theeoreetownlffiraifi second section georgetown ontario wednesday january 23 1952 second section its the great showboat at roxy technicolor musical plays three days here this week here are your etars of showboat prom left to right kalhryn- grayaon howard keel ava gardner joe e brown agnes moorehead and robert sterling what council did on wednesday january lfith appointed wulitm hyde us chief jck harlow as deputy and enrtn lwu trunk driver for le brigade harry saving retiring cniei spoke strongly in favour of a pro posed yurrn by which oeor town would have an agrenunl with tnt neighbouring part of bkiueslnt township to uppl fi protection a similar achrme is i process of organization in milton this would mean the purchase of tin additional tire truck and building pf a mw fire ball esqueeing ihani tin t xlra ort and the brigade membership would be extended to include more local mombera mr savings said that the township council seems to fa vour the plan he pointed out to council that within the next fw yean the bell telephone dial sys tern will be in operation and the town will not ivc the present er vice supplied by the company for ringing the siren mayor armstrong poke highly of mr saving service during his term as fire chief snd said that he iud heard mr sa ingi intended to icvcr connections with the brigade but hoped that he would reconsider for his years of experience could be of value named standing committees for the year the first named being chairman finance mcgluray goodlet marshall allen water vacdonald marshall hale streets good let macdonald sargent hale welfare llgh and police mar shall sargent petch veterans affair and firemen hale allen petch in protected b legislation mayor armstrong said ht thought council would bt irxadlng on d ingerous it round to place restrw tloiis on cer tain business but said that informa tion ouid b sought about the liactict in othn towns win oiouht up lo dalt on the omphcuutl biikiririh about a baaia of county dsjinuni 01 tr ik lug mil id- vouiit tax i ill by lluiry wiljs of tht firm of parkinson i n diner willi a hoberts who c td a solicitors for dwr jt luwn in iht hiarings mr willi ixillnul tlut he had i tt n retained i t junt by georifi town council to act in the matter of tsstssink costs of north halton high miiooi district georgetown had pro u st d tht ruling of a board of arbl tration to apportion school costs be twicn fte municipalities involved tht arbitrators had decreased es- jui dnk eosts 8 r cent at george low lit txpense giorkuiwn even tually made a proposal to accept a 1 nr ct nt increase and a munlcl 1 hoard rutin has be n m idi to thu cttect which will be binding jor fivi years unless the assess mint in any one municipality in- cntjpscs by ten percent for two con secutive years mr willis said this had been an cxcllent piece of busi ness and would sae the town con siderable money in school taxes when g corn clown burlington and oakvllle protected the new county equalization in octotni mi willis w ajs again ntatned to act for the tdwn he took the position that the by law was invalid as evidence hhowtd that county assessor ford rogers had proceeded wrongly supposedly tht equalization was madt on mun cpalttits which had ml be in ittsetised under tht new let industrial surgentf petch good county system on the contrary i willis found that some municl- mcgllvry public works tetch hate building st property mcgik ray macdonald allen some pnlitics had not finislu 1 thi w nscsstmnts and mr rogers had liken estimates tor these which waj illegal judge robinson he said had taken a similar view but had suggested that countv- cautkiltiulu iron out the matter without taking it into thi cou this had been done at a meeting wheh mr willis h d not been asked to attend and it this meeting it was decided to forward a copy ot a ttstiluttin 1k inn the equalization to all munlcl- i nl it lis to be mgneds after check- wi with geotbtlown council he had tlkncd this agreement a few days liter he receiver another it solution which contained a joker which if turned over a bill for 25 frqjjiiknid would mean that georgetown the hydro commission to the in- would sign n way any gains made will allow no tax exemptions for farm land within the municipality this year council may by law give an axemptlon up to 4 mills for farm land which they do not feci has all the advantages of town ser vices if it is requested by a certain date b the ownor only applicants