Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 7, 1950, p. 1

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j 4 ilj fsaisjeah r ass tigl iiiiiitii georgetown ontario wednesday jurie 7th 1650 t wliat council did on monday jve 5th appointed crmcgllvjay torop- iurssent coupll at a meeting of inorth halton- high school board 1 milton on june 8th j- ijwoved bymiffcdonnld and pctch i a letter ffdnt ttto board secretary lswplalhed tliat tlio chopv oobrd wiincsicd that chooicojtsbr tho ijuve- municipalities be assessed on vine neiv nssessmonjsyfaiher than on j the present equalised asscssmqnts bordmcmbqrjbhrr bell whavjea ist themeoting faid eiqucsittgwas threatening jo ask for a county equalization this year if this re- quest was not granted all fiver municipal councils must agree in order for it to be adopted mayor cleave said he didnt thlnlc georgetown had any money to pare and thought the town was paying a fair share at present es- queslhg had been anxious- to jump into the district and must novo known what their costs would be when the county assessment was equalized twenty yean- ago some had thought nelson and esqueslng jot the biggest plums cr mcouvray was appointed to attend the meeting and bring back a report to council but wu not empowered to make any decision i tor coun me granted 200 to esqueslng agri cultural society after a request was made by n a robinson and ken mrulllsn moved by hill and hale received 75045 from the liquor control board as 20 per cent of taxes collected fist year from the three local beer outlets last years cheque was over 000 issued a second taxi license to georgetown taxi moved by hill and petcb jim- ross operator of george town taxi asked for this explain ing that he was combining with the den taxi operated by fred lsed- ronald stewart ronald stcworc noted tenor who live at claricson was soloist at two events in the district on sun- doy he wos at the anniversary services in norval presbyterian church and in the afternoon sang at the rally of haltonudlted church congregations in mil park j gordon hume ordained united church minister mar williams weds will live in chatham on saturdays juno 3rd in holy trinity church toronto the mar ring took placa of margot wll- ilniiis daughter or mr arid mrs mr and m7sn v thompson williams ofqlcsn williams and dorothy jane and roy attended an gordon mcnnuglitori mwl-rtiy- son ordination servtcj iuwostdalo uni- ni hrs m munayot quclph ond ltd church last week when her lhb ltilc j jjurray new john jieplicw goiooir himewas ordanvj perforibcd the 11 a mihlsmrof the united churchy wire- french mufr nyi jhoiuino vho the son of mr lot jvilfi n wall white lint and d- mrb wulluiy hume of miltoif cx a houduot v of garileinaa i a- graduate at the university of nd lily fjho vnllcy hr sister lotoido and emmanuel cphegft cwcp was nrldcsniiild- woarlns pnd has been aiin6d u postf in the pinyio nnri rarrying a bouquet mission- fleld n 4 jamestown ontario which l mr roberi stbddtirt was ftrooms ibrth of sautyste marie with his j mrs t the vlc tire fojier isabel taylor of tooriito hoeft silvers will open new shoe department friday the weather mr editor comparing the month of may this year with the normal aver ages we find it very close to aver age except in the rainfall the average maximum temper ature was 0548 just 1 degree above normal average and the minimum of 4050 was only 1 degree below normal the rainfall though waa 21r inches less than normal for may which is 284 inches date max- may 20 64 may so 71 may si 6s gave a rebate on 1040 and 1080 ewermge taxes of lie a foot to s w orr for 132 feet of street auow- ence on his property for which be had been wrongly assessed uoved by hale and lyons left with road chairman k r uacdonald a request from miss isabella preston that the drive into her market street preperty which bad been damaged by sewerage construction be repaired a letter from alex maclaren said that he would be willing to take court action for an injunction against alliance paper dumping waste on his property along paper- mill road if the town would pay costs should these not be assessed against the company he would prefer to have the matter settles without legal action he said the clerk was instructed to write him that the mill was looking into the matter and a satisfactory solution is hoped for will move the telephone pole on the southeast corner of maple and charls twenty feet east of its pre sent location moved by mocdonald and mar shall cr mcgllvrey asked if some thing could be done about james evans request for a more equitable splitup between the two local in surance companies freeman kersey had sold his business to the elmer c thompson insurance service which gave that company more than so per cent of town insurance council decided that as policies had all been taken out and premiums paid it would be impossible to take any