the georgetown herajd jan 23rd 1952 fl i i it the third at a eerie of alatlj 1nf wfcltb johajt c gait aaatotaat aepoiy ulfilatar of arwtur for ontario and fona- ajryaafralatyjnamf oo- tad rinawaiii aaaadaliao wiu aahaa about tba vuit ot canada llabualhnatc britlati hat oarmany paninark and swe- wall were bara at i mutt my that or two day wa hare beea u wa would ever arrival mate eeamed to ba doing bar beet to daiay u ai much u poaalbla hi for lha moment tt if coins to ba lint a hall aad tarawalt enecwb- xrr with th hub ot thacoramon- waalth early iomdkrow morning we ate flying ta hamburg to begin aur weeve atay in 06 akar two day in weataro aerfnaay wa will motor to copanlutjan or a three day aojeurn in denmark and than fly u- stockholm for two day in sweden back again than to loo- don my two companion ibyear old eugene timber of mllltkan qnt and norman tyndall 24 of rleb- tnond iiu1 ontario and i checked in leaa than three houri ago o wa avent had much chance to eae anything of the city except tba brief gumpee from the taxi aa we drove from waterloo atatton to marble arch it may b my maglraallnn but van tba traffic aounda illffareat over bare it baa a mutad quality ilia hoottoote of the cab and can and the rumble of tba buaaa do not aeem to have tba earnlarelng pitch peculiar to near york street car or tram aj i uaad to refer to them are uaad only is aoaaa of tfce older aaeuoha of tba dry and ja a few of the anburba tbecfiant doubledecker b of the london tranaporv board bar gfaauy lanbraaaad hotaun and eugan tnalr flret c wa why dont we have ham la can- de- they war even mora to- preaaed whan our taxi drltar old them the ttraat can ware alas double decker it doaa aeam a log- calroelhod of moving mora paopla at one time than running two tingle decker buaaa or tram a you know from our laet letter wc were two day behind aohadule when we left new york the quean mary had been delayed on her prevtoua run by atlantic etorme i puis sf k8k ont thf fmattm of a olxllflfd electrician whttmee electric oonnaotob phone 7mw ar j ovoeoetown r ii m m whan the weather cleared on lha third day out we all hoped that aha would be able to tnaka up time but unfortunately it did not turn ouf lhat way on our third day out i bald a telahpone con- veraetian with our hoeitobe in england ihe eao petroleum ool lid and that wai quite a thrill titling aboard uu giant of the- ocean 1900 muaa from the naaraat land and talking by radio phone to prank bui in hi office at queen anne oate london the reception wa so clear that ha might lint have bean on the lower deck arrangement ware made than to cut ihort our anticipated twoday tay in london and leave almost im mediately for wait oarmany norman ha two great dealre to fly the aoute of the air lift into uerlln and a quick trip behind the iron curtain it seem that i will hatr to keep a close eye on him t thr huulnn in east germany might not appreciate that hi uninvited presence wa prompted only by an- intereit in agriculture it is strange the thing that im press people some of our american lellowtravrllet found great humor in the fact that the english and eur lcuii passenger left helr ahoes cmtsule their luteroomdoors even when it was explained that thry were left simply for cleaning it niiird a lot of merriment in n mnocrnce we early fell urmil of the steward we iiskr1 lilm for t lie- key to our tuleroom the little steward wa obviously insul ted md in a voice that almost cut us t rlhbons leplled there are no keys r nothing has every ben i ajst r rassr lit glimftt e btrtffrtn mt iht grealmta this nslia ml tbt eeew grtjlier mltrrf tresve it tristim in grp i term tkitjmtmrt imlh rytt indrtki tbtmtmnji yur chiljrmm plahia in hr hru h to canadian 5ijofcafc nld no ii 1931 itsi s7f m laa rsn i uesn tkts nis what will his eyes see 5 big things art happening in canada fway etluuwum tt ft urti ttxul urhl pnetatr i it ll ttm tvfjialit t i ttiilcaatii ynlicm- truttm th ttml mh mi cattufi li iisl fnaadlm m b utrmu ftwmt mav mm hflu wrl ml 1m- iton omlfm ir im- tfe dbnvwfw it tiki uu km tlnltt tturvt f ssi km un wgh fiwil fff limtafamat vmklt urn fopulation i pfn km tmmut nj in ynti h m i1m1 u4 iinki mi m anuvaituimo hhw tumntj hi mmlwill fimh wan wjmj la tmti kmma 1141 m4 11ul lttotv ttufr cautfi hmllu vtrtaft iqlitt rt numltiat hvorolllcttlc dtva ofmintcimii u vtw isli imim 4mlaff hy4r ilmtric iwiifwir lfch b iki ikh 11 4 kmnre- imycm ulttlwtutrmw wha hw ir tluttrntjniu lltftw let awlm tvhtavtwwf hit my far hav ln hfil nftr ihon hit molhr far sosn tky will m forth kit hem hit school hit town hit provlnc hlycauntry hi canada that on day will b hit from year to year tlic royal bank of canadas annual financial statement is a measure of canadas vitality and growth the figures are cold as figures must be but the story they tell is an exciting story for you and for your children total assets of the royal bank have now passed the 23 billion mark a figure never before reached in canadian banking history totaldeposits eiceed 23 billion another canidian record interest bearing