Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 11, 1950, p. 4

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itflklifeijsiw f hvt j su v v jj- t r jj aw- ftha georgetown heyam wednesday jyi 1 ith 1950 abbfabmaahsbai c i i i m suss i whymt treat ywatditoa ixr bsaautng aid batfflaiitt hearing aid batteries r avi bearing aid batteries mtty vor that add uw wwiftk mw ow v ftawy seat 4umjjhml wamsft ut tfmnbarof calv w bbgb- eac prices paid- picked up lmmadi etely call acton jja r u dkksamaloho dressmaking curtains drape standing and alteration phone dkooatind deeeratlng to express individuality artistic interior and exterior craftsmen in the trade jc- a grant r r 2 georgetown phone 7x3 r u t- viyvv ttmj wahwhtt matron wanted for- malteeea inly must he over -r- ajiljr ai rte- x i for sal 7j boiling fowl tvto4w ldse a b dreued xordfen taken up to thursday jtliw delivered tr b mitchell phone atlyls lrqa 8aut vaite najw- eoov atove deep fire box good oven wliraell ea- rooable mrs jack harlow phone 4b3r 1m kadios rom lucnt radio tor rent by the week ernlea radio roxy theatre bldg phone 8s deaths fob sauk good used iurnlturtland stoves cree delivery in itowi seeharry scott phone 460w corner queen and guelphsts georgetown 4u washing machtnk kpant8 washing jlachtne repairs at brnles ratuorroy theatre bldgj1 phone 463 wantbd one oi two furnished rooms wan ted py young couple both worth ing graydon mclennan core art scott phone 161 wanted room and board or small apart ment wanted by fridayby work ing mother and school ac daugh ter wllunfito mind children occa sional cvcningsj eiujuire at herald office pawting and decorating suntestcd and sunwprthy walt- jqpersainplc books lnteclorand timates -free- main st phone 5251 tracbiv 4ave ann norton lu wutuams nttjimndy janu- arymh 1050 jane ann norton widow ot the lit dennis tracey n miohjpr jpl john uu and vharxy agedirears the funeral was itweneaaay aiterndon irom her irealdeqce qlen william intormew lnoreeawiotf cemetery georgtitovim r a jv to- mrutoeiams lrbkshaw in meaieiy l trederlek burtenshawiehu pas sed away jibuary 6eb uj4v we saw you fading like a flower but could not make you stay we nursed you with tender kind ness until god calledyotuwey oh father dear we loved you and our hearts ache for you still forgotten by some others but byus you never will ever remembered by his wife wmv amidaughters grace in loving memory of mr a grace who passed away january 14th lfiub j always rwnembcrcd by her family norm brown gets normsh brown s tortiner town bounolllor is yoasessor of the flrt otor licence tud7by the nejr mthce biireeiu- tyhlch opened hare the flmtof the year mrbrowj lltncej5j ontherlpei- location iwhlchruii upf to zswo strteuy speaking it unof the first licence issued in georgetown for several years agolt waa the cusjotn fdt an office to be opened tone day each year by the cmtarto motor league for sale w licences of lato years local drivers had to get their licences jn brawptbn acton or milton and jthfcjiew office her will be a convenience to town and dis trict pebple la its first week of operation front enoffittnjmilbtrtettwlssuer p nf toront o h hodge in toving memory of mnirdavid quridaubfiterlnluw hodge who pnssett- away january 12th 1940 eveiy remembered by mri nnd mrs walter hodge stcwarttown cards op thanks mino i would like to thank my many friends and neighbours for cards fruit and many kind enquir ies fnr me while k was a naient 7n st josephs hospital guelpll a m mino glen williams m h mbyer reports a gross of about 1500 one hundred passen ger and 25 commercial plates have been unhm as well as 155 chauf feurs licences and 115 for opera tors mr moyer hopes that people will get their permits and licences early in order that lie can serve the public wltha minimum of delay the new office wih be- a boon to m providing a service which was not formerly available 5ttt line forum meet wlthfarmer