teffieegrgetown heraed second section georgetown ontario wednesday april 2nd 1952 second section oyal couple coming to georgetown georgetown shows eontaiuous 645 to 12 midnight special matinee tuesday 4 pm 4- wonderful heart warming days monday to thursday april 78910 the tce is iit roaimt tmtattt umt mtlst- tmmllm0 tso flmuuj pezumtatwh now r i- m mlai f ibseaa mi f iris joohney w riini event rrttiior onunv cietiods n coiot m i aosi u b nt mary al law al a fulllen6th feature companion feature dis va av monday tuesday april 78 bamqg all time j w iltirtortr v t wed thursday april 9 10 haver wuliam lunmgai ntawtfay maiavn monroe facetoface visit with royalty on monday april 7 heralded by t enthusiastic press awpqtuniw tfhtttial tltin jloard s feature length presentation of the canadian touf or princess kllzabeth and the duke of edinburgh opens at the koy next monday or a four- day engagement aside from the historic signifi cance of the film wtilch nhow two attractive and important people sweeping ucrufl the country into the hearts of tlkouandl aildc from a new colour jhotography that brinjm tints much nearer their nat ural imides itoyal journey iliuwi to ciirudtatii a inw kind of canada while jt is a canada filled with the pageantry of tiie jast it is u1m a canada vibrating with the drama of a nation that has reached matur ity and shows the possi bill ties that lie ahead with the gracious prlnctsa of a few montts ago reigning os queen ilcsldcs the complete canadian tour the film tout hen on the inter national importance of canada with shots of windsor taken against the detroit background and the visit to washington km wood glover of the chc re litis most of the script in this first fulllength feature of the nat ional i- urn board public school news school pupils donate 6200 to red cross this is red cross campaign week mrs thomas grieve visited the school on thursday- and spoke jo tho combined classes of princi pal ii henry miss l campbell and mrs james f evans as a repres entative of the st john am bulance brigade she demonstrated bandaging to- the bcnlor grades she brought much first hand informa- tion to the children on the activities of mercy by the red cross society each child felt bind to give gener ously toward such worthy work other classes held red cross meetings to observe the special week donations by classes to the lycountry wide campaign follow j kp not yet entered miss hume t grade 1 541 miss lindsay gr 9 970 miss eoson grado 1 2 3 au miss scott grade 3 916 mrs wrlgslesworth grade 3 and 4 29 miss weseherhoad fgrade 4 e320 mr stein grade 5 563 stuu grade 6 870 mrs ans cfade 7 718fotsttairan jt orado 7 8 3 mr henry farad 8 1334jnak3ng o total to ftdate of 8l7fc i the- freaakatlng season ior the ol children closed on monday iet the arena of the noticed enjoying the sport sit afternoon included mrs ruth mrr- jlene p ev- tinjud wife finale came with nn exciting game between shuftlcd up teams of grant emmcrson and john hulmc when the schoolgrounds jiet n few days of drying weather softball will get underway some teams have been fonried already three new pupils enrolled in the school this week they arc heather grade 7 norman grade 5 and dan ny tirade 2 children of mr and mrsaworman haynes paper mill road everyone at the school is sorry to know that mr thomas warncs has been 111 with a severe attack of influenza and has not yet been well enough to return to his work grade lght boys have been acting as highway crossing patrols in his absence r the pupils of miss l campbells oom received a letter from gloria scjiultz of austin tesast gloria their former classmate mentions enjoying the swimming pool these days ice cycles coming to kitchener arena one of americas outstanding ice shows ice cycles of 1052 comes to kitchener memorial auditorium the week of april loth top feature of the show is rom bergs operetta the student prince with the cast of stars skating to the lovely music of deep in my heart dear serenade and the drlnk- injr song this is only one of the ten pro duction numbers in the show which includes also east indian fantasy rajnfcdy rhythm and kittens on tho blades the show will be pre sented qach evening tuesday through saturday with a saturday matinee at 2 30 bter tfolstein sets allcanada record a holsteln in th herd of dr paul beer r r 3 georgetown stood fourth in all canada in ntillc pro duction last year a a senior