Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 9, 1952, p. 1

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the georgetown herald ten pages georgetown ontario wednesday april 9th 1952 ten pages what council did ftksef jshea on monday april 1th msde the usual 300 tfnwt to quesing agrlendtursj society lor georgetown fair wilt have a water engineer assist ihevtown foreman in blushing out water mains to dear them of saild which haa been causing trouble in meters estimated cost is 9100 wlu meet wlh fair board offl- the matter was brought up by claia to decide tin the location of i dtghdyreeve macdousid wtu said new build hut for homing animals on fair lay in the park harding price who spoke for the board headed a delegation wtoich included perc cleave nelson ilo- tnson and krahk wilson mr price asld the building should be of alu minum construction reporting lor the property committee councillor mcgllvray aald the committee fav oured placing the building in the oval running north and south so m not to obstruct the view of the track any more than necessary crs goodlet snd hale said they would prefer to keop the building out ol the oval it at all possible mr koblnson pointed out ttuit the building would be only b ft high and that it would be preferable to have it run east and west because there would be better ventilation and also because it would fit til more harmoniously with park planning at a meeting tonight it la cspec ted that a definite site wfu be cho sen canted o taxi licence to harold bennett to operate within the town limits will investigate a drain ige con dition on the property of r 11 robinson which la causing a flood ed cellar mr robinson wishes er mission to run o drain acrois janus mr col asked the police committee to investigate a complaint by k irui e operator b red harrison th it the police ore going beyond tncir duty in dispensing gts to motorists ufte r hours mr harrison said hi understood that when all stations arc closed the police must give un ok before gas can be maac available but he does not believe they should take a customer to any one garage and dls- pan lb gal themselves ha out lined a recent situation which had annoyed him and said it whs his in tention to investigate the bylaw and stay open 24 hours if possible promised jack whitney water service into his new home in the tyers subdivision as soon as appro val of the subdivision is received from the dept of planning mr whitney sal it he must be in the house by may 1st and urgently needs water service reeve mar- shall and cr mcgllvray lhount council should waive some of tho red tape and put in the service im mediately but a majority of coun cil felt this could not be done until approval is received will review all town insurance at a special meeting on april 21st at the request of cr goodlet mr goodlet suggested that insurance should be reviewed in order to nuke sure the town is getting the best rate possible accepted the tender of ted bludd to decorate the municipal offices at a price of 01450 reeve marshall and crs petch and hale voted against the motion saying they thought there were more important things on which the money could be spent cr allen was not present at the meeting and the motion carried 4 3 willi accqpt a new contract for provincial pollcine effective in 1033 which will raise the cost about 2200 from 6700 to 8000 reeve marshall who was one of the movers of the motion said he thought any changeover would be a mistake and provincial policing is still tho cheapest system established daylight saving time in georgetown from 2am sunday arprll 27th until 2 ajn sunday september 28th r will require n 0 deposit wltn un application fee for supplying new domestic water service received a protest from harold hutchinson ab williams and jack yokslma that billiard licence fee li too high the clerk was instruc ted to write for fees li neighbour- an engineers opinion was that the snd is not being pumped from the well tyt has accumulated in the popes over the years and tuts been disturbed by the addition of a larkc branch water line appointed w ix li raw n ridge as weed inspector si a salary of 60 u year will removed dangerous trees on town property near properties of matt armstrong jack kay and thomas leslie victoria street voted down a by law which would dispense with the services of a private garble collection and in illtute collection by munlilpul cm ployees recorded vote goudle t sargtnt and hale voted for the by law armstrong marshall mac don id petch and mcgllvruy voted against cr allen was absent