Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 11, 1951, p. 2

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j 0 ww the georgetown herald wednesday july mth 1951 page 2 iip if fapiily has fun there are 5 restful spots for mdther v and dad zestful game for the hoys and girls safe play for unior with boat and pail whjmd niyim wasaca beach 6 50 owen soind 5 95 midland 7 0 sutton 95 rose bar restaurant main st phone 89 i your triphout l nnr ilr- tlntl tk a iitajr part of your lu ik t lit in it uni to lit ot ha n i kfi up at mm nm- otlirr lliing- in nollir way too tin- lriiun h lijcjtr vain linlay than rvrr lfnre now you an rd h tict it many l it you oulil ln yrart af an nlofi rlhonh arr bruik intlalled rrry day if you harn 1 vrvu r we want you to know w- ri workuik at it our placf on tlir lit 14 thung pro tr trl an j your teirpbonr will b tiihtallrd ju a tmhin a poihible frlmmdly fcafpfwl jarvita it mat of law lff bi fiwft awyi caaapara haw prka immw atria a past tea tan f000 u m 6051 of living umk yme itu teiephonc iwi company of canada s an n ttlfphone p si svf ra r favtvooa tnennam in m rfc territory we eewe bylaw no 1651 towtnship of esquesing a bylaw to raise s4000o to aid in the construction of tile stone or timber drains the council of the township of esquesing pursuant to the tile drainage act enacts as follows 1 that the reeve may from time to time subject to the provisions of this bylaw borrow on the credit of the corporation of the munici pality such sum not exceeding in the whole 40000 00 as may be de termined by the council and may in manner hereinafter provided is sue debentures the corporation in such j sums as the council may deem proper for the amount so bor rowed with coupons attached as provided in section 4 of the said a6t 2 that subject to section 10 of the tile drainage act when the council is ajf the opinion that the 41 application of any person to borrow money for the purpose of construct ing a tile stone or timber drain should be granted in whore or part the council may by icsolution dir ect the reeve to issue debentures as aforesaid and to borrow a sum not exceeding the amount applied for and may lend the same to the applicant on the completion of the drainage works 1 a special annual rate shall be imposed levied and collected over and above all other rates upon the land in respect of which the nione i borrowed sufficient for the pay ment of the principal and interest as proi ided b the act passed the 3rd day of july 1951 george currie reeve 1 f bennett clerk notice orporation of the township of esqxesrsg take notice that the above is a true coi of a bylaw passed by the council of the townthip of es- uesing on the 3rd day of july 1t1 and all persons ate required to take notice that in one who de sires to aplv to line the bylaw ii m part theieof iiuashed must scr notke of his implication upon ihi ix id of thik of this mumcipal- it w illi ii 10 days after the date of tin las publi 1ion of this notice nil must make his application to thi supic me court of out n 10 with in mil month iftci the said date i his noici j fust published on tin i 1th ri iv it jtiu ifil ind thi list puhlu alon will on the itli lav of julv ihil 7ji i m mc nneti c lerk skinny men women gain 51015 lbs get ht benv vim vigor wb ft thrill bony limb oil out ulr hollow 111 ud cmmk ao liiwer rrwoj tmmly lmaa bajf hkr m tlfklr t lf look thtruatande of u ttcti ntoii rvaver oaittld ft n before irr uh t r m 1 if atile healthy tootni bod lea thy i m n tit pk j rouli line fth bulldine ftiii mtrk j tt oe etlmulavnu lnrturtorj lr m linfu h calflum enrtrti bloo4l lmtxora i rt la an 1 1 t n tml give you mori irn4ui axhi 0unali timtdt put oeah oo br batoea ltr t teau cttltiai im rl i ip wbq ro ajoef mix lml n- arilaintaj1 itntp trj tirnoikl tntrt 1 ul 1 ableu tar m yg aad aall 4 1 all gospet service i every sunday oddfellows hall 7 00 p m for the wagei of sin is death but the liift of cod is eternal lite rom 623 i kt e r peterson in chare an is the silken string running through the pearl chain of all virtues joseph hall caaram pajawi -r- who think of tomorrow practice moderation todalfl baptist picnic at stanley park erin the baptist church held their annual sunday school picnic in stanley park erin on thursday july 5th there were over 100 pre sent to enjoy the social time lunch and races the results of which fol low beginners lome cofell primary girls running race sharon harley