Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 24, 1950, p. 8

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v tgmmreiovmmamu wem4ryt miry 24a 1950 far l k- uv tomatoes gjrcnew llrfattrial softball leafe started monday ronny brut rrrfawjii ritetoam industrial sotyhan june pink cabbage brosskl9 sprouts vmiatei zinutu mipetuiiiii r mora bettinjaa v m phom gtwroetopm 828 r 12v david cohen painter decorator i peel street acton phone acton 394w building repairs alterations aikfii itions licensed atfent ughtning rod installations r r corbett r r 1 georgetown telephone 1ssw brampton community concert 550 memberships on sale till may 27 3 concerts famous artists send subscription to miss l m trout box- 750 brampton ladies intermediate softball schedule ttu last teiim is the home in- each cms friday may 26 oakville combines saturday may 27 georgetown dixie monday may 29 oakville port credit tuesday may 30 t dixie combines wednesday may 31 taxi oakviue port creditdixie thursday june 1 combines georgetown monday june 3 georgetown port- credit tuesday june s combines taxi wednesday june 7 dixie oakville thursday june 8 oskvlllc at georgetown friday june 8 port credit combines monday june 13 combines port credit tuesday june 13 port credit taxi wednesday june 14 oskvlllc dixie thursday june 18 tail georgetown friday june ib georgetown comblnss tuesday june 20 dixie taxi wednesday june 31 combines dixie port credftroskvttte thursday june 22 dixie georgetown fmdsy june 23 ttaj cotablnes mm7 jun sei phrts port credit junssk oaktuls league got underway monday night with gains at tlmettfwes norval and to the park businessmen etna fttun behind la tbe last inning jn ttta iocsl asms to beat com isvu fora real opening day thru- ler oombuws are ooranosed hc-vro- vujdsl aid sffdowglen team o last year when alliance paper mm lsljsi field a tesm the second sjssfts went by default to the leg i al norvsl smith stone took a 1s3 victory rom tto home team uinahmise and alen wllllsins playy ed at limehouse the glen winning li the schedule has been divided into two rounds dates and place ss allows pint ksand thursday msy zsth i norvsl glen glen business men limehouse tllmeh ss legion park combines alliance high school menday may 29th business itfen glej glen norval legion parle limehouse alliance psrk ss combines high school thursday june 1st aim legio i bmen alliance high school combines nbrval nbrval ss limehouse limehouse monday june 5 glen alliance park legion combines high school bmen ss park norval limehouse limehouse thursday june combines glen glen alliance ss park legion limehouse limehouse bmen norval norval menday june 12 glen ss park combines limehouse limehouse norval alliance high school legion bmcn park second round thursday june 15 limehouse glen glen norval ss high schoo bmen combines park legion alliance pari monday june 19 glen norval norval legion ss pork alliance combines high school bmen limehouse limehouse thursday june 22 glenbmen pafk legion norval hlkh school alliance limehouse limehouse combines ss park with the an two entries hays been received to data in the junior trout fishing contest sponsored by the hunters a angles association bud tsrey wlthan 1bu inch brown weighing 2 lb 0 ounces held the record until bob meoul caught a zovi brown weighing 0 lb 18 ounces no en tries to dste from the seniors- the boyi must be holding off until they csteh something vesuy big we dont- know how successful dsyar 8ax and y wnltssee were in getting the ssxe cottage- at mary lake dpehe4 up- for the sumraar but their slshlng skljt netted thaat some nice lake trout pave tans us thst ther catch included one w shd three about 18 y an interesting story also conies from dave about another trout a few weeks ago he received a- giant flahfrow wilt clark of hunuivqle in payment of a bet on jhs su- dridge hockey series when the fish was cleaned part of a bar of sun light soap was- found a couple of main street early birds have been getting- up in the wee small hours to try their luck at the forks of the credit so fsr the leaning wolves and t8 cub pack met together on friday afiisr- noon in st johns memorlsl ifou former cubmsster and akela keg brbmhssd svth guest ei haaov cub tommy forgtsve v prssentej him wufaa statuettees a wolf cub doing lfi grand flow tbf preseui tsuon was mads on behalf of ttssi wolf cobs and the scout- commit tee as a token of gratitude foe the flne work- done during the past year by akela lunch was servsvl by members of the ladies auxll- lry- i the regular scout meeting was withdrawn pn wednesday o that the scout variety concert might be held thanks to all who gave of their time arid talents in the organ ising and presentation of the con cert the camp fund has grown considerably as a result of their et- school ark arent bragging but theyre bound tohook speckled beauty if they keep trying the editor