club mjrs moyers father dies in states r i j k v samuoat beatqc 61 tbrori totheolinljc moyrof town died after ahw tunea in hosplthl al new bghtoilv paw o jdecmnber sjh-nuivfunralrser- vjvaawrorttvrfcydr jkcnmu ofiwrkoile eswa oiurwhst the normncfalg funeral home toronto owauay and mixta bur- lal ln cehletery v sfc beattle- wts born to cooks- feyp treuo jn lmg andwaa a graduale of queens college bel fast -and- kin wcouege galwsy he leaves two daughters mrs karl r evans of new brighton and mrs moyer- two sisters mi agnes stafford and mrs john mcgulrej beattle san diego california three grandchildren and nerval and unlen presbyterian chnrehes rev j l self ba bd nerval 10 am sunday school jlam public worship onion 2 pm sunday school 3pjn public worship i the fifth- line chlnguacoust farm forum held tlieir first 1950 i meetinu at th iiome of mr atitl mrs clarence lyoils in ionjunction with terra cotta knrniers club nfut people were prcrrn- o juijyijand liin topic and the jrot exterior- don wcrrinrton 01 ron rent electric floor polishec a e lrlc vacuum cleaner for rent by the day ernies radio roxy theatre 91dg phone 485 carpentr- carpentry work of eery kind kitchen cupboards doers and win- low frames a specialty w-bjk- iunrantoed eslimates free john fi bull phone 5fw floor polisher new latest type floor polisher tor rent wh eieetrle phpne 313 l12tf si grnrees churrh archdeacon w g 0 thompson hector sccopfi sunday afer kpiphany sunday school jtripim hoi ciiiiimuiiinh lldil a iu kvcnsonn 7 mi pm u confirmation clns- 5w to kin short- ly nd wa i lilnlon i for a far- wood and apples bry maple and beech firewood- apples various types by the bas ket or hamper free delivery rwide weekly w s enrlghts r t 4 actonphone collect atton vt oraat forhav a rap- wlahon lor hespirality bjrt v batntr to uarv t tlmif why tha wattli proutl and to glad to ex tend- th warm hand of iriondship to vitltcira from far and near lets provo h retyou thlt yor youll enjoy going by ms farms all iow vancouver 8435 winnipeg 4420 calgary 7420 jiegina 5500 subject lo chaniie roi1nd trip padi1no m mcoiatwo exterior and interior painting tod paper hanging latest wall paper sample book estimates free jim kennedy phone ibs 6 2tf vfjook rousber we have theiatest type- floor polisher for rent by the deyd bludd painter and decorator wallpapers and paints phone 328 and too itt liw lie topic and the was that it was not wise iiiit to cliani- ilis lim- il prodm tinii i- prices change tecine of the loss in serappini epilpnent and 1kciui it is best for- itlm to pro duce the product he best undef- stindrc ovcrprodurtion unsteady supply and tiattirnl clenlcnts ale fa lliai iptci ten- witli thelav of sup ply and demand lt was felt wiat llnll shoild fxillow thcir prn- niiii- kirthcr on the market there should be better advertinii which would keep farm produce before mmbans church clrn whhams j publk pmilion ajifiagitabai bingo tuesday jan 17th legion memorial hall brampton m0w0hg 04c leave georgetown i 035ajia exceptsun ahd hoi arrive toronto but termitta 800 am gray coach unes w emmerson steamers inn phone 89 weakjiredkervops pcples men women set new vim vigor vitality mabaaaikei bat cwmiii lo tn rk v lim fflsunc hrpmtii nl nniii- iuf lo wk uiln blootl i irt up tctli itfl lir p ill y ht llclllv bl llnlljf irl oi 1 rwlw tk oltm ontln lrn viairtn lit rtrttmro pboaplmnm lor bloo4 1mlini uxlt trrttiiiiincitlinumsiad inylcotsta altrtn inntn- apmtlu illimtt hcra fttitrlr new en aruiialdtmt ubi second sunday after kpiph sunday school hi 3d am evensong 300 pm announcement 61 confirmation classe- on sunday baptist church hev chas k gower minister 10 am -r- our itesonsibjlily 11 am sunday school 7 pm the jericho road 8 pm mondry bypu 8 pm wednesday bible study let us cast oft the works of darkness and let us put on the armor o light could help to consuhie surpluses r pmu a nrrankeri bv mr wilbcrt cleave and mis