from the meeting the by law voti came after hcittd discussion by council ubout the pro potwl at an earlier meeting loud ell had voted unanimously to nuke the changt aud hud ordered a by law drawn up the discussion mas oened uikm the clerk read a utl r from town foreman trn hyde in wlilili he oti ted that ifirbagl toilet tlun would be an addetl ri jkmbtlity and u it had not been part of tut original job when hi took the fort m m s x itlon he felt ju tlfletl in not irct pt iiu garbaiv tollection us part of his dutit s with m iyor am strong li slslltk that the discussion eonflni itself to the fort in ins it tier the nnyor su i thut it lb lmkslbu lo outline u foreman s dulies and thai he is re ixinslblc for carrying out any work which council ites fit to give him cr goodlet asked that mr hyde t letter of application for the position bs road and then pointed out that 4utla of a foreman had not been mentioned in this cr lisle said mr hyde should take on the job and if he didnt think he was being fairly dealt with he could then come to council with his complaint thc bylaw was then introduced and a further discussion took place with cr goodlet asking for a re corded vote mr goodlet said that council had favoured the plan at the last meeting and he believed money could be saved by municipal collection cr petch was of the opinion that georgetown is getting cheaper service than nelghbourlsg towns cr mcgllvray said that since his original support of the plan several factors had come to light which made him unsure of any fin ancial saving and if there was a question of raising wages any sav ing would be cut down mayor armstrong said that garbage had been reasonably well looked after and that this year if there were n change costs would probably go up rather than down ii there might be a saving in years to come it was a hard motion to vote upon he continued and reminded mem bers that mr ifydcs letter should not be taken into consideration in arriving at a decision if you feel money can be saved vote for it said the mayor if not vote against it i am voting against it at the present time if the con tract price rcmilns the same voting wns then asked for and the bylaw was defeated st georges anglican church was the setting for the marriage of juno carole daughter of mr and mrs gordon bouskllf and wllluor j m walker son of mr snd mrs joho wuntrrr tralee farm jlrampton archdeacon w g x thompson of 1 elated given in marriage by her father the bride chose odusly pink dress i maker suit pink nylon blouse navy dutch hat navy accessories arid a corsage of deep pink rosea miss iltlcno cos attended the bride wearing a gray dressmaker suit half hat navy accessories and a cor sage of red rust mr wilson bowes of brampton attended the groom as best man mrs w r ilndley played the br gan during the signing of the rcg liter miss anna spluey ng the lord s iruyer the reception was held at the home of mrs john cru rutin os- trandcr illvd aunt of the bride to reselvi the bride s mo titer wore brown printed silk straw hat in lold touts with matching ecces sorwa her corage was american beauty roses assisting the grooms mother chose a navy taffeta coat- dnss white pique hat trimmed with blink vol vi t with block and white uevenorte wearing a corsage of tcu rost s aft r the reee ptton the newly weds left for u motor trip to mon treal glf williams a native of county cork ireland and resident of georgetown since 1018 mrs margaret smythe died in peel memorial hospital brampton on thursday mrs smythe who was the for mer margaret j a no larmer was lo her 83rd year she came to can ada oyjfr forty years ago snd llv- ed in toronto before moving to georgetown rhers she learned practical nunlng with the angli can church deaconefsys and for many years after moving to town lie mue a vocation of nursing her husband charles w smylhe predeceased her many years ago her only surviving relative is s sister miss janlc rarmer of tor onto mrs smythe was a member of st george church of lngland end was in formt r yeurs a number of thevhurch women s auxiliary a re h deacon woo thompson conducted the fun rul si rvltt in st george s on saturduy pallbearers were robert dowell and charles karajlan toronto larry mmaslun hamilton harold cleave ie re cleave and jim douklm i ternu nt was in grteiiwood cernc tery gcorgi town photo quiz contest shows district farms the weather mr editor- april showers tnlxed with snow flurries have been the order of the day and every day so far this month the monthof martii was quite normal a verage the max lm urn for the month