Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 24, 1950, p. 1

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grfwgifewa ontario vvlary my 244 ltp what council did on monday may ma cave full support to a local pejgn ror manitoba flood belief elccic to aevarf treasurer tmow by msedottald and fetch bievaiea calder appeared on be half 6t the ministerial asaocutton to- suggest that this be don vv t dloiuad with mr clifford bod telle taanagerm alliance paper the- qpstlon mill aste disposal i mr boutsdlo m that thocomiparjy wie dui8 extenilve work in t- twm to overcome the nuisance of waste dumped along papermlll ttoad and- was making progress he will give council a progress report in a few month time will adopt the new basis of as sessment tor 1051 giving the asses sor a twomonth extension to com plete the roll moved by marshall and lyons assessor joseph gibbons was pre sent to- discuss the matter and assured council that the new assessing could be completed il the time limit could be advanced from september 30th to 30th this will be done and the assessor will to now called assessment com- mlssloner in order that he can deal with matters which might other wise have to come before a court of revision granted the lome scots band permission to use the park eat aug ust 25th moved by mcguvray and rill granted st johns church per mission to use the park on june mth moved by tuck end bale passed a bylaw setting monday june 10th as the day for voting on a money bylaw for the issuing of bonds for erection of a new school iqave two reading to a bylaw tor the issuing of 100000 la deben tures for the erection of a 6roora public school the bylsw goes to the municipal board for approval v cr- haleasked how water billing would be work and it was ex- plained that the present bill is a minimum rate and if a consumer uses more than the minimum from january 1st to june 30th he will be billed for this on the next bill will investigate removing a dan gerous tree near w c cunning hams residence will install a light in the new phone booth at the mill and main street corner movedby macdonald and pitch africaltural society gets cih of flag for pylon frees past prcsment jeha bird draw to be held tar helateln calf spenser field crep cempetltlen union church redecorated for 116ia fnniv one of the- districts oldestchurr the union presbyterian wltfcieele- brate fts lieu anniversary next sunday when epeeut wvl will be held at 11 aim and 7s0 pin revv winiam mchobertsbia wtbof cookee chufeh toronto will preach it ibptb services john rockwood the famous baritone sol oist has been secured amfwli ass ist the choir lj the musical part of the services mr rockwood a native ofrock- wood who now lives in guelphls a protege of the former manager of the metropolitan opera edward johnson and has sung with the america opera company he has made a number of recital tours in canada and the state as well as one tour of england and during the war was in the south pacific with a concert party entertaining the troops rev j l self who has charge of the union and norval churches will preech at cookes church that day and there will be no services af norval union church has rec ently been completely redecorated the new colour scheme being peach and blue ted bludd was painting contractor for the redecorating these two seta of tiny twins and their parents are among the thousands of homeless as a result of the manitoba floods shown are mr and mrs william casovan of point douglas and left to right barbara and richard 22 months and joan and jane seven months mrs casovan had just put tbe babies to bed while her husband laboured on the dikes when the flood burst through and ongulfed their little bungalow for rehabilitation the casovans like 85000 other manitobens must look to the manitoba flood relief fund which has been organised in winnipeg bill kelly hotmtjr student in eng william kelly son of mr east mrs john d kelly graduated wife honours in civil engineering tread the university of toronto he wttt receive his degree at convocation on wednesday june 7th bills mar tied tie the former- betty paul and they have two daughter jaasb anil paddy they have bean living in alax while he was attehdhsft unlversltyand now will bemoylng to toronto where bui has a poet- hon with her consumers gas qatar pnnyv i 5 imiigrt mr editor with a 70 on saturday t a 7j degree- temperature an sunday the weothprrnnn can surely take off- hi lnt putout his chest or whatever hat is supposed to do when he is proud more people would have been nan py if the rain on thursday had been more general and more of it- heres looking tor good weather for the holiday x ern batkln date max mln rain moy 15 60 47 may 16 68 42 may 17 64 44 may 18 63 48 js may 19 65 44 trace moy 20 70 33 may 21 70 30 average 67 4214 js property owners vote june 19 on new school no tax rise indicated as be retired in 1952 housing water bonds will the esquesing agricultural soc iety was the recipient of a beauti ful union jack from its past pres ident john bird and it will be flown on the pylon in the park on all puullc holidays- the society is very grateful to mr bird for hla generous donation and the thanks of the directors was expressed to him by mr f w chapman at a meeting held in the municipal building last thursday evening n was decided that the society would sponsor a field crop co titton in oats and that those desir ing to enter this should have their entries in as soon as possible only registered seed can be used in this competition u in order that a fund may be star ted for building purposes the ag ricultural society is holding a draw for a purebred holstein heifer glcnvue cupid monogram bred and raised by doug dunton of bramp ton this is an outstanding heifer calf from on outstanding herd sired by elmcroft voyageur m and from the dam of glenylew crystal sov- elgnlt is expected there will be a big demand for these tickets the georgetown and halton county poultry association asked the fair board to supply lumber