Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 19, 1950, p. 6

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i y the georgetown herald wednesday july r9th 195j new advertisements 4 wanted responsible party no children wishes to rent a home or apsrt- kient phone 460j v wood for 8auc mixed dab cut to tove length delivered 800 a load wlurld bird phone 810 r 14 b10tt h fob sale beam spayer tor tale 200 gallon capacity bob lano phone 18 bunds and awnings venetian blinds and awnln made to order wrre boot 711 brampton 329u dressmaking dressmaking curtain drape mending and alterations phone 400w l trfuckew for that odd trucking job phone 480 w harry scott queen and ouelph street wanted room and board for several male employees of commercial displays ltd write details to box crhcrald or phorie georgetown 709 r 23 houses wanted to rent for employees of commercial displays ltd phone georgetown 709 r 23 or write box c herald washed sand gravel delivered to georgetown sand 125 yd stone 155 yd pea stone 165 yd mellor construction acton phone 267m ii closed for vacation july 22 to 5 august 7 rosedale floral urs to protects the yellow warbler b the only all yewdw bird we hove one of the commonest warb lers hes to he seen every where at the sides of fields in orchards andsadens he lives on beetles caterpillar and weevils and deserves j protection yours to jnioy carmn ofob sale electric rofrlaerator kelvlnator 7 cu it recently overhauled phone lmw 10 fob sale 1032 ford v8 coach in good shnpoj crawford glen wuuajm phone 825 r 2 washing machine repairs washing machine repair at rnle radio roxy theatre bldg phone 48b fob betjt apartment or rent at berwick tall slain strejst south pply to arotiker at premise t 12tf decorating ecoratlng to express individuality artutle interior end exterior draftsmen in the trade a grant r r- 2 georgetown pjione 72kr13 for sale i apnrtmcnt qc two ax three furn ished rooms wintcd for couple with two children arthur scott mot ors ltd phone 11 n chickens custom chicken picking with lat est machinery also highest market irlees paid for fowl alive or dres- id culling flocks a specialty tluttonvllle egg grading station phone brampton 343 r 14 reverse harges for rent electric floor polisher and elec tric vacuum cleaner for rent by the day ernies radio roxy theatre bldg phone 465 for sale or tbade bell organ first class condition cosh or trade what have you phone 113 r 3 after 6 pjn 7btf chickens fob sale broilers ond roasters order thursday for weekend delivery norman brown phone 435r 73tf breeds wanted pullets all ages and breeds good prices paid apply to tvvoddle chick hatcheries limited fergus ontario 719 help wanted good smart girls wanted familiar with sew lng machines lavolc knitting co apply upstairs phone 110 evenings 460j b21u work wanted teenager 10 wishes farm job eddie corkwell rii 2 alton for sale electric rofngerator kelvlnator 7 cu 1u first s100 takes it phono 1s0w fqr sale ice refrigerator forsalo 75 lb capacity good condition phqne 00 r 14 lost bank book with loose bills lost upndcous rewurd under please contpct the herald office for sale green celery plant and cufswoet peas for sale jr williams phone hi r ft for hale frigfclairc 15 cubic feet general electttcstove jack gottonjuv brills dcpt store for hale 1046 ford convertible and 1d47 oldsmobllc sedan with hydramatlc drive both with radios airthur scott motors i td phone 101 lost lost friday night between glen williams and georgetown band room a cornet and case property of jim golden reward finder please return to owner hearing aid batteries hearing aid batteries arc avail able at ernies radio roxy thea tre bldg phone 465 painting and decorating suntcstcd and sunworlhy wall paper sample books interior and exterior painting estimates free don hcrnngton main st phone 401 for sale 1933 chrjslcr good condition 5 good tires just overhauled 225 phone 750 i or sale used electrohix also eureka vac uum cleaner cheap phone erin ioml wanted up to 5 00 each for dead or dls- abled horses cows hogs at yourf farm prompt service phone col lect milton 294 william stone sons limited ingcrsoll ont for sale building lot 6bxll excavated w ilh footiiil 24x 10 located on temple