tells us that the cham pion fishermen of all among the merchants is bud kentner bud has taken to eating his supper at the back of the drug store so that ha can hop in his car sharp at 830 and be off at his favourite sport mrs e d sheley of birmingham michigan wds a visitor in town inst week with her mother mrs j n oneill and miss a coventry they visited for a day in chesley with their cousin miss mary pear son- monday june 28 loklon glen glen alliance bmen park nbrvalcomblnea park limehouse ss high school thursday june 29 alliance glen glen combines legion high school ss bmen park limehoum norval norval mf liday july 3 glen combines park ss alliance park lcrlon limehouse limehouse norval bmen high school thursday july ss gien glen limehouse combines park alliance norval nprval bmen legion hlkh school the wolf cubs and some of the boy scouts gathered used clothing for relief purposes on saturday a fine quantity of good used clothing was collected and will be of value to someone in need scout camp will commence fri day july 7th the scout committee at a recent meeting at the home of alan pyousc discussed arrangements for the cub and scout camps whfqh are to be held early in july rport on ticket sales for the variety con cert showed that the camp fund is growing bob hardman nd e simson were appointed representa tives on the halton district boy scouts association scouts and cubs are urged to complete their uniforms ns soon as possible summer events calling or full uniform will skjn be at hand save time manpower whftttv baledmatic a a m1 l vbtsfltbti a i j ii flu i urn w kvt rm4ui cotr j mtttfn 1 mbjts aw lssssifc 1m sslsmlslskaa s slel i ism bssssssvajslsiatsi sssssak sasa llll j g davidson ashgrove telephone georgetown 480 r 2 st johns united church rev john msmith minister mr norman laird director of music sunday school 10 am par- ents and children are cordially invited morning worship 11 am double trio under the direction of miss m hepburn wyi sing evening worship 7 pm important meeting a twilight meeting will be held one mile west of maple may 31st 1950 at 730 pm you are invited to be our guests to inspect our fine bull barn and to see our outstanding sires which will be paraded guest speaker entertainment lunch everyone welcome tcronto district holstein breeders club murray o hayward halton county rep telephone milton 530 i rot if u the home tew iimturablhgwfaathkwaam racolfw n extra timultu to carry at tn annual aprinf claanup a broffrmxn of ennoantratea action alwaya ata reaulta and nunnbera of the junior chamber of gommaro an conducting joat auch a profram tbia year what a oountry well have when each one doea ma bit in thia national campaign kxamine the alosan clean up paint up plant up light up mora cloaaly and youll be amazed at the number or joba now awniting your attention that muat be comploted before your place la ahipnhape whata more important youll be amazed at the improved appearancepf your proncrty with two or three dnyn of concerted effort why not begin by making a email gadget toanothe burden of wanning outwdo windowa the cleaner iliuhtraud la aa effective aa t ia aimplo to make t nweeraa fwaj i dropped in unoipoctedly on an old firienti of mine the other dny and found him making his own window etnna for tho hummttr cottage i wan ao imprenaod with the oaao with wliitii he turned them out i decided to make aomo myaelf for the hoiiao the chief handicap confronting mont people la their fonr of tackling n new job in caae you have promised to acroen that bedroom window thin year youll find a handy lint of material and aliea in the booklet arouhd tit home v flewer f er ceverv the beauty of potted planti can often be atrikinidy enhanced by encloaing tbo flower pot in an attractive plywood container the corner are fastened with amall finiahing naila or lacud together with leather thonga or ahoe laceav if laced drill the holes at two- inch interval top- and bottom holaa bout one inch from the enda bc- fir with an attractive grain or pattern la excellent the wood then can be left natural or painted v harmonize with the colour acbacne of the room nirther decoration pan be provided by being floral tnizmn i a- clbafr up paint up- plant up light up why mavl flies window ensn bnogi and ustimts op ostaesaro i x a in to which gcftsgh a tack ho covsjct gob of cstfjvm sgy maiuimsa on stsisl of maiskound aaouloia4e fiu6h with thbt outatit eos oh tm 3am woodem covers for flower pots mcasurcrm8nt vott smalu plants vuhih comb in fouk or suvg inh potfc top tva wioe afia wioet heihr it tfc optional whbthbk a ottom vet on not window washer pkoaa tub old rak8 hanolb- with tino slats vt a ae piersi op- 6sonft satswkasit hum ens sssnty asksr uses us tfes aaehlst movnd tjk bomk wrtmjor ywr easy ts its cans e moimwa ontarfo limited fo bum em sstslafslsa astisn i

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