Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 17, 1951, p. 9

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f5iifipn ppp fifailtrimii j ichnews 8t georges chreh leacon w g o thompson rector ieaima sunday sunday school 10 axh holy com munion corpor ate 11 am even song 7 pm ijfeebrgea vestry meeting fi januavy 23nd at 8 pin a churc glen wllliama c 930 ajn school 1036 ajo tfeaut vgauy tfn tuea am nerval charge of the united chare t rev alex cowan ba norval 130 pm sunday school 240 pjn bdbllq worship olerf wllliama 115 pin sunday school 700 pjn public warship norval and union presbyterian chorches rev wmwelr interim moderator nor 200 pm sunday school 300 pjn public worship union uniyn 10 tkjsa sjunday school public wor jt the georgetown herald wednesday jan f7th 19ji hello homemakers the first order which the hooiemak- er phones in after new years grwes some indication of what resolutions she has made if among her staples she includes a few herbs and spices it will be a fair indication thatshe has r to provide mom in salt then sprinkle over gravy as it heats also sprinkle sparingly over spaghetti add meat ball cas seroles 5 take one pinch- pf dry mustard and mix into macaroni and cheese 6 sprinkle cordampn seed lightly lnt batter for dumplings or the teat f meat dishes 1 fresh compressed yeast cake 2 tbsps soft butter or shortening 1 egg beaten 2 cups suted bread flour tap nutmeg 1 tsp powdered sage 2 tsps celery seed 2 cups sifted bread flour to scalded milk add sugar and salt let stand until lukewarm add crumbled yeast and stir until dissolved add soft butter or shor tening and beaten egg measure the 2 cups sifted flour into sifter and sift into liquid mix ture beat until smooth combine rfutmeg sage and celery seed with the other 2 cups sifted flour and add gradually to the first mixture mix in with wooderuspoon or with hand notice to creditors ji until ingredients are blended turn out oli lightly flour ed bakeboard arid knead for 5 min utes shape into a loaf and place in greased pari let rise double size bake at 400 degrees for 1 hour requested by mrs m n spicejf crumb cake t cup sugar 2 cups pastry flour vz tsp cirmamon tsp ginger v tsp nutmeg x cup shortening 1 beaten egg vi cup sour milk mr tsp bakingrfoda 1 tsp baking powder cup raisins vz cup nutmeats sift together sugar flour and spices cut in shortening as you would for tea biscuits and take out 1 cup of this mixture mix together the egg milk soda and baking powder and stir into the dry in gredients fold in raisins and nut- meats- in a greased cake pan spread half of the reserved cup of crumbs pour jn the batter and sprinkle on remaining crumbs bake 45 minutes in an electric oven fat 350 degrees in the estate of aleiaader wa gentleman deceased all persons having claims against th estate of alexander warren of the village of glen wbuaoml gentleman who died on or abbot the 28th day of october ajx mow are hereby notified to send -parti- culars of same to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of feb- ruary axf 1951 after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims pf which the undersigned shall then tuitv notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of mliuae claim she shall not then have not- ices j date a jgoot gctown this i san 23rd atfloq ptjft communioiv service at both churctfes s johns united church iptev john m smith minister rorman lajrd director of music ajn sunday school ajn morning worship the it of the living god jjrd in series bead eph 4113 pjn evening meditation with on labrador an illustrated on the missionary effort of and mrs leslie burry of lab ir ballinafad charge of the united- church mr william a gibb minister ballinafad 10 ajn sunday school 11 ajn public worship churchill 130 pjn public worship melville 2 pjn sunday school 3 pjn public worship m khox and limehouse presbyterian churches rev j alex calderbd i knox church l0 am sunday school sm ajn- sacrament of the i lords supper pjn public worship limehouse pjn sunday school 230 pjn sacrament of the lords supper georgetown baptist church stanley woodcock interim pastor 10 am morning worship 11 am sunday school 7 pm evening worship wednesday 8 pm midweek prayer service you are always welcome holy cross rc church rev fr v j morgan 1st 3rd 5th sundays mass at 11 am 2nd 4th sundays mass at 9 ajn norval hornby and stewarttown anglican churches hev j e maxwell ba lth st pauls hornby t80 pjn evensong kxcept 1st sunday in month holy communion 11 am st stephens hornby j1 ajn morning prayer xcept 1st sunday in month vensong at 3 pm st johns stewarttown kxcept 1st sunday in month 300 pjn evansong evensong at 730 pm both the sea horse and the cham- elon can move one eye without moving the other and they can move both eyes in the opposite dir ection the shimmering effect of intense- lyheated air near the ground seen on a clear summer day is termed optical haze a salmons scales show growth rings somewhat like those of tree rings r eat in rand zest to her food for her family while spices and herbs are pld- fashioned in themselves they vare rightuptotheminute when utili zed to flavour modern dishes brides take note they are not luxuries but essentials of fine cook ery and the weilequipped kitchen will have a special shelf for them alftne when you begin to use spices and herbs dont be too liberal remem