of 38 being 1 degree ab ove normal while the minimum of 10 was normal the snowfall was only 6 against a nprmal of almost 10 the following table will give you the highlight of the wlntt r months r rn llatkln farm readers will tend ejra in terest in the herald nest week the first of a series of jm aerial pictures of district farms will ap pear in the rural photo quiz a number of georgetown and district merchants are cooperating in this i n tores ting feature and their adver tisements will appesr in connection with the picture each week the lucky farmer whosefarm is illustrated will receive a framed picture of his farm at the herald gillie a well at a 1 credit coupon from each advertiser on the page ttavtotdl martin buy saxe motors former nerval lady dies in toronto miter of mrs gtore hurt of georgetown m rrncit bluw died on march slst it uie cjuten llll belh hoimtai toronto after an ulnon of m v t r i n onths she was the furtm r martha 1 os ur and w is born in brace bridge i he family later lived at at ton an i cheltenham and for a tiqas at nor vul on the watklns farm mrs shaw had lived in toronto since her mar riage she attended school at dub lin and woodsldc predeceased by her husband sha les ves one son xrttest her mother mrs jennie foster of toronto and eight brothers and sisters mrs florence lock mrs ld lucy daisy mrs russell gray doro thy mrs charles flint vcrna and tush of toronto mrs alvin gauly georglna of red rock mrs allan mccuuouh mildred of niagara falls ond mrs george burt pearl of georgetown she was predeceased by a brother roy at the funeral service on wed nesday pallbearers were a cousin gordon sharpe and five brothers- in law russell gray charles flint allan mccullouph george burt and ed lucy interment was in purk lavn cemetery saxe motors has been sold to vern crawford and fv martin who took our ownership of the but mis last monddj the business will tontlnue to be ope r ited ut d r the nam saxe motors mr cnwford luis been associate- with mrs david suxe in running the business for the ust yi ar he formerly ojhrated i trak business under his own atne in milton a ruitue of wt stern i jmda he re he lived in mvtrl tow is and titus while his father was t niiloyed with the cpr he has inn in the j irae business slme 10 u his fatlu r no lives in kt nora whtre he u gtneril master moehanlc w lti the railway he served with the signal conn overseas during the war being ser- sant li ohsrg of a mschanical section mrs crawford and their 2 yearold son laird are at pres cnt living in milton but will be moving to towt soon mr martin has been a building contractor in cooksville for the past four years his wife and son rob ert reside there but they too in tend to move to town as soon as suitable accommodation is found mrs martin is the former bernlce kee of cooksville a native of dun dalk ho served with the provoit corpa during the war month mi ux ml in snow nov 57 4 17 11 61 21 34 j li 48 1 25 v tab 40 16 march 00 6 dutc m ax mln itlllll march 31 08 8 18 april 1 58 4j 04 april 2 54 j2 hurrlr april 1 tl 31 06 april 41 2b 54 april r 41 11 67 april i 17 12 h lurries avuaji 49 j2 1 4j mr and mrs rachun mark anniversary rormtr cwrmlovn residt nts mr in 1 mrs isu u itathlin tehbnttd tltir loi 1 n wetlling on sunday at tluir hint 1j5 m innliik avi lor onto it was a happy oci anion for all their fa 1 ily mvtn children and a numbe r of grande hilelrt n we re with them for the tl i the it ichllns lived in town for ten years moving to toronto whe n mr hachlln sold his ekanlng and pressing buiincss to don barrage r members of uie family are harry buffalo n y ben who is this yeor mayor of acton john hart ford conn mrs esther nlmon mrs rose ntmon and sam toronto and dr max st missouri all of louis attend hamilton nephews wedding mr and mrs john hepburn and family attended tho wedding in hamilton on saturday of mrs hep burn s nephew donald thornbcrry to margaret cole the weddlns took place in st margarets angllcnn church jimmy hancock celebrated his sth birthday on april 3rd with a party his ffv wcro mary hilts billy lorrlman loddy haines sharon preston joy haines diane and wayne held dnny waastafte betty and buly lucas and bis cou sins dorothy stephen and terry hancock billy lorrlman who was 4 on prlday also had a party his little t guests included marilyn and david wul entertihn county auaeosors ut mcdonald donna lee townsond inc towns ior comparison dinner when they hold their mon- i thly meeting here in may sell shares for new clubhouse georgetown anglers and hunters arc selling 5 u ares to raise money