Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 14, 1950, p. 5

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v v ts page 5 j kiklih iiy s s i brampton liohs club annual jamboree brampton fair grounds thurs ftii sat june 1516 17 tfturiday huge wade and donkey baseball lions v kinsmen friday miss peel county beauty contort open to peel cpunty residejibfrily saturday monstrous draw foavmore than 1000 in prizes huge midway games of skill ferris wheel merrygoround and many other rides order now meadowglen compost a strong quickacting odourless source of organic fertilizer for vegetable gardens lawns flower beds and rock gardens prices delivered in georgetown and glen williams one ton five tons and over 300 per ton 250 meadowglen growers ltd georgetown telephone i43w cmvmumt r 0t ewa ol geettatewn bylaw no 507 a bylaw sotherliln the borrow ing of i1mmm blmn debentures far the ereeuen of a six roam pab- ue scheal whereas the public school board has requisitioned the council of the ud corporation to borrow for the purpose of erecting a new public ichool containing el clasi- ooms and oh aasembif hallak the present school is inadequate for our public school population and the new school is necessary in aflql tlbn to the present- school sum not exceeding 19000000 upon the credit of thr corporation to issue debentures therefor bearing interest a tle rate of three and onehalf per centum oilj per annum pay able annually and to provide for the discount and the expenses incu dental to negotiation and sale of said debentures and whereas it is expedient to male the principal of the said debt repnjnblr in annual instal ments during inc period of twenty years next after the dato of issue of such debcntuies of such nmounta respectively that with the interest in respect of the debt the aggre gate amount pajablc for pilncipal and intcttst in cuh tnr shall bt ns nenilv as po lblc the same sub- jetl to the stitufoiv pro iso that nth instnlnunt of principal may in tor an cen 11001 sioo 00 or 1000 00 or multiple tlieitof and that notwith liniline anvlliin here in tontuhtd tht innu il instal ments of principal and inttrtst may llffcr in amount sufficient to aj mit thereof nd whfrflas tjie amount of the whole ritoabc propcrtv of the the georgetown herald wednesday june i fth 1 950 news and views for h fa don nolmes wins junior farmer championsmr trip severity two halton junior far mers competed for the champion ship trip to the 4h gljjb congress at chicago the aware is based on tljo high nggrtgnte score for fhd two judging competitions held in march and june tfhct in dddltion the winner must have coached a team of junforjnds over a dofinlto jnimber of livestock classes the- march competition war held in conjunction wfth eno county seed fiir una bacon show whan the a total of ten classes in all two each of dairy cattle beef cattle heovy horses sheen and swine whon everything was taken into consideration don holmos of tra falgar township was the top com petitor nnd next winter will repre sent halton at the big gettogether of juniors from all parts of the continent when they meet in chi cago al the time of the intcrnauon al talvostock ishow- the ronnerup was jack march- mont nlso of trafalgar township who thereby wins the kingsway kiwunls spcclnj of a short course t the oac next winter this cohii- petitor was also awarded the don atio cqnrpbcll trophy ornblematlc o tac beef cattle championship don holmes was also the winner young roen judged classes of grain of the palermo- junior farmer tro- vrjnlur soeds potatoes hog carcas- phy as coach of the winning junior ses and identified mounted wcodij tcntrr composed i of john w picket and ioingc plants as announcetmp3d wlllmolt and grant stark last veck s column on sauuxtay the second prize ttnm wai coached june 3rd the 7j oung men judged by geo polletterlo third prize team bj jack mirqhmcit and fourth by mac sprowl frnsei mcnibb plate or plnies in canada as bhal bt designated theieon tl e said debentures shall lie sealod wall the seal of the corpor- ition nnd signed bv the head of the cmintll or b c othei per- son iiilhprii ci b blaw lo sikn the rrt1tr uv the u rinsniti tin aid nite l ccupons shall be sign ed bi lit ttti uiei and his sin i uie tnenon in iv bl unten sltimi il 1 t iolij ltd oi i t n con ititii in the u r j -4- ikl tlin if tt i in eatlt t rr in wlih ii m til tut of puiitipti ot tin slid fu bt md inttrtst ottomi tiut the cirjoiation shall lej and iii ti z i i rllh sjeeilr sum shown for yti il i the rcpefne icr in the foujtn tolumn of tilt siid sthedule such revised assess nent roll thereof is 1517ilom and wibiies the amount of the existing