ber that subtle seasoning is the most effective so use in very dis creet amounts the basic spices for your kitchen should include allspice whole and ground cinnamon stick and ground cloves whole and ground mustard seeds and ground paprika nut meg chill powder curry powder the basic herbs are bay leaves savoury sage thyme marjoram dried parsley mint and poultry- dressing further adrtjtlons which the ex perienced homemaker mighfr-like- to add to her spice shelf at this time are accent cardamon saffron dill seed igarlic salt celery salt white pepper berries and caraway seed take a tip 1 add a y to 2 teaspoon of chili powder to two quarts of stew 2 drop in one bay leaf when simmering corned beef or tongue 3 leave two whole cloves in to mato soup while heating then skim them out before serving 4 measure out v teaspoon garlic t to improve the flavor of bland- canned pears heat the syrup with two slivers of ginger root 8 three dashes of celery salt over the sour cream dressing fd fruit salad makes a difference 9 ground cinnamon chocolate malted milk powder and sugar mixed together makes a delicious spread for hot buttered toast 10 monosodium glutarnate im proves the natural flavour of meats and vegetables although it is a vegetable protein it belongs on your spice shelf bean patties 2 cups cooked dried beans 3 cups corn flakes 3 tbsps finely chopped onion i tsp powdered sage 1 egg 1 tbsp catsup tsp salt 4 tsra pepper 3 tbsps fat partially mash beans crush the cornflakes combine beans corn flake crumbs onion sage egg cat sup salt and pepper mix well shape into patties fry in fat until browned turning only once serve with catsup sauce servings 5 patties 3 inches in diameter the question bjx requested by mrs r w herb bread 1 cup milk scalded 2 tbsps granulated sugar 1 a tsps salt legion notes youll go in snow with suregrips the going k toughest goodyear studded soregrips trill poll yoo through where other tins slip and dog- let os equip your track or car fa positive trac tion in moid sod snow- deep strong studs set like tnctor cleats bite deep take bold keep foo going in the badroad teason without chains phone 152 w dodge desoto sales service is- kssii i nursery roses t- shrubs trees evergreens z magnolias gooseberries jt raspberries red and black currants j b wilson son 2 sv s bj maple avenue phone 248 opposite golf links ni ii ff i open bowling wed and fridays from 930 pm all day saturdays 10 arri till 1130 pm- by lmc dohpt forget the regular monthly meeting to be kslft ih two weeks dont start slipping fel lows lets all get out to each and every meeting theres lots of room sandwiches are served after the meeting and most important of all you give a bik boost to the pres ident and executive when you show your interest by attending this wkkk again we wore a uit afraid that we would have no column because of the mirth of news items nut president dnvc came to the rescue with a wxxlly number of leads march ok dimes have asked the legion to sponsor a local cam paign for their organization in aid of victims of poliomyletis but the excuttve- de because of the lateness of the request that there was no time to organize a campaign this year however it will be left to he general meeting as to whether and what size a don ation will be made next year it is hoped a campaign may be spon sored locally keep friday february 23rd open comrades hiram walker dis tilleries ltd are sponsoring an ev enings entertainment for members and their wives and auxiliary and their husbands this will be a big evening details will appear later the dart assoc of toronto recently wrote to the branch ask ing that any dart personals be sent to them for publication in their monthly digest so some of you 4art pnen could send in the odd item the television room is about to be equipped with new tables we believe they will be here very shortly and will smarten the room up considerably we regret to say that mr branch 120 bill roney is still in sunny brook hospital wc had hop ed that he would lie hpme before now however the powersthatbe decreed otherwise we are sure bill would be delighted to sec any of the comrades who can get down to sunnybrook to see him bui has been one of the most intie- fatigable workers in the local branch m when his familiar fa is not to be seen around the place well thipgs just arent right hurry up and get the boys miss you and the branch needs yu conscb majobjjcoion demanp the- tjmenoriouroa question of national conscription hasonce more been brought to the fore by domin ion command of- the- canadian leg- ionjtahder jhe leadership- of dom- ionpfesldent group capt alfred watts of vancouver bc in a dir ective to the dominions 3000odd branches dominion command urges that every possble pressure be put on the federal government to insti- tutcsome type of national compul sory service this course was urged last summer at the dominion con vention and a brief submitted to the cabinet hoyever in a stat- ment to leifiti officials prime minister- st laurent said that as yet the legion proposals had not been considered by the cabinet command urges that all branches telegraph phone or write their local lederal member of parliament in the very near uture so that lie may know the feelings of curi branch before parliament opens in ottawa on january tth group captain wirtts in his dir ective further