lane 110 or best offer write p o box 250 georgetown milking machines we are agents for delyval milking machines new machines parts and repoirs clark a w1i1tmee electric edith street phones 647 724 3u i or sale have ou to buv sell or exelnnke if interested contact j in7es gordon before jul 27th at dtvirions g irige ashrove hoi si or sll stone house no u git n williams looms r acre with orchard bargnin for i ish v i lie j barnes r h 1 glen willi ims or phone ci orketouli 24 r 2 for sale 1931 chevrolet sedan including heater this ca is in good work ing order and is going cheap e peters phone 423w at noon or af ter 5 pm lawn mowers lawn mowers sharpened ond re paired our special new machine ensures a perfect job frank car ney electric refrigeration ser vice king street at glen rood phone 379j wanted to buy cash for old glassware old dish es ornaments vase oil lamps old dolls old buttons old silver fur niture etc pfconc 47 or write mr ond mrs keith barber corner king and union streets for slf dominion w ishwell w ishing ma chine in first eliss eouclltlon all- white enamel lawn mower white- washer new blow torch mrs w j alexander miplc avenue east phone 5r0w v washer repairs prompt repairs on any moke of washerrebuilt washers from 19 50 up liberal ollowancc on your present washer when buying a new inglis priced from 129 95 up coll up and discuss your washer prob lems terms to suit you clark a wirtmee electric hdllh street phones 647 724 315 i chicks eggs arc becoming scarce accord ing to the department of agrlul- turc marketing service and egg prices are rising now is the time to buy pullets while they arc avail able we have light sussex lsxnh nhxbr wlxbr from 8 weeks to 22 weeks old free delivery on orders of fifty and over thompsons poultry farm and natciifry phon 41 r 15 i or sale skyline harvester new buchlcr wagons champion past hole digger several used trucks firestone re frigerators 0 foot deep freeze woods 8 ft tractor disc mccor rhlckdecring ensilage cutter j050 ferguson tractoas 1040 hudson se dan 1950 hlllman sedan 1050 mercury pickup trucks 1950 jborrl convertible formall ii tractor with gravel and manure loader fad srnwr plow mccormlck deerlng thresher and clover attachments ooodlaon thresher full equipped ft frost end wood mower 1wj chev coach tom hewson mill iftieet phone house for sale new bungalow all modern con veniences 2 bedrooms good size kitchen and living room full bath room and basement 2 acres market garden land commuting distance toronto and malton immediate possession 7000 phone 304m for sale duo therm heater used one sea son electric rangctte cook stove with water front white porcelain enamel front and bsckguard must be sold as owner is moving to tor onto john topp king street opposite hill s grocery for sale scenic model lionel railway set 00 ft square large engine tender ten freight cirs signals automatic crossings magnetic crane village form cattle stations ornamental lighting and searchlights extra price 100 also table model radio 16 phone 489w after 6pm house for sale residence in georgetown comer lot spacious lawns and gardens modern twecir gaiagc new mod ern kitchen and bathroom oil heat ing eight rooms and unfinished at tic suitable for large family or conversion into duplex interview by nppoinlnu nt only phone 01 george low n 710 pgae 6 incomparable new only when every delicate shading of texture ton and fragranco was perfected did tiffany beauty preparation become availablo i and dedicated to discriminating women to a queers taste are a tophuhepidd poifume a vjewj cool cologno finely loxtuted creams that caress your skill to poldrtoftnoss superbly complimentary powders t rouges lipsticks and stimulating lotions a nevy experience awaits you when you linaet over goigeobsly pacagod tiffany jkjbuty juggs 1 preparations of our beauty counter un perfume 100900 cologne creation 150 creams- 100 150 rouge 125 upthckt 135 foee powder 150 lotions 1o0 125 births hennlsse mr and mrs clnrlcs hennessev eveln robinson are happy to announce the birth of their daughter rave elizabeth on thurssav julv 13 1050 at peel mi mortal hospital brimpton with love witilol1 allov vnd death shall never end our love tor through the mist