deposits of nearly 1 124000000 the highesr point ever reached by the bank- are an indication of the thrift of canadas dtiaens loans to canadian farmers fishermen to manufacturers- to firms large and small and to individuals exceed 600000006 these impressive figures are more than an index of the royal banks record of accomplishment they axe a dear indication of canadas economic health and the scale of opportunity that is ours nu stolen on this boat norman i thluk abould hava bca a newiprprman he circulataa in th tnoai amaziog fashion and in th abc short days we were aboard ac cumulated a fund of afrieuhuraj imowledge that seaens to covar moat of the 48 state eugn spent a lot of hij time in the company of a urge gentleman from georgia and h was to be expected that one day it wa slob e expected that one day he would aay you all u ready cor brealcfaatr friday was a day of great d- appointment for many on board we had moved into the channel and had expec ted to dock at cherbourg in france we mis- wd high tide and ttaif to wait 12 memaatyadl hour lo tth ln some of the ervicrmeni wives ubotird who had expected to meet their hutbands on hore broke irito tcurs norniisi didn thcd a ivur he laid th- wouldnt tare li a ktrong wind t jine ailonk iii id blew u down to iomugul li 1 1- on the queen airy wn loo kiioil ijr iiim- kugeur with lts nath wrftrr ui till blood lucxm- iiall ii iiiiit ktu i t like h iuiy ilftwnia icui rhangf humfi tin- drluy wi dup- intii iixl a i- didn t ift into suiitmitii intil sutiilay tliere a 11 ish itisin hi houi wmt tut uur 1 1 tin ilerti it inridniuill a huh mmd us ijidry uj to waler- lio i ett ioi ci the tjnk of the 1 h inn s him uu staliun w i ould ihi durih- of st to ul r cut he- di 1 k io ttx- i it u our cast hiiiim in ihaintiv sun jif dif- i i ti i- tit iilli- ti thr tiuon a uiiliimiii i ui i iuiki it a iiiimiii im ili 1 strp rroni the i i onto i latlorni jnilriid of doai truk lril all sthois 111 kiki ui tonrtrucud m that mil- loiiit thr luilh nllurd hilifh iis vtf ih diitr tlh-k- ri ui ii iii nis ifmii very if u mi moih vunjttd that it i t litth hilly lor tli iib- iit h if in 1 nh vi r trcta ii o to bed mow w nivr u i- j il lw- n noli airirt nt 7 ho n 1 1 x t irtlrr a ill tn- li on o a ii kurnfr all the ii i il jivtiifn to at j of 1951 fire loss was very low i- inlohs lo gsrgttovn lat year wis vciylow a iijmmi utmnul to loiiniil by iilirtic fire wlff llrr ivii ut widiirsday listed total lirr da- jnikr it 5iih live hundred dollar of this viis hi a fire which damaged ihr dub tooim at 8t georges church in may and the balance was ro vinall hsr in i number of other tires the fire hnjcide had n iirhl year with only fifteen calls received al- tokrther in tnnuairy the brigade was railed to henry davit wood pimliicts when a defective eloctrlc motor threntenwl to cause a fire in kehruary a call was received from the home of dave stamp where frozen water jihs wcxr lelng thaw ed out and one from norman drowns home which was cancelled before the fire truck was taken out grass fires ycre extingiishcd near jack armstrong- home in march and on market street- un a lot owjyd by william mcnally in ap- mlthere pr three calls in may an nil stove file nt cordaro candy 1 s georgea fire and a- chlm- ney lire at frank vanwycki in lune the brigade win called ta- extinguish fires in a motorcycle and a car in july to the rose bnr reg- taurani and in soplember to the isaac bennett home where the hy dro wires were blown down in a moriu- another car fire in october i brush fire near oarrogera clean- ehs plant and thcall to the home of jack ciinninghnm for n chesterfield fin in november completed the yejns activity for the brigade travel notes air excursions to bermuda btmcot ruaatb t tcji at rashveg exeanua rata s14960 we can alao arraaga haul nimiii iilnn and all nrian tour john r barber traaal atrrtaw tum o tboimon tnsuttance sebvicb ii hi cross auto parts for all makes cars am trucks tire trom 30x31 s lo 825x20 24uoux towing and winching cbev dj axle bus phone 9rll milton rea robert st phone 131 flowers for every j occasion i design work a specialty j bondch member tds j trlegraph delivery servtca flowers by wire anywhere in the world norton floral phone 33w georgetown dead stock horses cattle hogs aaoaactoaru gordon young limited the royal bank of canada one of the wortbs gkmmanks orowino with a 6kow1no country v total a8s1t8 exceed 2soo000000 i a irffs tells junior earmers of trip to chicago at i ineetlng or norynl junior farmers and junior institute on juhuiiry ltiruth brown told mem bers of ier triu to chictigo wh she had won as an inchievetnent da p award stanley joy v of milton juniors pqktt to he buyi and led in recrca- tlon- in the joint meeting uoits for the meet ing were- john nnrf eccles mccluro niiifitmcgiurehonieon the oth line l stop and see us for t forthnt extrospecinl print ing job just phone the herald no 8 v v pontlacal hiicks vauxhall j ojmc trucks parts accessories tres i datteries go selection of ised cars complete service and repai lbriltjriir kbdlulmai