debenture debt of the corporation exchistvc of local im provement debts setured b sj i cial rates or assessments is 510800 00 nnd no part ot the principal or in terest of suth debt is in arrear and wheheas by order dated the dav of 1050 the ontario municipal board has approved the purpose of the said bor rowing nnd the pissing of all re quisite bvlaws including deben- ture bjlavvs l tiierffore tiif council of i the coiipoi ation of the i town of georgetown iv i acts as foiions sum sh ill b itvitd and raised b a spetiil ite sufficient thirtfor over mil ibovc nil other i ties u on il i the i itt ihlt j rnpertv in ii nun u i ility 1 ttit ud tjt bentui t in ion- tain i cluist piovlding for the reg isti ition thereof pursuant to sec hon tl of the municipal aet peiidnil the sale of the said debentures the he i of the coun cil nnd lit treasurer mnv raise for the purposes ifortsaid b wnv of loan on suth debentures any sum of esquesini rnvwiship was the champion judge id the tvo coinpc titinns and thtie- bv won the noiv il tumor rirmcis chilli iiii tioplij the sartie com- ptttui oi i doiijld robcitson iauhv i bli in itit of the high conipetltru in hi i hoist w tid hi i m le of rsqur iii demon- i ti d th t in is still the cljnms ii i i km k iiidi hiving the hi h ion i i hi so nd tn nln i li s ill i ihrip ot tlti five set- ifi s ii is m u i d thit5 ii- m tm rnijii i mhlcnntic of the i h i up om j i in dujv cattle hcib v il ii it mv il lunlois w is aw nrnd t mison kiiittliift co tio hv foi hup iiiilmg while n hi ii o milton lunlois won in rha fll 1 i link tiophj for sll llll i iii nntv il illinois ii noiisti i id thi ilii ii ii ui ludgiiii tlitv still hi t tin clubto liiit winning tin ii nk of ovio troihv fur isiiisin rowiiship with their live soik ti mi of w ud prownridie isll minihb ind stunrt alexti- dir and the dr i k andii m trophv for the club with the il hikh lomiietitor on tin ngkregilo heat wave tiie latest in qmuti ranges t 16950 up extra lane oven neuv5heat switches tubular hich speed elements rortelain top and panels ulomatlc oen control lamp and men timers come in ndsee them clark whitmee electric cdith st telephones 647 724 413 si if furnace work and eavestroughing good workmanship at reasonable prices don houston phone 547w georgetown jrposc aforesaid tlic thls issuc which nia ture in the car i97j on any inter est payment dttc pnoi to miturit tt tlu i lutc htit md in uic moncs m hich the id deben tures ire txjirtsctl to be i i iblc upon pinin of tin principal iinount lliihof together with in terest ncciued to tht d itc of it dtmption nr i i j on ji m ireious notico of aid intention to redeem in ndwrti in onti in the out irlo c ulul ind once 1v1 i daih ntvs- i foi the corporation smjii borrow upon the credit of hi corporation a sum not exceeding om hundred and tslnct thousand dollnrs 190 000 aiui shall is it dcheiriures there for i minis of not us than s 00 cuh i- it h tv bent uic shnll bear intfitbt it tl rin of three nnd onehalf jti initum 1 peran- ntini pn iblc mm t11 md shall hue coupons att ithtd thereto for tht pijmcnt of suth interest j all the ocbentures shall btar ojj of knerol provincnl cirru- the same date sh ill be issued at pon published in the cit ol jolti news paper sui h notice to be ndver- i cd i- i at least thirty is bcfeic tin tl itt fixed for re- j ti n notni ol intention o n 11 iko be sent by tliit d s prior to t oi ueh itdcmptiou ni in w host ti imc a d to ik iidt i me d is i tlu ui irtss show n in it lit unitize registrv book hp ah i first ud sttnd time this 2ivt dt oi m i d i i50 one time and within two ytnrs atter toron nnd once in the ria on which this blaw is passed ina btjr in date w ithin sinh two t us md sh ill be made ible in finiiii i instalments dur ing the period of twentj jears next after the date of issue thereof and the rtsj tttic imounts of pnncipal anil inttrtst j nvible in each of i i eirs sii ill be the amounts so tie united n sthedule hereto iii t l l tht dtbtiituu hall be pjy able as to both a i ii t ijil and inter est in lawful mont of camd i nnd mi be rn idt nabjc at wich d to icfl post it ll llu cl to to t ith hi i t lit it llsl j j mcnally lane king street company limited georgetown near station phone 18 we stock a complete supply of the following henssk plywoods fir birch weldtex etch wood sylvacord wallboard maaotiite hardboard arborite jl tenteat or donnacon insulation fiherglas batts and pouring alfol aluminum insulation roofing shingles rob roofing fait sidings insul brick cedar shake gdar bercj sieltsg lumber paints cement building hardware i jtttnff ift s ii hold c i i r vliyor c wklfaon clirk lit ii b ct tifv th it tu iliov t true toj