ioints ont what he terms th alarming short aiies of equipment and stresses that not only are we deficient in war sup plies such as planes and tanks etc but also in such ordinary items as boots clothing etc the command is confident that all brandies of the legion will support their stand on this national issue even in trad itionally anticonscriptionist que bec the dominion command has spec ified n particular type of univer sal service but rather inclines to compulsory service in reserve units for- the present however no doubt the whole qtiestion will be given considerable space in the daily pap ers from now until parliament is opened the end of the month in ottawa x from hearing members of branch 120 kick the subject about we think the majority opinion here is that some sort of compulsory training based on equality of ser vice will hav to be instituted in the near future as a member of the north atlantic pact we find canada and tiny iceland which has no army are the only two coun tries without compujsoiy military training the friday nie socials are still going hielr merry yway under the convenership of the entertain ment chairman for a number of weeks now the modern aires have been supplying the music if you havent attended one of these affairs do so youll find your thoorughly enj it t n r it is not often tjhat time magazine has any canadian legion newsr but this past week a small item appeared in miscellany it seems thalavhen a branch in ham ilton placed ads re their christmas tree in the papers the vsaid ad read in part those comrades not having any children may bring two grandchllden guess the comrade that was responsible for that uttle gem must have been into the christmas cheer a bit early i father acton native elizabeth burns dies a sister of mrs anne i greig of toronto and aunt of mr alex greig of georgetown miss eliza beth s burns died in toronto oin december 28th she was a daugh ter of the late mr and mrs john burns arid her father was a native of acton miss burns is also survived by a brother john in vancouver and a sister mrs helena mcintosh in victoria bc farm news dhi plan shows results in halton the herd averages for the east halton dairy herd improvement association which have just been released by the ontario live stock branch show the low herd with an average of 216 lbs uutterfat per- cow while the- top herd in the roup of 2i herds produced an av erage of 4 1 ri 3 lbs b f per cow this is a difference of nearly 200 lbs bf per cow which if valued at oven 60e per lb butterfat cream ery price the difference in revenue is 120 00 er cow meed less to add it itttk difference were valued at whole milk prices the difference in revenue per cow in the two herds would be even more startling it js also of interest to compare the aver age production per cow of the ten high herds with that of the- ten low herds in this one group of 26 herds here we find the ten high herds with an aver ge production of 105256 lbs of milk and 3724 bf on the other hand the aver age production of the ten low herds is g5523jbs of milk and 269 lbs of mf it should be remembered however that feed was a mighty scarce article u a large percentage of halton barns a year ago and some of the low herds may do a very much bettor job under conditions where feed is plentiful however we are willing to wager that a large percentage of the 52 hnlton dairy men whose herds completed their first year under dhia last may have been doing a lot of culling in he past few months certainly with beef at present prices quite n num ber of these marginal daicy cows are worth more for beef than any thing else the cost figures when available are oing to be even more illuminating 1 in any event all fifty two herd owners and also the- 26 addi tional dairymen- whose herds were also entered under dhia last august are to be congratulated on their initiative in taking advantage of the policy recentjy we were in lores ted in the reaction of jack hamilton popular halton insemln- al o them artificial ontt mr hamilton who services a large percentage of the halton herds en tered under dhrla stated- in re ferring to dhia work that in my opinion is the best piece of work ever started in halton personally wc think jack- is about right- and if the herd owners now uijder dhia stay with it and also make use of he high production bulls available in the maple unit the picture in ten years time will show a tremens dous improvement to the financial bettermentof all concerned day of december axi 1950 myrtle isabel warren executrix of the estate of alexander war- ren by her solicitors dal and bennett georgetown ont 117 it would take 53 years for an airplane travelling 200 miles per hour to go from the earth to the sun trip ins j s overnight or for 5 a longer holiday a w sugget our beautiful by mcbrine m u 1 l a keuleman g jeweller s brampton 7 eyes examined glasses fitted repairs 5imm0ns jewellers main st georgetown telephone 530 every wednesday 1030 ajn to 6 pm res optometrist s m faibish ro 1051 eglinton w toronto m iiiiiuiinniitiiraiiiiniiiitiuiiiluiiiiiiumicnaiasbc flowers for every occasion esrgrn work a- specialty v bonded member tdjs telegraph delivery service flowers t5y wife anywhere in i the world v su norton floral phone 31sw georgetown ii t vha ij vt p m 1v 1 s u suivyh

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