for coop platforms for fair day andthla was granted the association con verting the material to their own use georgetown fair wll be belt this year on septembers lmfarand 18th and a motion was passed oaee again inviting tory gregg as master-of- t and providing for start ing galas forlbe georgetown property owners will go to the polls on monday june 10th to decide whether a new 8- room public school meets with maj ority approval voters will be asked to approve the issue of 100000 in debentures for the building of an additional public school to take care of increasing enrolment which will raise the enrolment at least 150 in the next three years the present bu is already overcrowded a bylaw calling for the vote was passed at a council meeting on monday and two readings given to a money bylaw which must go to the municipal board for approval it was pointed out at the meeting that the issuing of debentures will not effect the tax rote inasmuch as 13700 yearly debenture pay ments for the old waterworks sys tem and wartime housing will be completed in 1052 the yearly in stalments for school debentures are 813368 and 34 per cent of this amount s repayable by the prov ince so that even with a school de benture issue the tax rate will not be effected every property owner registered on the last revised assessment roll is entitled to a vote in other words every owner who is listed as sucvmui the 1040 voters list can cast a ballot revisions of this list can be made if an error was made by the clerk in compiling the list or an- error occurred in the print ing- a corporation owning proper ty in town is also entitled to one vote if it notifies the clerk in writ ing of the person who will vote for the company at least ten days be fore voting dsy a tenant cannot vote unless he has a lease longer than the term of the debenture in this case twenty years council members have pledged their full support as a group to persuade the voters that it is in the towns best interests that the new school be built the school board under chairman edwin wil son is putting much effort into pre senting all the facts to the voters a letter in the meraid several weeks ago written by mr wilson gave a complete explanation of why a new school is necessary a public ity committee headed by roy sal tor is preparing information on sim ilar lines which will appear in the next three issues of the herald fergus takes baseball opener wins 11 3 hew teachers hired in esquesing schools several changes in staff will occur in esquesing school area no 1 next year the area takes in sev eral schools in the township admin istered by a central board of which john bingham is chairman mias margaret roszel has re signed her position as principal of norval school to take a position on the staff of sunnylca school in etoblcokc miss roszcl who is the daughter of mr and mrs comfort lioszel of town is a graduate of toronto normal school and taught nt mccurdys no 8 trafalgar and dublin before coming to nor val mrs wakefield ford of geor getown is- principal of sunnylca school william ritchie of toronto who graduates this year from tor onto normal has been hired as the new norvol principal with glen williams school in creasing in enrolment the staff will be increased to three and jack cantelon has been hired as princi pal he is the son of mr and mrs norman cantelon of hornby and taught last year at eden mills miss alice davles is leaving stcwarttown- and will teach next year at ebcnezer school in nassa- gaweya miss jean frank daugh ter of mr and mrs- andrew frank of campbellvllle will replace her miss frank graduates this year from hamilton normal this is a 14paob papkb jack arnold honoured by royal arch maaona rt ex comp george c brown and past principals of halton chap ter ram were 4n charge of the degree at the chapter meeting in the lodge rooms last friday por ing the evening a presentation was made by jit ex compr x- v mac- cormack to very ex comp x i jack arnold in honour- of hla elevation to grand lodge halton chapter is entertaining the ladles at turkey dinner this fri day in the oddfellows hall perfect weather was provided lor the opening ball game last satur day when fergus visited the geor getown park and with 14 hits and 13 runs walked away with cham pionship honours from the raiders who had 5 hits and 3 runs warner was the batting star for fergus with three hits in five times at bat miller went all the way on the mound chappel pitched for geor getown until the 8th when mel spence provided some nice relief work striking out three in a row and allowing only one hit to- start the game off mayor har old cleave pitched to recreational director j l self with reeve w g- marshall catching georgetown used scotty patterson behind the plate hal gibson- pic dillon and ev wllsonlh tliitfieldkcn nash at first rene martin second don bar- rugcil third and 111 berry short coach fat walters pinch hit for barragcr in the 6th and gibson yhiftcd to third ivan huffman tax ing a fielding posluon for the bal ance of the game gibson nash and patterson bcry and chappel hit for the locals miller went all the way on the mound for fergus and pitched good ball throughout the final score was 133 and fergus showed that they hadnmore practice and some smoother plays than the home team georgetown neednt feel too badly acton in spite of their guelph imports were blasted 181 by ookvlllc and milton defeated waterdown 101 the same after neon waterdown is playing here tonight- alliakcejmiu seeking to overcome waste problem georgetown and district manitoba flood relief fund allout financial support of the georgetown and district fund for manitoba flood relief is indicated by advance contributions of 8460 the fund was established by the town council on monday night and before the news was out donations wer already being received first listing of contributions appears be low and it is expected that by the next edition of the herald the total will be well in excess of a thousand dollars perhaps there are