threeyearold on sx mllktnb humtahiven supreme pabat produced aosllba of bulk awl 718 v lbt which placed her social concludes forum activities monday ovenlnu march 24th 20 members of the stoiie school farm forunv met for a social evcntnff to wind up tho last of the regular weekly meetings for the season a friendly gnme of euchre was en- joyed winners being mrs horace self and jxjr bdb miller with com- aofatlon prizes going to mrs ern batkln and mr oeorge henderson plans were made for a district farm forum rally in stowarttown hall on april 1st it pas decided asaln this year- to hold monthly meetings of tn neighbours in the stone school for a social evening- until the ru iabm sjhs theatre night for milk producers the annual rntt rliiiwm nt non- borrd jointly by lh llulton ifoutt in itreeders club and the mutton milk producers asaocution bus over the years achieved the imiuble rtpu- tat on of beins the best program held annually in the county the 1052 evtmt held in the princess theatre wmon on wednetdiy evening of last week was accord lug to all re ports well up to standards of for mer years as a matter of fact we have had quite a number to to the t of uhoxunfl ox dropuina in to trll us thatlt was the best yel wc do know that the tickets were snrppcd up within a duy or two ol the announcement that they wire available it is unfortunntc that it is always impossible to a coo m modal u all who would like to attend as it was wc understand 460 wire crowded into a house supposed to accommodate 420 during the past few days all fcorts of biikilestions have been received why don t they conduct it on two ninhu why don t you increase the ad mission charge it was worth 5 rather than 60 cents all that we can answer is that those rcfonsilvc are all busy people attempting to ttivc service to many individuals and organizations and there just arent sufficient ditys or nights to do more than is being done there is no desire to make it a moneymak ing hftalrthc objective is primar ily to htage an outstanding pro gramme once a year for tho rural lolk of halton ond at the same time break even on the effort cer tainly there is no class ojeil more dcservliut nor is there ony cross section of the citizens of hal ton who have o greater apprecia tion for top talent dean it o hunt of tho ontario college of pharmacy was the guest speaker ills address entitled king alfred was hlght was filled with humour and rneot in brief it was thoughtprovoking ond yet with sufficient humour to be a delight to everyone the programme also in cluded the outstanding skit entitled school days presented by the palermo juniors other artists were jeanne pcngelly one of canadas greatest artists a groat- soprano und sho sang ulorlousty ronald stewart noted tenor who is on old favourite with halton audiences jock mclean of toronto imperson ator ond johnny dash a lgycar old juggler both of whom amaxed their audiences wkh their ability and skill in their respective fields laujn all it was n good clean pro- grajtuttetwlth plenty of variety for all staged by outstanding artists m the gome apparently is up for love thief prank fay center jt as an elderly casanova with a penchant for marrying rich widows in iove nest new twentieth centuryfo romantic toniifly also starring june haver and william lund1gan the film is currtnt at the itosy theatre wednesday and thursday april 010 ajjtan r zamxx m0n tues wed- xv georgetown a m 15 16 for top quality crops that mature earlier iatever your crop can be improved with complete plant food sw ifts vtgoro for commercial growers is a complete plant food tested by scientific research proved by experience vigoro commercial grower goes to uork immediately y6u introduce it to your soil it gives to your soil every vital nutrient essential to crop growth and development the results appear in your harvest early maturity higher yields top quality dut in your profits so plan for a bumper crop this year order vigoro for commercial growers from your authorized swift dealer today swift canadian co limited plant jood division po tax sv naw tarama oil social and personal 1 mr- and mrs e v macmack pent view days this week lri klng- ston visiting with their son bui who is a tint year goology student awqueens university mr and mrs murray deqor ol whitby were visitors tor the week end with her jlsler mrs james al- t thelrhome gat your vigoro cg of 1 georgetown farmers coop sfeiasaasami