Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 11, 1951, p. 9

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ry page 3 the georgetown herald wednesday july i ith 1951 serve refreshing juices often j w hoy swwnwao oioa apefrtttt mfce juv 29c blended juice 352- 31 orange juice v 39c 2 n 35 for cool dekcious salads i pack fancy mm sockeye salmon 45 1aus omuin miracle whip 53 plain velvkta cheese l 29c rom mamd swmt wafer pickles u 35c mat mhtos corned beef v 47c fruit c vegetables ont grown large heads lettuce 2 for 19c 100s grapefruit 4 for 29c juicy 30oi lemons doz 49c ikw home grown 6 qt bskt potatoes 49c hot house tomatoes lb 39c attmm in ts ostom kownit pork beans 2 29 aulvmhouss enomm dessert pears nt 24c minx amorm infant junior foods 13 28c uunt botal era sliced peaches 20c lam- 1 with vss boiled dinner w- 29c un waxnot im lor smrs3 vogue hairdressing ivan hay now located in new premises on mill street next door to dale and bennett we will be pleased to meet our customers in our new location phone 204 coop news w binder and baler twine general farm supplies wire fencing coop quality feeds fresh at all times also master and pioneer feeds georgetown branch i milton district coop phone 86 service with a smile georgetpwn farm news hessian fly outbreak serious waltons winter wheat crop yould appear to be badly infested by an outbreak of hessian fly we base that statement on the comments of many of our farmer friends and in spection which we personallymade of ten fields on ujly 3rd prof essor h w goble provincial en tomologist accornpanled us bto the tour and a cursory inpectlon of the ten fields indicated- an outbreak from a lot of 2 or 3 per cent in the odd field to as high as so per cent in others in brief it would appear on the average as if to to 20 per oeht of the crop is infested with hessian fly and broken off at or near the first joint the insect is now in the pupa or flax seed stage in somes talks as higft as nine pupa were found needless to add nothr ing can be done to assist this years crop in our last weeks column we outlined the control measures rec ommended by our entomologists on this continent in brief it is recom mended that sowing be delayed as late as is safe and still get a good stand before wirter we are begin ning to wonder htwever if the hessian files have read the control measures which have been recom mended in any event there is plenty- of damage done in some of the fields that were sown the last week in september some of our wheat growers are in a bit of quan dary as to whether or not to plant wheat this fall whether or not hessian fly will be serious in 1952 no one knows in so far as we can ascertain weather conditions will be the determining factor personally we dont think our 1951 experience with hessian fly should scare one out of the fall wheat business isley reunion held in west mr henry islcy who returned homo last week after visiting with relatives in alberta for several weeks attended a family reunion at the home of mr and mrs william whitlock of triangle while there the reunion was on may 27th and it was mr isley s 74th birthday as well as the 80th birthday of his brother john present were fortyfive children and grandchildren with john isley his wife and belle isley coming from wetaskiwin for the occasion the main attraction of the day was a threetiered birthday cake bear ing eighty candles which made a very pretty sight when the candles were all lit mr -ttnd-mfbi- isley were pren ted toith a wellfiled purse to be used as they wish also a hand pain ted glass cake tray mr henry isley received numerous gifts as well the various presentations were made by the youngest son everett and the youngest daughter mildred mrs mahan hill uncle henry isley fitting thanked each who had pres ented him with gifts and dad isley thanked the family as a body end ing his appreciation by repeating the 23rd psalm he finished by say ing that little do we realize that gods promise is true until we have reelect faijh in iiril the parts closed with mrs mahan hill lead ing in the singing of god be with you till we meet again purchases property for parking erin village council recently com pleted the transaction of purchas ing the old horton hotel site and is setting up a supervised parking lot to accommodate erin shoppers rent a car from your local herts scent we furnish everything but the driver georgetown transportation company ltd 4 for expert eye ore consult o t walker optometrist main st nrth bruaptm over abejli drug store phone office 890 re 880 houn 9 am to 6 pjn daily evening by appointment 5otjltz electrical construction wiring motor repairs blna sewing machines heat wave banobs fred sdnaltz pbone 531 vr housing for the by4a aged james m mather md dph director and medical officer of riealth halton county healtih unit milton ontario canada in common with other countries where the standard of liv ing has risen arfd where industrial- ization has taken place faces a new and everincreasing problem a falling birth rate coupled with giant strides in preventive medicine has resulted in a steadily growing proportion ot the older age groups in our population many more cfiil- dren are living to maturity and on into old age the expectation of life has been markedly increased the battle against cancer and the degen erative diseases goer continuously forward certainly no one would wish the situation to be other than it la these older citizens have a definite contribution td make to our national economy however we must face the fact that this increase in the older age groups creates new and in some cases as yet unsolved prob lems there is the integration of the older employee in industry provi sion of special medical care finan cial help through some form of social security special recreational facilities and many other factors to allow these people to live normal lives and to give them the oppor tunity to contribute to the maximum of their ability to the life of our country not the least of the prob lems we face is the provision of spe cial housing facilities not too many years ago grannie and grandpa were welcome additions to our households they were hap py useful members of the family in the last generation the whole pic ture has changed our cost of living has steadily increased we have tended to become urban dwellers with smaller houses many of us are now living in apartments htous- ing