Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 29, 1950, p. 6

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v pffirifct georgetown berth wednaidy ma4h 29 1 9gtt utttr ottturs growth in enrolment georgetown out march so 1p0 qear- ijtr editor the georgetownxtubjic school board has recently presented to the i muhlchjal council the result of a housetohouse survey of the town with- regpect to the number of chil dren- of public school age which tfvj haiceqetow v- xrtuivfii v 8a pmtv- sq dancing after tfie jtertorniance sponsored by georgetown recreation commissioji elmer c thompson john r barber elmer c thompson v insurance service fire auto windstorm canadian pacific railway trans-canada- airlines steamship tickets on all lines cruise and travel advisers mill st georgetown telephone 1 1 9w v bowling at the lucky strike club open bowling monday and friday afternoons wednesday evenings from 9 pm friday evenings from 930 pm all day saturday 10 am to 11 pm ladies tournament soon enter now three trophies three hidden score prizes three games total pins to count game wednesday nights and saturday morning snackbar telephone oren oi ruoiic ucnooi ago which mt t i i- j jj must afcaotflfbite jzrrffil xxinr yeare and at tho sam time has requested counehjl cbb sirier imtnedlntcly some method of providing the necessary- facilities- in he boardf view these- neces sary faeilltlee take- the form ota six icussrvorasch6ol additional to the jiiresent school but on some other site to bo ready for use by september 1052 i becoming alarmed at ihe brow ing overcrowd i off of 6ur present- public school last years board of education made it housetohouse survey of the town listing ill children of prcschool one who could be expected to enter public school during the next five years- the details of this survey were presented to council and are avail able to any interested citizens but only the major points brought out by it will be cited here one of these is that in september 1052 we will be obliged to find accom modation for 485 pupils arid in september 1954 this number will have increased to s78 this means that in order not to exceed the maximum number of pupils per classroom recommended by the on tario department of education we must ha a total of 14 rooms in 1952 and 17 rooms in 1954 we have at present 11 classrooms and w arc therefore faced with the prob lem of finding three more class rooms by 1952 ahd six more in 1954 some alternatives to the build ing of a new school have been suggested one of these is thot the present school couldo be added to as a matter of fact this was con sidered by last years board but was rejected for the following rea sons a a maximum of two rooms could be added to the building these would bo filled as soon as complete necessitating further building elsewhere without delay bj the present playground is already too small for the number my odviscd council that an cstlma- of pupils now attending a addi tion would reduce the playground area and ot the same time incrcaes the number of pupils using it and this the department of education will not tolerate except as a tem porary measure o it was considered poor policy to add 50000 worth ofjiow build ing to a structure already forty years old another proiosal was to rent additional iccommoriation in existing buildings in town unfor tunately there is only one room available which would be suitable for use ns a classroom the old town hull and the public library have been suggested but reliable estimates indicate that it would bo necesarvtos4icllllsome thousand5t of dollars on cither one of these buildings before it would he safe a splendid variety of materuuv frieze boucle mohair veleur lapeatry sua brocatelle silk and cotton rep upholstering at its lowest price and highest quality dick the upholsterer operated by jack suqermann easy payments arranged 1 day service wa wui b pleased to visit year heme with style sample beaks v no obligation v tjpi i quick phone pick ph0hec310 barbels enough or warm enough or bright enough to permit of its use as i classroom none of these expen dltures would be subject to the provincial grant nor would the crntal paid each year with the re sult that the municipality would pay the total cost of sucha project v added to the above problems when rental is considered is the undeniable fact that whctherwc rent or not we will in two three years be forced to build ad ditional rooms or the simple rea son that there is not sufficient ovallablc space in town if it were decided that money would be spent that a new sbcelsatroom school is a necessity to georgetown if our educational system la to be main tained at all the board has a daf inlto reason lor requesting immed iate action by council on the mat ter although september- 1013 it a utile over two i years away the experience jot our boards is tlutt two years is rulred from the time- that fhamlllal decision i made to the tlmeuut the bulldlnl is ready lor use actual bqjldlng must be remembered that each step of the planning wust be approved by- thvjdpartnont of hiea- tlon fore the next step an be if this- proeedpre rtal not followed and local authorities make j declsfon which is nirtappro ved cby the department jt is quite possible that at least a portion oi the grant normally derived from the department will be withheld under theso circumstances it is not difficult to realize that we do not have any time to waste in making a decision one of the most important points in the minds of the taxpayers is that of cost the public school board fully realizes that- our town has considerable debt and that its tax rate is now rather high the matter of education of our child ren however is one which no right thinking person would wish to neglect and vie will agree that ed ucation should be given priority over almost all other civicrespon sibilities no other service more strongly altecurour present citi zens our future citizens and the growth of our town at this stage costs can be est mated only approximately and we draw on the experience of other boards for our figures at the present time a new school of the size we propose to build costs aboux 20000 per classroom in cluding furnishings heating light ing and plumbing for the pro posed six classrooms the cost would therefore be about 120000 there arc however additional facilities which must be provided in a new school thse are a teachers room a health kopm a princi pals office and an assembly room these together are estima ted to cost about 60000 bringing the total to 180000 there re mains only thorite which may cost any amount up to 10000 the public school board has according led 190000 will be required to finance the new school