Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 1, 1950, p. 4

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t- hbsf jsaassssk t f ifc- ifs ayl week at dominion avuitchahb hcklo vihi biftnsb choice tomatoes 2 25c ayluts in tomato iauc1 boston browqed beans 2 25c avuita uhb- finish beauty pears rl 20c avuin suaurntviiiii savtrttuf tjsnflle sweefuklxed pckles 52v jxmjiuiohctuihtb ftamut smnut cjjjijtjiut 37c ivmm vauiysteouauty mv- green peas mvom its quautyi aotsii vr wax beans dsl my- calltomua lasss muscat seeded raisins 2vi25c sc rack pink sa a 43c 34c ants vtwataauf washed and trimmed ready to use 10 oz cello bag texas ipinach no 1 27c florida no 1 sweet thin skinned fullof juice grapefruit ige 9 4 for 30c canada no- 1 new brunswick potatoes 10 lb bag- 31c imported no t firm red cellocarton rip tomatoes 21c imported fresh green top 2 large original bun new bunchjeficarrots 25c tjubviilibtoftrcersbtcir ahd stajjt a fund foriturthet lirlercluacom hwtiiipns etc iittldotitafty gerry we ihear 1- gssd2ti3fis values effective thuis ftl sat fbi ud irt 1 4 dominion why dont y00 you dont need to drive on tread worn tires drive in and see us our tradein plan assuresyou of every last cent your unused inileage is worth youll be pleasantly sur- those prised at the generous allowance you receive h h tl fjegsk ead when you tradein your ulv i ue rwii present tires for brand ask uin new iroublcfree brandnew goodyc coodears saxe motors phone 152w dodge desoto sales a service a complftxilrle of ooodyea tikes tubes liffouaios ft battibbi m tesm in last weaksjeeount oi the the wi election otvoulears managed to get thing badly twls- ftcd as regards wno was elided we apologise to the ladles and hero ore the corrections we hope 2nd viae president elected wulto jack tost secretary mrs robert lockhurst and sick convener mrs fred bralsby the daitt tournament as cportedln the herald lost week came to an end with gerry mo- colluro and his a team winning f loam- were runnersup we con ieciiurthet tournament looming ln riooy future attar this vary successful one maybe- the dart players cdtytk go- a little further and organlip into a jtegulac dart jj l r a that the challenges ore pouring in thursday night sa w o pret ty for crowd on band for the reg ular meeting a lot- of- business twos transacted president dave bow man lii the chair the board of trustees finally came through swlth that report and it was a good one too it traced the history of the remod elling of the building from its in ception until its completion- the icport is not only a complex one but a valuable historical link in the history of branch 120 and we would like- to sec it printed and a copygiven-toeverymember- cer tainly any member who did not at tend the meeting should be inter ested quite frankly the amount of money spent and the relatively short time it has taken to clear the debt is amazing in another three months the building should be completely free of debt the amount left being very small and to the pool sharks in the branch come glad tidings a pool table has finally beeti purch ased and it is hoiiod soon to sec it in operation this we b to be a very forward step in turning the hall into what it should be a recreational centre for its -niem- bers the ladies auxiliary of the 1st georgetown boy scout group held a successful bake sale on saturday as a result of the willing eoopera- ivlon of the mother and mends of cub and scouts in donating bak ing and those who made purchases thoauxfllary- a able to add 44 tp theu- wrtdsi thahlcs one and all for helping the mothers help the boy- -v- ti beduts cubsj parenls or sponsor attended the mapujleef- tftingcr hockey game at maple leaf garden on wednesday jaauory sth judging fratri the cdmnietiui of lods and dds hvas v trip wbrthwwlo the hu meeting decided to atrial coimyiitlee to deal furnace work and eavestroughing good worlqnanahip at reasonable price s don houston phone 547w georgetown aaaauftbmabaaaaaaalaaaaahbijaaaaaaaaa mmi kitchener upholstering now is the time to have your chesterfield suite re-upholater- ed completely rebuilt for as vlow as tf900 on week service phone 643 georgetown fefr- with any infringement on the rules and it- was cieriitcdto have this committee composed of members of the executive hope that it will not be necessary for this body to meet too often but at any rate it will be there if the case arises that it is needed and now for wifat con sider the bikgest news- branch 120 finally decided to lay tentative plans to organize a branch band the matter was talked over at length and the pros and eons of the various types of band were dlsc- cusscd the meeting rather in clined toward a pipe band for what were obvious reasons it was felt that