Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 5, 1952, p. 6

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vtx gboeoetown htw1j wednesday eronlmf march s 1051 face for expert eye care consols o t walker s main el north brampton over abetts dru store mbbk 0e 8m bee uo boon 0 em u ojn dally efeealoa lr appointment jip cross auto parts foil all makescak3 and tkucks tiro from 30i3h4 to 823x30 24hour towlnf and wlnrhlns service cbcv dj asles bus nionb ssall milton res robert st phone 131 stop and see us for ronttacs bdicks vauxiiaix ohc tiocu pasts accessories ibit battkueb good selection op utjkd cass complete sebvicz and rktajjl8 lome garner motors acton mala 8treei final ill highest prices paid tar kara iran 8tccl mrtate batteries afteeellaaeeos farm scrap delivered to our yard its carolina st n hamilton lwaxmansons fbana hamilton z7m1 and sm11 maim micll ald ton dead stock horses cattle hogs uroaortotrn gordon young limited bowl at the lucky strike join in the fun weekly prizes for v mens lnrjiea hidden score in open bowling x open bowling monday and tuesday aiternoons friday njtes from 930 all day saturday 10 eoxlt to 1 130 pm hill st beside the rosy visit our snack bar mutual salesman passes million this u the eighth and las of a aerie of weekly stories written by john a cvrroll assistant deputy minister of agriculture for ontario and fomnerly trteysturymanager of tin ontario ilvnun s jastoci ition about the vlsd f cmadas ciuiiw pion pluwimn lo tlu ilriwah i sits crmany i n nark nnd sw cde lumdou lis i ither lorn ly lure in ibt lit t tity tn thu world i- our dis ago i watt bed my uo join torn unions of tiit juit six weeks dejart for tanidi arid hom- ily thi time you njl this they will have bee ii iwik for inort than i uiik nnd 1 too shall be once aain titxllnt n adun mjil trying- to readjust my- if and so i rnn il it la lom l ty rt though ihi rt it mu h for me to do tint in my kovt mint nt olllclal to m in tins 1 11 witk 1 mlaa the hante r and com i t tit of norman ntrmjii ryndall of richmond if ill oiit und en i- utt lie tlmlx nt of mdllkeii out as i vvatehitt th lr plain fltssip- piar from view i could not f et 1 proud of tiictii thiy hivt bet n two jicrfctt unofficial ambissadeirs for canada for canadian agricul ttire and for can id ian youth it j m wilhuut say i nil they wire am haxvadors for ci ruidlan plow i nt with thim rtturned to can ida two silver tups out in the kiviinlnn of ctne and the other lutked in noniwn s bags ii for a ce ruiln i i mint of mis fortuix that pumed to dot the trj foulslrif at ilelfist they would have bet n taking mort thin two rupi bat k on tht priilm d ty be fori tht oiihtrn irtlmd inttrm lion il m iti h ht id nt arrmgh sonth of lb if i t tin rt w ii ii huh of frost in the low wt fit id tht y w t rt ustnjs although tin y wen full of corifidt nct both of tht in had troublt in tht i i of tht mitth an o emit tit know f ill h id loft two hi f hes of snow m iht sloping contt st ana w h n i nil on of tht mxt mx trie tors entered is ennvt rteti to stt 1 1 lx fore tht match ou w ill appieciitr that it uni slliptry norman plowed v i i bout rteel krtpn he plow ei with conf idt nee and put up a kd crow n he had the b id lock to finish in i w rt depression but we were proud of his work and heirti miny complimentary re nnrki he won tht ovtrsen clnss opt n to non resitltnts of uk akiliit plowmen from holl ind ind hw iln rlind and norw ly u ho pi t cetl in thai or h r b hind ui thirt wort m my fivoriblp com ments too on f ujont s vt chief ly on the job ht wis it ikin under dfftuultie his 1 nul w it sloping and slippt r tht re isoji for his dimnfil w s twofold his trim ind his skill whin he it ft lute nor mm still bore the scirs of b ittlt th it he reel i id when ht wint to ct in s lid xhf i row d impressed bv cttnts pi rform iih i swuiik round to it h him tlu horst a un umtl tp tnnttst woik took fright and im c urn iinmitiin iblt norm in wint to ct m s jsslm inu when u atlem ltd to it id tht inn tht hoi ms rt ned on tht lr hind bus md when tht v 1 indi 1 tin n front hoo i s t inu so tlost tn norm in tint soim in tht roml thought hi hid hit n hit as it w is the horsts hits in flit lid soim nistv tuts md scratch es about ii- hinds as it w is n