for a clubhouse which will be erec ted on property acquired last year adjoining the butlantlnc property plans for the clubhouse were dis cussed at a recent meeting it the oddfellows hall a film wealth of the nation shown at the meeting was prepared by abltibl pave r company and the dept of lands and forests and showed the miking of paper fron lorest to factory a recent benefit draw for a mem ber chuck davie injured ip n bhootlng accident resulted in a 17 contibutlon to mr davies herb harlow jr won the prize of a suit of clothes from silver s visitors with mr and mrs william davison mr and mrs herb hancock den nis and terry vlsilflvl on sunday nt bronte with mr and mrs bt rt scott and mr ond mrs bernard poole mr and mrs harry reed of guclph were weekend visitors with her parents mr and mm e bludd imr llndley beaumont visited one day last week at the home of his daughter mr and mrs lee ashford ancestor ho attendedthe funeral ol mr ashford sr mr ambrose hancock sr raft returned home from st josephs hospital guelph former boys club salutes dr reid sixteen boys who belonged to tho former boys club operated by dr and mrs clifford held surprised the doctor on friday evening lo honour him on his birthday a hanpy evening was spent in bringing back memories of club activities meetings hikes and trips di well as recalling the names of boys who arc not in town now es- peciolly ron vivian who is serving with the canndlnn forces in korem special funwas had in looking over again many snapshots taken during the life of the club durlg the evening dr reid wns presented with a handsome morocco leather billfold refreshments pro vided by some of the mothers en ded a very happy evening for all archdeacon officiates as mission ftfwhlished offlclatng at a church service for a new congregation in the hamilton district on sunday afternoon arch deacon w g o thompson read a proclamation setting aside the mis sion of st christopher the new congregation is meeting at the present time in a disused schoolhouse at the juncture of the queen elizabeth way and guclph road and is part of halton deanery rural dean ifeathcote is in charge of the mission the name chosen is particularly apt because st christopher is the patron saint of travellers and the church is located beside a busy hikhway and near a railway line sybil bennett speaks to terra cotta club speaking at uie april meeting of terra cotta farmers club on mon day sybil bennett qc gsvo a besuuful snd explicit word picture of her tour of canada last year her outline of farming conditions in tho western provinces was pot ilculsrly interesting to her audience miss ijinnelt who is national president of the ladles branch of the progres sive conservative party made an extensive speaking tour during her trip west and visited almost every elty in the prulrlt s the meeting vas held at the liomo of mr and mrs wilbert cleave the ladles met first with their preside nt mrs i loyd crlchton con- diktinit the meetlni at which mrs thomas grieve of town outlined tit origin and history of the st john ambulurue asoctation she eleseribed first aid treatments which t in be ustxt in the home and dem onstrated different ways of bandag ing asking tho indies to examine a dollar bill nhe pointed out the ineanlnj of the st george s cross which appears on each bill each point of the 8 pointed star has a me anlng observ at ton tact re source dexterity sympathy pe rsc- vcrance discrimination and 1 xplic- lteness wilfrid leslie was chairman for the joint meeting and entertainment included solos by keith leslie and murray mckane mrs campbell sinclair thsnked the guest speaker and those who had contributed to the program mrs eric leslie and mrs arthur mckane are in charge of next month s meeting at the home off mr and mrs wilfred leslie when j a carroll assistant deputy min ister of agriculture will be the speaker came here newlyweds mark 25th anniversary residents of georgetown since their marriage mr and mrs thom as herbert are twenty five years wed today they were married in thp village of abbotts lnnkley watford hert fordshire on april 0th 1027 at the church of st alban s and sailed for canada on the 1 4th a few days la ter on the montrose mr herbert has worked for provincial raper ltd 24 yours this coming septem ber they have one son maurlqc harleykay pretident ottawa 1 -a- year man president of harley-khy-mnrs- innd ltd in georgetown stanley marsland of waterloo has avumed tho directorship of tho machine tool division of the dept of national defence he succeeds edgnr barker of toronto president