a bugle band- in many cases would be of no value for any occasion but a parade antreven then is limited in the range it can play- a brass band woufa jiavc many advantages but has one big disadvantage of needing a large number of musicians coupled with the fact that musicians in a large part would possibly belong to the local brass band and this would no doubt lead to conflicting- engage ments etc so it seems maybe that a pipe band would be the answer we know that the scottish mem hers are certainly keen on it rgh dave and sec no reason why it could not be brought about for the writers own part we are inclined to agree that a pipe band is what the doctor ordered we think all the members enjoy hearing the pipes and specially marching to them the initial cost might be fairly expensive but an arrangement might be worked but that the expense could be borne partially by the individual and partly by the branch for instance while the drums arc necessarily considered band property we can not imagine anyone interested in learning to play the bagpipes not wanting to owr his own set the uniforms could possibly be paid for by the branch who would get them at a probable discount by ordering in the quantity jtecessary to equip a full bard v while talking of bands we might mention a bugle has been effercd for i use when neoded the phesident and thei secitfctahy ieenicd to be having a bit of trouble the other night at tho meeting with those periods seems dave must have been doing a bit et wishful thinking when he storted talking in the- thousands lhat turned out to be hundreds the wolf cub pack which now hs a strength of well over 50 members- 1 being divided the cubs who are in the leaping wolf sixes wrrkmeet on thursday afternoon at oclsick from now on all other cubs- unless notified by alcela wi meet at 4 oclock on friday the usual meeting bservlce is to be held on sunday february 10th at 3 oclock parents are respectfully requested to keep the date and hour free for the occasion a meeting of the scout- commit tee washeld last thursday new officers tor the year are president r hardman secretarytreas ver non mecumbcr other members are a prouse e simson e forgrave c stacey honorary member and rev j m smith hbn president wolf cubs scouts and leaders i re now insured against accident or sickncsixegulring medical atten tion while engaged in troop or pack activities parents desir ing further information may receive it from the leaders or the secretarytreasurei of the group committee vern mccumber a film depicting the boy scout jamboree held at ottawa last sum mer is to be- shown in the st johns assembly hall on friday feb 10 keep the- date in- mind time 730 900 pjn atcnon salef j uttlwtajillti and quads aoorkdltttd a vafjoinatib it 1 mhbtim c a t ki b iiohbbs tttaotost akm machinery dairy equipment and pkbd the undersigned has beeh instruc- e b tykcs georgetown to sell by auction at the farm adjoining the wartime housing on no 7 highway on wednesday pebrcaey 8th at 18 oclock woan neglstered uolstelnst ttog apple oyoh margsret 982- majj u astrid notice to creditors what is forbearance but the spirit of tpteronce shown when a man who knows patiently listens to a hion iwhp doesiet dear tkher you must not wjiack my tommy ha is a delicate ehud and he isnt used to it we never hit him at home except in elf defence in the ttalc of jane ann trmeejr ute of the vlllate of glen wll- lams in the county of halton widow deceased the credtors of jane ann tracey late of the village of glen wil liams in the county of halton widow deceased who died on or about the 0th day of january 1050 and all others having claims against ier estate are hereby notified to send by post prepaid or otherwise to deliver to messrs langdon and aylsworlh georgetown ontario solicitors for the undersigned ex ceptor of the estate of the said jane ann tracey widow deceased on or before the mth day of feb ruary 1950 their names addresses descriptions and full particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities if any held by them ond that immediately after the lslh day of february 1950 the executor will proceed to distribute the es tate of the said deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executor shall then have not ice dated this 16th day of january 1930 william henry tracey execute- by langddn and alysworth his solicitor 21 georgetown ont 101 svyw pobst bhowmastero8b3l8 6 brodsept 28th cuiaveholm qufbe poxfh 4111388- joyrs- bred jan jothr emeraiuale alberke suale 8773148 jnfs bred june6th wal nut acres challenger jug- apple 40ttf3zy4 ytta3a- july jatjpatru cispabft bftsev wptlao burke 897820 7-yri- bwtd july 7th bm- press tjiollenger 703806- 23 months j bred jim 18th dcwdrop empress b03808 20 