Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 3, 1950, p. 1

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he r i georgetown ontario wednesday may 3rd 1950 hat council did on mpybav ufay imh decided to hold a vote on mon- june 10th to ak- property if they will sanction the jf ola rttw tfubllc school moved by meouvrav and m1tj l edwin tom an bees of be public school d attended the roesjing and wilson explained that they felt time was ripe for definite ae- and the board was onxloiu get to work on plons he asked ell either to consider sanqtum- new school without a vote calling a june vote of ratcpay- ueollvray 1 dont sec any point puttlnji off a vole an longer mill street near the- nownsritrarce to the mcglbboo mouse rather then on the opposite side of the street si originally planfcod t y will ask the ponce lo- eiftoree she bylaw barring bicycles from sidewalks reeyc marshall said he had had several complaints abouv this a e wilson of toronto and ltn col john h barber addrase4 council and asked that the present compensation policy be renewed with their firm the policy was rejlcd deferred jjenfling a marshall in view of the heavy i 1943 40 taxes to tle legion until debenture debt i cant see tfoingj rtte legal advice from dale head without a vote few cais bennett blaw exempting to yes but i don t think we should the lo from nil but school take the responsibility without the tlxt db voice of the people wilson the oiinmtnl pnj 0 per cent of the new building the town sha e of 5190 h uoul 1 be 120 000 clenc i louldn t rco mi id counc 1 nsin it without a ote fthe people will hac 10 dni it- i 1 think tlil icali c v 1 nc of a hew school u show igetow 1 is grow ui and 1 ho c l vlli con- nue to grow petch s120 000 is too nuui foi n co mcll to pe id 1 1 1 t j peopl tlllk u o l l t 1 ft no tpetcj wl ic 00 ince people f the nctd lo as ojl wilson the sdiom board is prepired o do ill u ii hope louncii 1 re id out tiongl for it giu he lion ci ib to dicrt a dninue t churchill crcslt1 1 o di irt t t iound facilule prominent district farmer j five attendants at john alexand er dies a wellknown district farmer john alexander died at his home near georgetown on friday aprll 28th a native of glasgow scot land he came to jgnada wlth his parents the late john alexander aridmaijy fleming in 189 when he was nine months old the family settled in the state of tbwa and when ho was lvvrirtulrnod to- scot land a year later they came to cana to make their home at sea- forth v in 1916 mr alexander married miss eliza craig in scaforth and otter farming there for some years xlrey moved to their farm at lot 1 1 8th line w here they have since guided he was a member of blu for knox prcsbttrian church he is survived in hi wife and family oe six sons and four d lugh- fullerohara wedding on apjll ud ip qion williams united church j alex c6wn ofnclatcd sit the marriage ot perls eileen daughter of mr and mri c p oharo and john jorhos-jeui- lersop of mr and mrs a t t-ul- ler the bride wore i french original itqwn ot brocaded otfiaridy wllh seed pearls ond irriaesftnt boad ing m matching tiara hold her full length veil ot rrertoh illusion and u 1 w j she carried n cascade ol roses and z hlawvmrii swansqpla mlas ellen fuller iis- i s i jt awansqpla miss ellen fuller sis ter ortnegroom as mad of honour wore an offthcshoulder gowrt of blue brocaavd taffeta with half bonnet to match and carried a cas- pind onu t eooi for en cirs and 104 but in h id no um tl huiuuii until t 1 or ft 1 1 u i l i ft 1 tlit hie nrtiom mlsbes tlail and lorcen lit u 1 tousin of the 1 1 uu ind john of toronto robert on v udrt noiloil wore off thc- llomi film william of urimp- i b i h 1 l 01 id i tnffct 1 1 own- of bob lane baseball prexy walters patterson coaches 1 basebaul raiders get inew unitoms the weather n mr editor april is bofte and the ing is a comparison the rrtonthv overages ith the- normal over- aqps ayctago maximum tonjprnture 4tt dogrbos ciogs below rlormal average mlirlmum temperature total rainfall 1 04 whlcb was inch above normal total snowfall e lnchcs double the normal average bob iane was elected