Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 28, 1951, p. 10

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i7f t jl the georgetowrt herald wednesday nov 29th 1931 harold s hare realtor farms suburban homes w cromar resident salesman georgetown 98 r 4 1 the preston touch i tn carpentrv renovations and building kitchen cupboards general repair work michle dredge estimates orby4he hour r 5 milton phohe 1m r 31 no job too big or too small now hew to guaranta k fundi for yur chiljfollb otlonrogodless wbo tho future moy havo in hoc la you wilf hillis phone ww street georgetown representing the prudential imuiumce ctmrum of amfjum a wuiutfi 1 iwwt ii i f y 11 s eavestroughing heating plumbing s don houston phone 547w v m continued from page 4 her first crosses assured her a place in the horticultural hall of fame her accornjijtehments with other plants in addition to lilacs marked her as a plant dreeder with a magic touch just about everything she set her handto was a turn for the better i v the isyringa uillosa syringa rej flex cross executed by miss pwr- ston resulted in a surprising number of new individuals just about every one of them an improve ment on what had been introduced previously a description of all the nametu prestoniae lilacs distri buted to nurseyrhen would fill a goodsized catalogue- so only a few of those regarded as superior by ottawa authorities will be mention- t ed here two of the first named prestoniae lilacs w t macoun and isabella were judged to have sufficient merit by the well known authority on the lilac susan delano mckel- vey to be described in her book the lilac later varieties were named after heroines in shake speares plays and some bf them distributed to nurserymen include the light colored celia and virgilia celia has large loose blooms lb inches jong and 9 inches wide drooping at the tips the bush and flowers make a good show and it is one of the latest to bloom vir gilia has slightly smaller blooms than celia jbut they are spreading and graceful in habit among the darker colored vari eties is bellicent regarded as the most ornamental of the group and earned a first class certificate from the royal horticultural society 1946 betlicent grows seven eight feet tall bearing blooms fly or six inches long jessica features very large blooms on a rather open bush those who like a dark colored lilac would like jessica a variety considered to have sufficient ornamental value to stand by itself in the middle of the lawn was named fountain it makes a rounded bush six or seven feet tall and is covered with long pen dulous flower clusters resembling a fountain for about two weeks ethel m webster muriel and peggy are three showy varieties worthy of a spot in most gardens in the past the illy hasnt been in the same crlass as the lilac far as popularity is concerned the ordinary gardener just hasnt taken to them the way he has with othei ornamentals lilies need a little more care than the lilac requiring a cultivated siot in the garden and of course they dont possess the hardiness necessary to hi inn them through the winter in the ml lr sections in canada since the cold areas in canada are somewhat ex- field for gardeners who couldnt previously expect very much frq their lily growing efforts prestons lilies helped to take trie lily away from the fancier and put it in the hands of the ordinary gardener y having hit on something out standing in her yearly work at guelph with the george c creel- man lily miss preston clicked again soon after her arrival at ottawa in i93i the fiw variety etttsedat ottawa to reoelve recognition fp the royal horticulture society in england was lady byng a late blooming vigorous plant with or angescarlet flowers spotted with deep purple a cross between 1llium davldi variety willmottjae and lilium dauricum produced the now famous group of stenographer lilies seven seedlings showed promise of adding something special to warrant distri bution to the public they were named after the girls working as stenographers in the division of 1 you could wish for in horticulture at ottawa miss pres- understandable iiained fanc on thii highest prices farm paid for scrap iran steel metals batteries miscellaneous scrap delivered to our yard 178 caroline st n hamilton l waxman sons abone hamilton 27061 and 83611 tensive its lilies havent tional scale in recent years however the pic ture has changed tnoie and nmie amateur gardeners have lhcn at tracted to the lily and you find an increaiinn nuinlwi in canadian gardens every year the possibili ties of arousing interest in the lily brightened considerably with tin- introduction of isabella pnsluns stenographer and fighter air craft groups of varieties here were hui races containing hybrid varieties of unusual merit selected fur their uilily to withstand cana dian winters they broadened the tons personal choice among the group is phyllis cox because of the brilliant color an orange red that deepens towards the tips probably the most widely dis tributed and popular of the group is brenda watts a tall vigorous grower with orange red flowers although grouped together the various varietiej have their own distinctive characteristics which make any or all of them valuable acquisitions to the home garden the first to bioerin in june is lil lian cummings a light reddish or ange while the latest one to bloom is grace marshall which is of a darker hue the dark red flower ed edna kean and the orange col- ortrd lyln mccann and murieu candie arc other members of the group anyone can grow with the utmost satisfaction of interest to breeders it wasnt long after the steno grapher lilies came out that miss preston realized they were prob ably more valuable as breeding stock for further improved varie ties than they were for ornamental effect for out of the stenographer uroup has come another outstand ing race the possibilities of which are only beginning to be appreciat ed in namin some of the offspring of the stenographer lilies during the last war ottawa officials de cided to call them after some of the famous fighter aircraft of the last war irurricano and spitfire grew from seeds of the fdna koran variety rut unlike the parent and an the other stenographer lilies on which the blooms face outwards ifjinicane and spitfire had stlviething new to offe- the flowers faced upwards this inno vation created a minor- sensation since the habit is distinct i rum any other illy a seedling of iyla micann ty phoon also has the characteristic of facing upward the color varies among the fighter aircraft group typhoon and hurricane are red while spitfire is a flaming scarlet mosuito is another- member of the group arising from the edna kean hybrid but it has drooping flowers rather than the upright habit corsair is similar- to hurri cane except for color the blooms are yellow flushed with red a yellow flowered group of seedlings from the stenographer