action this year but that no doubt next year consideration would be given to a change deferred a decision on a request from the town men for a 10 per cent increase in wages- the men are at present paid mc an hour lor a 48 hour weak plus overtime it was pointed out that the low wage in the paper mills is 07e an hour though mayor cleave remin ded council that town employees are guaranteed work or 81 weeks in the year while the mitts pay or actual time worked possibility of a pension plan was also discus sed at the july meeting is is ex pected to have a report on the bodget and the question of wages arm be reviewed then the mayor and reeve pointed out that if any raises were contemplated all town employeee should be osnsldared at tame win have the town grader which june 1 june 2 june 3 june 4 average 75 74 84 88 mln 44 30 43 40 48 32 38 8928 4442 rain 02 03 04 09 wallace thompson new division court cleric elmer c thompson who for 23 years has held the appointment of clerk of the 3rd division court for halton county announced his tirement from this office this week he will be succeeded by wallace thompson who has officially taken up his new- duties mr thompson has held this pos ition while operating his regular insurance and travel service in which john r barber lately bo rte a partner previous holder the office was the late j a tracey of stewarttown mr wallace thompson a veteran meet here yesterday of the first great wor and secre tary of branch 120 canadian leg ion is a former employee of pro vincial paper ltd and is in charge of the office at tom hew- ions building on mill street today for his new position dr mutch president of the ham ilton conference conducted the ser vice and gave the chief address at the ordination which took place dur ing the hamilton conference of churchmen at mcmastcr university four other ministers were- ordained ot the same time rev mathcw tay lor rev elwood morden rev john ramshaw and miss p gwukln- son earlier last month in st enochs united church toronto mr hume was married to- isabel taylor daughter of- mr and mrs a taylor of toronto the bride wore a white silk wedding gown and- her sister jean was brides maid wearing blue taffeta the grooms brother sherwood hume was groomsman and ushers were another brother donald hume and a brother of the bride man ssitf mrs secly was art organ the guests wefe reeejved afterwards atihe guild inn scar- boro following a honeymoon trip in the eastccn states the couple wltl reside in chatham public school news grcnews industrial lacrosse starts at noctal the juvenile hardball team won a thrilling 08 victory on saturday at campbellvllle they came from behind to tie the game in regular innings and scored the winning run in the eleventh inning rained out on saturday the ban- urn hardball game with acton was played last night at the park the midget game with fergus has been postponed until a later date recreational director j l self is away for a few day in mon treal so minor lacrosse has been cancelled for this week hardball games will continue as usual sat urday morning on the two diam onds at the park in the midget league john st plays main st at 930 college viewglen williams at 104s the bantam games are as follows gibbsboyle 930 tucker- king 1045 we hear that industrial lacrosse was to start at norval last night but werent able to get a oeport of the game in time for this edition four teams hove entered glen wil liams norval alliance paper and businessmen should be some good action in this league county institute marie conn dies funeral held here marie agnes conn daughter ot mr and mrslrny conn ot george town died suddenly in hamilton on wednesday may 31sv in her 30th year born in toronto she had lived in hamilton for several years she is survived by one brother lloyd ot toronto three sisters betty gwen and leona and her parents in- town a brother how ard was killed while serving with the canadian army oversees in 1044 rev ajex culder conducted the funeral service- on friday at the mcclure funeral home with inter ment being made in greenwood cemetery georgetown pallbear ers were harold wilson- stanley mountain jim crawford biu arnold wllfiam may and john pell the 49th annual meeting of hau ton womerts institutes was held in bt johns church georgetown all day yesterday mrs milton brown of hornby is the new presi dent and mrs j e ellerby of limchouse 1st vice other district ladies on the executive include mrs ern batkln convener of home cco- omics and health and mrs ed sanford representative to halton music festival rev john m smith gave the ad dress of welcome to 122 delegates frfim 23 county branches who at tended entertainment included songs by georgetown public school choir gold medallists at the music festival mrs f rlnehart retiring president was chairman a more detailed report of the conference wlu be given in next weeks herald mr and