president ordeorgetown buabai club at a mseting in the ttnae boom on rr day a good urnoul ttlie meet- friz showed thattjere is a real ta terest in baseball this year susl aeorgetowrr is expected to ilam one of the strongest team in recent years praetlpe starts as soon mthe half wcathar lsjfavourable and anyone jlrrrerested in trying out ifar eeat r j now i will let you make your ide of mixed sweet peas brldes4 a in id- miss jean fulles sister of cr iu tti 1 1 diutl 1 1 in ttrrill 1 unit il li 1 il uje loi i liult hi t i 1 in in ok i di i li ul 1 1 i slu m c 1 in i 1 1 the 0c illinck he t 1u 1 it 1 ho 1 mi b 1 m ui m l 111s m 11 hi 1 1 nlv iui f mil or liltt ti litis 1 1 tii 111 hi u 1 datodi il nntthint 11111 1 1 ku s dite a ill a 11 ill i ill ill ill 1 2d 1 u i 1 11 f i 1 hi 1u i 1 1 k i ilin 1 ll ma il ab 1 40 41 1 41 11 11 10 21 li j6 u 1 llf 1 1 1 1 1 0111 ll 1 11 1 1 rf i vi i 1 1 in ny red we 1j 1h tlon on the team 4 be shveft pvery opportnlty td make sood cfdrence fat walters star plt- vn comment upon april 1q50 cher of a few seasons nfco and ern balkhifscotty poltoreon will share th mln rain cqnc jpb thlq venr the intermediates vjilf bo outfitted in brnnd new uniforms trace nnc local merchnnts and industries 0 w ill bo given the opportunity of n dofrmrrm costs by having an ad- ortltmonl nn the back of the unl- torm th- hnsobill club will spon sor mldtot ind bnntnm orttrles in g ob in c tiuon in cooperation 1m tho neriition c rtm ml is ion pil trirro- rn wird jim 5nrg- nt nd wheldonfmmcrron hav o1nn1pred thfln nrvire to act m nifh ind r im cr for minor fn1 tlthpirrs for tho minor i i sues itoiunt vl hi if mlkr t nnii i tim bradley n orbcv ttorrt ion no oba hnrnlli mr will be j nrii ibn bill lu foollnti that if lif- fo on 1 rnouqb for iuen- mi 1 t b nf u p vin the in- t llitp tpini j cnrbo nf oik llle for r nire n rmtor of ilnor 11 in tt linn r t mootinft i p n u r 1 nnliip c on tt i ho o 11 1 bagovillc watch off raiders nq tp skates 1 1 tin is slum wlliv cnrl wl tn 1 umu 1 1 til il 11 1 ii i t is 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 n i j tl iii 1- f i i ii i ii 11 i n uf1 i lu 1 1 till if ury tt in t month in cd l w il w ito muu ioi in leter sen 1 ouncu e in take ai i i o i ti e r usance cout t nil tte durrpvd along p ipenn 11 ton st in iig t gfc hobbv sov was an qiitstciding sncc ss ll 711 i c tt i 11 ll ith win c 1 1 1 11th il ujar k bcttvks hold annual unknohn rnenct banquet i 1 1 i dr r t p 1 t t if in t p t no 0 cr 1 1 1- nnn bar- 1 rlme drnn tim rlt- i t plro tso mrmll- i n t rl mrnihbnn vor- lorrlnton t ickonle fit wiltera cart nad hid l- t i u c u 11 en glneei 11 1 d t l sl e 1 v i tin uui ul 1 s k mom cli d i oll- tari i 1 v n llso saiu i 01 1 1 bu tt 1 1 1 cr 3hou 1 tb i th w 1 kk oaslble without i tit tin in a l 1 hftlnn hliihi imt u ul n 1 t in ecnm tnditiot btt u 1 l it is no ik ilt 1 men it- in i ik a i ii it kill tn 1 1 li li 1 attepltd tilt ttidtl of h ink of c jmmerce for lurtln t 01 31000 i tttnt t 1 dtitn tures foi tompletion f tlit ts eroge astern mod by mcgilray and hill the bank tender a as slightly under the highist ttnder la dif- ferencq of 9 10 but countii felt thc should be eiun it bttause the vieie a local organization council decided not to consider a tender received by tekgram mon day afternoon as it had not com plied with regulations tendtis reclied were from il i i 11 nttl i i o to 111 i t s i ul r i i lug o lne ll 1111 h ll i lilts 11 oul i i l 11 lll ll in mis i l hlblll 1 of ll us li if tl it ii inn mr u it i o 11 s ill i i in- itgulatioru i lou uil l irku n on the west i i o mini strict ind on one hide il is ii iritt was i mill stu h t nn miin nnd i k in uldrtinn rket it of rt lo u moved b p tth mti loiii i t ul is txhibltluil ttu lnll and tutk uttd ir unsl i i t doro ixj ii t nttd t pttition fit 1 wilson vrs i 1 tr p tch gairdner co 100 41 bank of commerce 100 38 wood guiuh 100 m rrarilson ac co 100 00 fantloutil 4 co and poal bank 99 82 vudcinon co 99 65 rums bros denton 19 57 j i graham co 99 27 r a daly st co 90 04 bell goulnlock moi deferred a decision on the appli cation of ray whltmee for