this year were the misses moore and council felt the exemptions dltt not hold in tht case of their prop erty that mr willis had not been asked lo attend the meeting because he mr marshal undirstood thst it was lo be a meeting of county coun t lllors only though hi had found win n he got then that most mun u miliuen had also st nt it gul counsel i h touthtrn municljiautlcs hr said hut igreed to t ke all but um point f tin amount in disoute uml tills 1 int i lit 1 ix t i fctuiivd by bmuea nils on and geor ji io- n t w n taking 4 i led a m niltttt miijtost d i got tilt t m il mcdonald d mlti to ml out v il otlur untili in no th 1 tut tun itl ilout t til school jut at i on john lit 11 di j ii mlliu and tit r lluhn georgetown rep res intatltc on the school toard had ihtn asked to meet with council and mr hell tuw a resume of pro to date when georgetown itlltu the iist i let two years aeo i t said thi itimtton wai whether one etntral school would be built fruitless arkui lg foi two ytar had ccoqipllshed nothing all systems hnd leen discussed on two and thrst schools and at iusent i motion was on the school loard s books to build new schools il ceoriiitown and acton und retain the present oik m ntijtqn the tep t of education which original ly recommended n central school in the country has done an about face nd mr bell aid now says it should be in a town but still holds to the idci that one central school is best the school boird must initiate ac lion he continued but four of the five councils involved must igrec or thi department of fducatlon will not act thi matter is strictly pollt icil he said tu school board owns no school in acton and has a poor one in georgetown fnd the geor- kitown membtis would like advice from council as to how they should pioceed this year asked individually by mayor arm strong for opinions the consensus or council spoiled to faour trying for one school for acton and george town but if this did not work to uo ahead with iwo mw schools mr biehrr said j bjqjev ed before any new building plans wci t discussed t continued 6n palfi bt one of the most ai during nu1- als of all limt fdi- vcrbers show uottl tomes to the roxy tor tht last three days of this week this is the third filming of ihe broadway hit in thtt early days of the talkuv blondt 1jiurj 1- 1unte starred n the inovt a later version brought iron ounm to star dum along with allan jones who is playing in toronto this week in the musical show guys and dolls thr nrw show lioat is u techui tolor vlieying featured parts as hjivrmtl und magnolia are howard keel seen recently in annie get your gun and kathryn grayson playing th o iglnal paul robeson iolc is negro singer william war field and as maifnolia a mft whi h the late 1ft len morgan made fa moua on stage and srrcen is mrs krank sinatra ava gardner lo you others n the star studdesd cast are lovable joe e brown as captain andy agnes moorehead marge and gower champion adele jergen and regis toomey show boat is more than a musl tul it was a successful novel long befon jerome kern composed his im tutiful music why do i love ou bui olc mun river mik lit rive its heart warming sm t ts a tile id tjf drama comedy and pitlos wi h pl nty of binfcinit ina dant ink hull whm to see it 1 i yll uams annual meeting of glen united church j i try 4tl members of the i ui ti i 4 lurch hhd th lr an il i t tti k r alex cowan t j in 1 ih i i in mi mlwri of the 1 f tt w irtls wer reinstated m i i1 wht lo mrs allxrt iiw 1 j hn itnlaftc william s ho k id mf goodwin with bert mullock add tti to tht ikkird clay- f i allen norman felkrr and jack i h to prise tht ltrrt of session nl mrs hot i ok k mil alf jw ii irt i i tit rs otht r church tunis irr mrs curly wheeler mlssior ir mi uliinncf mrs nor m in ft ike r nrlopc steward mrs jnt k add ork mist alf goodwin issist mt org- mm cecil barth secretary mrs selker mrs addy mrs wheelt r sick committee be i orts f the diftertnt organizations vhowtd that the church had enjoyed lfwwl yea r 1 nd m r co w ji n ex ten itl his nppjeclillon to ill for their splendid work on the same da the annual iretlnk of the sunday school was ht 1 1 mr cow m also presiding at this ajf goodwin is superlnten- ii nt with i cslle deforest assistant fa ill wheeler rctary ruth press nod tretsiirer und gail wheeler ii mist tctichtrs in the sunday school are intermediate boys les dcforem ah goodwin inttrmediite irlrls mrs win wheeler primary pirls ruth presswood