbara haz- hiaefo recital by fmuce naromo appassj op 57 beethoven four mazurkas impromptu in a flat etude op 2s no 11 chppln i and suite pour le piano debuaay w i mr harding is a pupil ot tho noted tritfttwaalmaaiarbig h ni rwwkaodf v 1 lto stflabaaiibr f 7i biggest upset ofthcueek was on monday in the industrial league when meadowglen won 43 from the highflying businessmen hen dry with 2 goals sparked the win nets latimer and sehrnk alai scbrinjg barry scored two and sdissizzi one for the losers 1 alliance won 53 from smith and stone with cliff norton leading the scortna with 3 coals hulr aisd collier one apiece golden a norton and king tallied for ss after a string of defeats poovln cial managed a tie acainst korval to set their first point of the at mn wuay land cleave scored for provincial and bratkin and laid law for nbrval businessmen and alliance head the leoguenow with 9 pointanorr va and afeadowglen are aecond with a smith and stone jiato i 7 and provincial 1 fi dokatb to iiosfttai caiifaiqk- a large number of our jnusic i w ulluiid recital given by bruce m hor pianist last friday evening in tho concert hall at the royal conservatory of mu sic a most outstanding perform nnco was enjoyed by a near cspa city house- the programme inelu- a donation of 33 was made hjr ded andante varie haydn sonatai r rtade to th frund campaign fb the new stek childrens baspltal toranto at their meeting last week toe nation was not made from brigade funds but was a private collection mis- alice trearior mrs mrs ted darlington mrs h ruse and mrs ray whiymee mjs edwin han mrs james al corn and mis alice treanor were apoln n nominating -cbm- mlttef to accept nominations for the 1950 slatcaf officers a neir member mrs bob stewardson was formally welcomed into- the chap ter by the regent at the closed themeediig rei freshmehts were served by mrs w c reynolds mrs t k h mrs john s hugheft and ttrst cowle reception the couple motor trip they will reside os the grooms farm i at georgetown dd governor visits lions club deputy district governor man- sell ketchem of lakeview wae guest speaker at last weeks dinner meeting of the lions club at the mcgibbon houe when he gave jt ihoughtful address on looking backwards and ahead be alee officiated at the initiation of a w member edwin wilson reports were presented by ired schulht for the ehristmas tree on mittee sioo beink the net profit don barrager tor the skating car nival jointly sponsoredwlth the grc which wee so anceeaafst ft another is being planned later ufa month and ray whltanee for lad ies night a meeting of the dbee- tmrs followed the regular aaaetke norvaj crrarcfa raises 2700 last year 1 an excellent financial year wm note4 at the annual meetingefnor val united church last friday when the reports presented the various church showed almost pm raised the year the mdst notable limies was for mlarinns usked to asaome h than in ibm andi ing fifteen per cent m rev alex txeaa for the meetittg which was 1 by a noon dtnner aemd by that church ladles mr cowan wh came to the ihaags oa mb 1st as successor to rev p j ported a thy to the fannies of lbs b b mclaughbn and mrs fcttt lett t byatt a ucoi ku xaca

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