tb fcaaajjtifit 1950 cakpentoy footin cauaau shirtgbwgt etc work guaranteed albert tost phone 543w w migration miracle najinrca wat to tteai olid kngijfbh tcatfe co liperureanji btetriviun wm broughton -mjlxjthr- miin4mk street aaaa mm iaihng every day throughout canada s every 5 wednesday and saturday bill howe and hi i0 piece orchestra admkeaon 60e sunday evenings community sing huttonville park this is the third ot a series at r- tlcles written for the canadian weekly newspapers association by the editor of the plclou advocate brernorbavon germany the forgotten elite about 25000 of tho ableit besttrained men and women in europe qualified practi tioners of all tho or ts science and professions present one of the problems of tho international refu gee organization it must be realized that the displaced persons come- from all walks of life and are typical cross section of any covnmunlty they range from university profes sors to agricultural labourers from the old andnflrm to the young and strong even down to infants in arms 1ro can only suggest to accepting nations which categories should be occptcd the actual immigration and selection is naturally up to those nations themselves thus accepting nations often want only the pick pi dpa tkcy want per sons who arc yojng enough to work the- laborers and not the old and the intellectuals since 1947 a great deal of the cream has been skimmed from the ynilu too many of those who boar ded ships and trains were men young strong unattached men cul led from tho dp population by pro grams of selection designed to fill the manpower needs of the nations rather than to contribute to the solution of the problem as a whole iro has repeatedly warned that this must be checked because it ia both a denial of the organizations humanitarian dims and an economic heresy the dps are a- community like any community this one has lt economic producers and those who are dependent upon the producers like any community this one will suffer if its workers and producers their professional qualifications are established by close examina tion of their documents ana special iro testing commissions made up of recognized experts who review their educational background per sonally examine and interview indi viduals who have lost their docu ments audition musicians view works of art and evaluate lovels of skill this process is closely sup ervised by mos division qf em ployment and vocational training which 4a hoadod by a former offi cial of tho united states employ rnenf service a number of refugees with pro- fesslonal training havo- bejn re settled under tho auspices of 1hq and oro now making ap appreciable contribution tg the economic and cultural jifp of the countries which gave them entry prospective employer needs only to contact- iro by writing to any of its branch off ices in 31 coun tries or to its- headquarters in gen- evo switzerland to obtain detailed information on refugee specialists who might fit ms needs the canadian irb mission is at 143 main street hull quebec to be continued hello homcmakers life would truly be a picnic if we attended all the summer outings and open air suppers for the relatives the are taken away from 7t7 tey are i the institute the church the leaving behind a hard core of schools the ossociatlons and so on eyes examined glasses fitted repairs simmons jewellers main st georgetown telephone 530 vary wednesday 1030 sub to 6 pan beg optenetrlst s m fatbibh su 1m1 glinton w toronto those who cannot mantain them selves and who may long remain dependent upon the worlds char ity and included in this group are not only those who cannot work because they arc- too young or too old or too busy with family duties but also those- who are too well qualified not only does junior and our gla mour girl have to be fussed up to start out but theyre double to scrub after they get home tired and cranky however picnics en courage a democratic spirit the generous donations of food the friendly spirit at sports and loyalty to your group folks really become irolforgotten elite the intel- 1 better acquainted at a picnic bench urged the nations of the wojd each to accept into its territ leotuals and specialists whose tal ents cover virtually the entire range of human knowledge victims of an embargo on brains this need not happen the uni ted nations general assembly has word ito- a fair share of all elements among the dps a generous response to this appeal would mean that the entire number of nonrepatriable persons could be absorbed with ease by the world those who can work sup porting tlie few who cannot the days of dp division in thb british zone of germany and iro are nunvbercd and it is evident that thousands of dps will be cast upon the german economy next year how will they fare iro is seeking with voluntary agencies church groups governments and occupation authorities to make humane ar rangements for the continuing carejsomme with salt and onions until and legal protection of these tragic just tender about 15 minutes i persons drain save consomme stock for than at most meetings the reason everyone cats so much is due to the fact that each homemaker makes an especially kod dish for her friends or rela tives to taste in case in need of a- reliable casserole dish for a picnic ue suggest swourv potato salad id servings 4 lbs 18 polaloe cubed 4 cans consonime 1 tbsp salt 2 green onions 1 cup vinciar cup buttermilk j tbsps shlad oil 1 tbi salt tsp pepper 1 cup chives mincpd 4 cup paifsley minced i cup grated cheese simmer potatoes covered in con- fast freight the most modern freight yard in north america the canadian pacific railways new 12000000 st luc hump retarder freight terminal at montreal which will speed movement of goods drought that busy seaport and rail way centre was officially opened july 6 by canadas minister of transport the hon lionel chcv- rlcr kc right of inset shown as he inspects the retarder controls for the yard with n r crumpj left vice president canadian pac ific railway and j o assclln centre president executive coun- ell city of montreal the main view shows the classification yard from the crest of the bump de pleting cars in motlon down the hump and showing the car retard ers in the foreground moving down the hump under the force of grav ity the cars arc electrically swit ched and braked coming to a stop in their predetermined position in the classification yard the cana dian pacific was the first road in north america to adopt the auto matic switching principle the yard also boasts such modern railroading innovations as an undortrack in spection pit to enable all rolling stock passing through the yard to be examined for defects an auto matic track wclghihg scale that weighs cars in threeandahah seconds while