of modern tool works ltd who has resigned in order to devote more time to his own company mr marslond who went to the defence production dept ns a 1 a year man to advise on tooling for the muliimlllion dollar electronics program will continue in this ap pointment also he is also president of marsland engineering co and roller smith mnrsland ltd jehovah witnesses observe easter bon voyage party for mrs herrington monday evening mngawuy party was held in honour of mrs george herrington who loaves this friday for a visit to england after on absence of over forty years mrs walter whttmcc is accompanying her the party was hold at the home of mr and mrs corey herrington stcwarttown during the evening social and personal miss gwynneth mcgowan of montreal is visiting until after eas ter with her parents mr and mrs w a mcgowan mr and mrs stewart land and john of london were sunday visitors with mrs land s sister mrs robert jones and mr jones stan allen president and bob mcmcncmy jr represented tho georgetown local ibew at a un ion convention in windsor this week capt matron helen lane of the staff of montreal military hospital was a weekend visitor in town with her brotherinlaw and sister mr and mrs fred sinclair mr and mrr wakefield ford attended a dinner in toronto on sat- day at which mayor charlotte whltton of ottawa was guest spea ker the dinner was given by five women s international service clubs mrs ford la president of the credit vauey soroptomlst club two students at hovergal col lege toronto ore homo for tho easter vacation mnrllyn bell is vis iting with her parents mr and mrs john bell and jane milne la with her parents dr and mrs j b milne prior to her marriage on april ird to william walker miss june bouskill was feted by many friends on march 17th miss joan bradley entertained in her home twenty five guests at a miscellaneous shower the bride to be received many useful gifts lunch was serv ed by miss bradley and her mother mrs roy bradley mrs j hepburn cousin of the brjacelect tendered hor a linen shower with relatives and close friends present the bride to be wav the recipient of beautiful gifts for which she thanked every- ono in a few well chosen words wfllw umwv tho annual observance of tho little janlo copland 3yearold s inorlal pt christs death will bo cords wero ployed and a big basket- six cousins served tho delicious jrfary and susan hlfts rita rlw betty wits allan and susan whee ler karen and nancy koraock daughter of mr ond mrs harvey copland is in toronto sck chil drens hospital being treated for a overe cue m sinus trouble her little friends hope she will eoon bo engaged hoy smith the county nfftneer u engineer for the pro posed road progranv sargent carole and garth march ment and his slater sandra mlie mavis white toronto was a vlaltor trith mr and mrs cfmrtea amended the water rate bylaw hancock lost week increasing the deposit far water set- mr and mr harold davison and vice for tenenii from to 8 family of alderwood were sunday sfaejiwai flfrdu jlftunyand shirley hancockettyv homo an evening servlceon easter sun- dy in st albonscburch at 8 oclock will include presentation of the lehten boxes bv the sunday school children the united church will alio have a special easter ier- vim at their tttual 7 oclock aervlce held by the georgetown company of jiersonal pretenta was presented lunch at her home on rlvcrvtew- ot jehovahs witnesses tomorrow in to the guest of honour the family crescent mrs richard crlohton was kingdom hall wated in the cordoro wished her god speed on her trip hostess for the urlde to be end sev- bulldlng on main street- ond a safe return to georgetown eral friends of miss bouskill hon- tho company will mark bt eel- guests at tho party included mr ourlng her with a mlscuianeous ebratlon which was introduced by and mrs fred brown mr and mrs- shower much merriment was caus- jesus on the night of the last pass- obey herrington douglas her- ed through the making ot dusteru over the night ot his death the 14th rlngton mr and mrs don herring- with first prize going to bebfy day of tha jewish month nlsanton mrs oarencetcenneayrpoub bousktllyouhgsuwer of thebride whleh fallr this year on april 10th las and terry miss mary lawrence tobe miss bouskill was presented after sundown inc the jewish mistdoris suv pases doris and with ebmutlfui vflolwifivet and day was reckoned from sundown marjorlo herrington corey her- linens byher onlce eowerkers of in sundown r rlngton jr and mao herrington a v ihoe mauott j- va

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