carolyn reeve primary boys run ning race peter townend brian hill primary peanirt race karen shortill and dianne hill peter townend junior girls running race charlene day beverlev em- merson junior girls sack race beverley emmersorv arlenfe hill juniqr boys running race terry harley ross paters intermediate girls running race dorothy spott arlene reeve boys girls potato on the knife race arlene reeve terry harley senidr girls running race barbara thornpson irene fogg senior boys running race richard sienko ronald breen sr boys girls honeymoon race carl hill and barbara thompson john w infield and irene fogg bible class ladies shoe throwing mrs pearce mrs wm tteeve mens bible class balloon and fork race mr wm hill carl hill teachers and officers balloon race rev a j barker douglas cole guessing contest mrs h sienko farm news halton juniors stage held day a softball tournament and volley ball were the feature of the annual halton junior farmer field day held at the lowville community park recently four junior farm er groups competed in the softball tournament in the first round mil ton juniors eliminated acton while palermo club defeated brookv llle in the finals palermo defeated mil ton in a close contest and thereby won the federation of gncultuie t i ophj rfalton luniors were well and worthih leptescnud it the western ontario i- irld da held at guelph th following veck halton s teie- sciitatue- lompctid in every event with the vxiiption of scuaie danc- my hi tin bo softball loin nan lent hdlton dfalci norfolk ii to 8 but latci lost out to waurloo a 0 in tin mrls tournament llalton irls los out to hrint uhtch team lati t went on to um the- champion ship as a niattei of fict brant vvas th bin wirinei of tin day elinun- nting ha i ton in the tugofvcar ev nt and also took the honouis in the bos softball kfeat are the might mohawks from brant pi evident duo pelletterio and his fellow ofttccrs ate to bt commen ded on the mannei in which the halton i epresentativ es wore selecl tel and the credit lble ihowan made- lot that extra special piloting job call the herald we can ie you fast deliver phone h farm nfws wheat an important cash gop our export market takes any where from 4 to 7 million bushels of winter wheat annually and our domestic market an additional mil lion bushels in the mixed farming areas of halton fall wheat is our most important cash crop if the individual grower is to get his share of this matter there are a few mat ters which require attention 1 time between plowlnr and seed- ini under normal conditions yields are higher on fields where at least two months elapse between plowing and seeding 2 commercial fertilizer this is one crop where commer cial fertlli7er definitely pays nine years out of ten a fertilizer high in phosphoric acid is most desired due to its ability to help develop root growlii 3 high quality seed- smut annually takes a heavy toll in this county we can see no real reason for this tremendous loss true there is no very practical treatment for control of loose smut the solution is to secure seed from a field free from this fungus dis ease needless to add registered seed is a fairly safe bet however irrespective of whether or not the seed is registered wheat should be treated with one of the mercuric dusts like ceresan this treatment will eliminate stinking smut or bunt the presence of which results in quite a percentage of oav wheat being unfit for milling purposes 4 granary weevils this is another insect which an nually is a serious problem on many farms in this county the solution here would appear to be to clean up the granary before threshing time the insect can be controlled by ddt or a liberal use of used crank case oil and kerosene fur ther details on the subject can be secured from the agricultural of- flee in milton j r canadian sports parade survhying canadian track and field sports in general and the recent dominion track and field meet in particular is enough to bring us to cheer ani learn symultaneously cheers for the brilliant athletic per formanrch and teari for the fact tiiat our champions will not long be with ux c anadians have a lng and honoured record in the history of track and field and it serms a shame that in eighty odd years o competition we mm a natvin have little future to offer our athletes flying youth although the 1s1 dominion junior track nieet suffered severely from in clement weather the general caliber of