some who have already made donations through an outside fund u so the herald would appreciate having their names and amounts in order that they may be acknowledged donors who do- not wish their names to be published are asked to give their chosen nomrdeplume when leaving their money at the banks with tbe town clerk or at the heroldlofflcc alliance paper employees 813000 mrs m smyth 500 licatas fruit market 5000 st johns wa group 3 1400 leslie clark 500 rebckahs ic oddfellows cp t t fund 5000 garfield mcguvray 500 mcgowans specialty shop 2500 ashgrove wi 10000 georgetown herald 2500 anonymous 5000 esquesing federation of women teachers 1000 visitors on sunday with mrand mrs james richardson were mr and mrs harold richardson and son kenneth and mr and mrs elwood huyck pf pickering town council supports flood relief campaign urges citizer and groups to help stricken manitoba a local campaign for manitoba flood rcllcr backed by the town council is underway- town clerk charles wlllson is treasurer ana donations may be sent to him to cither of the local banks or 10 the herald office interest in helping the distressed western province is keen and it is expected that the campaign will realize well over 81008 already employees of alliance paper mills have dug down for a total of 1130 through the efforts of sam tennant who personally undertook a null canvass last week- mill employees also collected e good- quantity of used clothing which they dispatched to the salva tion army counteas of 8trethmore chapter tode has planned a tag 846000 ciny next saturday- thcjpcal red cross branch has asked for specific donations of articles needed by the fighters several donations have come from individuals and bikunizutionx including 8100 from ashgrovv womens institute for the duration of tho campaign lists or donations will appear weekly in the herald the money w be forwarded directly to flood relief headquarters in winnipeg and the town is assuming any expenses involved so that every penny col lected locally wll go to the flood victims the local camaplgn is for cash only it is quite likely that priv ate organizations may conduct clothing drives but at present the urgent need is for funds the gov ernment end red cross having of fered to take care of emergencies of food and clothing- mcbean store sold g l garner is new owner georgetowns oldest established retail business will change hands on june 1st mr gordon l garner of erin has purchased the dry goods and clothing business operated for so many years by the late john mcbcan who died in january and will take possession on that date mr and mrst garner have eon ducted a similar business in erin lncc 1033 when they took over that business from her father the lute archie stephens she is the former muruurct stephens her father was one of erins veteran businessmen starting out as a shoemaker and lutcr branching into clothing and dry goods mr garner is the son of mr end mrs e r garner of welland he is clerktreasurer of erin village atd chaplain of guelph camp of the gideons the well known or ganisation which distributes bibles to hotels end institutions the pre sent staff will be retained at the store which will operate under the garner name and mr garnet pecta to apend much of his time in town though not planning to move here im re plane a grad ual program of renovation of the alliance paper mills ltd is mak ing every effort to solve the prob lem of mill waste mill manager clifford boutelle gave this assur ance to council when he appeared before them to discuss the matter monday night the council after receiving complaints about the sit uation from a group of resldente along paper mill road had contac ted the mill asking that some acaksa be taken mr boutelle said that since thev miu was buut in 1010 it had beam discharging waste onto the fists be low the mill the company had long recognized that this method of disposal was unsatisfactory and bad hoped that the new sewerage sys tem would take care of it when tt was found that it would not it bast been a disappointment the sewer age engineer had then said that u the waste could be treated so that the residue was 80 parts per million solids the system could take it but investigation proved that the town water which is drunk itself contains more solids requests tor the engineer tp come and investigate had been ignored until last sum mer when he said he would have a waste sample analyzed and report how it could be handled a sample was obtained some time later bat no analysis had been received to date meanwhile the mill was paying frontage tax on a sewerage ayaaam which it could not use and was an xious to get value from it at pre sent the settling tanks are being rearranged to double their capac ity an american company is betag consulted about the problem of re moving solids from the waste councillor harry hale suggested that it might be possible to pipe the waste from the mill to the river and council and mr boutelle agreed that this was worth looking into the waste is not harmful end would have no effect on fish life in the river the town is quite willing to grant a rightofway for the laying of such a pipe and ft would overcome to a greet extesst the odour iilsenfo along papermlet road mr boutelle said he would re turn to council in a tew montlve time to gtve a progress report ess the situation nfflood supply donations asked by the red creta georgetown red cross society has been advised by the chairman of disaster services of the urgent need for donations of flashlights with bulbs and batteries new heavy work socks new work gloves new rubberized er plastlclzed gloves and new or used hiplength waders for the manitoba flood victims anyone wishing to make a dona- turn of any of the above may laessj- them at the office of leroy dale kc president of the georgetown branch they will he immediately forwarded to winnipeg pre and intends to bransh other unes than those at handled in the store

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