under the system of providing provincial grants inaugurated this year a municipality of the size of georgetown receives from the province 116 per cent of capital ex penditures such as the purchase of a new school this is somewhat lower than thot formerly obtain able under the previous system which would have given us about 45 percent of the cost but the de crease is offset by a flat grant of 16 per pupil ot average attend ance by this means our grant in creases as our school population increases and it lit expected that over the 110 year life of the deben ture tile loss would be more than with the strictest eurtalhbaat rtha yll day cannot be pot off but only postponed it should be pointed out that it as extremely unlikely that th on- tarlo department ot education will permit the situation to develop to the proportions depleted above without exercising its right it does not dictate to school boards- telling them what they must and must not dp but merely withholds its grantl to amnnteipailty the educational faculties provided by the munici pality ho not meet a ascribed i eliindard the loss of the grant would be bfojj to this municipal- ity which would be ruinous it be hooves every clozeij to give some thought to the subject doef it not we urge all ratepayers to make it their duty to study the matter thoroughly before making a deci sion doubtless many questions will arise which it is impossible to co ver in letters such a these if any person has an unanswered question he is urged to ask it either through the press or of any member of the public school board we will gladly discuss the subject and will welcome any show of interest by tho public with the public and the council all well informed on the subjecf- und working with the public school board in the interests of the town it should be possible to reach an equable solution time should not be wasted however the public school board has stated its views to the council and- now to tho public it is to be hoped that the public itself as well as the council who both serve and lead it will take a definite stand on the matter without delay thonk you mr editor for allow ihg us this space in 3our valuably papar yours very truly w e wilson chairman georgetown public school board notice to creditors in tiie estate of john mcbean merchant deceased- all persons having claims against the estate of jphn mcbcan late of the town of georgetown merch ant who died on or about the 31st day of december ad 1949 arc hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of april aj5 1950 after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned sholl then have not ice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall then have notice dated at georgetown this 21it day of morchr ad 1950 lc roy dale kc- and james melville mcbcan executors of the estate of john mcbean by their solicitors dale and ben nett georgetown ont 45 thv yjfo for rnasinirf 1 btsctblrdo flmsmrthas oatl 7 twamlh tha ttfrhsnr ra8 dad block of ih kthle om onmls- kikobu but hm featote w taw spechiculor itr mlowina w hie tmiriqtlmlr thlaf food eorabis tof ri ond riay tle protecllon yours to enjoy carlings the came mataa vmntn wattoaoo ohtub0 o u clj dm successful fakmbts specify howards yjrinary mjdlcins dealers in your vicinity georgetown flour a feed thompson ilatchery j p klrkwoed balllnafad w ljiwson stewarttewn the municipal council otthis time appears- to favour putting the question of 0 new school to a vote of the ratepayers we cannot quar rel with this view since it is the democratic way if the question were voted down it would be only for the reason that the majority of ratepayers do not fully understand the situation or tho corisequcnccs of neglecting to plan now it may be of some imprest to mention some of these consequen ces bearing in mind the fact that they are offered not as- threats but as dlsuncf possibilities should the erection of o new school be delayed for instance suppose that in september 1952 no school is on the old town hall ond flic lib- ovallablc there will be 63 child rary to put them in proper condl- tlon for classroom use wc could then take care of nil the pupils en rolling in 1952 but in 1953 only- one year later wc would c un able to accommodate the pupils and in the following- year wc would once again bo looking for three rooms for this reason alone the public school board considers that renting is definitely not the soluj tibn but there tire other reasons as well one is the faet that the total cost of renting would be borne by the taxpayer as- men tioned above it is conceivable is it not that this cost would very soon equal the cost of a debenture for a now school other reasons are obvious such as the difficulty of providing proper cartak1ng and of administering and supervising scattered classrooms and the ina bility of pupils in these rooms to take part in many ot the recrea tional faculties normally available for all of these reasons the pub- llerschool board believes that s mew school to supplement what we already have is tha only logical solution totha problem assuming fireplace furnace for supumir mema sfcpafwmmwt ipso steel works isfud qwi schultz electrical construction wiring renfrew agent fred schultz phone 53 iw rcn for whom ujcro isno iiecom- modation and it is likely that the public school board of thot year will decide however reluctantly that kindergarten primary children be discontinued in thnt year 105 kindergarten primary children- arc expected to ask for admittance and this will be refused to them lenyfng sufficient rooms for nil- grade pupils in he next year however this group of 105 children will be of age o enter grade 1 and the public school population will be 494 requiring three more rooms than can be provided it is inconceivable that any school board or any municipality would allow a situation to develop where it would be necessary to turn away too children of school age and deny to them their fundamental rights but that certainly could happen here now it througliqrre necessity it were possible to find 4hree classrooms thh group of children could bt accommodated in 1863 but in 184 and in ibm there win b additional roups looking sloe accommodation wjtb nana available it is sash that avan phone- 328 or 660 floor sanding floors sanded and refiniahed the dostleas way new modern equipment ted bludd a goodyear life- clivards give you positive protection against blowout dso- ger i make a blow out as harmless as- a slowleak lifcctiards fit sny make of tire often outlast several sets of tires orire in let us tell you ska lifegnord sloxy with poqveait ufeuabd safety tubes saxe i iiumh -ir-

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