Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 27, 1950, p. 6

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v j- row imwamttmif legion notes sddal and pergonal f- mr boss petch who la employed 80mb tjmc ago ear old friend how dptb it happen weufthe in montreal with the canadian george ajcott fold wot a tantas- beat way to and out u to have underwriters aasoelatlon wai a mb crib came that he had with george show you it hu to be teen holiday visitor with hla parents mr bill smith on night in the legion to be appreciated and mrs frank fetch we had intended to use it in this mr and tin william maelaren column at that tune but what with bill bootys christmas tree were home from laurelton long the christmas rush and all ltwas was certainly a credit lo him this island spend christmas with hla somehow overlooked in the mean- year even if he couldnt be present parents mr and mrs alex mae- time the toronto star had found it in person with the restof the leen so unusual that they ran it on their branch we regret that he was kept holiday visitors with their par- sports page so for theigeneral in- sunnybrook hospital during last mr and mrs frstt armstrong formation of all wo reprint the thursdays parly for the kiddles fc pft rim rfqto t w working trnderi tow jwe too to ad tf clobraa euw tack mmm kb ih w tnh jcn atoin enough leafirtas el jmfeain haekrm ebib sai ato for tha moat of and ao on oiu ett fotir cards wm w on tltalte liy fkw eoont was ft pototraif eshstanrts fiw tbs draw fob th fowl were came when bui picked apithe orib mhhiner eg jiieuigeuiaiiiiiis among thera war oer etabs in the crib wtaners although this year a atid anousott the deekhwhlui nnmber of iieighbouring eommunl- j vjwtaflv points for doia tta cuinied w ofthafowt demit ottt la thathand and the fun- onk th members asked us ny part of tt te lhau fl ctaba wa oka to the eoltann s 1 sti iiiiiii ef cmwi of tat lead ifrnftetma deep bee htwjaeae ctaaeh 8fc hwipltal s a pttent about five snare ago and another tjo hat is itt patient and i werelsaylng crib and wapman p wlthoji tooj i dealt him a perttet crib hand i sjsjsliissssi dealt him the jack of snadea flva jelj5 of hearts fir of dbmonds ftse of to whether he baa left anything off apadea tamed lip making him tether anybody else has left any- t points i won u th to a roc- g- ord for the two sjnaaat wsdkmsday night some of the beys witnessed the fight on television where tha colored figh ter west was knocked out by bs rsetj and later died after an operaa tio4 to remove a blood clot from tta7braln wk 8kb that a ttumber of peo- pie and organlxatlons send christ- mas greetings to tha ljsglon any- one living at a distance finds this a good way of saying- hello and thanks fellows for the i way you all responded to sell the tlcketstyou bad thursday night this djaw was on very short notice and certainly you all pitched- in wlllugbma statement of how much it netted with tha cost of prises tkoa uw board akd happy vtfm ykab from the writer to all tha members and sunday mh5night um to sum dancing 1 to ee alkuhn d yjpgajbmbj anotstinst mawamsbm we am pirtg te teriippleicby tgsmw general statement 30th november 1950 tobonto to 1 ianbolf- 45800 bthuumrp afaqilosl be a happy assets 1 you alii r barber for ber tha journey was ending oer the waves of lifes stormy sea and tha saqds of time were blend ing on the snote with eternity she had a faith undying unshaken by sorrow or cup the smile tahet ayiis belying bow eft she had known despair snt she said beyond the shadows where time and eternity meet was a country of wonderous mead- noteotaeoa1tswiabejul of canada f 197717lli9 cher cs s haakbalaaeas 16306443829 notes of and cli da other hana 11133155173 goveramaat and other pwhlic sacariries not jmeedlakinarkecvsjae 1 104256380319 other hoods and stocks awe aeedijignnrket vela 10428201690 call and short loans cany seoated 10000449911 total onick assets 171776340220 6m725j6427 1706870439 pjjjbjjbjjpjjsbssayi nsjsbsa1 bssbm sbsbi sjajgaagajjbsssssssbsb wm o wonderous i miihuilinim actrytth goldpaved street pp and tha road to the edgeof the shadows where beyond was the gleaming street and the fadeless bloom of too mea- w often seemed hard and there ware detours deceiving along the uphill track all of them lad to grieving some you never got back laimmiihamanl i and dteur looked pleasant 5l5m wflppi adgay wstsbag2ii to the city waa only ttoatirtghtajidthasarrowway r- v ay ne sinugnt and the narrow way pf 3 tilasbeflndln us something wanv ktjav v- 2 ogbstotsil- sg haanung other loans and dlscnanrs after fall provision or bad and doubtful debt oferedlt 6943768931 other assets v 437898200 j249737s4237 uabilitibs notes in circulation 24998910 dts 7 233750346893 i and letters of credit oatttandlns 6943768931 other liabilities v 334932808 total imhilmes to the paolic 241034047542 capital 3500000000 reserve pond s0o0o0o00tf jdmdaads parable 91382791 balance of ptoct and loss aceooot 92003904 249737634237 profit and ioss account f profits car uje year ended 30th noveadar 193 ajsarai ies of watch sua mhssbssastsde r -37wfjj-

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