group has already attracted atten- lp head optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 58 st georges square guelph established 20 years 1 uoluj rs v t v or a wets for every occasion design work a specialty bpihm member tds y 1wraph dauvety service dy win anjrwhere in tba world liljs 3 ip- ki liag i ml jhsajl puis kali allken hi 1he weekend tel the weekend tely com bining weekend picture magazine a whole section of colored comics plus the regu lar telegram is on sale every saturday for only 10 cents at all newsdealers r i rmirav a7 st i lion with two named varieties coronation and sovereign corona tion is considered a most important development in illy breeding at ottawa and is believed to be the forerunner of a new valuable race many unnamed seedlings from this parent still on trial at ottawa may find a place in canadian gardens they display many desirable fea tures along with the bright yellow blooms such as the upward facing habit of some of the fighter air craft group in 1945 coronation won the acclaim of both the royal horti cultural society and the massa chusetts horticultural society al though not quite as hardy as the enograpber lilies coronation has a place in the general garden be cause of its yellow color it stands about three feet high blooming in late june or early july it has borne up to twenty flowers on a single stalk the variety increases very rapidly from bulblets or scales in the rosybloom crabapples miss preston developed one of the most colorful groups of shrubs ny garden the well shaped small trees start their annual show early early in may in some years with a mass of bloom ranging through various shades of pink and red then through the summer the striking purplish foliage continues to at tract attention to this highly orna mental garden specimen in the fall the trees provide a brilliant show of autumn colors and the ruddy colored fruits certainly dont detract from the spectacle iawn specimens the rosybloom crabapples already brighten up the lawns and surround ings of many homes across can ada and the united states through the growing season and no doubt more will appear as miss prestons work beconies more widely recoej nlzed one of the showplaces of the continent can be found along ottawas famous driveways when the rosybloom crabapples lining the streets burst into bloom for a ten- day period in early spring dr macoun laid down that miss preston should cross malus pumula with malus baccata in search of something portraying the best fea tures of both in 1920 it was felt that there was a need for plants with coloured foliage to add variety to the shrubbery border something that would be hardy enough to be of use- to the majority of canadians the popularity of the rosyblooms proves that dr macoun and miss preston achieved their aim the colourful shrubs were not developed without difficulties the fruit of the parent stocks on the grounds of the central experiim-n- lal farm ottawa proved too at tractive and some of miss prestons early work was swallowed up by the hungry passersby many proud owners of ottawa itosyhloom crab apples find them useful as well as ornamental since the fruit makes highly flavoured jelly and preserves the rosybloom crabapples devel oped at ottawa all bear the names of canadian lakes some of the more outstanding in the group in clude the early blooming athabas ca and cowichan medium early amisk krie muskoka and temis- kammg the late makamik scugog and huron and the very late sissl- puk in miss presons opinion cowa- rhanis probably the best early one blooming profusely every year and bearing a good crop of fruit suit able for jelly cowichan makes a spectacular show in the autumn eric is a mass of bloom in the spring but unfortunately does not flower every year nor is the fruit altogether satlslactory for jelly makamik is considered the btst as an ornamental flowering tree and can be dependjed on to bloom ev ery yeai miss preston also applied her tal ented hand to improving the per formance of iris varieties with many of them becoming popular among iris fans in britain as well as the united stairs and canada she re gards the large pale blue oatineau siberian iris as useful in the flow er border and as cut flowers other poultry breeders show at royal several local fancy poultry bree ders have had good success with their showings at the royal winter fair included in the exhibitors were corey herrington percy clark and son clarence spence gordon spence and harvey lusty mr herrington was judging the his sixth consecutive yecr at the royal jhe handled the ancona club meet as well as judging asiatics and american birds hybrid varieties that distributed are the dark matane white matapedi pickanock violet rim and skeena violet in her work with ri sidered outstanding x just the same a number of creations were judged worthy of introduction be cause of their hardiness algonquin is very efltcllve as an ornamental- growing to a heightoften feet and spreading eight feet across tmr bloom to rosy iunk- something very unusual appiwred in the mlc- mac variety a deep purplish red foliage much richer in color than the foliage of any other rose at the central experimental farm dr macoun wasvvery anxious to dev- page 10 elop a variety of this type however about the time mjcmac was about ready to bloom he died the above makes a pretty im posing list of ornamentals develop ed by any one personjpr inatdtur tion the record remarkable when you consider that the originator isabella t preston ac complished the feaji in her own practical way without benefit of highly scientific methods of plant breeding in use today mia pres tons education was of the practical rather than the tw j even so her results overshadowed many of the more irtrntlflraffy- designed programs undoubtedly isabella preston has a special chain or touch necessary to produce re- suits with plants j i l rtigii igfs floral desk aix ocoamqns mw tkacx auraoc i ss a autf tkacji 4yeakous is7 mtlf 7b- team to pol f sb k mts track cvoee saools z qt 6 mile tkaccauaoe attention farmers we are paying the highest prevailing prices for dead or crippled farm animals horse5 cattle hogs telephone collect for immedite service cordon young umitld toronto em 33636 guelph 3334 georgetown ii i i i w ik jjk p your teuephont is one item that tak a smaller part of your budget than it utuil to its cost haul t gone up as much aa most other things in another way too the telephone ia bigger taltat today than ever before now you can reach twice as many people aa you could ten years ago and more telephones are being installed every day if you havent service we want you to know wsva working at it your place on the list ia being pro tected and your telephone will be installed just as soon as possible til jkl failpmni mmmmmm cairut nut ran mciuhs miiii hi rijtt u nut wrmii i resstfi sjswm 7ft gf

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