Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 7, 1950, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wednesday june 7th j 950 xesesaammt rosedale floral cut flowers potted plants of its a swwy wrtul wadding mmwi our prices are night wb can pucasb yoo 9m w we dslhrar amaa david cohen s y paintfir peorator peel street acton phone aptbn 394w omwuonwminuniuaubiinacfromi eyes examined o t walker optometrist office over bell telephone co at georgetown the second wednesday afternoon of each month 3 main st brampton phone s99 brampton scbiltz electrical conttraetkw wiring motor repairs heat wave range i i i fred schulta phone s31w building repairs alterations additions licensed agent lightninq rod installations r r corbett r r 1 georgetown telephone 155 w carpentry new work alterations builtin cabinets shingling etc work guaranteed albert tost phone 543w herbs natures wat to health old english herb co importers and distributors wm broughton hardaek street phone mm mailing every day throughout canada eyes examined glasses fttted repairs simmons jewelleks maof st georgetown tatlkphokac bat weanatday 1mb suss to pjb fcfantasneo tesrnarstlsn of the town of geergatawn bylaw no 507 a bylaw satherialng the jberrew- tag of ism ufpeadebaatarm far uiecreeuea of s ate room pnb tie acheec whereas the public school board has requisitioned the council of the said corporation to borrow for the purpose of erecting a new public school containing six class rooms and an assembly hall as the present school is inadequate for our public school population and the hew school is necessary in adtu- uon to the present ichiol a sum tlot erteedlngslboiooooo upon the credit of the corporation to issue dehnrei therefor bearing interest at the rate of three nd onehalf pcrcentum3h per annum pay able brinually and to provide tor the discount and the expenses lncl- dentala to negotiation and sale of sold debentures- akd wheheas it is expedient fto make the principal of the- said debt rcpayablr in annual lrtstai- fncnu during tne period of twenty years next after the dnto of issue of such debentures of amounts respectively thotp with the interest in respect of the debt the aggre gate amount payablo for principal and interest in each year shall be as nearly as pdsslble the same sub ject to the statutory proviso that each instalment of principal may he- for an even 10000 s30000 or 5100000 or multiple thereof and thai notwithstanding anything here in contained the annual instal ments of principal find interest moy differ in amount sufficienty to ad mit thereof- and whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the municipality according to the last revised assessment roll thereof is 153731000 and whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of the curporatlpn exclusive of local im provement debts secured by special rates or assessments is 34089900 and no part of the principal or in terest of such debt is in arrear and whereas by ordor dated the day of 1980 the ontario municipal board has approved the purpose of the said bor rowing and the passing of all re quisite bylaws including deben ture bylaws therefore the council of the corporation of the town of georgetown en acts as follows 1 for the purpose aforesaid the corporation shall borrow upon the credit of the corporation a sum not exceeding one hundred and mnety thousand dollars 190000 and shall issue debentures there for in sums of not less than 5000 each each debenture shall bear interest at the rate of three and onehalf per centum 3jt per an num payable annually nnil shall have coupons attached thereto for the payment of such interest 2 all the debentures shall bear j the same date shall b issued at one time and within two years after the day on which this bylaw is passed may bear any date within such two years and shall be made payable in annua instalments dur ing the period of twenty years next after the date of issue thereof and the respective amounts jof principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be the amounts so designated in schedule a hereto annexed ci the debentures shall be pay able as to both principal and inter est in lawful money of canada and may be made payable at such place or places in canada as shall bo designated thereon 1 the said debentures shall be scaled with the seal of the corpor ation and signed by the head of the council or by some other per son authorized by bylaw to sign the same and by the treasurer the said interest coupons shall be sign ed by the treasurer and his signa ture thereon may be written stamped jubographed or engrav ed 5 commencing in the year 1953 ond thereafter in each year in which an instalment of principal of the said debt ond intorest become due the corporation shall levy and raise ihe specific sum shown for the respective year in the fourth column of the said schedule such sum shall be levied ond raised by a special rate sufficient therefor over and above oil other rotes upon oil the rateable property in the municipality 6 the said debentures may con tain a clause providing for the reg istration thereof pursuant to sec tion 336 of the municipal act 7 pending the sole of the said debentures the heod of the coun cil and the treasurer may raise for the purposes aforesaid by way of loan on such debentures any sum or sums of money not exceeding in all the sum hereby authorized to be borrowed and may hypothe- debentures for such loan 8 the corporation shall have the right at its option to redeem the dabantures of this issue which ma ture in the year 1072 on any inter est payment date prior to maturity at the places where and in the moneys in which hi said deben tures are expressed to be payable upon payment of the principal mount thereof together with tai tarest accrued to the date of re- demptlon and upon giving previous nolle of said intention to redeem a- wira psasr such aotlee to be adver- recital proceeds for manitoba flood fund an exceptional musical treat was enjoyed by those who attended a piano recital saturday evening at tho home of mr and mrs w f bradley when their daughter mar garet and bruco harding of toron to played an allchopin program st- georges choir sponsored the concert and another performance will be given this saturday- all proceeds of the concert will be glvntotho manitoba flood relief fund both miss bradley ond mr hard ing are pupils of bhaydnga cor- manof toronto miss bradley mad her debut at a recital in tluj heli conian hsu this spring which was attended by many people from townt both are members of st gcofgs choir included jn ttfb concert were the following chbplri selections miss brodjlcy