they are in motion down the hump a 37stall engine- house equipped with direct steam ing apparatus to eliminate amok and 100foot towers mounted with floodlights and place at strategje points for night operations in all over 73 miles of track capable of holding 4860 cars were required tot the terminal which actually is a scries of three operational yard with other auxiliary yards and which measures over three-and-a- half miles in length and over a square mile in area lard into dry ingredients until mixture is a coarse crumb add egg and milk and mix thoroughly roll on lightly floured board to 14 inch thickness cut with floured cutter bake on uhgreasedtcookie sheet in preheated electric oven of 350 de grees for about 15 minutes rhubarbpineapple punch 24 servings 12 cups diced rhubarb 12 cups water 4 cups sugar l 1 large tin unsweetened pineapple juice 4 cup lemon juice 4 large gingeraje simmer rhubarb water and sug- i ar until rhubarb is tender strain nd cool add pineapple and lemon juice to rhubarb juice just be fore serving add cracked ice and ginger ale take a tip 1 do not grease aluminum coo kie sheet and remove cookies from sheet whe4 taken from oven 2 picnic sandwiches may be made day before if stored in crisping i pan of refrigerator wrap in al uminum foil or a damp cloth i and wax seal paper 3 instead of sandwiches make almon salad mixtures and put in wcirier rolls or cooked ham salad or cheese spread in hamburg rolls peanut butter and lettuce go well in split tea biscuits as do chopped cucumbers and sliced tomato in sliced scones 4 bike ukes in paper baking cups sprinkle fine cocoanut or chopped nuts en top when almost baked then you do not ice these and they can be packed together when cold to take to picnic 5 you too may forget that the bag used for an ice pack is ideal for carrying ice cubes to picnic grounds social and personal miss barbara grecnthal of tor onto is visiting with her cousins bcryle and arietta pattenden at their home on main street south mr and mrs j a hambleton of orangeville spent sunday with the pattenden family mr and mrs b- saunders and family have returned home to mllden saskatchewan after visit ing at the home of her uncle and aunt mr and mrs henry isley nth line erin flowers for every occasion deaign work a specialty bonded member tds magraph delivery service ilttwers by wire anywhere in the world norton floral phene 31iw oeergetewn s you cant prevent s polio n but you can profept your family and yourself with polio 5 insurance g family premium 5 2 years 1000 aak ua to arrange your s for you walter t evans co 183w prices arc high and there are many obstacles to the employment of dps on a permanent basis in germany some who were forced to work for german masters as slaves are reluctant to work for german masters now and their distrust is reciprocated fn many case by the germans who with the enormous pool ot unemployment to fall back on will employ a german in preference to a foreigner every time it may be that the german auth orities will know that the eyes of the world are upon them and will endeavour to curry favor and rein state themselves in circles ot world opinion through their humane treatment of this problem or it may bo with the present swollen refugee problems in western ger many that these unfortunates will once morebe forced back against the wall the forgotten elite include musicians who have studied under some of the greatest masters histor ians who have witnessed history made linguists who can not only teach foreign languages but also through firsthand experience know the countries in avhich they are spoken there arc engineers who have been associated with some ot europes best known firms and projects doctors who have con ducted original research in every field of specialized medicine gcol ogliti who have led expeditions through some of the most rcmoto paris of the world for example among these refu gee specialists is an agronomist who initiated work on the reclamation of arid wastelands in macedonia and serbia the former prime ballerina of latvia a graduate of moscows famous ballet school who has dan ced before buropcs royalty a doc tor wrio has had extensive exper ience with tropical diseases in the orient a young pianist whose inter pretations of chopin are brilliant novelist whose second book won thejhungarjaa literary prize in 1047 next days soup meanwhile mix remaining ingredients alternate layers of potatoes with dressing cover chill well cottage roll- pressure cooler cottage roll 2 cups hot water or cider 1 cover cottage roll with cold water soak at least 2 hours bring slowly to boiling ppint and discard water 2 place the rack in tlie cooker pour in the hot water or cider ond put in the cottage roll 3 close the cooker bring to 15 pounds pressure and process 12 minutes to the pound apileraisjin pie using transparent apples 1 cup raisins- 1 cup water 5 cups sliced apples 1 cup sugar j tbsps flour 1 egg beaten 1 ibsbs butter 2 tbsps lemon juice 1 tsp lclnon rind dough for 2crust pie simmer raisins in water until tender about 10 minutes add bllccd apples mix sugar with flour and stir into raisin mixfure continue cooking stirring until thick slowly add hot mixture to egg bbtter lemon juice and rind contlnuo stirlrng another 3 minutes cool before pouring- into pic plate lined with pastry cover with dough for top crust bako in electric oven at 373 degrees fo 35 mini servos 0 clan cookies 30 cookies i cup silted flour h cup sugar l ltsp baking pewder i tsp salt im cups quick rolled oou cup lard 1 egg beaten 2 tbsps milk j sift flour sugar baking powder and salt mix with rolled oats cut r0sedale floral cut flowers potted plants if its a spray wreath wedding flowers our prices are right we can please you phone 28 jj we dellv travel notes labour day in new york sept 1 to s personally conducted hotel toft room with private bath transfers taxes broadcast ticket illus trated- guide book of new york optional sightseeing programme 3150 from toronto john r barber travel advisor elmer c thompson insurance service phene 119 mitj street fc sportsmanship in canada unlimited swim mart of o doien nation gathered round lhfc palatial now pool at wombtoy england it wat the day of tho emptr gamut iwimming meet a day tlated for itt full that of turpritet th canadian iwlmmtri- ovarloofcod by the expert first scored anuptet in the women evenlt lading four win next the mens 100 yard froa ityla felt to canada climaxed by four relay victories tho team of 1934 hod swept the fcjoard for canada flnt empire w1mmirg triumph close teamwork hat won many frk for canadian sports men and sports manship with teamwork can help you too in work and play together they keep your scope for oppor tunity in canada unlimited cee vx fjrjrjwsjw arlri-