a jitney licence for operation of a 9-passen- er suburban vehicle which would run on regular schedule within town limits left it to the recreation com munion to decide on the charge dor the use ot the old town hall by jehovahs witnesses for meetings george brandtbrd and mr clatjg poke for the witnesses and said their fee had been raised from 5 to 10 because they were an out side organisation bat as many ot those attsndlns the meeting an realdenu he felt the charge waa arreaalve council felt they could bot interfere as org had been gl tsjtj control ot tte renting ot th hall and advised th men to stress tbatr local connsctlon and approach grc again wul asnd saaasaqr joseph qtb- bana to the ssaasalng conventloa in wladsor june t to t ittrvad by uaedonaldnd patch e s oransad itha bau tauphana co fiiilsilimi tn placa a booth aar luned b i iiiijout it m lu st ntrtlnnl isl mil tl tt i irking ituitlons bt ehiid ind t i lonth s trill tln lo luir s h tin wliich ilso tiniioditd ingle inikiiu on tile oist id ot main ittucen mill nnd church ind the ii itin of a one wn street on mill ht said thlt e en before he ititlttd the petition he had made op ills mind to present the motion marshall pedestrian should be considered angle parking leaves them only a narrow space to cross cleave there is lots of rpace for parralel parking petch i checked saturday night and there were two cars where there should be three cleave i often saw that in angle parking too i think we have a nice main street you wont satisfy everybody no matter what you do hill cant we try it as an ex- oerimentt cleave main street doesnt belong to the businessmen altoge ther its a town street and is much nicer looking with the pres ent system people can stop in front o a store now and plek up their purc petch the country people are complaining too manball how about parking tnetefsj teteh rm opposed to them theyre a public nuisance uarshan if merchants would keep their own can oft the street there would be more parking space rtn i in i t i 1 slllbu mil i in i it iv i h fuuiwork a i tiles found in luivvn bv jim to tin oijtino ill t li ui ih il in unl i ii j stone mill c m hi mm 1 1 m 1 i mr tntl i ill 1 cl t mil i it v g hi 1 i l 1 iitd lulus v i li i i i ll i i 1 i ll til 1 11 t ll 11 ii 1 ll i 1 1 ii i i i i i i il nn 7i i lil v illliin cibm n mis lu 1 mi lumber m ilvn wti in ind ioj ill t ill ul i 1 nn k ilhv i mrs it w itt gillv bill anderson leading bowler in cba tourney mi itl p tl itoln 1 1 nic- if mis p i m it 1iten meat buslneacmen are ml mini 1 n lri m h ullklt 1 i lllllms scrp hooks stuff d ts st imp jid on lollectlons some cleter t urk muintiiri s bv one of the girln it ctdarvale 9ihool lrtlfirl il low rs honked ruci were numbered ininni the exhibits miss dorothy tone rontrlbiited interest is well is n substantia sum for ibe grc is doim rnvon sketches enfli night of the show unfortifmlelv h vv as- impossible to exhibit the coffee machine produced b smith and tone and there was disappointment ij those who had hoped to see it in nrtlon s- wednesday night the program was devoted to sports and bob gqldham defence star of chicago black hawks presented crests and awards to the winning hockey teams alex maclaren waa chair man that evening and the program included a ballet demonstration by hill andtist ii hovvli 1 i luilll ml 111 it of j4 1 st s tluid iv n i in l in 1 lop in in t i iti in tlit ii nuns oiii sinu s uhlth ul tin s itur i iv units sunu ittrs 11111 s um nil 2iii sioic ilin in will lu v in idiin him u in that tl i s ifls itiut toil il l 00 points hi il of lasl t u i h million g arnold of i oildon llivvkis from ill parts of canada in competing in the matches all kirbj lew uiandfqrd ernie p it is ev wilson and bill ander son bowled as a toam and scored j190 high scort to date is wcar- v 1 1 aluminum 1095 tcnderson and wilson had 1388 in doubles which was also entered by brand- tord and peters kirbv and al nor ton a 6mun team is planning to go lo toronto this saturday to compote i i ii i u fiom tl bcis foun 1 their i llces v i t j i 1 i ii 1 1 w huh k i d i i i cards i ion tl n ttls inn i i n il lb nil