the competing youngsters was very high indeed how ever the success story reniained much the same as in t he last fi ve years with lloyd percival toronto trade and field lub collecting most of the honours percival s pin wheels piled up a cmmunding 30t points with the montreal club running second with 61 h followed by the hamilton olympic lub the queens ctty spiks and the montreal olympic i rumps diliyin the id vantages of in ltd ust uned training methods th imc dominated in nearly all in tmn with us star performer rth i ergutoii finishing hiii junior reign by tting new retoids in the t miles and single mile res- pr tm ly with hying youngsters such as i crguon pete sutton mcewan and j ihnny ross can ida should x i i ii helsinki in 1s2 it all di- t ui t fr tin n to six miles if the in mii tn i mji vx i iiiorifi irn niillti is su ti it n 1 1 y i n i pressed i n the n xt ft vv wi i ks kmpty stands with o uiu h i r the dietr dtpiriminl wt triduittr to i sad n j 1 1 ih ri i him i mir tr k l tnd fi i i nit it i u r wr iiir 1 1 itipn t i i nit fix ui nht r in it iin i i ii i luif l tor flu lii r il di w i itl tit i i itid it i i hi t r i k ind lit i i t w rit s i i i tl r t i if i n il h i i t r ii m i it t n hut v ii i i it itt i lilli til t ciiiru tt t s m k no un rt r n i t 1 f turn rik our lit i i i r i in in it r in tin sps i iti r 1 i tii 1 1 it t st i i urn 11 i tin ti in v i i md r urid iil i h u m ki wirt sli tutd at the endless sweep of empty seats the boys were giving their all in record breaking style but few- spec tators had eyen bothered to come and see them run were nire that many a kid looked up too and saw thcte empty seats and wondered he likely though whats the njatter with us t guess were not worth anyones time or effort whatever the youngsters i hough t after weeks and months of pre paration the answer was very plain few sport fans thought enough o polished canadian sport ing talent to come out and cheer it along we ii leave the reasons to you the result to sum up our national track and field situation unfortunately is a very simple matter with only two jt three meeu a year the better than average canadian athlete finds him self listening to attractive offers from american colleges because apparently we have no real use for him at the moment rich ferguson pete sutton and other bright canadian trick stars are consider ing sport s hoi irslmk from michi gan i niversity ohio state and nebraska smn the ii tie lost to us for ilwas whit cin we di you ask to keep tlum htrt it h imt wtll v think that canadian s li- ami ii aji should develop sport uhnlarshtps r in tjuivalent ind put in t it i to tin lontinuil daniinik dr iin i t ur athktes f on t d to st l gntntr tit ids i 4 1 i fk int n iscl it tendance u ill jusiilv thi fuit i flforts being dtpl iid at tin ontiri stii r ii injpt oi-hip- juk mth at haiml t ii c iv ic st i hum ind the ittrn in i h hi b inipioriships it i i i v rl juk uth li h tjl i in v t r it wild we ve or tti n ur ii vi bet r specially prepared by a prominent canadian sports authority for ceeez ehewiig crjir iimiied many of our shareholders are men i but womn outnumber men among regis tered individual shareholders 6f dominion t ttfxtiks common stock there are 31 10 women and 222 men and the women own more shares than the men do over 95 percent of these shareholders live in canada they live in all provinces with quebec ontario british columbia manitoba and nova scotia leading in that order t none of these shareholders owns as much as one per cent of the stock domiaien tttula company limited manuf atruans or rtoaucn jl 5 control heattns year by year more aivd m6re of our wheat is combined due to the lack of labour equipment such as the combines is becoming increas ingly popular combines can and are doing an excellent job where properly operated and where proper care is taken of the threshed grain in too many cases however the threshed grain due in part to im maturity or the presence of some foreign green matter is allowed to heat in the bin not infrequently when this la discovered it la hauled h out to the mluer if it is not in sso bad shape i gets by and the g er getsnia money however condition of affairs all rea a wheat market and the price i what the individual realize la that if the bwfett it be retained for ontario wheal iriafj the grower is tftjfff est price thafr s then he miitjkmj dui

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