months bred jan 17th empress reecho pietje 788443 37 months bred dec 31st pbsch pier neer lodge pfebe 807ba8 borta oct 7th ims poach empress jesie 7b3- 808 bom april 10th 1048 duchess margaret 703807 bom april 14th 1048 plebe hartog ann 803845 born june 28th 1048 empress pft riela pabst 84s823bom may 22nd 1949 plebe governess cleaveholm 867288 born nov 28 1040 the above heifers are all sired by pio neer lodge emperor 15th and all of age are vaccinated herd sire plumbroke mac governor 204382 born july 25th 1047 sire lonelm rag apple gov ernor how owned by the maple artificial breeding station dam frndol mutual posch grade helstelna holstcln cow 3 yrs bred feb 20th holstcln cowr3 yrs bred oct 8th holstcln cow 3 yrs bred sept 1st holstcln cow 3 yrs bred may 24th r holsteui cow 3 yrs bred may sth holstcln cow 3 yrs bred may 3rd holsteln heifer 20 month bred jen 24th vaccinated holstcln heifer 17mortths vaccin ated this is an exceptionally good herd in good condition and sell ing subject to blood test horses and harness bay wagon mare rising 5 yrs chestnut mare rising 6 yrs bay clyde horse ed set of neavy cum harness set of heovy lough harness 4 horse collars farm machinery cocltshutt 30 tractor on rubber used a year and a half drive belt used 2 seasons goodison threshing machine fully equipped in rood condition cockshutt 3furrow plow on rubber used 1 season cock- fhutt cutting box with pipes used 3 yrs mccormlckdccrlng double disc used 3 yrs cockshutt ham- mccmlll used 2 yrs cockshutt mcel bottom hay loader used 1 season mh side pake in good condition mccormickdeerlng 6 ft binder in good conidtion mh oil bath mower bfrrin good condi tion mh manure spreader in good condition mh corn binder in good condition mh 13 fer- ilizer drill with grass seeder in good condition mh hay rake 2- row scufflcr walking scufflcr heavy rubber tired wagon like now new flat hay rack steel wheel truck wagon and flat rack set of sloop sleighs with flat rack fan ning mil hay car forks ropes and pulleys bcatty litter carrier corn- plrte with track forks shovels vvhiffletrees etc ired quantity of good mixed hay mostly alfalfa quantity of good- oat straw about 15 ft of good en silage dairy equipment de laval 2unit magnetic milker with large pump completewith piping woods tcan milk cooler delaval no 18 power cream sep arator 1 pp electric motor 25 cycle milk scales in case of bad weather cattle will be sold inside no reserve as mr tyers is giving up farming terms cash frank fetch auctioneer wm mcdowell clerk notice to creditors in the estate of andrew wiley late of the township of es- queslng in the coonty of hal ton farmer deceased the creditors of andrew wiley late of the township of esqucslng in the county of halton farmer deceased wh6 died on or about the 16th day of december 1949 ana all others having claims against his estate ore hereby notified to send by post prepaid or otherwise to deliver to messrs langdon ond aylsworth georgetown ontario- solicitors for the undersigned ex- cutriccs of the estate of the sold andrew wiley farmer deceased ofttbr before the lllth day of fpb- ruary 1050 their names addresses descriptions and full particulars of their claims and the nature or the securities if ony held by them ond that immediately after the 18th day of february 1050 tho exocutrlces will proceed to distribute the es tate of the said deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executrices shall then have notic dated this 13th day of january 1080 v- wllma stull and stun becutricaa by langdon an their 8oueitots et tuiroctiatt w i r i hg renfrew agent fred sutte phone 831 w eyes examined immons jewilitrs main 8 r omauwtoinr taephonxitw atwary wednesday tojo kaa to 8 pjn 8 lat ataimasj aa aubg optaasiltlst 1u1 fllate w flowers ifor every occasion design work a specialty bonded member tds telegraph delivery service flowers by wire anywhere in the world norton floral phone 3i5w georgetown 1 m 5 e p head optometrist eyas exsmlned seleatlfleally hearing add battestjes quick repairs to glasses tftlneenlars field qlaasea etc 58 st georges 8q guelph pheoei5z9 ksft m yean memories to honour a lifetime for lifetimes to come monuments markers moderately priced a card or letter will bring our service to your door oakville monument works 20colborne st oakville on highway yours to enjoy the lapiand iongspur is one of the lovolieft sights of winter a handsome brown black and white bird he gathors in flocks took for him in open fields or on frozen shores protect mm he eats the seeds of weeds and beach grasses yours to protect carlings wn1tn cash for dead animals cows z80 4hqrsestm hogs over 250 hfc ml uccorduig to proni g alt 572 r incllirsoli v g

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