of tht propositi ij- c willso cleric if the a suit of tht flcttors of hie town of geoiuttown i obt1111- td to the tbovc blavu tr will be taken into consideration by tbe council after the cxpfration of one nonth fiom the date of the first publication maj 31 1950 a tenant who desires to vote must deliver to the clerk not later than the tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vote the declaration provided for by subsec- uon 3 of section 283 of the muni- ilal act which reads as follows a tenant whose leave extends lor the time for which the debt or liability is to be created or in which the money to be raised by the proposed bylaw is jwyable or for at least twentyone years and whol has by the lease covenanted to pay all municipal taxes in respect of the property other than local improvement rates if he makes and files with the clerk not later than the tenth day before the day ap- ooloted for taking the vote a dec laration under the canada evi dence act so statins shaube en titled to have hit name entered on the list of voters prepared by the clerk under section 284 votta the proposed bylaw will take place on june lvtnl 10s0 rrom 9 jn to 7 pjn dat at the following polling places wabd 1 the town hall waiu3 it thomas qrlava resl- j streatr ward s the lftmlctpal bldf flrutlsinubtag up of tht votes ww tete plaea at tba oartrtotp stdssteipflk son in ir titt oittm srci s i km in ir i hi tmrosik fretting i wttmm tram th q a mumok ii iihiniiullil in oiltuln tdllillv list siiinmii h is iiotllllit mi tils in nilit is of tht 1 niu loium cioiiii whlih tintiis iioiind mtciutlv s iliiml tin in mi tlifltjtnit w i llu ill i nit of speititors those in atti ndnnii wtu all worktis riiukl we must nlmltvve havent ninnv of the details apporentu inst winter this sroup decided on the event and the unmet of ill members of the forum were plni ed in n hut the nnmc drawn was that of j lloyd marohment so to the marchmcnt farm the balance of the members both men and wo men wended their way recently according to repor a new fence was erected a new sidewalk wai laid the back kitchen was ion verted into a garage the ladies got busy with the paint brushes etc etc this apparently was not the first time this group stepped out in s cooperative way earlier in the season at least five or six of the members of this forum took their tractors and equipment to the tom alderson farm at drurnquln where the operator is temporarily laid up and put in his seeding we also hear that they are staging another event in the trafalgar hall on fri day evening of this week lnator the flood victims of manitoba heartiest congratulations are ex tended to uwgroop od their ini tiative we have always believed in farm forums feeung that if they receive proper leadership a better spirit of understanding and coop eration is boantt to result te the community this cooperative pro ject on the part of the worth tra falgar farm forum would 1 that the foq elf dan are not a thing w w njmst ja i or sums of monev not evieeding sion of the two competitions tin i in ill tht sunt hereby authorized represi ntitives were fnvr me to be bonovved and may hpothe- ibh oi o wilson tohn curl e tale such debentures for such loan hnusun riulrli ii howl brifiden 8 the corporation shall have the gordon bird rich at its option to redeem the t hieh novut of the div vvs do iloister of the piliitno chili who thi n bv win the cnf shi ii tin top i li inneis in tit thin division nl tin livistoik tompi tillnii w en i follow fnninr division n n uu nnchr ciii i ui ti hiiiv nhii toiln w hlninlt difiiihii t i lphill cn r 1 1 ithi rsiom cinuion i3ird crant st k in i i ii i v c iirni tied nnd i i im ii i i i 1 1 i in bird hid inti rniiiliiti division it to 1 j rs lnrlnsivi i invil vlvi in slu ut li nidi i s in iv until iii ill lolin lunii hi ill uiloii lohn ilcki t mil don milton he i kuth moon colin m ii li ill how so huddi ii did hon lovn tied si nior division hz irs md ovir v i hiowniidt1 i i is il i i li lit hi i o ll ii ii nri mil i wilson cr nit o n i m it spiowl coition oiii chartered bus to erin every friday leave steamers inn at 9 pm returning after the dance fred lawrence phone 161 pimllltl ll i li in bill ililtl ephead optometrist frs examined sclentlfleally bearing ad batteriev qtjick repairs to glasses binoculars field classes etc 58 st georges sq guelph phone 1529 est 20 years flowers for every occasion design work a specialty bonded member tdj3 telegraph delivery service lfowers by wire anywhere la the world norton floral pfceae ulw oeergetewb ttid stock horses s4m asu catbe vloom hosjt soe ewt fbohsl fwkww u

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