i ind mis mf l oil ii i l lu ll ku l t i tl i ik pioi n 1 bv mis a t- m limit lid rts ondtd to bv mis 11 c 11 ulty ind lo tlit unki vn i 1 li i i i i po i 1 by mn j ii i ii- i uiii spi uilt d to bv mrs 1 ul hi ulh i hi u hit hulk vll n in t inn vv in n tl i u i is u op ntd ind i i b f mini who tin u unknown i i u n 1 li uljjltrt foi tlit vi tr new i mis iuie drivvn uid tht ms ti i 1 it tt tl ikiiln ft v t imts of tnuil wins vvtrt liviil vttniiis btlnk vils piul stuti mis ah ulllus and mys i i ink pi till nr on m ktnnon villes t inpnrl ill i hob tane i e m i union pen mcharg p ii s nitv pitter on don pu ntr cu ii flii r dron bob t in scnllv pittcrson offlriil scorer tack harlow d iiusin t press corey ileiiintlon p present ilk c to halton assoc- ling mcinr prinrr rnnimittee jim 1 il 1 on i r 1 tr itt ii it 1 tht 1 v i n i it 11 i id pi i t i foul liu 1 ii nli 1 i ml n 1 u 1 i 1 1 with 1 c tuntat 1 n ahoanorval entry made intermediate lacrosse voi il ind alio i u ill make v comhlnrd phiia thi eir in tnter- mpdlnte a lirrossc they will en ter t contnl pttl in a league uhlth f expertod to comprise mich toims is tnulowond woodbrldfie rorctis mnnv md hospeler alloa juniors will vpnor the team trnnk 1dowoi president of the team jlrn glnrw roirr and hartley jfimpronurrujrr frnnk fendley han tlippnsltion of prounds chalr- ninn at esquesing coufstcll ov movrv may 1st marshall i dont want to op- nose anything the merchants want cleave hie merchants are not very hostile or they would have been here in person its a weak petition ptfch x told them it wasnt necessary for thetn to come mcqirvray i think we have the beat system we ever haevbut tf the merchants want ii ehanged we should listen to them named a committee ot marshall ptch and ifaedonam to plan heavy topayors and they should anrr f praaantauon to the eham- be considered iplonsrllp baekay team jack arnold receives high mason hon e l- jack arnold has received his appointment as qrand steward of the grind chapter ot canada royal arch masons v cx oomp arnold was district secretary last year for rt xx comp x v mac cormaek grand superintendent ot wellington dtatriet ha has been an active member ot balton chap ter for several years and u a peat zot the chapter aa wall as hold ing the otflee ot scribe ib another full house for band cqncirt council instructed the clerk to pviltc to acton council about th tlitl ast ot a successful scries of condition of their dump in the monthly theatre concerts was held on sundn evening nl the roxv when the lome scots band again plavcd to a full house it will be tlie last indoor concert this year and the band plans to continue these monthly affairs in the pork the next one being scheduled for the park towards the end ot may vlnce mountford ot brampton icturned tor his third appearance as master of ceremonies and as us ual delighted the crowd with his stories and songs he brought with him alf sutton as accompanist and gwtlyrp evans and leroy rollins who sang duets joseph gibbons introduced them and joe wilcox played two cornet solos including o solo mlo mxs jambs mtntfhy abmvtfb in england word has bean received by the family of the arrival ot mrs jamas murphy in england mrs murphy la spending the next few months visiting in lalgri lancashire ailed aboard the samaria township and also about the ing of trucks drawing garbage aa the dump a bylaw was passed regulating the weight of any vehicle passing over thcjjrldge on the 10th lttml lot 21 pox claims oftltbo were paid to c w swaekhatmr acton c s bailey georgetown ts war ruddell george ftjia roadaccounta were relief tfls m aat quebec city on april ttnd and ion on the same ship was another fcr mer georgetownlan mrs dean ferry prior to her selling parties were held for iter by neighbour ant friends one waa held at ms home of mrs jack davidson wttv members of bbty cross church sat her neighbours in callage vtav present the other took the fmna of a surprise party tor her at bar borne the saturday night prior sailing and was of the wa of day raabt prior to a beta by unties e caamrm uf c 4-

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