i see our 1 id reunion in the sklev i or ill e eini v- sndlv missed bv gne social and personal mtmori ims i aw s in lining memorj ot rt d i t who i istd at t july j4th 149 oull in umbered b his brothtr uid sislirs inlaw i s in loving mmioi of a u ir fithir i- rid uu who p is- sul n o hil j4th im too tit irl lmtd to bi forlottin kr ind mij guisi uid fam- ilj laws in lomiig i inior of a de it husband ifnd father i red law s w ho nacd aw a julj j4 114f hi had a cheery smile a pleasant a helping hand to all he knew hi wns so kuid so generous and true on earth he nobly did his best grant rum dear god hcavinly rest sadly missed by his wife and f irmly v newns in loving memory or a dear w lfe and mother jannette grnci niwus who departed oils life july 19th 1940 oh what id kie to clap dur hand your dear kind fan to see vour loving sniili our cicome oice that means so much to me no one knows the silmt heartache only thosewho have ueh can tell of the grief that is born in silence ror tht oni wi loed o well husband and famil scott in loving memory of mv dear brothi- 111am w s t who fell asleep n jesus july 11 1048 vc w ilkcd ton h i ou and i in sorrow and in jo wi shared our iin and happlniss cudn of thinks lol1h i wish to think ill m ft tends for then man cards mfi mil lowers sent to me whili i 1 a patient in peel munoi t1 ho pi d brunpton violet louth fsgngfments mr and mrs hirbert e harris mnounci thi engagement of their d mhtir phlh- evelyn to arthur elliott mcallister only son of dr in 1 mrs a mcallister george- tow n the marriage to take place siurdii august the fifth mr and mrs andrew itken of acton announce the engagement of thur oungest daughter edna lil lian to michael stuart george son of mr ond mrs mictuicl george olaci bay nova scotia the wed ding will take place saturday af- tirnoon jul the tucnt ninth at mapleuood farm acton dr mil mrs j b milne jan and claudia hae left for a vaca tion trip to jariitoulin island isitors this week with mr and mr- albert hills are her sister mrs wilbur scott and daughter esther of highgate mr ana mrs fred mcnally mitt lena mcnally and miss marion hobinson arc enjojing a motor trip to thi east loast this week mr ajid mrs fred armstrong iie v isiting vv ith relatives ilk brantford mi and mrs george king of sault ste marie are visiting with their daughter mrs gordon bow ers and mr bowers at their hom on emery street misses jean harley and botty dickenson have returned from trip to the states where they visi ted m new york waahlnfftoii cleveland and nashville child fractures arm lindi mino daughter of mr and mrs wilf mino fractured her arm in a fall while playing cimc holiday august 7th the next publlchollday will fall on monday august 7th which u the day set aside as civic holiday that will be two weeks from next mondaj xi itom s iiool ti- mlhts ior iifat1ng tendiis with spi ifintlons for a new healing system in the stdne school 7lrj line will lie received by the school hoaid of s s no 16 esqueslng not jiter than july jdth lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted laurence burt sccty auction sales qt furniture the property of william milliere at his home at llmehoue frnakjuly 21 jt7 pm see sale list next week frank petof auctioneer si- wing machine repairs bewing machine repairs to all niikisund models wi are agi nts i for vickcr s electric sewing mach ines ernies it idio hosy thea- tie illdg phone 465 ismvtino ami decorating exteiioi nntf inteimr painting and paper hanging latest wall paper sample book estimates free jim kennedy phone 180 wood for bale dry hardwood and rails for sale prompt delivery also cars wanted i for wrecking phone georgetown 421j or acton 119 r 13 wanted number of calves vvjantcd high est prices paid picked uf immed iately phone georgetown 421j or acton up r 13 f for bale good used furniture and stove i free delivery in town see harry scott phone 480w corner queen and gulpsst ocaitotown 44ui men here is exceptional value in silvers shoe dept mens summer shoes twotone and monotone perforated oxfords and straps cdfel and cpmfortable shoes made smartly ant sjolidly regular price 995 extra special 1 700 pair g 1 1 1 v

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