Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 10, 1951, p. 3

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r v uk applications will be accepted up to n january jsth by georgetown recreation commission for a recreational director futtor part time toi 8jpeializ4in one o mote activities sutries will be basecl on time an4 responsibility required applying or the above positions ptpaae state the activities you are- qualified to instruct and the amount f of time you are prepared to devote send all applications to mrs joe emmerson- grc secretary champion plowmen arrive in england this week hugh leslie off to compels in british plowing matches the 1950 winners of the transatlantic classes at the- international plowing matches arrtjnenglarid this week- where they wii tour the united kingdom to take part in plowing matches and observe agricultural methods they also plan to visit belgium and holland od possibly a third country- foe the second time in a row a georgetown dlstricfnpan isa- menber of the threeman party last year jim ecdes canadas cham pion rector plowman enjoyed the trip and this year hugh leslie who coached last years winner won the coveted prize accompanying grc hqckeyr standi as of saturday january 6tb 1851 v midgets 1 ajlewjit ptaj intjrservi stock leafs canadiens bruins hawks hershey buffalo pittsburgh cinclnnatti marlboros tigers kitchener royals barrie gait marlboros st catharines 9 9 9 9 bantams 9 9 9 9 pee wee 9 9 9 2 9 9 novice 8 8 8 8 7 0 3 3 3 3 0 6 5 5 2 1 2 4 3 4 0 3 4 4 1 3 3 1 6 16 9 3 12 10 8 6 18 8 5 5 12 10 6 3 roses shrubs trees-r- evergreens 5 magnolias gooseberries 5 raspberries red and black currants 5 jrbi wilson son opposite golf links g maple avenue a ph one 248 schedule for the coming week saturday january 13th midget canadiens vs leafs black hawks vs bruins bantam cincinnatti vs buffalo hershey vs pittsburgh pec wee kitchener vs tigers royals vs marlboros tuesday january 16th at 4 pm novice gait vs barrie st catharines vs marlborss 7 the skilled souicrtjesmen of the rceme the workshops of the royal canadian electrical and mechanical engineers are expanding rapidly in step with the growth of the canadian army active force the men of the rckme are doing their part to make canada strong there is an urgent need for skilled tradesmen to man the workshops of this vitally important corps of soldiertradesmen skilled craftsmen are required to fill the posts of automotive mechanics fitters toolmakers radar and radio technicians instrument makers we1dcrs watchmakers machinists and other key jobs if you qualify as a skilled tradesman theres a place for you in the rceme you can serve now when canada needs you as an expert soldiertradesman mpokt ight away to walhs hew imm fdnrfelw h ottawa rt tus p oft a kinmtohom norrnomwl fiwi wsmckv ban ebislmri ifc ibndon omg herbert jarvis farm news for expert eye crfre consult o t walker optometrist 8 main st north brampton qver abells drug stores phone office 599 res 830 hours 9 am to 6 pm dally evenings jjy appointment the georgetown hemld wedne janv 10th 1951 st7- 28 year od hugh leslie vino is y the son of mr and mrs george k leslie are herbert jarvis 27 of agincourt gold medallist in the esso tfaris- at ian tic horse plowing class and v c vicl porteoy of i owerr sound former member of parliamentand a director and past president of the ontario plow men association the men won their trip in competition at the in ternational plowing match helco at alliston last fall the tttree sailed from new york city aboard the queen mary last friday after a round of sightseeing in that city before taking part in the british mulches they will spend wo weeks or the continent at their own cx pense for all members of the plowing team this will be their first trip overseas and they are all an xious to see how things ire done on the other side of the atlantic and to visit the huh leslie many points of historic interest there they will fly lmck to can ada ibout february 16th mr porteous uho is team mana ger will write i series of articles about the trip which will apiear in the llerald for the rftxt few weeks as a special feature alfalfa short supply predict higher price canadian grown alfalfa seed is in hort supply and likely uiixj rush er in price thiin last year states a h martin director crops seeds weeds branch tictd mr mar tin also stated thai for the first time in a number ol years red stained alfalfa sce is likely to be available in ontario this seed is mostly of- french origin with per haps some from the southern states authorities at ottawa and guelph state that the hardiness of the seed is in doubt as a matter of fart that is thrrensoii why the seed will be staihrd red as n daner signal it ii stated it hat the differential between the price of domestic alfalfa and the red stained seed may be as much as 21 cents per pound hiltnr farmers would notice to creditors in the estate of alexander warren gentleman deceased all persons having claims against th estateof alexander warren late of the village of glen williams gentleman who died on or about the 28th day of october ad 1950 are- hereby notified to send parti culars of same to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of feb ruary ad 1951 after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim she shall not then have not ice dated at georgetown this 29th day of december ad 1950 myrtle isabel warren executrix of the estate of alexander war ren by her solicitors dale and bennett georgetown ont 117 therefore be welladvised to locate and secure their requirements of canadian alfalfa seea at the ear- liest possible date in our opinion it would be preferable for halloa farmers to cut thejr usual rate of seeding by one or two pounds per atrrerather than take a chance on red sained seed of doubtful jiardl- ness stewarttown georgetown lady marks 90th birthday thursday this community wishes mrs w d johnston of georgetown a very- happy birthday thursday of next week on the 18th of january mrs johnston will he 90 that day we are putting this in a week ahead so that don fairhairn may add her to the aver 90 birthday club for sunflay january 12th l- 1 m v blueback red salmon n 35c avlmer salad fruits 33c tr tomato juice 2 19c ruby golden corn loc aylmer special pbqoess peas c gapen patch choice kernel corn22sc aylmer with pectin raspberry jam oc r spread zjc campbells tomato soup 2 tins 2ic libbys evaporatedmilk2 27c good luck margarine llb pkg- d andee tea 38c 75c date nut loaf ib good mondng marmalade 45c aylmer apricots 29c spice cake mix old dutch cleanser zxmsxsc brunswick sardines 3ns25c lea perrln sauce btl 35e heinz baby foods 9c ballards meaties aw 14c swifts doo ob cat food pard 2 5 27c i floor wax 63c i7 ha wes floor wax tin 29c 49c kiwi a shoe polish 18c navel 288s oranges florida or texas m grapefruit iceberg 5s lettuce celery hearts doz 37c 4 for 21c 2 for 25c bdl 15c you will be delighted with this fragrantea t

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