onn d ty tvmt the m dt h rt si ni hil 1 out of our bt ttt r tount matches more thm the can i- dian internatlon- oj tht m iiiu- fatturer s exhi bits cmdd not compire with those keen at fourday match the banquet vas not held until the day following the match and b ml ed it for wo flew home uie evening of the match to be in lon don the day of the kmtf s funeral though by now you will have read the many accounts of the ulna s funeral and perhaps even teen the newsroot of it i cannot lot thu last letter close without offerinff a few personal observations for us it was the most impressive slant of the tour ami may well be the most impressive sight wc will ever see we heard of thejeings death as we stopped from our car to enter tho aberdeen angus sales at perth later from our hotel window la b eugene timbers tht international point by as near to fl am sr pos sible wc u ft the cumberland llutil at marble arch shortly after six w could aee whjc thousands were alnidy 4n position thtni wailing palltptiy for the proctolon lhat would not anlve for uuouh p four or five hour many had bctn uu rt all flight and one utile wontsn frttin walts wn iu pjarv 21 hour lo advance wo muiddtred jn tlie pit liwii thill to set people par- tn ul it ly wonuji antl k hi not w ii inly dad uink ntw sp rs as t uthloint on the tvi i curti w t wtre in our plait i by 7 a jii war had breakfast watched the jmttpti on thi trett aiul lutt rwsd to radio rt orti ul til a few minutes bt furt uit pmhealji w is dut just lx fort 11 w wint on to u hpeclally trtttet mattolilii i whidi kavi us a hrfet t ii w n iturnlly wt all w inted to j t as m my pit tures un nxiblr tip tkjyn dtsrldtd to use black and white i tttok ji ih met on tolour ui thert wt ft jm rlixlic imirsts of sunshine as tht rtk etffon approachitl the sun shout brightly on ttie leading hort s 1 hrld my fire for the more imfiortant sections and the sun faded behind n eloud it did not ipiar again until on etrtego liatd p imtitl and tht n it shorn with a summer ilkt britllarui tor hours tin crowd hid rt iniiin ed most orderly as tilt un car rl ik lkiring tht rtiftin approielu i t hush destinditl it was brokt i only by tht sound of horsen hooves nlklnt rni li ind military com miiads as the iun eirriit iied ill hi ids win txw itl tht rt wis not i fluttt r imoni thi thnuundi linlnis thi strttt urul buildings in soim fctitioin rows 0 dtt wm n porttd uul in in h i 1 broiikht tin ir own ti mpor iry imiiiiii mif folding nul homt miidi p rise opes shtifkei rs h id t ken uie jrt i ivjtion of hnirtllnk up their win dsw ilonc tin routi which at in tt rnit tions was mtlidl ft need with iron pipe fixtures it w is an iht nmn ntvtr to le forgoiun one which idiould mean much to tht c ommonwtalth nnd tlniiot r it ir nations as the rear of the procession mm tti nw ny from us i ninn turntti irni mid could th it luuc hipenetl nn where but in london j time antl spit i his again lt iten me and i nn not now tell ou of tht m m oth or things ih it sb i w t hive stt n h y- an rtn in the m r pist six weeks rflb wc the b tvtnts tin r wrssssssssss in countless tie hippt ninjs th it w t will it i i ir m us of physit il in idetiuiiv u filt tint d iv in i n mitk when wi win dining in m ii th nl im i toss from tin lx m 1lful indtilksbnr c isth tin tilde v ts lo nli d with alxmit i dot n dilti it fit tvpt s of jvork dishes so to pit ist our hnsls wi thoiikht wi simple d tfrst of tht m md it lit irt just ibnut the tlmi wi wt u fttlilg stufted ilonj i nn tht whisper frohi our host the m un com si w ill bt coming in 1 m lo ut i thin nn m mv stub inrldi nts nij whlih wt will tluukft in tin future hut most of ill wi will reim mbi r tht in un fi ie nds xve hive m idt hi tin countries wt hive kited wt will long remember the w irmth of tht wt homes extended us and the hospitality which sometimes em- bamtsed us our hope is that we have dope our vh in in mrt nglh- enltng the bonds of inti rnatlonal friendship and perhaps brought neirer the day whin wt will set a really represt ntatlvo intern it ion il plowing match normsn s tyndeul ne mber for nmi sill eh is the ftunburffh wo could see al least 12 zfl f at lia that nf- anplcnt pastime dire- playing has been traced back almost to the beginning ot history and