lloyd crlchton included piano and vocal solos by marilyn cleave and liev- erley hyatt and several fmuisinc itities and contests conducted by- mrs crlchton mrs c anderson moved i vote of thanks cspeclsly lo jack pawley and charlie bar- ritt of caledon who- helped with the discussion period a social was spent at the close of the meetuu carpkntky let star builders quote on your wilding requirements general contractors alterations builtin clipboards star builders paul larsen phone 41 r 18 floor polisiting our electric floor polishing will please you many years of exper ience all our customers arc satis npfi m hauptmann phone 147r between 7 st 0 pm 111 st johns united chnrcr rev john m smith minister mr norman laird director of music sunday school 10 am mornirtg worship 11 am the rev geo king of china will be ftuest speaker evening worship 7 pm mr gordon alcott and his pax class will conduct the worshjp members of he class will form choir and mr alcott will bring the message the great commandment an b0 minute sound movio will be hown in the assembly hall under the auspices the georgetown ministerial association on friday evening at 8 oclock everyone in vited w d toiton to aljdkkss iiaivton jersey breeders w r tolton director of public relations at- the ontario agricul tural college is to be the guest speaker at the annual necting ol the halton jersey club to be held at hornby on tuesday january 17 director toltons address at the annual- halton farm forum rally in milton last fall won for him 3nany admirers which should ensure a record attendance at hornby on tuesday next jas r bremncr popular secretary of the canadian jersey cattleclub and other note worthy jersey enthusiasts arc to be on this outstanding programme protect your car with regular maintenance and wanted to bdy cash forola glassware old dls- il ornaments vases oil lamps old dolls old buttons old silver fur- jture etc phone 47 or write mr and mrs keith barber cor- cer king and union streets chickens custom chicken picking with lat est machinery also highest rfuuket prices paid for fowl alive or drcss- d culling flecks ii specialty trutlonvulc egg grading phone brampton 343 m 4 charges wanted young lady wishes boarding accommodation t phone 110 or evenings 4b0j- 1111 typewriters for rent standard and portable typewriters for iint siierelal rates to students all makes of typewriter ribbons for sale ibone 24ij ice over canadas northern cam bridge bay has been estimated to have been 2000 feet thick during the glacial period inspection at your local ford monarch dealer georgetown motors main street north telephone 280w and 562 liiiiiimiiijiimiiiiiiitliiiniiiiiiitiiiiiiiimiihiiiiiiiiiuitiiiniiiiiiitiiiiiiiniraiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiit 5 i st johns united churcb for sale klectric teliieeintiir for cnillt valley llottloj works llti or 12 morning worship 11 am ule t- phont station reverse avon products avon toiletries and household product aire now available in georgetown mrs irene caseley u georgetown tepraaentuye and will beealllagatyour home po appointments telephone mrs caae- lajr atj7w 14 for rent two roometl apaclment with hasemebt nvailable iliuiletliately phono 305rvl i for sale used sotrth wind car ifcalers in ood condition georgetown mot ors phone 280w or 112 rfv cio krngba honan china will be tlie guest sricikex sunday january 15th evening worship mr gordon alcott gibson park recreational director will be the gyest speaker sewing macnlnk repairs sewing machine repairs to all inakea and models we are agents for vlekers electric sewing mae- ubm xmlas radlojroxy thea tre bid phone the ghoirunder the leadership of mr fijprman laird will provide the music hi pax bible class will conduct the worship andt provide the music come an1t worship fc s f j-gbiiiwwyi- i aiiwyrjjaw- j- i ry a 7 1 vvraj tg y wmm rrm t 7

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