mrs curly wheeler primary boys gall whee ler marl gibhs beginners mrs vlpjin wngstaffe mrs herb hancock 1ajim ntwk hmjton peel juniors debate farm accounbnfi reolved that compulsory farm irtounting would be advantageous tu canadian agritulture was the ubjeet of tht inter county debate between llalloi and peel junior roirrwr held m tht junior farm er building brampton on friday i onlng last ifajton refj-reaenta- tives stuart mcrsdden and dick course upheld the affirmative and while they made very able presen 1 alio nt found the compulsory fea ture of the subject too much of a hand leap to overcome consequent ly tfi judges decision went lo the peel team of blanche wanleas and wilson doves brookville ano palermo juniors presented their respective amateur ntertainment skits sweet violets mtl school days and won high t ommendatlon from the large aud it no present miss helen nesbitt county dlrec toi for peel presided over the ex- tellent programme while david pel- it tterio halton versatile county president led in a most enjoyable sing song tne evenings program included with a dance in short it was a dtltgitru evenings pro o im and tolh counties may well ih proud of their respective jun lors bruce harding gml teacher lulla mala 81 savib fdonx tftsr margaret bradley harding pianist teacher ua4u halb st gmth nions s i i thirntj highest prices paid tor scrap iran htl mcula llatlerles mlaecluitevaa paraa ben delivered to our yard i7s caroline st n hamilton i waxmansons thone ilunllun 27m1 ni mil nrrance company th hydro c f b in the high school ed the town wai at fault when a trspuie i he h a oeor- treesjj john street which wa be- itovvn not to accept and at preaent ina cut down hy the town men ell acroai a hydro wre and cauaed da maje which it qogt s29 to repair will inveatisate the coat of taxi licence in neighbouring towm and whether there era restriction on int couiuy ua in the position of having no baiia on wtrich to strike un rale for 1d52 mr willis was handed a copy of jl third arrccmcnt w hich heeve marshall and deputy reeve mae- donajd had been given at county the number of caba allowed to op- council the previous day which was enw substantially the tame as the first jack morrow operator of jacks nd deleted any references to the taxi and charles crawford opera- hl achool question this he sold tor of georgetown tax appeared appedred to be allight a meeting before eponeu to uggat that tise- was-to- be held in milton on friday jcal licence ee of tzs be lowered w judge robinson ta try arid u heenees were cheaper in other rially settle the- matter and mr places in toronto mr morpow said the tw l only b eab he also thought theventoparatorsliould willis waa asked by oouncllto at tend and act lit the town again reeve marshall then explained mrs t m sttr a recent bride in toronto waa linda glnsburg who woe mar ried to thomas murray stltt of fort william she is the daugh ter bt mr and mrs samuel iglrisburg and granddausmer of mr morris saxe of town mr and mra stltt are honeymoon- lng irr florida itelegram jphoto t rm nfws halton jersey cows complete records thert v as considerable jersey ac- livilijn the- county of halton in nrccmber lflj judglnit by the numbor of records that hae been cnmpktttl one of the highest rec ords in cnnida wa that computed ly llnjnle fi elln i ucllo 12080r bred nnd owned by maurice c iuat or milton at nine vears luclle pioduced 10b0 lbs of milk 721 ih of fat in im das qualifying for gold medal certifi cate othti cows were reported jrom i indole also from the herd of g r hume a son of milton w j cleave md son nonal completed recom- v records aqd in the herd of lloyd crichton m geoigetown nor- vol vohinteers rosf 182211 pro- duceo a junlpr fouryearold record in 185 days of tm4 lbs of milk and km lbs or fat tho hlghproduclng herd of hans krolss ot oakvllle which is jointly owned wth mrs belle ldvlne hos o high record in produced by high land oakl pansy 147809 atljeven years pansy produced 9439 is of mlk and 580 lbs ot fat in 365 days howard r laldlaw norvoi t- porta a417 lb senior twoyeerojd record in 305 days george trewer at moffat reports two twoyear olds with good records completed in december corptown see regular ad page 3 front hiction 3 big showboat days 3 thursday friday saturday jan 24 25 26 i new and i technicolor t001 4 si 1 1 niiaas ui m jim tu m uw mstcaxcshtnhfjurukwt fuu kuwt isui umatbitlh i mt ss tiu imntikw saw fu w wiiiriim aiikurh tmma