mrs william j gilles pie and family of beaverton spent sunday with mis ann rutherford mrs wilkinson returned to beav erton with her daughter to visit fpr a was damaged by bra last week repaired as moo as possible social and personal mr and mrs armand swsck- hamer and jimmy spent the week end in belleville when they visi ted with major and mrs fred laz ier mrs a f shaln jack and kath leen and miss alice dolan of shel- burne have returned from a motor trip to the thousand islands and watirdown new york mr and mrs ken mcmillan at tended the graduation exercises of brankjaome hau toronto yeabsn day wlen were held in westmin ster church toronto their daugh ter joyce has been attending the school and hu compiled her year she will enter her flqal year next term an unannounced fire drill on june i resulted in clearing the building of all personnel in the brief time of one minute highest classroom attendance re corded for the month of may was in miss may langans class with 0843 per uent and no lates mln marie lindsays class placed second with m48 per cent final examinations are in pro gress at the school with distribu tion of reports scheduled for june 20th grade to will be promoted to grade dc when adjudged worthy after trying promotion finals this week no certificates will be gran ted aa entrance departmental ex aminations have been discontinued the school choir was honoured on tuesday afternoon at 4 pan when asked to sing their festival selection slumber boat in sl johns hall at the district womens institute convention the pupils were directed by miss marlon hep- bum and accompanied by mrs jas evans terrence schlaler ot grade to and patricia schisler of grade tv have left gps for slmcoe where their father provincial constable schisler is now stationed registration fpr the kindergar tenprimary class will be held on wednesday june 14th all pre school age children who will be five by october 31 1930 are to re port at the school to mrs joseph dwyer kp teacher and miss j gillespie public health nurse let ters- are being mailed concerning this registration to homes where children or this age reside and if any newcomers to the town have been overlooked it is hoped they will benefit by this notice the mens teachers federation of halton county met recently in glenwood public school near bur lington mr woodruff principal of hamilton normal school as the guest speaker his addrc-is- was entitled modern trends in educo- tlon ho first deolt with the point of maturation aa children devel op more diftieuhmtvofk should be given but only worlc within their grasp and learning ability should be preferred he suggested better grouping in preference to socalld grades children would ho grouped according to their sblll- ues a change in supervision where teachers would be more helpful and do less inspection was advised different localities requir ed different interest subjects he stressed what would interest chil dren of james bay region might have no appeal to the children of when discussing teacher training halton county he pointed out courses he suggested that more practice teaching would be advan tageous it would be well if- tea chers would specialize sh subjects of their choice wherein their tal ents lay the more cultural back ground a teacher possessed the better she would be fitted tor her profession once again the ministers of our town have completed their- course in religious instruction at our school the thanks of the staff and pupils gq to them for their interest and effort in this phase of our school programme james r mekab opening georgetowns third legal office james f mcnab of walker- ton has started a law practice here in the norton building on main street mr mcnab graduated in 1b37 trem osgoode ball and comes from a legal family hi father and four brothers an being mem bers of the profession glen williams marking- their second expansion urtthc- lost i years silver dopt store will open alqrflo now shoe iduparrmcrtt thlfi friday the hew department occuptes 18d0 square vfeyt oi floor apuco in the bascnubnt- jof the iiew secvlon of the j store tho carpenters arid paln- -t6rs- arc ijutting on the finishing touches today in proparfttlon for j the opening two department ls rattractlvcly- lighted and hasdls- play shelves nrouhd ail four wails flooring is of mastic tlloln blue and buff deslgn an cntrhncoay hos been opened beside- the archi way in the ladles section of the store silvers hos gohe places since tho doy in 192tvhen mr h silver commenced business in a small store where the golden gate cats is now located a year later he built o larger store at the present location and in 1934 doubled this by adding an- extension on the back this side of the building is now- used exclusively for mens wear and the new portion of similar size which was built in 1047- hour ses ladles wear since m h silvers retirement he has lived in