there were sharpies even in that era because loaded dice have been unearthed in the ancient ruins of pornpelu skinny men women gain5lu15lbs we are prepared to do all tktes of plumbing new bathrooms installed or remodelled water systems repairs of all kinds ken nash phone 239r king street georgetown ff ll j jack arm4tkontv major jaik armstrong who is eliktrht rtsjwetm ntati t for ihi mut jal life atmuramt tompmy of cinaila in tin area surroui elinu eort tow n acton and milton has qualified us u nn mix r of th e oni puny s avlatctrr ilulldtr lub mr armstrong h is txt n iinshli ully u uie mte r of thti production tub and lias qualified for the nt w honour by pluclitj ovtr u million doll irs of lift itlsuiiint t business in tht ait a in whli h hi serv ts mrm nrus smallprort margin for hog producers the mmmiry of hoji production rtmits for the jnrlod july 1 10 0 to june 30 kim his just been rt it ised by lli arm economies hrant h of the ontario department of agricul turt tlie datt is bised on records k epl by 43 com m ere i i i twine p rtxl u t rs actipss ontario in irent r it the figure h coniptre v ery clos ly w ith 1 heist of centric hirrop hal ton co- irxritnr whrw lauren ore coiitjn net in the prize list for tht hilton seed iir ind h ien show tin uvirike figure of the a birds in prod ut ing i 200 wund pig tlurtrik the im rtd referretl to tlwivi w is jt7 tt this figure includes ctst of fi esl lalxiur nt b0 rt nti jer hour inti rt st nnd depreci ition and otht r i urrent e xjm uses tie live nge cost of producing hk lbs jmirk nt that time wis 16 4 1 the awrim per etntige of a for the iroiip was m per cent w bile mr ifarrop mirkt tetl flo ier cent a s at the prciwnt price of 20 drrs md weight a 200 lb bog on thi toronto ni irke t brinks ipproxi i ite the new dodge is jrl ii r ml see it at lincoln motors and body repair dodge desoto sales service wesleyan street beside oddfellows hall phone 464 lv t i ml dijm i dnk on drestliik ni nl in hm it the hivlmfiid i let i tin marg n for profit in very t losi at prteiit ftttt prit t s it would un ir to us that un nxtr k prtkiurt r is eitht r pa ing for tht it asure of kei ptnj hogs or ht is k tthig less than aoc per hour for his in hour in short one would hiw to le a very efficient producer with j low overhead to much more thin breik even under present clrcupi- atancett one should howev er lear in mind the stitenicnt of w i wat son ontario live stock commis sioner whin addremlng the annual met unj of die hal ton crop im- prov t mi nt association in muton early in january ttierc was never i time when the hog produ cers m ide money on every lit tor il is the man who stays with the business who in the end comes out tm the right side of the ledger to reach iron deposits in north western ontirlo a lake at steep hock ind to be drained ternoon we were in edlnburflh cas tle when i bflflun aaiute in mem ory of the klrtfl was fired by some wizardry known only to themselves the official at ontario house reserved seats for w in a private hotel in sussex gardens near paddlnffton station we bad been warned to be at our ventef car new pp vim vigor vrfcit s thrinitonv llmba flll mil uslr ktakiws nil un ttmk n tatifbr erxsinr bortf kwaa bal- tar4 tlealr bmnpola j mok liuiumiida of llrl woman man tw wm uuii gain pain r m brum al shimtr bwhiivinktna bwtl nvaythamnlajviwtoiding nwliiulkil tnnla tiatrai ita toaltw tlmulanu invljpratora im iuml- iii mbtum ra wood inprovs ippmu w wihum u toad tivw fm mor- thechau1nge thh year apun the red crom appeal preent u with a challcnbb and on opportunity new victim of war wounda greater need of lifetavine blood tronafunon aervicea the inevitability of great disaster of ere and flood all must find the red cross ready as the need to alleviate suffering grows the generosity of canadians grows too but today the taslc is almost beyond measure there is the challenge the opportunity to help la before yog give today locarry on tomorrows work of mercy rjaurvrgetteedeho- twwvezsm a fr avw xt l w bjkamajsssaaaaaabssm x hu4 w h keep your red gross strong glffs tolour sad crou ot wfaavusad foeli yaor ida oeeobnhnfl opprovaa brlidloroffha local headquarters phone 19 i 4 liiiil lrli s u

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