has become increasingly difficult to obtain many of us have had to accept makeshift unsatisfactory housing few of us by our own eltorts have been able to provide financial sec- urily fo ou old age most of us would still welcome our older relatives in to our homes but in many eases it is not a practical possibility increa singly the responsibility of housing the older citien has been shifted to the state at least three types of housing must be provided there must be bed care for those who are no lon ger able to look after themselves there must be institutional housing for those who are still able to be up- iuid about uutcanjiq jonger maintain a selfcontained domestic establishment lastly but by no means least important there must be special provision for those who although they can no longer main tain a house are ouile capable of looking after an apartment type unit the efforts of halton county and the town of burlington to supply a solution for the latter two prob lems may be of interest and point the way for other municipalities in canada halton county is a small county with a population of out 41000 il 1lc3 qilthe shore of lake ontario bet ween woron to and hamilton from a densely popula ted suburban belt along the lake it stretches back to comparatively sparsely settled rural areas there are five towns and four rural townships the towns are quite heavily industrialized it has long been settled but the growth of pop ulation since the war has been large burlington is a tojvn of 6000 situa ted in a corner of the shore of lake ontario near hamilton it is prim arily a residential town bmt has considerable industry it is sur rounded by a rich farming area which is rapidly increasing in population for many years halton county has shared a home for the aged with peel county at brampton rec ently when it became apparent that considerable additional accom modation was needed halton coun ty decided to build its own home this is now under construction the new building has several important departures from tradition it is sit uated adjacent to the town of mil ton within easy walking distance for old people it is served by mun icipal water and sewerage the ac commodation for the older citizens is confined to one floor eventually cottages for the rec eption of aged couples will be con structed butoeven in the first unit to be built there will be provision for couples there will be none of the barrackstype of living quar ters father all rooms will have small numbers of occupants there will be no farm or farm buildings in connection wllh the home with this type of housing avail able those persons needing institu tional care but still able to care in part or themselves wlll have an op portunity to live put happy lives the town of buwlngton has been a pioneer in the provision of low- cost apjirtment housing for old couples in march 1948 an apart- going ion holidays i h- be sure to take along lots of kodak film remember those precious moments with pictures and to assure yourself of perfect pictures let us finish your films iri fotopack strip prints enlargements in strip form we guarantee satisfaction or a nevir film free 1 1 see our selection of inexpensive brownie and kodak cameras ment block was officially opened a second unit has since been built and a third is contemplated this housing development represents a cooperative effort on the part of the town of burlington civic organ izations and the federal government the town the lions club the can adian legion and private citizens provided 10 per cent of the cost through central mortgage hous ing corporation the federal gov ernment provided the remaining 90 ler cent by way of a mortgage over a period of 47 years at a low rate of interest the apartments rent for 1600 and 2100 a month the revenue is sufficient for mainten ance and to retire the mortgage old age pensioners widows or mo thers allowances and certain war pensioners are eligible to rent these apartments a board repre senting the town and interested ci vic organizations administers the property the apartments are mod- ren in every respect and the build ings are situated on a pleasant street in the heart of town here then is how a small county and a town in southern on tario have attempted to solve the problem of housing the aged their accomplishments should serve as an inspiration to other municipalities facing the same difficulties announce dates for eajll eairsjn ontario here are some dates that will be of interest to people in the district they are the dates for some of the kail fairs being held in ontario this year first up is the george town fall fair from september 14 to 15th others are bolton sep tember 28 29 brampton october 4 5 6 caledon september 28 29 cookstown october 2 sicooksville september 14 15 dundulk sep tember 13 14 erin october 6 and 8 fergus september 14 15 or 21 22 gait september 20 21 22 ac- onpmber 21 33 grand val- reedvale avenue east north east limit of goelpk- wednesday thursday july 11 12 kelly the second maxie rosenbloom and patsy kelly team in a ing story whacky box- ley october 5 6 markham october 4 5 and 6 markdale october 8 9 milton september 28 29 ohsewe- ken september 21 22 orangevllle september 18 19 streetsville sep tember 21 22 woodbridge october 6 and 8 the international plowing match will be held at woodstock oxford county october 9 10 11 12 a complete list of fall fairs in ontario may be obtained by writ ing to agricultural societies branch depl of agriculture par liament buildings toronto friday saturday july 13 14 desperadoes glenn ford claire trevor in a colourful western monday tuesday july 16 17 daughter of rosie ogrady color june jtaver gordon flacrae wednesday si thursday july 181920 50 years before your eyes house across the street double feature saturday monday july 2123 the untamed breed sonny tufts barbara brltton three stooges 2 shows nightly no 25 highway now completed surfacing of no 25 highway is now completed and a first class highway now connects milton and acton the law construction com pany which has been doing the work is moving equipment from the pit on rae scotts farm just west of limehouse to a new job at lan caster ont new and used traction power takeoff binders ii 1 hew 26 combine in stock ihc 2row corn binder like new mint allison massey harris sales service phone 100 mill street 1 a ysrtk1flm t 1

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