bohodjjnp 3 in a flat major nocturne in f sharp major scherzo in b flat minor trbls ecossalscs op 72 ballade no 1 in g minor im promptu in a fla major etude op 10 nol2 revolutionary mr harding sonata op 35 no 2 grave dopplo movlmonto schtrzo marchc funebre presto fantasy in f inlnor two mazur kas etude vp 25 no 11 in a minor r j elmer willoughby dies was chicago accountant news was received last week by mrs harry stockford george street of the sudden death in chicago of her brother elmer willoughby mr willoughby attended high school here then graduated from the elliott business college in tor onto he had been in chicago for many years where he first worked as an accountant with the chicago board of trade loter with o brok erage firm and then with his- bro ther rev bertram willoughby whaopernted the jdcol picture company until his death two years ago he is survived by his wife three sons ond one daughter he was predeceased by three brothers el mer oliver and bertram one sis ter mrs stockford lives in town and one brother dr floyd wil loughby in winnipeg cancel services for anniversary officers association sees northern movies r lost saturday evening members of the lome scots officers assoc iation their ladles and guests had the privilege of seeing two movies of the northland the district about moosence in the james bay area introducing the guest of the ing col w w johnson dso obe mc ed through whose kind ofce the sound movies were shown was lt col gordon -couf- ens of georgetown -in- a brief outline of cbvjohh- sons career col couseris told that the guest of the evenlne was a vbteranof thetwo world wars and hid been commanding off seer ot the lincoln and wetland regiment for a number of years during the recent conflict he had held quite a numbeipf military posts includ ing that of corhmondont of the german p6w camps in northern ontario he is now director of publicity with the ootorlo north- land railway which serves thehbret territory in the basin of james bay col johnson with a few brief remarksregarding tlic beauty and rugged gcnndeur of the northland showed a colour soundfflm ofthc northland taken by the head of his company col reynolds the next film was entitled geese shoot nd was a professionally made pic ture by paramount pictures under the direction of grantland rice this showed a parly of hunters on typical lays shoot the speaker concluded with a number of inter esting anecdotes of his experiences during the war and since in the north country lt col r conover pn behalf of the association thank ed him for the extremely interest ing evening provided by the movies and talk lunch and coffee were served in the mess afterwords a number from georgetown at tended page 3 violet louth honoured at linen shower mrs walter cummer and mrs millie armann tendered n linen shower for a june bridetobe vio let louth whose marriage to ken neth darch takes place oh june 24th in st georges church miss louth sat under a decorated um brella while she opened her gifts from the fitly friends who were present from acton brampton and goriielown mrs james brad- shaw of acton played during the lunch hour jvae tmnfaman ts nssjemaary a aulaunant f vcnacwnfjonvar breeding vltotlct afarm 0letr1eytnt a fnce drainage r other clswalapntanfs netefarnxorhonxebuudlnge addition or improvemenutto existing ftuifjungat arm imphoviment loans for the above pur poses are available at any branch of the roysj bank of canada on attractive terms ask at your nearest branch for our explanatory booklet and tull particulars mrm implimimt paetfettf ii pari is hmjlm hk o lawo mil la sfclm saw imbimhbjib id aqdpaaal parana w aara valaabla aaalr sis- aaaata straastaaa yaae baalusaaltafiapsuan tanaa af li as- itaamatnar laas ttus ii 4 the royal bank of canada i kitcaener upholstery you can nave yoar chesterfield suite reupholstered and com pletely rebuilt for as low as 8900 one week service telephone 643 georgetown union bcjii services at norval and presbyterian churches haw cancelled for this coming sunday n order to- give members a chan i attend the anniversary eivic al norval united church used as aforesaid at least thirty days before the date fixed for re demption notice id intension so to redeem shall also be sent by post at least thirty clays prior to the date set for such redemption to each person in whose name a ftebinttire so to be redeemed is registered at the address shown in lle debenture registry book read a first nrd second time this 21st day oi may ad 1u50 harold cleave mayor a a willson clerk i hereby certify that the above is 4i true copy of the proposed by law c a willson clerk if the assent of the electors of ihetown of georgetown is obtain ed to the above bylaw it will be taken into considerouon by the council after the expiration of one month from tho date of tho first publication moy 31 195q a tenant who desires to vote must deliver to the clerk not later thon the tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vote the declaration provided for by subsec tion 3 of section 283 of the munl- ctal act which reads as follows a tenant whose leave extends for the time for which the debt or liability is to be created or in which the money to be raised by the proposed bylow is payable or or at least twentyone years and who has by the lease covenanted to pay oil munlcipol uxes in respect f the property other than local improvement rates if tie makes and wl the clerk not later than hie tenth day before the day ap- oolntedfor taking the vote a dec laration under the canada evl- titled to have his name entered on the list of voters prepared by the clerk under section 284 voting on the proposed bylaw will take place on june lith 1950 rom 9 am to 7 pm dst at the following polling places ward i the town hall warp 3 thomas grieve resl- dance queen street ward s the municipal bldg final summing up of the vounr will take place st the clerks off- lea immediately upon receipt by ck of the returns from the polling subdivision c a willson cssrlt mo dern farmin g depends upon poer equipment ssh never before chu a saan on the faraa gat as snnca work done la sssch a akort time so easily and so easci tly modern tractors and power farming equipment have astabllsw a oew standard oi faraa lag apsntioaa aad farmers every- wnere are benefitting frees the tlma saviag and laboreatiag features est power asai lilaary la the grass swing aaarhanitarion ussaeyharria trao- taa htaat davalepaasihi ta agrkajtiirai asapleasent ghisailag dsa anake f araaiag lass klmirlsaa ssad aassa prafitabla masseyharris companyliaajtid stablishid 1s47

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