toronto and the stores in georgetown and orlllla operated by the company are man aged by his son- sid a staff of twelve full and- parttime employ ees u kept including miss ulllajt waltdftfjack watson reeve w cl m ross thompson h f newman mrs mary jourdaln miss- helen mclaughlin- mrs ken dav idson dolores herctogtoo and paul barber attends ntjrses oradcation at bt j08epb8 hamilton mr llndley beaumont attended the graduation ceremony last wed nesday of the nursing class of st josephs hospital ha it was held in the auditorium of the cath- edral of christ the king- miss evi elyn ashford dsughter of mr and mrs lee ashford of ancaster and granddaughter ot mr beaumont was among the graduates also in cluded among miss asttfbrds guests were mr and mrs charles voung rldgeway mrs amy hi der mono mills mr and mrs dodge and mr and mrs cam dodge of hamilton mrrand mrs wes fendley and elizabeth ann mr and mrs jerry fendley bruce and donald spent the weekend at rice lake soitball slants three teams tied as leaaubiibawcrs georgetown and district manitoba flood relief fund prev acknowledged s18002s barber industries 1230 a c prouse 1000 no name 500 bell telephone staff georgetown 2100 st albans ladles guild glen willioms- 1000 members of georgetown baptist church 11000 mrs wm cooke 2500 wednesday night club 1900 percy dillon 100 mrs l w dann 200 a fsiend 200 h h rugg 500 anonymous 340 a friend 500 m b 500 mrs w v grant 500 mr and mrs wm t sinclair 500 a friend 300 m e b 100 richardsons hardware 1500 dr c w sayers 50 stuart young 500 mrs o i ruddell sao brenda robinson 200 hazel harrison 500 helen blackburn 300 joe rice 1000 s2108 75 attend nieces wedding in lambeth church an operation performed on jim my ruddell son of mr and mrs newton ruddell on may 31st at sick childrens hospital turned out very successful jimmy left hospi tal yesterday and will spend three- weeks af thlatletown before re turning home jimmy who will not be two years old until august con- tracted pouomyletla last summer and the operation was performed to give him better use of his hand mr and mrs b k hall attended the wedding in lambeth last weak of her niece barbara squires miss squires waa married to don ssdler on friday evening in lambeth united church with a reception being held afterwards at hayes villa on the london road after e honeymoon in northern ontario they wol live in lambeth the bride is the dsughter of mr and mrsubensqtdres and her father is manager the royal this week an anonymous contri bution withi this hesdlng came jn the mall andj the witter ended hie interesting summary of the indus- trial league by saying lets get a regular fellow tat keep us up to date on this exciting softball league we can think of no better reporter than mr x so hope her will continue a tight race for league leader- ship seesh the smith and stoma team businessmen and glass williams tied tor first place each with 4 wlna and one loss norval r comets are next with 8 pta com bines and lhnehouse blues haw won two games for 4 pointsv the legion are credited with one win the alliance are still she hard luck kids and still trying to break into the win column smith stone are showing the most strength so far although bus inessmen surprised them with a win monday to break their string of lopsided scores at the start of the season we though they were entering a and b teams but their decision to enter one good team has proved its worth norval has improved 100 percent after drop ping their first game 101 to ss they took their next three games businessmen are always a threat in the league glen williams with the two old timers steve halpin and wta wheeler arc showing their true form and are holding their own la first place llmehouse blues must be feeling blue this team is un- predictable it should be near 1st place as their pitching is a but they fall at batting v combines provincial plus ilea- dowglen is a hard trying and wil ling team we predict at least a semlflnallst team here tjgiipa are so far a disappointment but si- ter chubby stapletons men settle down perhaps- branch 1kl wuj climb the alliance should soon cop a win or two their trouble is shoe- tage of players someone should strengthen their team soon as good ball players are among group team batteries subject to rection ere s8cs john holden joe btantpc leigh bradbury norval clark lyons ted lotrhv bustnaaamen bui berry jtaa klrkwood steamboat emmesbtav glen rjack hemshead bob hep burn llmehouse lorne norton bradbury harvey norton latimer norm long combines bill anderson jsmes legion reno martin duke scotty patterson brie llnson y alliance bungy ward her father is manager- of the royal bank branch in ladheth mr ahd mrs- jack squires aad patsy of clarkson were- also g at the wedding f sm ft lfr and- mrs wttfrutrora spending a few days thai montreal f vl jiiiv3at

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